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Not as I Do (Criminal Minds, Hotch/JJ)


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Part 21

“Was she seeing anyone?” Morgan’s voice was non-threatening as he questioned Carol Breston, the principal of the pre-school where Anabeth Giring had worked.

“I don’t think so. She kept mostly to herself and her animals.”

“Her pets?”

“She was very involved with animals - volunteered at a local shelter, worked with wildlife rehabilitation and was working to oppose the sale of the Jackson Wildlife Management Area.” She paused, choosing her words carefully. “It wasn’t an issue per say but it did impact her teaching. In biology she focused on conservation and in ethics she discussed animal rights.”

Morgan kept his expression neutral as he listened to lesson plans drafted for 4-year olds that included environmental conservation and animal rights.

“No ex-boyfriends? Anything that ended badly or some unwanted attention?”

“Not that I know of. I think she probably would have told me, we were,” Carol paused. “I thought we were friends. When she disappeared I was worried at first but then I decided she had devoted herself to one of her causes and didn’t have time for us anymore.” Tears grew in her eyes and she wiped at them hurriedly. “I didn’t think anything bad had happened to her.”

“I know you didn’t. But it did. And our job now is to figure out how to stop whoever hurt Anabeth.” Morgan’s voice was an aural bandaid and Carol swiped once more at her eyes.

“Well, she had been talking a lot about the Wildlife land auction. The land had been donated to the state over 80 years ago but had been recently de-classified as a wildlife sanctuary and was up for sale to help with state budget cuts. She just couldn’t get past the idea that someone’s legacy would be destroyed and with it the diminishing habitat for local animals.”

“It sounds like you know a lot.”

“Oh no, only what Anabeth talked about.” Carol’s face blushed slightly. “She was very passionate. Wrote to the Congressmen and spoke out at local meetings but nothing she did made any difference. The land was sold about 3 months ago and the planned development will break ground in the next few months we’re told.”

Morgan nodded helpfully and hoped Emily was getting further with her interviews with Pauline Scottsfield’s next of kin.


“I’m not sure how much I can help you,” answered Edgar Broadwin, the lawyer for whom Pauline Scottsfield acted as a secretary. “She worked here about 7 months and was fine, average - got here on time, took dictation well, kept my appointments straight…” his voice trailed off.

“Did she ever talk about her personal life?” Emily’s voice was calculated and neutral.

“Not really. She mentioned once growing up in the country - didn’t say where. Apparently Stillwater was somewhat of a city for her so I image she came from somewhere pretty far off the beaten path.”

“Was she seeing anyone? Involved in any groups?”

“I don’t know if she was seeing anyone, we really didn’t discuss personal things at the office. I don’t know what she did outside of these walls. I guess you could talk to Linda, Linda Oering. She’s the secretary down the hall. She and Pauline had lunch together sometimes.”

Emily nodded and finished up her notes. It surprised her that two people could work closely together for more than half a year and yet know so little about the other. ‘Well.’ she mused, ‘Pauline may have known more of his background. There may not have been much time for back and forth.’

She took a last survey of the room and noticed a picture hanging in the corner. It showed Edgar and Pauline and a few other people Prentiss didn’t recognize. They were standing in front of a sign that read “This is already a home.”

“Where was that taken?” Emily asked, pointing at the picture.

Edgar looked, saw the picture and half chuckled. “Oh lord, that was a fundraiser for some animal rights thing. The firm wanted a representative there and I drew the short straw.”

“Where was it held?”

“I’m not sure, some wildlife area? I think it had been rezoned and construction was about to start for new luxury condo’s. I really don’t remember the details.”

Emily nodded and thanked him for his time. The interview with Linda Oering netted little additional information although the woman confirmed Pauline had talked a lot about wildlife habitat disappearing.

Pauline’s parents were dead and her closest relative was a cousin in Watertown, South Dakota. She was scheduled to arrive sometime that afternoon but it didn’t sound like she was particularly close with Pauline. Emily thanked Linda for her time and, after making sure there was no one else she should talk to, headed back out to her SUV.


A night of rain hadn’t made the orchard any more welcoming and Rossi bit back a shudder before getting out of the SUV. He had taken care to dress in the extra layers provided by SaR and on top of it all he had pulled on a full body rain suit. He met up with the HRD teams under the main tarp.

“Yesterday we covered about 8 acres - that leaves 12 acres of undeveloped land and then the remaining orchard and vineyard. I know weather conditions are less than optimal but we really appreciate you being here.” Rossi’s voice filled the area. They had the full 8 HRD teams there, the teams from Wisconsin having arrived in the late evening of the previous day.

“I’m breaking you down - 1 team per acre of the undeveloped land until it’s all been searched then we’ll regroup and decide how to go from there.”

The teams nodded and headed out into the rain.


Dr. Nelson Fahrem was one of the FBI’s top forensic odontologists. He performed his own examination of the wounds on the first discovered body and then peered over the pictures of the wounds taken earlier.

“The decay makes it difficult to establish a conclusive match. I’ve used the presumed victim’s dental x-rays to create a 3-D composite dental arcade. As long as her teeth haven’t changed in the last three years I think there’s about an 85% chance these bite marks were made by the victim’s own teeth.”

Reid opened his mouth, about to offer a statistic regarding the probability that the victim would have been bitten by someone else who was also missing the right upper second premolar given the distribution of that specific anomaly in the general population but caught himself.

“This isn’t a trial. We just need your expert opinion - are these bite wounds consistent with the 3-D rendering you made of the victim’s teeth?” Reid’s voice more commanding than usual.

“Yes, they are consistent. But If this goes to trial…” the expert’s voice trailed off.

“For now let’s focus on catching the UnSub. Have you had time to examine the skull of the second victim?”

“Only briefly. I’ll need more time to try to determine what type of instrument was used in the extraction process. Preliminary x-rays show no roots were left so whomever removed the teeth has a certain amount of skill in that area.”

“OK. Focus on the tool marks on the second skull and once the first skull has been defleshed you can start working with that one as well.”

Dr. Farhrem nodded and settled back into a careful examination and charting of Pauline Scottscield’s maxilla and mandible.


“We’re looking for unusual activity, any complaints or misdemeanors, even if they never made it into court, involving teeth or biting.” Hotch kept his voice steady but the effort hurt his throat.

“Well gee, that’s not something we really keep track of.” Sheriff Stratham seemed uncomfortable with the line of questioning.

“Are your records computerized?” JJ’s voice was light and calming.

“Oh yes, we went digital about 8 years ago. Everything since then has been on computer and we’ve gone back about 15 years scanning and digitizing the reports,” Sheriff Stratham replied proudly.

Hotch was already dialing.

“Mistress of Miracles, ask and ye shall receive.”

