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The Villainous Vigilante


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Hello! RoyalFlush here. I just finished this story on the other forum, but I decided to post it here cause...I've been totally absent from this place for like the past few weeks. Like...little to no fetish activity.

I'm not dead...I'm alive...I'm here.uhhuh.gif

Anyway...so here is the story- it was part of a trade.

*As a note to anyone who knows me(Does anyone?)...I'm gonna work on something else for a while...no Limerick for now...and that Fang gift will have to wait...My mind needs something else for a while >.<


If you arn't familiar with Teen Titains here are the characters:

Jinx (Main Character for this fiction): http://sarcasm-hime.net/tt_jinx.jpg

(She's actually not a huge villian in the show but she does reappear all the time.) She has purple jinxing powers.

Here is Jinx and her team:http://www.myrpgs.ne...r_Hive_Team.gif

Mammoth is big, Gizmo is small. Mammoth is strong, Gizmo is a smart tech nerd. (Noticably fan made picture...sorry)

Here are the Teen Titan's:http://tonyznet.com/...ackedAction.jpg

Robin (i hope you know), Cyborg looks like the robot -he's got blasters and junk, Raven wear's that dark purple evil hoody- she's got like mystic powers, Starfire is the simi-orange floaty chick- she shoots green bolts from her hands mostly, and Beast Boy (my fav) is the green guy- he can change into any animal.

Dr. Light: http://images2.fanpo...881-355-450.jpg

Small time villian. happy.png


Author: Me

Genre: ? Still don't know

Fandom: Teen Titans

Age Warning: None needed.

Fetish Output: Seldom (>.< I tried)

Plot: Jinx + Revenge = story?

Let's finish this in one post.

-------Time for the Story---------

Dawn was getting nearer by the minute. The sun’s light was gently peeking out from beyond the horizon of the ocean and soon the world would be awake to go back to the hustle and bustle of their daily lives. However not everyone was so well attuned to the day life, some preferred the night, and those some could easily be found at the home base of the H.I.V.E. Academy. However, not all of the H.I.V.E members were so lucky as to be in bed by sunrise, in fact, they might have enjoyed a change of pace by seeing the sunrise from the bay, had they not been swimming in it. Well, floundering really.

The H.I.V.E. students slowly pulled themselves from the water of the bay near Titan Tower, drenched to the bone from yet another mission foiled by the Teen Titians. Jinx, the only female of her personal squad, questioned if she joined the wrong side.

As she pulled herself from the freezing water and onto the sandy beach she turned to her equally dripping teammates, “GIZMO! I thought you said you had the bugs worked out of that…that…THING!” Jinx pointed a finger at the contraption that was slowly sinking into the bay.

“It’s called a hover craft! And I did get all the bugs worked out! It got blown to pieces if you hadn’t noticed,” What Gizmo lacked in height he made up for with intelligence …and annoyance.

“GAHHH,….” She had to admit, loosing wasn’t pleasant, “I thought you said it was impenetrable!”

“It is…from the outside…,” Gizmo smiled and rubbed the back of his head, “I forgot Raven could go through walls.”

“UHHHH…You!…you!…y..uh…” A sudden tickle began to dance in Jinx’s nose. It fluttered about in her nostrils until It could no longer be contained, “ehhhSssTs….He’ssstsu!” She rubbed her nose with a finger and went back to holding her arms in an attempt not to freeze to death.

“Ewww germs.” Gizmo stepped back making a foolish face.

“Uh…Shut up! If you get me sick I’ll put a hex on you so bad your mother will feel it!”


Mammoth, the largest of the teammates just stood staring blankly at the sun, “It’s kind of pretty huh.”

Jinx was not in the mood, she had things to steal, revenge to plan, and a new set of clothes to change into. It was a shame too, of all her uniforms…that one was her favorite…even if they did all look alike.

She corralled her comrades and began the long trek back home,… the very long trek home.


After getting back to the H.I.V.E. somewhat late in the evening, Jinx took a rather long nap which had her waking up in the middle of the night, feeling much less like her normal self. Something was rather off.

Jinx rose from her slumber to a sitting position, dazed somewhat, uncertain of the place or time, but it was not long that she remained that way. Her first waking sensation was a tickle on her nose, it was too sudden for her to stifle, “Ke-tsssf Ke-tssSSFF he….HE’SssFF…uh,” she jolted forward slightly with the force of each of her sneezes, pulling back into a stupor from their draining strength.

