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A very special present for Pirka OwO


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This was undoubtedly going to get written eventually, but Pirka inspired me to get off my arse and actually write it. x3

So without further adieu I present to you:

The Adorable Sneezy Business Executive: The Movie.... Except Not Really.


"Mr. O'Hare, we've got something great for you today! You'll love it!"

Aloysius O'Hare sat at his desk, glaring up at the larger one of the two men on his Marketing Team. what was his name again? Oh well. It didn't matter. When you're an important business man, you can't be bothered to remember trivial things like names. As long as they knew your name. "Proceed."

"Well sir, you remember how people were complaining about the air quality not feel 'real' enough?"

He snorted. Of course he remembered. Those idiots were complaining about the air quality being too good. They wanted things like the smell of flowers in the air. Feh, What kind of world was thing coming to be where a man couldn't even sell fresh, clean air?

"Well we believe we've come up with the solution!"

O'Hare shot them a look as if to tell them to hurry it up. He was growing bored with it already.

"Artificial Pollen!" The smaller man produced an unsealed plastic bottle, containing a mystery substance.

"Artificial pollen?" The short business man stood up in his chair which heightened him only enough so he could slam his fists on the desk. "Who came up with such a STUPID idea?!"

The noise and sound of O'Hare's yelling was enough to make the smaller man jump and let go of the bottle, scrambling to catch it as the substance escaped and floated around the room.

O'Hare raised an eyebrow as his nose twitched. The first sneeze caught him off guard completely. He hardly had time to stifle the harsh reflex, but had managed to go so, just in time. "Ih'NNGXXNT!" It was violent, the force almost bending the small man at the waist. He sneered as he sniffled slightly. He couldn't stand sneezing. Of all his body's natural reflexes, that was his least favorite. It was messy, obnoxious, had the worst timing, and made his nose run.


He sneezed again, barely catching it in a clenched fist. "What did you- HHUGXNNXT!- IMBECILES do?! Whh- H'ApNNCHXXNT! What was in that bottle?!"

"Th-the Artificial Pollen!" The bigger one stammered, both amused and slightly scared by his boss' body's reaction to the substance.

"You Ihh IHHNPXXGNT! Idiots! I want b-UhT'CHXXNTGT! Both of you out of my office! NOW!"

He didn't have to tell them twice. The two men ran out of the office as quickly as physically possible, and O'Hare finished out the rest of his fit.

"IhitCHSXnxGTShU! HHhaATCHXXn'OO! AHaTACHNxxNCHOO!" His attempts at stifling the outbursts were becoming less and less effective. "IHnGHSHOO!"

He finished with a sigh and a sniffle, rubbing at his itching nose. He was silently glad that the door was shut, so nobody had seen him in that state. He sniffed again, pulling the handkerchief out of his pocket. As he blew his nose wearily into it, he made a decision. Artificial pollen? Not an option.


There ya go, Pirka~ Hope it was what you wanted it to be~! I'm sorry if it sucked!

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Oh, sweet ham, you were totally serious. yay.gif This is amazing. I was grinning like a fool the whole time, and then proceeded to giggle like a maniac. I totally hated O'Hare in the movie, but you made me feel some compassion for him with this. xD I love this too much...

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