“Garcia, I need to you access the Stillwater Police Records for the last five, no, seven years. Include everything - assaults, misdemeanors, reports that didn’t go to trial, everything that involved teeth or biting.”

“Will do. Does the computer record include complaints that were not formally filed?” Hotch looked to Sheriff Stratham.

“Well, not all of them but most of everything’s on the computer.”

There was a pause at the other end of the line then “Well, I’ll go through everything that’s available. Talk later.”

Hotch cringed at the Sheriff’s words. It meant that as much as Garcia was able to do, chances were equally good that the UnSub’s prior crimes were recorded in a file or notebook somewhere.

“Sheriff, is there a way for us to look at reports that didn’t make it into the computer?”

“Well, I suppose so. I can’t speak for anything that never got a report at all but sometimes there are complaints that never made it as far as the system…” his voice trailed off, somewhat embarrassed.

“Of course. But is there a repository of those complaints?” Hotch continued.

“I guess so. If you go down to Records Maizie’s been there almost 20 years. She can steer you toward the right information.”

Hotch nodded and headed for the stairs. A tickle had been building in his nose during the conversation with the Sheriff but he had fought it off. Now with a moment of relative privacy he pulled out a handful of tissues and half-stifled the short fit of sneezes.

Ea-Gnkxt.. Heht-GxtHCK-Epft.”

He blew his nose softly but the effort of stifling the sneezes had left him light headed and a little dizzy. He leaned against the wall and that was how JJ found him when she turned the corner.


JJ had been standing quietly during the exchange but as Hotch left she turned to the Sheriff.

“We really appreciate everything you’re done to facilitate our work here. It’s great to have the records on computer.”

The sheriff brightened noticeably at her words.

“And it was no small task! We had everyone in the department helping scan documents and write up reports. Took a long time and we’re still working at it. But it’s the way of the future,” he shrugged.

JJ nodded then turned to follow Hotch downstairs. She had heard him sneezing but hadn’t expected to see him still on the stairs, still standing but slumped against the wall. She rushed to his side.

“Sir, are you alright? Do you need-“

“I’b fide, jusd god a liddle dizzy.” He blew his nose again, more thoroughly this time and headed down the stairs. JJ walked a step ahead of him, glancing back to make sure he was still upright and behind her.


Maizie was a wizened woman who looked to be somewhere between sixty and eighty. Stains on her fingernails and creases by her mouth made it clear she’d be more comfortable if she were smoking a cigarette. The air held a hint of tobacco even though there were multiple “No Smoking” signs throughout the room.

“Now what can I do you for?” her voice was gravely.

“I’m looking for records that never made it into the computer system,” Hotch paused as the scent of tobacco started to irritate his sensitive nostrils. He sniffed and tried to continue.

“Adything but esbecially cobplaids thad idvolved biding or adything with teeth.”

“Well, we don’t really have it special organized by type of incident but I can show you the records that haven’t been digitized yet.”

“Thad would be very helbful,” Hotch cringed at the sound of his own voice. As Maizie backed away from her counter he pulled out a handful of tissues and blew his nose, trying to be soft and thorough at the same time. He looked up and saw JJ at the counter, watching him unobtrusively, concern creasing her forehead. At the sight of her he felt something in him relax, some tension he hadn’t even realized was there. The awareness frightened him but he couldn’t shake the feeling of security that had settled around him.

“Here are the records. They’re by date, going back the last six years or so. I think anything older that didn’t make it into the system was lost by now, we’ve changed buildings a time or two.”

A tall stack of manila folders rested on the counter. As Hotch moved to pick up the records Maizie lifted up another large stack. JJ stepped forward but before picking them up she asked “Is this all of it?”

“I believe so. I’ll take a look arounds, make sure there isn’t anything lost in a corner but I think that’s all the records that we didn’t put on the computer on account of the charges never going anywhere.”

JJ nodded and picked up the other stack of folders. Hotch was already walking up the stairs but she reached him quickly.


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I am so loving this! It's such a great casefic, with the added bonus of sickfic...or vice versa, if you prefer! Either way, two fics for the price of one. I look forward to reading more. :)

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Part 22

The dry heat of the temporary office felt good. Hotch shivered before he could stop himself, thinking of Rossi out at the Orchard supervising the HRD teams. He felt like he was willing himself to work but his body was rebelling at every step. Just carrying the files upstairs left him feeling light-headed and he was glad to put them down at the desk.

JJ pulled a chair up opposite Hotch and put her stack of files on the other side of the desk. She snuck a look at him as he sank wearily into the padded chair. Without asking she walked out to the small ‘kitchen’ that served the station and poured two cups of coffee. She added some cream and sugar to both and brought them back into the office. Hotch’s heart lifted at the sight of the steaming mug.

He met her gaze and nodded. From anyone else the minimal acknowledgement could have seemed rude but JJ knew what it cost Hotch just to let someone take care of him. She knew he would prefer to be the one up and getting coffee and so his acknowledgement, however abrupt, was substantial.

They worked through the files silently, Hotch’s sniffles and occasional coughs punctuating the research. They had been going at the files for about two hours when Hotch had a coughing fit he seemed unable to break out of. JJ grabbed a glass of water and pushed it into Hotch’s hands. His face was red and it took him a moment to be able to take a sip of it. The water helped and the fit petered out. He took another few drinks, letting the cool liquid slide down his burning throat.

“Here.” A partially unwrapped cough drop lay in JJ’s outstretched hand. The refusal was automatic but instead Hotch found himself saying “Thank-you,” and taking the lozenge. It was some herbal mixture but the menthol soothed his lungs as he took careful breaths.

Once his breathing had quieted down JJ asked, “You find anything interesting?”

Hotch shook his head. “A few bar fights with knocked out teeth but nothing that would match our unsub. You?”

JJ shook her head. “The same with one exception. There is part of a report detailing an assault where the victim was bitten. The paperwork is incomplete but there is a sketch of the victim’s bite wounds.” As she spoke she pushed the page over to Hotch so he could examine it.

A diagram of a woman’s body took up half the page with X’s marking the bite wounds. It looked like she had been bitten between ten and twenty times including on the breasts, buttocks, arms and legs. The rest of the page included only a key detailing the various bite wounds. Neither the victim nor perpetrator were named on the page. Hotch rubbed the piece of paper between his fingers as if hoping a second sheet would appear.

“This is something. Are you sure there’s nothing else?”

“Not that I’ve found. It could be mixed in with the rest of the reports,” JJ gestured at the stack of at least 30 case files still unexamined.

Hotch looked again at the single sheet of paper. It wasn’t too old but it was worn at the edges. He stood up and walked into the main lobby of the police station.

“Is there somewhere we can scan a document?” he asked one of the officers. Soon Hotch had scanned the sheet of paper and emailed it to Garcia. He was dialing as he walked back to the office.