She pulled back her purple covers and rose from her bed, the touch of the cold ground on her bare feet sending a shiver up her spine. She grabbed her shoulders as the cold chill shook her. It was already late in the evening and her squad could probably pull another heist before dawn broke, but it was unlikely that they would succeed with the Titians around. She furrowed her brow as she changed her clothes and went out into the common area of the H.I.V.E headquarters, the thought of the Titans beating her was beginning to cripple her less than pleasant mood further into distain.

There she meet up with her teammates, the oversized lug Mammoth with the power of impressive strength and the undersized pipsqueak Gizmo with a brain bigger than his body (although not literally…his head was actually proportionate, but he still resembled an elementary schooler.)

“You’re up early!” The ever sarcastic Gizmo commented as Jinx strode in, unconsciously still holding onto her arms with a cold shiver.

“Shut it Shri-…Emstusff Eh’StSsfffu!” A few sudden wispy sneezes erupted from her nose without warning, she placed a hand over her mouth and nose, feeling the tingle in her nostrils as more interrupting urges consumed her, “Et’sOO…He’tshoo!...ffiinnf…Uh…,”she was beginning to feel it.

“Ewww…”Gizmo commented in his ever childish fashion.

“I said shut it shrimp!” She frowned in contempt as she wiped the clear dribble from her now slightly reddened nose, the contrast of which was obvious against her pale skin.

Seeing this Gizmo backed up for a moment, apprehensive, “Uh…You’re not sick, right?”

She cut her cat like violet eyes at him in disgust, “Of course I’m not..na…na AtffschO! Eh…” she caught the sneeze in her palm, she didn’t have hay fever…and she rarely sneezed at all. Her eye’s widened. She realized it now. Her head split, her eyes were watered, her sinuses were congested and a cold quiver though her body made it certain. She was sick.

Her face crunched in a livid hate, Gizmo backed up running behind Mammoth who looked on fearful of what Jinx planned on doing.

“Don’t hex me!” Gizmo muttered as he hid.

“THOSE DAMN TITANS! I’ll get them this time for sure!” She didn’t blame Gizmo for this, he was an easy target for a punching

bag but in the end, the source of her problem and the cause of her cold went back to the Titans.

Jinx wasn’t the type for revenge, she was more interested in getting what she wanted, when she wanted it, and taking down whoever got in her way, but this time she’d make an exception. The Titans had humiliated her for the last time. She was gonna make them pay.

She began to pace the floor, anger twitching on her face. She knew outright revenge was stupid…and likely to fail, and it wouldn’t really benefit her in the long run unless she took care of the Titans permanently. She contemplated the idea for a moment but had to be honest with herself in the end, she didn’t want to ‘take care’ of the Titans permanently, that just wasn’t her style, and besides they were fun to play with, when she didn’t loose.

Then it dawned on her, loosing! She hated to loose! The Titans probably hated it just as much as she did, and since it came so rarely they probably had heads the size of balloons by now. Maybe it was time to burst their bubble.

She looked back at her teammates, cowering in the corner, she snarled a bit in disgust. They were worthless, she knew it. No matter what they would just get in her way…she would have to do this one solo.

She turned her back to her friends, a devious smirk curled her lips, she knew exactly what she would do…but it would have to wait until sunrise.


At Titan tower the whole team lounged about their headquarters blissfully. Beast Boy was at the fridge scarfing down some left over tofu, Cyborg was at the counter munching down a leg of mutton (it was strange they were friends seeing as one loved meat and the other …became it), Raven was comfortably mediating and Starfire was at peace cleaning the floor beneath the couch which easily she held above her head with one hand.

It wasn’t long before the alarms went off and Robin burst through the door, “Titans! We’ve got trouble.” How he knew what was going on before the rest of the team was always a mystery to them, but…they decided not to question it and assembled for battle.

As they headed out, Robin briefed them that Tower Bank had been broken into by an unknown assailant. It probably wasn’t the most serious offence (when compared to the norm of world domination and such), but a crime was a crime.

They arrived on the scene to see a massive hole blown out of the side of the bank building; as usual super villains can’t use doors. Upon arriving inside through the hole they saw none other than the infamous Jinx holding a bag full of money.

“Titans GO!” Robin shouted pointing at Jinx her eyes widening a little.

She dropped the bag promptly and lifted her hands, “Now wait a minute guys…I’m not here to start trouble.” She smiled faintly.

