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Sneeze Fetish Forum

SPN Sneezy fic


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Hi everybody!

So, I’m new on this forum even if I’ve been lurking for a while. Thanks to a friend, I gathered the courage to be more active on the internet. Here’s a little Supernatural fic featuring Dean and Sam. English is not my first language so I apologize for all the mistakes. Please be kind.


«Do. »

«What? »

«I’b dot dakigg it. »

«Why? »

«It’s Sudafed»

«So? Dude, it’s the only stuff they had. It’s the middle of the night. You’re lucky I found anything at all. »

Dean rearranges himself on the bed, tries to sniffle and ends up pressing his palms on his forehead, grunting in pain.

«I’d dying. »

«No you’re not. Take the decongestant, Dean. »

«Do. »

Sam felt what was left of his patience treacherously leave him. His brother was a mess, lying on the bed in old sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt that might’ve been blue in a previous life, but was now in a fade shade of grey. His back was propped up against a pile of pillows, his face was white as a sheet, except for two reds spots on his cheeks and irritation burns on his nostrils. He was probably running a low grade fever: his hair was flat against his head, drenched in sweat. It was nothing Sam hadn’t seen before, but now, something had to be done before someone got hurt.

When they took the job, Dean was already sick with the Cold from Hell, sneezing and wheezing and blowing his nose all over the place –which, yeah, kind of sucks, mostly if you’re the one cleaning up after him- but wouldn’t prevent them to practice a simple ritual that would clear an haunted abandoned house.

But then, this morning, Dean wasn’t sneezing or blowing his nose anymore because he couldn’t. He was so congested Sam had trouble making out what he was saying, and things got only worse as the day went. The Cold from Hell had apparently decided to morph into the Sinuses Infection From Hell and Below. When Dean told Sam that a) His head was going to explode any minute now and that B) He was sure his sinuses were stuffed with cement, Sam realized they were in trouble.

He sat on the bed and rubbed soothing circles on Dean’s stomach whose only reaction was to pinch his nose, nostrils quivering.

«God, I deed to sdeeze so bad. »

«Then take the frigging medicine! »

«I can’d. »

«Dean, we only have until tomorrow night to perform the spell before the spirit starts his annual spook show. The Latin chant has to be done by two voices and it’s not gonna work if you can’t even say the words properly. »

Dean took a shuddering breath and raised his chin, mouth slack and face scrunch in concentration. He even did this tiny, high-pitched moan he would do whenever he was going to sneeze. The, his body convulse in a violent shiver and he sights, pinching his nose between his fingers. «Almost had it. »

«I don’t understand why you’re making this so difficult, Dean. »

Clearing his throat, Dean rose on his elbows and pointed a finger toward the box Sam was holding. «This sduff bakes be crazy. »

Sam looked at the instructions and warnings on the side of the Sudafed pack, as silent and focused as if he was studying an obscure Celtic text. «It says here that it can make you sleepy but…»

«Sab. Rebember that one time whed I was fourteen and had this cold that wouldn’t go away? »

«Hum…No. »

« And then that one dight I tried to sdeak out of the motel roob to go play in the snow? In by underwear? »

«…Was it the same night you sang Thriller like…a hundred times and told Dad that he could shove his Tylenols up his ass? »

«Yep. »

«…And that he should get laid more often? »

«Yep. That was Sudafed. »

«Oh. »

Sam rubbed his face, and sighted. «Okay, I get it, but the hot water didn’t work, neither did the Vic’s rub… So I don’t see what else we can do. »

«I’b not godda be able to help with the ritual if I’b od ad acid trip. »

«The effects won’t last that long… and hopefully, you’ll be decongested enough to do the spell correctly. »

A look of defeat on his face, Dean dropped back on the pillow, rubbing at his pink nose furiously. «Okay. But rebember: you asked for id. »

Dean obediently swallowed the two little white pills Sam gave him and then closed his eyes.

How bad could it be? Sam thought. He bet his brother would be snoring in the next five minutes.

He was wrong.