“Garcia, we have an incomplete report. This is the only page we’ve found so far but I think it’s significant. Can you do an enhancement, look for any clue as to the date or time of the assault?”

“I can although it would be better to use the original document. It’s possible the ink has faded but would fluoresce under alternative light wavelengths. What kind of lab facilities do you have available?”

“Adequate. Reid is there working with the Forensic Odontologist. I’ll make a copy of this sheet for myself and bring him the original to work with. JJ and I still have 50 or 60 files to go through.” Hotch’s voice was hoarse over the phone but sounded focussed.

“OK, Sir. Well, take good care of yourself.” Garcia had hung up before he could respond. He could hear the concern in her voice but he had to ignore it for the time being and get back to work.

Returning to the office JJ had made her way through another five or so files.

“Anything?” Hotch asked, his voice breaking on the last syllable.

“No, I’ll tell you if I find anything.” JJ checked her watch but it had been only four hours since Hotch’s last dose of Dayquil, still too early to give him anything more. Unobtrusively she slid a few lozenges and a pack of tissues to his side of the desk, never raising her eyes from her files.


“We have reports of activity from the HRD teams in Grids 12 and 18.”

“Activity?” Rossi’s voice contained so many questions in one word.

“Positive Alerts in those Grids, active scent tracking in Grid 15.”

“Positive Alerts means call Forensics?”

“Yeah. Get everyone you can down here, the dogs are really agitated. I think there could be more than one body in these graves.”


“The dog’s have alerted on something?” Hotch spoke softly but firmly into his cell.

“In two grids. And possible activity in a third. I think we need to regroup here and see what they’ve found.” Rossi’s voice sounded pained as he spoke to Hotch.

“We’ll be there in 30 minutes. I’ll call the others and we’ll meet in the main area.”

JJ had been listening to the phone call, her heart sinking as she heard Hotch’s plans to head back into the gloomy Minnesota autumn.

“Hotch, there are still a lot of reports to go through. Rossi can supervise at the site, we need to follow up on this report.” Under other circumstances JJ would have been out of line but the desperation in her voice overshadowed the rest of her words.

Hotch shook his head. “You can stay here, I need to go to the site.”

JJ felt caught. The reports did need analysis but she was loath to let Hotch out of her sight. An idea flickered through her mind.

“How about we have Reid finish going through the reports? It will take him a fraction of the time and he was sick on the last case so… so we don’t want him out in the cold too much. We also need someone to go over this report with UV filters to try to find any lost information.” JJ didn’t meet Hotch’s eyes. Hotch wasn’t sure what her play was, if she was really worried about Reid or if there was something else. Either way, it was a good suggestion.

“Get suited up. We’ll head out in ten minutes.” He was already striding away from the desk, cell phone in hand.

“Reid, there’s activity at the site.. no, actually, I want you here, finishing up our review of non-reported assaults. Once you’re done there’s a partial report we need analyzed at the crime lab - we’re looking for a time or date” JJ couldn’t hear the voice at the other end of the phone but she saw Hotch’s brow crease in a half-frown. “No, I need you here. I expect to see you in the next 10 minutes.”

Hotch flipped his phone shut and turned to find JJ right behind him. There was an awkward moment and then she gestured toward to SaR gear and Hotch nodded and started walking. Taking their cues from Rossi’s get-up that morning they procured coveralls, rain suits and boots and headed out into the drizzly day.

JJ called Emily and Morgan while Hotch dressed. “There’s activity at the site in three grids. Reid is going to stay back and analyze a partial report we found as well as interface with the forensic odontologist. Rossi will meet us when we get out to the Orchard.”

“Bossman’s going back into the rain?” Morgan’s voice was a mix of frustration and concern.

“I tried Morgan, really, I- ” JJ’s voice sounded so sad Morgan felt guilty for asking the question.

“It’s OK. We’ll figure something out. I’ll see you in a bit.


The walk to the SUV was short but Hotch was shaking by the time they reached it. He handed the keys to JJ without saying anything and climbed into the passenger’s seat. JJ’s heart sunk a little, Hotch had seemed like he was feeling better this morning but he would never have her drive unless he was feeling pretty sick. Having her drive was as telling as a thermometer reading. Nevertheless she climbed into the driver’s seat and began the fifteen minute journey to the orchard.

Hotch’s head hurt and the motion of the car was making it unbearable. Although, of course, he would bear it, so it really wasn’t unbearable… he shook his head, trying to stop that line of thinking but moving his head only made the headache worse. He shut his eyes, his brows furrowed, and propped his head on his hand, elbow resting on the window. He could feel himself falling…

JJ snuck a glance at Hotch, sighing as she saw him asleep against the window. She had hoped he was feeling better but now thought that this morning’s respite was due to low activity and staying indoors - two factors that were going to be demolished in the afternoon. She could feel the stress building between her shoulder blades, ribbons of tension snaking up her neck and contributing to the pounding in her head.

The ride was short, just long enough for JJ to take in the gathering storm clouds and to be enveloped with a sense of dread. She tried to shake it off, sadly, this wasn’t the worse situation the team had faced and yet- it was worse. Because Hotch was sick and until they solved the case he wouldn’t truly rest. And they were a long way from an arrest.


“No boyfriends, no conflict, no drama.” Morgan sounded disappointed as he relayed the results of his morning interviews. “Seems like she didn’t have much of a life outside of some animal charity work she did.”

“What kind of animal charity?” Emily’s question had an edge to it.

“All kinds but it sounds like her recent cause was some land turnover - it used to be some kind of wildlife sanctuary and now- ” Emily cut him off. “It’s being developed into condo’s.” Morgan looked surprised. “How did you-”

“There was a picture of Pauline Scottsfield at a fundraiser - something about a wildlife sanctuary turned into real estate.” Emily was nodding excitedly as he spoke. Morgan quickly punched the number for Quantico.

“Baby girl”

“Chocolate ManScape,”

Derek smiled, “Dig up everything you an on the Jackson Wildlife Management Area in Stillwater. Both victims have ties to the land sale.”

“Child’s play, I’ll have it done in a minute. How are .. things out there?” Garcia’s normal confidence faltered a bit on the last few words.

“Hotch is doing OK, JJ’s keeping a very close eye on him.” Derek’s words were wrapped in a smile. “You just get me that information.”

“Two shakes of a lambs tail.”

Morgan hung up the phone, the half smile still paying out across his handsome features. Emily looked over and gave him a raised eyebrow.

“Our mother hen at Quantico is worried about Hotch.” Emily nodded but her face showed less amusement than Morgan. He picked up on the discrepancy and gave Emily an eyebrow of his own.

“I just think he might be pretty sick. You know, if we know he’s sick at all that’s saying a lot. And we all think he’s pretty sick. So he might be, you know, really really sick by normal people standards but because he’s Hotch…” Emily’s voice trailed off. Derek nodded, his gaze steely.