The Titans stopped, puzzled. A police officer walked onto the scene, bypassing Jinx and cuffing the semiconscious Dr. Light who had been beaten to a bloody pulp in the corner. The officer dragged the good doctor to his feet and began pushing him out of the building walking past Jinx, “Thank you ma’am if it weren’t for you we would have never caught this guy. You’re a real hero.” He kept walking off to the police van, loading the dazed Doctor into the vehicle.

“Say what?” Cyborg dropped his jaw in surprise along with all the other Titans…Jinx had…switched sides?

She curved her lip again in a smile placing a hand on her slender hip, “You’re not gonna arrest me now are you fellas?”

“What are you doing?” Robin finally asked.

“What a girl can’t do a little good for once?”

“…But…what about the H.I.V.E.?” Cyborg inquired his mouth still drooping from the shock.

“I quit um’. They were cramping my style as it was. I’ve got better ways to spend my time, and besides no one wants to be on a loosing team.”

“But…” Cyborg, having temporarily been a H.I.V.E. member himself, knew exactly how much Jinx loved being a student there, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Listen boys and girls, I don’t have all day to chatter, I’ve got things to do.” She walked toward the flabbergasted Titans; they parted to make way for her. She turned to Cyborg, winking her eye as she passed him by, “I’ll catch you on the flip side alright.”

And just like that, she bolted off, leaving the Titans in the rubble.

She rushed herself behind the bank building, watching from a secure location until the Titans had dejectedly left the scene of the crime. Perfect, just like she expected, she rushed into the building through the back in the ‘tiny’ hole in the wall she had made herself before stopping Dr. Light. Once inside all the staff had already either left or were too dismayed to notice as she stole the bags of money Dr. Light was so kind to pack for her. It was the perfect crime, beat up the bad guys, mess with the Titans, and finish off the heist in her victim’s place. She chuckled a little bit, it was genius. She closed up the bags and slung them over her shoulder, a tickle wrinkling her nose, “he…HetschUU…ffinff,” now if only she had the cure for the common cold.


A few days had past and the Titans were beginning to feel a little…underwhelmed. They all lounged about dazed and dull with nothing to do. Robin lay back on the couch, his mouth open and his eyes…perhaps closed from behind his mask. The alarm went off in the tower, everyone hopped up, except Robin who remained solidified in his stupor. Within a few minutes the alarm quieted…Jinx was already on the scene. Everyone sat back down, moaning horribly dejected.

Beast Boy flung up his arms, “Aw MAN! Why does she have to go turn good on us!”

“I don’t’ know, but I guess it’s not all that bad, I mean less work for us right?” Cyborg commented, trying to lift spirits.

Everyone, with exception of the motionless Robin, sighed with some degree of unison, “Yeah…maybe not.” Cyborg retook his seat, “I know this may sound…unorthodox but maybe…we should ask her to…I don’t know…join up.”

Everyone, with, again, the exception of the ever stupefied Robin, who was accumulating a bit of drool at this point turned their heads toward cyborg in a unified “HUH?”

“I mean, it couldn’t hurt could it…she’s taking all the action, at least this way we’ll have more to do.”

“…Did you have a screw loose or something? Software glitch maybe?” Beast Boy commented by knocking on the mechanical side of Cyborgs head.

“Stop that! And no, we could use someone like her on our team, there’s always room for one more Titan right? Besides, it’s not like we can run her out of town.”

“I beg to differ.” Raven dropped in her malevolent two cents.

“Come on guys…what have we got to lose…I mean…look at Robin…” the room glanced over at the boy wonder who was less than wondrous at the moment, (and maybe less than conscious), “I don’t think he can take much more of this.”

They all agreed, groaning, but acceptant. Something needed to be done before Robin turned into a vegetable.


Jinx lounged out on her bed, her arms folded behind her head and a huge and glorious grin wrapping around her cheeks. Gold bars, bags of money, jewels, diamonds, women’s duffle bags, and a semi-active-compact-nuclear-warhead were all scattered about her bed and lined the walls of her room. She didn’t care what it was, if there was a crime, she’d put a stop to it, and then…do it herself. She didn’t even want half of the things she stole it was the thrill of stealing it and getting away with it while the Titans went home boohooing about being the underdogs totally unaware that they’d been outsmarted. It was genius.

She held up a newspaper, smiling at the sight of her face on the front page, “Villain to Vigilante: Jinx the City’s Newest Hero?” Her heart raced and her eyes glittered in bedazzlement of her new fame and glory, but even more satisfying was the second article on the page just below hers. “Titans Too Late?: Old Heroes outshined by Soloist Super!” She pressed the magazine to her chest, twisted on her bed and giggling in excitement and self-satisfaction. Nothing could be better than this. Nothing.