«Led’s do adother ode. »

Dean took the playing cards on the bed and tried to shuffle them, but his movements were slow and unsure. Another second and the cards were falling all over himself. He looked at them, eyes big and sad.

«Sorry. »

It was three in the morning and Sam thought he would puke if he had to play another game of Go Fish. Because Dean wouldn’t play any other game. Too hard to understand, had he moaned an hour back, as the Sudafed was just starting to ­work.

« We should try to get some sleep, Dean. »

«I don’t wadda sleep Hhhh…. I… HU…Let’s play ode… Hhhh… He… HE-SHOOOO! »

Dean looked at Sam over his hands still covering his nose. By the crinkles around his eyes, Sam could tell he was smiling.

«Jesus, that felt good» he said, falling back on the pillow. He sniffed wetly and rubbed his nose on his sleeve.

«That’s gross, Dean. »

Sam handled him the tissue box and Dean took one in his hand, dabbing delicately at his nostrils. «I can sdeeze again. First time since last night. »

Sam yamned and began to pick up the cards. «That’s… great. »

«This stuff is working»

Yeah, Sam thought. And it does make you crazy.

«Let’s play rock paper scissors. »

«No. »

«Whad? »

«You go to sleep. Now. You’re tired, Dean. You’re sick. »

«I wadda go out. »

«Oh, for Christ’s sake. Why! »

Dean was sitting on the bed, bouncing. «I dunno. Let’s… let’s take a walk and… and... Hu… Ha-a...»

He took another Kleenex and raised it to his face. His chest expanded suddenly and he sneezed again. «HU!...AH… IPSHUUU-hhh…»

He blew his nose and yeah by the sound he heard, Sam could tell how effective the Sudafed was.

«I can breathe» Dean he declared, and then was shaken by a sneeze so sudden he didn’t have time to cover his nose, or mouth, or even get away from Sam. «…TTSHOO! »

And by the way? Having your brother sneezing all over you? Not sexy at all.

Dean was looking at him sheepishly, still stunned from his last’s sneeze, while Sam stoically whipped his hands and the comforter. Dean’s comforter.

«Didn’t see that ode cobigg. »

«Oh, really? Okay, that’s enough. I’m shutting the lights and we’re both going to bed. »

«M’not tired. I’b hungry. »

Dean was doing the bed bouncing again, naming all the food he craved for. When he was down with pie and cheeseburgers and other greasy stuff, he went with Italian food, and was describing lasagna with bacon (bacon, Sam. I swear to God) he once ate somewhere in Maryland when Sam stood up suddenly, closed all the lights and laid on his own bed, face buried under the comforter.

«What are you doig? »

«Sleeping, Dean. Shut up and sleep. »

There was a minute of silence, and then Sam heard Dean shuffle on the bed. In the darkness, he could still see that his brother was now lying down and arranging the sheets on himself.

Finally, he thought.

«H…. Hu….Dab it… E-e-e…eISHOOOO! IIIIshooo…Ah…ah… P-SHUUU! »

Sam closed his eyes. He heard Dean panting, then blowing his nose, then sniffle, then blowing his nose again. Okay. Done. Sweet silence. Sam started to drift…

The sniffles came back. With a vengeance. After Sam’s tiredness was replace by irritation, and then by a sudden urge of murder, he sat abruptly on his bed.

«Dean, for fuck’s sake! Blow your nose, sneeze, whatever, but stop sniffling like a five year old! »

«Sorry. »

Dean’s voice was low and unsteady. He didn’t stop sniffling. Sam realized that he probably couldn’t. Because he was crying. He listened more carefully and heard little hitches on Dean’s breathe. Yep. His bad ass of a big brother was crying.

«What’s wrong, Dean? » he asked, trying to feel at least a bit empathic.

«Dothing. »

«You’re crying. »

«Stop yellig at be! T’s not by…Hhh-ESSHoo!…fault. Told you that sduff would bake be crazy…and by head hurt and my... my d-…IIIII-shoo!…By dose is itchy and I’b cold…»

Dean let out a full on sob and Sam melted. He did ask for it when he gave the pills to Dean. Going with desperate measures, he shifted on the matress. «Wanna sleep in my bed? »

For a second, the room was completely quiet, then Dean was moving, a little wobbly on his legs, and then literally fell on the bed next to Sam.