“Not much we can right now other than work the case and look out for him.”

Emily nodded, agreement and disappointment displayed equally in her expression.


Mouths, gaping at him, biting him with rotten gums but he could feel their teeth…. Hotch jerked awake, his breath coming in gasps. He looked quickly and saw he was still in the SUV with JJ, driving to the Orchard. They slowed to a stop at a red light and JJ looked over at him, raising her eyebrows but saying nothing.

“It’s their mouths again.” Hotch’s voice was 10 decibels deeper than at the station and sounded like a scratched record. Awareness brought an involuntary mental summary of his physical complaints but he stopped paying attention after his pounding head, burning sinuses and aching muscles. It didn’t really matter how sick he felt, it mattered if they caught the UnSub.

“Mouths but no teeth?” JJ asked. “Are they biting with teeth or just gums?”

Hotch thought for a minute then started to answer.

“Mouths with…eh..heh…HEZ-EsschuISZH-Gischue,” Hotch had turned away from JJ, sneezing roughly into his shoulder. He pulled out a few tissues from the travel pack in his pocket.

“Jusdt bouths. Bud whed they bide they have teeth.” He blew his nose quietly. The movement of air was enough irritation to spark another set of sneezes and Aaron didn’t have the strength the hold them back.

HeGischue..IEH'Fisschu .. HEZ-Esschu…” He had cupped the tissues closely around his nose but the force of the sneezes bent him against the seat belt of the car.

“Bless you.”

“Thangk you.” It was impossible for him to be discourteous, even as his breath started to shiver and his nostrils began flaring. JJ glanced at him briefly, catching him unaware - eyes shut, entirely focussed on in itch in his nostrils. She watched as it teased him, his breath hitching as the irritation escaped his control.

eeshAeischooHGH-Esschu..heh..eh..hah.. HUHP’Aeischoo.

“And again.” JJ’s voice was calm and measured, betraying none of her turmoil. Aaron nodded weakly in acknowledgement and tried again to blow his nose. Sadly it seemed that a quiet, polite blow and a thorough, sinus cleansing blow were mutually exclusive and he settled again for the non-obtrusive option. Hotch sniffed nearly inaudibly but JJ could hear him. Each mile they drove brought them closer to a trek out into the afternoon rain and JJ could feel the anxiety twisting her shoulders into knots.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to be so long, life got really busy...

Part 23

“Hotch, we’re here.” JJ’s voice was quiet. The team leader was fast asleep, his head resting improbably on his fist with his elbow propped in the window. Hesitating only briefly JJ reached out and laid her palm gently across his forehead. She didn’t have the thermometer but she was pretty sure his fever hadn’t dropped. If anything he felt warmer that this morning.

Her touch was gentle but enough to wake him. Hotch stirred briefly then turned away, trying to curl into the corner of the chair and window.

“Hotch,” JJ spoke firmly but couldn't keep herself from running her fingers through Aaron’s hair, feeling the sweat at his temples as her fingers swept gentle lines across his scalp. He flickered into consciousness as JJ continued to run her fingers through his hair, stopping only when his eyes opened and fixed on hers. She paused but kept his gaze and gently traced her fingers across his temples one last time.

“We’re here.”


The sky was periwinkle with slate grey clouds swarming up above. The air was so thick it was hard to tell if it was raining but the brief cloudbursts clarified that confusion quickly. JJ pulled the SUV into a muddy parking spot in the dirt field next to another black SUV. Hotch took a moment, orienting himself and waiting for the world to decide which was was up. His reverie was interrupted by a quick knock at the window.

“Two bodies, one possible.” Rossi’s voice was solemn. “Both in the undeveloped areas, neither fully excavated. Both caused big alerts in the HRD dogs so it’s possible there’s more than one body there, we’re setting up field tents and then will start the excavation.

Hotch nodded, his headache pounding at his temples. Rossi continued, “The other teams are searching the undeveloped land and then following a grid Reid designed based on the peak ripening of the individual apples. We’ll cover most of the orchard by nightfall unless it starts raining for real.” As he finished speaking he glanced quickly at the sky, almost as if checking to see if it had heard his pronouncement.

Hotch nodded as he opened rolled up the window then opened the door. The cold air hit him like a whip, sneaking under his layered garments and settling immediately into his core. He tried to fight it off but he started to shiver, full body shudders, as he walked to the main tent. His gait was stiff, his throbbing muscles moving only because he ordered them to.

JJ settled herself a step or two behind Hotch, ready to catch him if he stumbled, or worse… She could feel the sodden cold of the day seeping through her layers and based on his shivering Hotch was feeling it too. She wasn’t sure if Rossi was already hypothermic or had somehow acclimated to the outdoors but for the moment he seemed unfazed by the weather.

“The HRD dogs have alerted in Grids 12 and 18. The dog in Grid 15 is agitated, following something.” Rossi talked as he walked hurriedly to the shelter of the staging area. Morgan and Emily were waiting under the sagging tarp.

“There’s a connection between the two victims - involvement in the Jackson Wildife Management Area auction. Victim One was heavily engaged, Victim Two only peripherally but it is a significant point of overlap. We have Garcia looking into the details.” Morgan’s voice was calm but there was a hint of excitement he couldn’t disguise. “Neither victim had an active social life, both were very low risk but there is a definite point of convergence.”

“Excellent work. But we need to find out what the dogs are alerting to in the orchard and if the Wildlife Land auction is a significant point of overlap we need to figure out where the UnSub fits into that scheme.” Hotch sounded strong, the sleepy softness of the car ride completely gone.


They broke into three groups. Morgan and Emily went to Grid 12, Rossi to Grid 15 leaving JJ and Hotch for Grid 18. Objectively JJ thought the day may have been a few degrees warmer but the perpetual drizzle created a damp cold that settled into her bones. She was riding next to Hotch in one of the converted golf carts when a gust of wind hit them. She could feel Hotch shiver briefly beside her but strangely, she couldn’t stop shivering. JJ tried to push away from Hotch so he wouldn’t feel her quaking but there simply wasn’t room. Hotch said nothing but wrapped his arm around JJ’s shoulders and drew her into him. The rest of the ride was still cold but it didn’t matter.


“Do you think he had some trauma with apple juice as a child?” Emily’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

“Nah, just an available dump site.”

A forensics team had set up above the spot where the HRD dog had alerted. There was already a reasonably large tent covering the entire area and excavations had begun at the site. The excavation had already been going for about 45 minutes before Emily and Morgan arrived and it was only another 20 minutes before they found the first pieces of a new skeleton.

“Not sure if this is going to make it easier or harder,” Emily mumbled.

“I don’t think anything about this one is going to be easy.” Morgan’s tone was grim as he surveyed the excavation. So far they could see the crown of a skull and disarticulated phalanges scattered in the dirt.