Well, perhaps one thing. Her gigglish-laugh was sorely interrupted by a stunned twinge at her nostrils. She lifted her hand to her face as her head pulled back, the sensation building and wondering her eyes, her nostrils began to widen and flare, until finally, “Eh…Ehh…Ehhs’tshoO…EfftsssfOO…EftshuooO!” She pulled her head into her newspaper, dampening the article with her spray. She was mortified for just a moment before remembering that she had stolen and stored 15 other copies.

All that constant running around wasn’t helping her cold at all, but she wasn’t going to let that keep her from having fun, it was just a cold after all, she would handle it.

Just then she got a ring on her H.I.V.E. communicator, she had tuned it to the police frequencies so she could hear all the bad news. There was another robbery underfoot, she smirked a bit, she had to admit it was kind of fun playing the good guy. Just…a little bit.


It didn’t take long for her to apprehend the criminals, she was known for her speed so they were easy to take care of in a swift manner, faster than the Titans anyway. He was another low rate nobody stealing from…of all places a key food-mart and pharmacy. He was probably drugged up on something, poor sap. He had stolen money out of the drawers and pills from the back of the pharmacy. She noticed there where a lot of pain killers in his bag, she pulled out a bottle and tossed it at his sniveling body as he whimpered on the floor, huddled up in a pile of his own pathetic, “Here, take these, you’ll need it.” She couldn’t help but feel devious. It was a good way to feel.

Jinx dragged the man and the bag of pills and other fixings from the store just as the Titans showed up. She quickly threw the bag on the ground and the man on top of it. All of the Titans sighed at the sight of Jinx and without speaking took off. A loud dejected,

“DUDE!” could be heard from Beast boy as he flew off into the distance. Everyone left (Star Fire had to fly the drooling Robin away,) with the exception of Cyborg who stayed behind.

“What *nifff* aren’t you going with your friedds?” Jinx was a little shocked at the sound of her voice slowly becoming congested.

“I’ll catch up.”

Jinx smiled flirtatiously, “You must be desperate cobing out here to stop a petty theft.”

“…You’re here aren’t you?”

“Yeah, but I’b not a big shot like you…I can take care of the little thidgs,” She lifted her lip at the corner, hoping he’d pick up on the insult of their new status in the public eye.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that…What would you say about becoming a Titan?”

Was she hearing what she thought she was hearing? Did he just offer her a seat at the throne? Oh, this was just too great.

“Me? A Titad?” She placed a hand on her chest, a wicked smile forming on her lips, “Why, you think I’m qualified? I mean, to be a Titan would mean to show up on the scene too late to do anything, I don’t think I’m capable of doing that.”

Cyborg scrunched his face, “I think you’re forgetting your track record…where are we… 0 to 159?”

Jinx flushed at the insult, “Don’t think so, seeing as I’ve beaten you to the crime 100 to NONE for the past week!”

“Saving people isn’t a competition.”

“But you still hate it dod’t you?”

Cyborg held back his tongue, “All I’m asking is that you join up with us. We can do a lot more on the same team than we can do separately.”

“Right…, I think I’b better off solo.”

“Suit yourself, but you know where to find me. Oh and, you might want to wipe your nose…its running.”

Jinx flushed again taking her sleeve to her nostrils and whipping away the clear dribble. Another urge coming upon her as she did,

“Heetsxxuu! efftsssuu!.... *ffiff*”

Cyborg booked it, leaving Jinx to her criminal. She kicked him off of the bag of pills, and shuffled through the contents, popping out a few allergy pills and cold tablets. She’d be needing them.


She couldn’t figure out why she showed up. She just found herself standing outside of Titan tower before she knew it. It was…strange. She turned around, heading back home, why had she shown up in the first place?

“Where do you think you’re going.” It was Cyborg looking down from one of the windows of the tower, “I knew you’d come.” He made a huge smile, she grimaced, there was no turning back now.

All of the Titans fell silent when Jinx walked into the room. They stared blankly, not knowing whether to be surprised, angry, happy or constipated. Beast boy looked a little constipated though.

“Well if this isn’t the warmest welcome,” She was lucky her congestion had cleared just enough to say the statement with as much relaxed venom as was her norm.