«I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. »

«S’okay. »

Dean got closer and closer until his head was resting on Sam’s shoulder. Then, he sighted happily.

«Dean? »

«Yeah? »

«You’re cuddling me. »

Dean sniffed. «If we don't talk about it it’s like it dever happened. »

Sam smiled and put his arm around Dean’s shoulders, pulling him closer to him. And when Dean let out a soft, wet sneeze -U-Psh!- on his shirt, he didn’t say anything.

Because really, he was that awesome of a little brother.

The End

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Oh my fu**ing gooooood!!!

This is awesome!! <3

Dean not being able to sneeze at first but trying? It's KILLING me!!

And Dean being able to sneeze AGAIN is even BETTER!!!!

Ohmygosh, this is so wonderful I had to re-read it before writing this comment x)

I love him being dopey and childish and bored and hungry and ...unbelivable sweet *_*

Sammy offering his whiny older brother to sleep in his bed? GOD YES. ANd the cuddling. Rowrrrr....

Thank you so much!! I'm a sucker for crying, too, this story killed me in the best way ever <3 <3 <3

I think I already love you, welcome on the forum!! I'm madly in love with your writing,

please please please let there be more!!!!!!

Lots of LOVE,


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briliant start!!! thank you!

welcome to the gorgeous forum :yes:

they are so cute together! :drool:

i hope we can read a lot more of you! :wub:

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The buildups, and the tiny buildup moan, JESUS WOMAN SO HOT. I love too how tolerant Sam is, even permitting the cuddles.

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Really? You really did like it? How's my English?

Thank you so much, mads3rv3r!

And by the way, I can't reply to the two first comments, so thank you to so much LovelyLinda and Ciuty80. I was so nervous about posting this story and it's really nice of you to leave comments.

And if, really, my enligh seems okay, maybe I'll post some more.

Thanks again!

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Yay for another sneezy!Dean author! biggrin.png

This was great! I loved the false starts and the brotherly banter and longsuffering, awesome Sam.

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Thanks! I was soooo nervous to post because my English is far from perfect but I'm glad I did, and am already working on another ficlet.



P.S. And by the way, if there is someone out there who speaks French as I do, I'll be my pleasure to translate my story à propos de Dean avec un rhume.


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Don't worry about your English :)

It's fine - really! Even though there may be a few small mistakes they are not too bad,

we can understand what you mean. It is still wonderfully written <3

By the way, there are LOTS of foreign authors over here,

me included, you are not alone, believe me :D

French is a wonderful language, sadly all I can say is

Je suis une baguette avec fromage (or something like that. sorry, can't write it either!)

I guess that means: "I am a baguette with cheese."

I know, that's kind of pathetic. I even said that to a baker when I was in France.

Yeah, it was kind of embarassing as he asked me if I really WAS a baguette or if I wanted to order one x)

Gosh, I should stick to pointing at what I want to buy and smiling.

Edited by LovelyLinda
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  • 8 years later...

This is seriously AMAZING! I LOVE poor, loopy, sick Dean! And Sam, being so annoyed with him but still being so sweet at the same time! This made me squee with excitement, it was so freaking adorable! PLEASE write more, I love your writing style! Also, if you ever wanna do a SPN rp through pm, let me know ;) (Lol that was a lot of acronyms in a row.)

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15 hours ago, v a n i l l a said:

This is seriously AMAZING! I LOVE poor, loopy, sick Dean! And Sam, being so annoyed with him but still being so sweet at the same time! This made me squee with excitement, it was so freaking adorable! PLEASE write more, I love your writing style! Also, if you ever wanna do a SPN rp through pm, let me know ;) (Lol that was a lot of acronyms in a row.)

Please don't necro old topics! I'm afraid this user has not been around since 2012!

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52 minutes ago, SneezyHolmes said:

Please don't necro old topics! I'm afraid this user has not been around since 2012!

Oh, sorry! I saw the page on the online users page and didn't realize it was old. My bad!

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