“Where is the rest of the report?” Dr. Steven Pirancho, the questioned documents specialist asked Reid.

“This is all we’ve found so far. It’s possible the rest of the report was either destroyed or lost in one of the department turn-overs. We need to glean as much as we can from this single page: ink age, handwriting analysis, font style…” Reid’s voice trailed off as he glanced at the specialist. His expression had softened but now he was eyeing the sheet of paper like a lion sizing up its kill.

“OK then. We’ll start with fingerprints. I assume the document is already scanned and has been handled so they are likely to be worthless but we should be thorough. Since it’s scanned there is a handwriting sample, do you have any of your fancy FBI folk who would work on a handwriting analysis?”

“Actually I-” Reid was interrupted as Dr. Pirancho shook his head. “We’ll have to settle for a handwriting match. Where are you getting your exemplars?”

Reid was momentarily taken aback but quickly rebounded. “If we can determine the age of this document then we can determine the reports written and active officers at that time. We can get our exemplars from those files. First we need to age the ink. I’ll start my analysis of the handwriting while you work on the ink.”

Reid was entirely professional but the comment about a “fancy FBI analyst” had offended him. Dr. Pirancho had the grace to blush and that simple action was enough for Reid to forgive and forget any previous insults. An analysis of the ink was unrewarding, matching simply to inkjet printers used by the department between 1991 and 2008. Reid sighed and went back to his handwriting analysis.


Rossi shivered as he climbed out of the cart and under a small, hastily erected tarp. The HRD team was still active but as he watched he could see that Samantha was only confirming with Gretchen that she had made a find. The German Shepherd crouched over the ground and refused to move, not barking but producing instead a low howl that was as unnerving as the scene itself.

Once the grave had been spotted the HRD team moved off site.

“How does she do after something like this?” Rossi asked, gesturing toward Gretchen, the shepherd.

“We try to follow work sessions with play time. We’re going to go back to the main area and play for a while before trying to do anything else today.”

Rossi nodded as the woman and her dog walked into the rain. It made a lot of sense. The horrors they saw every day were enough to drown in. What would it be like to have a partner who needed you to bring them joy? He shook his head as if emptying it and turned to the excavation site.

Already an area had been cordoned off and the top layers of grass and soil were being removed. Rossi sighed as he watched the progress and tried to huddle deeper into his jacket for warmth.


Back at the station Reid and Dr. Pirancho worked in companionable silence for the next two hours. Dr. Pirancho had run the partial report through a variety of filters while Reid compared the handwriting to reports made by active officers at the time. Maizie had been generous in supplying about 7 file boxes of reports and hand written notes from that time period. Reid raced through the reports, the words barely registering in his consciousness as his eyes traced the curve and thrust of each letter, trying to match it to the sample. After two hours he looked up and rubbed his eyes.

“I have six possibles,” Reid spoke. “Not certain of course, but, something to pursue.”

Dr. Pirancho nodded. “I haven’t found much. I was able to pull up a partial date - 2 or 12 then nothing then something 7.”

“So February or December 2007 or 1997?”

“As best I can tell. There are some impressions in the paper i’m working on with metal filings but I haven’t gotten any results so far.”

“The preliminary date is great. I’ll call our analyst.” Reid was already dialing, “Garcia, I need you to check into some dates for me.”

“Anything for you.”

“February and December 1997 and February and December 2007.”

“Does this have something to do with the report Hotch faxed me?”

“Yes. Dr. Pirancho was able to recover a partial date. If you can go through reports, police records, local newspapers, anything you can think of for those 4 months. We’re going to follow up here with preliminary handwriting analysis but you know how that goes.”

“Oh do I. I’ll call when I have answers.”

After hanging up Reid frowned. “Hotch said these records should only go back 6 years or so - not on purpose but because files have been lost over the years. It’s possible it’s older but I think we should focus on the 2007 months.” He quickly texted the information to Garcia.

“Those six handwriting candidates - were any of them on the force in both 1997 and 2007?”

“Two - Officers Daley and Lambert. Officer Reisen is younger, he and Officer Maynard joined the force in 2001. Officer Resling joing in 1999 and Officer Humbolt in 2004 making them eligible for the 2007 dates. I’m going to have the Sheriff bring them in so I can ask them about the report.”

“I’ll keep working on lifting impressions from the sheet we have.”


Hotch could feel an occasional shiver from JJ despite pulling her closer. He was shivering about twice as hard, of course, but that was of less importance. The forest loomed above them and it seemed to be getting darker by the moment. The ride to Grid 18 took about 20 minutes and that period of inactivity while the cart sputtered along left Hotch feeling deeply chilled. His nose seemed to have decided to greet the cold air with an outpouring of mucous and he rummaged in his pockets with his free hand, finally pulling out a handful of tissues.

itChuh..RchIisch Aei-Gischue

“Bless you.” JJ’s voice sounded far away. Hotch nodded his acknowledgement; speaking was too much work at this point.

The route had become less traveled, the previous dirt path/gravel road they had ridden on the last time becoming a narrow, sloshy mud trail. The cart had surprising durability and continued on despite the thickening mud. The ride grew bumpier and Hotch clutched JJ closer, not just for warmth but to keep her from getting banged around so much.

JJ appreciated his touch. Her head was pounding again, the cold air stiffening her muscles, leaving her achy and anxious. Instinctively she found herself turning into Hotch as they rode over a large bump, the landing jarring them loose in the back seat.

They pulled out of the wooded path into a clearing and JJ could see the HRD team standing by the edge of the outlined crime scene. A tarp had been hung over a patch of nondescript ground and already the forensic team was carefully excavating. The tarp was just wide enough for them to squeeze behind the team while they worked. Occasionally Hotch found himself close to the edge of the tarp and was rewarded with a cool splash of rainwater down his collar for his troubles.

It was only about 20 minutes after Hotch and JJ arrived that the forensics team found the skeleton, another hour until it was fully uncovered. In that time Hotch had gone from chilled to painfully cold. His head pounded and he couldn’t breathe through his nose at all. Any deep breath burned in his chest and broke into a fit of coughing so he found himself taking only cautious, shallow breaths.

The pales bones gleamed starkly against the dark earth. They were slightly stained from their time in the ground but it was easy to see the skeleton was fully articulated. Although the decomposition made it difficult it did look like her arms were folded closer to her sides. It took another few minutes but as the skull was unearthed it stared back at them in toothless accusation.


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first of all, so happy you are back!! I love this story! you have me hooked - you could write for the show I swear. and I love how JJ was shivering and Hotch pulled her in closer :)

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Glad to have you back whenever you've got the time! The moments between JJ and Hotch are masterfully written-- not too overt, but enough to please my Jotch-crazed mind. Also the actual plot is very intriguing, I'm definitely into it

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry for the delay, I keep plodding away at this...

Part 24

“Why don’t we get some ground penetrating radar in here?” Morgan’s voice sounded strained through the cellular connection to Reid and Rossi. “The dog was going nuts, I don’t think it’s only one body.”

“GPR is very useful in sandy soils but in silt, clay or wet conditions the electrical conductivity of the ground severely hampers it’s effectiveness.” Reid’s voice was tinny across the airwaves.

“I think the dogs and the shovels are our best best.” Rossi’s voice was grim. “We have a positive alert in Grid 15 as well, the forensics team is already excavating. I spoke to JJ - they have a body confirmed in Grid 18”

“Anabeth Giring in the Honeycrisp, Pauline Scottsfield in Grid 1, Bodies in Grids 12, 15 and 18 today - that puts our unsub at at least 5 bodies and counting. There has to be a record before this.” Morgan’s voice was frustrated.

“JJ found a partial report in the older precinct documents. It’s incomplete, Reid and Dr. Pirancho are working on it now. Let’s focus on our grids and check in next hour.” Rossi’s voice held the quiet confidence of command and Morgan found himself nodding even as he agreed.

“Three more bodies?” Emily sounded resigned.

“At least. We need to see what the dig sites show us. And remember, Reid thinks there’s something funny about the Orchard Disposal site. We haven’t had time but since the Jackson Wildlife Preserve Auction links the first two victims, I think that reserve is the next place we need to look.”

Emily half rolled her eyes as she looked to Morgan, “Because 80 acres of Orchard wasn’t enough? You think we need to cover 20 acres of undeveloped land? On the basis of a picture?”

“I don’t want to any more than you do but I think that picture might be the key. Reid thought this dumpsite was new, was chosen for some reason. What if that reason is that his old dumpsite was going to be discovered?”

“And so he what, dumped the bodies where he was sure they would be discovered?”

“No. He dumped the bodies where he could monitor the discovery.”

Emily nodded and turned back to face the digging behind her. She had no doubt they would find a body. The only question was how long, and how many bodies.


A full skeleton had been carefully removed from the ground. Rossi spoke with Samantha.

“Can she alert if there’s already a body there? We removed the bones but all the scents of decomposition will still be in the surrounding dirt.”

Samantha shrugged. “It’s likely she’ll alert again but there’s no harm in walking the grid another time.” She turned and smiled to her German Shepherd.

“After death we describe the body breakdown in stages - Fresh, Bloat, Active Decay, Advanced Decay and Dry or Remains. During Active Decay the body creates a Cadaver Decomposition Island (CDI), initially marked by purged bodily fluids but as time progresses there is a change in the composition of the soil - more nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium… By the time the body has reached the ‘dry’ remains stage,” she gestured to the skeleton, “often we see a resurgence of plant growth. It’s hard to tell here because even though this land isn’t planted it is a worked area, not simply a forest. The dogs alert primarily to the compounds Cadaverine and Putrescine, which are both are produced in the period of bloating and active decay. They can also alert to changes in saponified earth. I don’t know if Gretchen will know what we are asking her to do - to alert to something new despite positive alert scents all around her, But we’ll try.”

She turned toward her partner, a sad smile crossing her face.

“Go work?”

Gretchen’s ears folded down and her demeanor changed. She approached Samantha solemnly and waited for her to fasten her SaR vest around her. With a final glance at her handler Gretchen headed back across the gloomy acre. She paced carefully, lifting her nose occasionally as she caught a scent then resuming her tracking.

“Does she know not to track the body we’ve found?” Rossie asked.

“I can’t say that. It’s not something I’ve taught her but sometimes, sometimes she does things I just can’t explain. I have to let her work and do my best to interpret what she is telling me.”

Rossi nodded and they both stared at the Shepherd pacing the field. The rain pelted down on her but she didn’t stop, didn’t shake herself off. She seemed entirely unaware of the weather around her. Rossi felt all too aware of the cold rain seeping through his thick jacket. The day had only grown darker and although it was early afternoon it looked like evening. He watched as Samantha paced the grid and stared as she stopped near the grave, looked to her handler and started a low-pitched keening noise that sounded surprisingly like grief.


It began to rain in earnest by early afternoon. Morgan and Emily watched the excavation of the remains in Grid 12 only to discover a second victim buried directly beneath the first. Once the first skeleton was documented in its entirety and removed, excavation continued on the body beneath it. Both victims had been reduced to bones with scraps of connective tissue still adhering to their bony prominences. There had been a few possible hairs - long, dark hairs- found near the skulls but most of the hair seemed to have rotted in the damp earth. A brief visual exam as the skeletons were removed from the earth showed that neither had any obvious implants that would have allowed for easy and rapid identification.

Morgan sighed as the two skeletons were bagged and moved back to the crime lab. Without an easy way to identify the remains they were left with DNA, height and ethnicity markers and possible 3-D reconstruction of the skulls using computer software with tissue depth markers to create a face. Although the program generally produced an excellent facial rendering it was startling to discover how few people are recognized unless they have the right hair color and style and these broken bodies were giving few clues.


As the precipitation had worsened, the tarp surrounding the skeleton in Grid 18 had been widened to minimize contamination of the field. Hotch and JJ stood watching the excavation in tired silence. It took about an hour for the remains to be fully exposed. They were nearly completely skeletonized with occasional connective tissue remaining but little else and mostly disarticulated. Consistent with the previous bodies there were no teeth found in the grave.

JJ thought Hotch might be standing out of pure stubbornness. There wasn’t a place to sit, had he wanted to, but every once in a while she saw him seem to lose his balance, catch himself and resume his authoritative, detached posture - arms crossed, slight frown and steely gaze. Once they were under the tarp JJ had started to warm up a bit but she could see Hotch was still shivering nearly continuously with occasional full body tremors that threatened to topple him.

As the skeleton was packed up JJ stood nervously next to Hotch.

“Sir..” She let the word hang as an invitation.

“I know.” He shivered convulsively. “I need to get back to the station. I just can't leave until they’ve finished excavation of this sector.”

JJ sighed inwardly but her resolve to let Hotch handle his own decisions broke down as she saw him start to cough, a coarse, barking sound that wouldn’t let up. Hotch curled into himself, tucking his face into his elbow and staggering slightly as the rasping coughs tore through him. JJ had reached out to steady him as soon as he started coughing and didn’t want to leave to get him some water. Her dilemma was resolved as one of the crime scene technicians hurried over with a bottle of water. It took a few more minutes before Hotch was able to take a sip and start to breathe again with a semblance of normalcy.

“Hotch.” JJ’s voice was stern and worried. He looked up and met her gaze. She was surprised to see what may have been unshed tears glistening in his eyes (probably from the coughing spasm she tried to reassure herself).

“Morgan and Emily can split up. The excavation is nearly done at that site and one of them can come here to monitor further discoveries. You need to get warm, need to rest. I can’t have you collapsing out here in the near wilderness.” JJ tried to inject a bit of humor into her last statement but she was truly scared for Hotch. He was pale with no color other than a fever flush scrawled across his cheek bones. He seemed unable to take a comfortable breath and he hadn’t stopped shivering in the last hour.

Hotch looked at her, his eyes weary and glazed with illness and exhaustion.

“You need to step back. Let the team handle the excavations. You need to get dry, get warm and try to rest for a bit if you are going to be of any use to use in coming up with the profile.”

Her words were gentle but Hotch felt a burn of defeat and inadequacy as she spoke. He shook his head to negate her words but instead lost his balance and began to stumble sideways. JJ leapt forward, grabbing his elbow with her hand and slipping the other arm around his waist. She guided him toward an improvised chair (really a cooler) and held him until he was safely seated. Hotch’s breathing was harsh and he still seemed unable to take a deep breath without triggering another coughing fit.

JJ checked her watch. “You’re due for more Dayquil and based on how you sound I think you should take some Robitussin too.” She faced Hotch sternly as he looked up to object and he looked away. “You trust your team. Let them help you.”

Hotch’s face was anguished. “My team,” he stopped to catch his breath, “trusts me. I can’t just abandon them.”

His eyes met JJ’s with a glazed desperation.

“You are not abandoning anyone. For the good of the team you should be going back to bed but I don’t think you’ll agree to that. You need to get out of the rain, get warm and ideally sleep for a bit before you get back to work. If this was Reed, or Morgan or me - you wouldn’t leave us out in the rain until we had pneumonia, would you?”

Hotch shuddered at her words. Of course he wouldn’t leave any member of 1his team out in this situation but it should be different for him. He opened his mouth to articulate his argument but found himself doubled over in another coughing fit. It took a few moments but once he was able to speak again he met JJ’s gaze. She had crossed the short distance between them and was rubbing his back gently, seeming to warm and soothe him at the same time.

“No, I wouldn’t let you be out like this.”


As soon as he spoke Hotch seemed to deflate slightly. JJ worked quickly to update Morgan, Emily and Rossi.

“Does he seem worse?” Emily’s voice was nervous, on edge.

“Right now, yes but I need to get him warmed up and inside. He’s close to agreeing.”

“I’m fine in Grid 15 - Morgan and Emily - if you can split up we can send JJ and Hotch back to the hotel to rest, plan to regroup around 6-7pm.”

There was no question about agreeing, Morgan and Emily quickly split up and Emily went to cover Grid 18. A quick call on the dispatch radio had a souped up golf cart arriving around the same time as Emily. They ran through the scene quickly - the single body currently excavated and the plan to retrace the yard. Emily nodded perfunctorily - it was nothing new - and helped JJ usher Hotch into the cart.

The ride back was painful. Hotch never stopped shaking and he turned away frequently to cough into his elbow or shoulder. JJ could feel the spasms rip through him and without realizing it found herself rubbing his back and murmuring gently into his ear. Hotch seemed oblivious to the treatment but JJ couldn’t stop herself. Within 5 minutes of the bumpy ride she found her arm wrapped around Hotch, drawing him close to her. He didn’t resist and once he stopped coughing he fell into an uneasy sleep.


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Awww... I have no idea about the characters as I don't know the show but her concern for him and their interaction in the last part of this chapter were really sweet. :)

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You have such a gift! Not only do you write the illness incredibly well, you write the story so that the case is engaging and interesting! I've never seen the show, but this could definitely be a real episode. You're a phenomenal writer and I love this story so much!

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You have such a gift! Not only do you write the illness incredibly well, you write the story so that the case is engaging and interesting! I've never seen the show, but this could definitely be a real episode. You're a phenomenal writer and I love this story so much!

This. You are amazing. Can't wait for more!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't wait for more. I need to know what happens with the case, what happens with Hotch and the rest of the team. I need more!!!! Pretty please!!

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  • 1 month later...

I have the whole story plotted out, just struggling to put words to it...

I appreciate all the encouragement :-)


Part 25

There was a quick jolt as the golf cart finally stopped 20 minutes later.  JJ squeezed Aaron’s shoulder at the same time as she said “We’re here.”  His eyes snapped open but as the minor adrenaline surge faded she could see him sag under the weight of his illness.

They walked quickly and silently back to the SUV.  The rain had started to let up but it was still drizzling and the temperature was hovering in the low forties.  By the time Hotch was belted into the passenger seat he was shivering so hard he had to clench his jaw to keep his teeth from chattering.  They pulled out of the parking lot and as soon as the engine had warmed up JJ set the heat on high and turned it all the way up.

Hotch felt like he was in a trance.  He was aware of what was happening and at the same time it seemed a step removed from him.  The heat felt good but it was a long way from reaching the cold in his bones.  As the warm air filled the car he tried to relax but was interrupted by a sudden irritation in his sinuses.  He rubbed his nose roughly with the back of his hand, trying to relieve the discomfort.  He could feel the sneeze building despite his efforts and started looking through his pockets for a travel pack of tissues.  His fingers were cold and the jacket was still damp.  His breath started to hitch and he gave up, opting to turn away from JJ and bury his face in the wet fabric covering his elbow.


JJ had seen Hotch’s unsuccessful attempts to locate a tissue and had quickly pulled a pack from her own pocket.  Once the fit was over she held it over, gently tapping Hotch on the chest with the tissues to get his attention.  He took them from her gratefully and blew his nose.  Illness had worn down his sense of decorum and despite JJ’s proximity he blew his nose forcefully.  It was wet, burbling and Hotch had filled three tissues before he had emptied what he could.

“Bless you.”

Hotch nodded, “Thangks.”  His voice was husky, just decibels above a whisper. He laid his head against the window and shivered as the cold glass touched his skin.   His eyes drifted closed then he snapped them open, trying to stay awake.

“Rest Hotch. Just rest.”  

JJ’s voice sounded far away but he closed his eyes.  He was asleep within moments.  The drive back to the hotel was short and quiet.  JJ was a little worried what Hotch would say when he saw they had gone back to the hotel instead of to the precinct.  Initially JJ thought just getting him somewhere warm and out of the rain would be enough but it had become obvious to her that Hotch needed a real rest.  Ideally a doctor, but if he still wouldn’t go to the hospital she would settle for now on getting him warmed up, hydrated, medicated and sleeping.


The ride to the hotel was only about 20 minutes.  JJ looked at Aaron, huddled against the window, still shivering and made an executive decision.  She pulled the SUV up to the front door and put the hazard lights on.  

“Hotch, time to get up. We’re here.”

Hotch opened his eyes and JJ watched as groggy realization flitted across his face.

“This isn’t the station.”  His voice was a whisper.

“No, it’s not.”  JJ decided she was done arguing, done bargaining.  Hotch looked one step away from passing out and as far as JJ was concerned he had used up his bad decisions regarding his own health until he looked quite a bit better.  She expected an argument but a quick glance at Hotch showed only acceptance tinged with shame.

Hotch looked around as he opened the door.  “This isn’t a parking space.”

JJ blushed.  “I’m going to move the car once you’re upstairs.”  Continuing to surprise and worry her, Hotch only nodded and walked with deliberate care toward the elevators.  Once up and in their room JJ laid out warm, dry clothes for Hotch.  

“You get changed, I’ll be back up in a minute after I park the car.” She didn’t want to leave him but also sensed that he needed some privacy and autonomy.  She parked the car and raced back to the room.  Hotch had changed into the sweats and was sitting on the couch, the comforter from his bed wrapped around his shoulders.  His brows were creased and he held a tissue in his hands. A quick intake of breath and he bent forward, containing the sneeze in the tissue but not strong enough to stay upright.

“NK’Guschue…heh..eh.. Eik-Haschoo.. Hgh’Etschu.

He blew his nose gently and threw the used tissues away in a trashcan by his feet.  He looked up and met JJ’s eyes.  He could see her concern for him and as much as he wanted to tell her he was fine the words just wouldn’t come out of his mouth.

JJ shivered and realized she was still wearing wet clothes.  She filled the instant kettle with water and turned it on.  Once preparations for tea were in place she turned back to Hotch.

“I’m going to put on dry clothes. Just stay there.”  As she spoke Hotch looked at her closely.  She was shivering intermittently despite her best attempts to hide it.  Her face was pale with dark circles under her eyes and her blond hair hung in damp tendrils, as wet as if she had just taken a shower.  He felt a flash of self-recrimination as he realized how much energy JJ was expending taking care of him. He felt the familiar surge of guilt but with it a newer emotion, one he had trouble recognizing.  He thought it might be peace.



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Wow! :wub: This is so good! It could literally be an episode, it's that amazing and engaging. You truly have a gift! Is it wrong that I'm enjoying Hotch's suffering so much? This is awesome and I absolutely love it! Great job! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Part 26

JJ grabbed her sweats and went to change in the back room.  She shivered convulsively and decided a quick shower would help warm her up.  She peeked out at Hotch around the doorway.

“I’m going to hop in the shower.  The water should be ready in a few minutes and I put a tea bag out for you.”

Hotch could hear her quaking despite her level tone.  He wasn’t sure he had the energy to walk over to the counter but there was no way in hell he’d tell JJ that.  Instead he simply nodded and pulled the blankets tighter around his shoulders.

JJ stripped quickly out of her damp layers of clothing, laying them out to dry while the water heated up.  She got in and gradually raised the temperature as high as she could stand.  She leaned agains the tiled wall and waited for the chill to wash out of her bones.  She allowed herself five minutes and though she wasn’t completely warm she didn’t want to leave Hotch any longer.  She dried off, wrapped her hair in a towel and dressed quicky.  

She walked back into the main room, her hair still wrapped in a towel turban.  Hotch turned and a faint smile cracked the hard planes of his face.  JJ blushed but ignored him.  She noticed that although the water was boiling he hadn’t gotten up to make his tea.  She poured him a mug of hot water then set a bag of “Throat Soothing Lemon and Chamomile” tea in to steep.  She stirred in a generous dollop of honey and brought it over to Hotch.

The warmth from the mug made him aware of how cold his hands had been and for how long.  It felt so good he was tempted to just sit and hold it until a pointed glance from JJ reminded him he was supposed to be drinking the tea.  Normally a black coffee drinker he could sense a sweetness in the tea but he was so congested it was hard to get any real flavors.

“Is there sugar in here?”  He asked, trying to make conversation.

“Honey. It should help your cough.”  Hotch nodded and went back to drinking his tea.  While he finished JJ collected a dose of nyquil, fresh tissues and the bottle of cough syrup.  She hoped Hotch wouldn’t notice she had switched out the orange non-drowsy daytime version for the teal capsules of nightime.  It was about 4pm and she thought his best chance of getting better would be to sleep as much as he could for the next 16 hours of so.  

Hotch finished his tea and JJ brought over the medications with a glass of orange juice.  She dropped the teal capsules into his hand.  He looked at them then back at JJ with a look of resignation.

“You need to rest.”

Hotch nodded and swallowed the capsules.  He took the bottle of cough syrup and took a generous swig.  As he went to take another JJ pulled the bottle from his hand.

“Aaron Hotchner! That is not how this medication is dosed.  You were due for two tablespoons.” She held the bottle up against the light to judge how much was left.  She shook her head feeling a mix of frustration and affection as she saw the bottle was half empty.  

Hotch looked away sheepishly.  The tea was warming him from the inside out and he was starting to feel sleepy.  JJ had walked away to wring her hair out once more.  She came back out with it thrown into a damp bun.  Hotch’s eyes were half closed, his cheeks deeply flushed against the general pallor of his skin.  She noticed his hair was still a little damp and cursed herself for not thinking of that sooner.  She went to the bathroom and returned with a dry towel.  

“I’m going to dry your hair Hotch.”  He slid over on the couch and JJ sat down next to him.  She gently scrubbed his hair dry with the towel, massaging his scalp gently through the fabric until she could feel him relaxing.  Once satisfied she hung the towel up to dry and returned to the couch.  Hotch had started to slump down and his eyes were closed, opening only briefly as JJ stepped back into the room.

“How about we get you in bed.”

At that suggestion Hotch sat bolt upright, the drowsy contentment displayed moments before replaced with a flash of fear.  

“I don’t…” Hotch cleared his throat.  “I think I’d like to just lie down here for a little while, if that’s OK.”  

JJ nodded, slightly puzzled. “I’ll be next door. Just knock if you need anything.”  She started to walk away and before he could stop himself Hotch called out, “Wait.”  

She turned to look at him, her face a mixture of concern and confusion.

“JJ, do you think you could stay out here for a little while?”  Hotch could barely meet her eyes as he asked.  “I know I’m just going to have more nightmares and you…” his voice trailed off, “you help.”



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great writing! I love how it's the full story with the case too. Please take this the right way, but I couldn't help picking out errors in things (like if he body was so bloated to be be unrecognizable, there could be no antiseptic smell in the mouth still). But it actually amused me and made reading more enjoyable in a way, because it makes it even MORE like TV show! I'm someone who can't help talking back to the TV pointing out errors. Awesome job :)

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the first body was only dead about 5 days. Temperatures were cool, she was partially buried and based on my research she wouldn't have been unrecognizeable or bloated beyond recognition. Lack of dentition precluded identification via dental records.

Edited by jezebel215
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