And with that it was as if the dead were brought back to life. Robin, who had been drooling on the couch in a hideous stupor induced by inactivity for days popped his head up, and waltzed over to Jinx. Everyone’s eyes bugged from their heads, shocked that the boy wonder could even produce cognitive thought. He extended his hand to Jinx, a smile on his face. “Welcome to the team.”

With that simple gesture, all the others softened, giving their gentle acknowledgements, with the exception of Star fire, who was overzealous and Beast boy…who was still constipated.

She didn’t know what to say…but… something about it…made her feel good.


The Titans had gone through all the trouble of setting up a temporary room for her to sleep in, at least for a while until she finally decided if she wanted to stay or not. Jinx couldn’t place what it was she was actually doing there, testing the water? Seeing if being a hero was really all that? What was she doing?

She really didn’t know. She leaned back on the bed crossing her legs and folding her arms, trying to get comfortable. She wasn’t normally so indecisive, maybe it was her cold, it was warping her brain into thinking she was a good guy. Yeah, that had to be it.

The thought of being sick made her nose itch a littler, something was coming up again, “Eh…eh...,” she placed a finger to her nose in hopes to stop the urge, it worked, for a moment.

She sniffled instantly rubbing at her nostrils, the tickle now becoming an irritation, “Eh…Etshcoo!..Effstoo! Efftshho! ... uh…”

She moaned rolling over on the bed, resting her head comfortably on the pillow. It was just a little bit softer than her pillow at the H.I.V.E., just a little bit. Her violet eyes began to flicker as she slowly drifted of into….-

And just as expected, an alarm went off, someone somewhere was in trouble, or committing a crime or blah blah blah.

She covered her head with the billow trying to cancel out the blare.

The door to her room flung open and there, zealous and lively as ever, stood Robin, “Come on Jinx, let’s see what you got!”

“Uh…Fide…” She rose from bed slowly, refixing her horned shaped hair, which had frizzed out a little.

She probably wasn’t even going to get a reward…being a hero might not be as fun as she thought.


They wound up in the middle of town. Standing outside in broad daylight still didn’t sit well with Jinx, but it would be alright this time, because this time people would be cheering her on. However, this time, the streets were nearly bare, no one and no thing was anywhere to be found, with the exception of the people that everyone was fleeing from. And who else could it be…of course.

Jinx lowered her head into her hands, sighing in agony at the sight, it was Gizmo and Mammoth, ridding atop what looked to be a new and improved version of the hovercraft ship. This time,… it had lasers.

“Are those yours?” Cyborg turned to Jinx in surprise?

“Uh, Let be take care of this.” Jinx ran up to the hovercraft, leaping into the air to rub along its edge, like a cat. She forward flipped into the cockpit of the ship behind her old criminal comrades. Folding her arms and taping her foot with a scowl on her face, she cleared her throat to catch their attention (and hopefully lighten her scratch voice.)

“What are you doing?”

Both of the boys turned around to see their comrade, “Jinx! We’ve been looking all over for you! You’ve been AWOL for days!” Gizmo shouted. Mammoth on the other hand smiled at seeing Jinx with a goofy grin, poor lummox.

She guessed it was true, she had been at the H.I.V.E now and again but for the most part she was away on missions, and sneaking in and out of the building without being detected probably contributed to them not knowing what she was up to, which was good, she didn’t want them to interfere, aka mess everything to hell.

“I’ll ask this again,” Jinx closed her eyes disgusted, “What…are … you…DOING!”

“We’re looking for you! We thought you pulled another solo act and got captured by the Titans or something, I build the H.O.V.E.R 2.0 to get you back!”

Apparently it didn’t dawn on him that his new hovercraft was barely hovering at all, and thus sideswiped or blew away every car they went passed (generally into the sides of buildings), not to mention it covered the entire street and had horridly indiscrete laser guns strapped to the front of it. Were they really expecting to sneak attack the Titans…or were they just causing gratuitous collateral damage. She honestly couldn’t tell. Gizmo was tech smart but lacked all forms of common sense, and Mammoth…well…he was strong.

Jinx didn’t want them to blow her cover with their, ‘were gonna save you’ act, and honestly she didn’t want to have to beat the crap out of them either, but if worst came to worst she’d do…she’d have to. (Plus they kind of needed a good ass kicking every now and again.)

“Well as you can see I’m right here. So how about you go back to the H.I.V.E and STAY THERE!”

“I went through all this trouble just to find you and you can’t even say thank you.”

“SHUT IT PIPESQUEK! I wasn’t lost and I didn’t want to be found!”

“What are you talking about.”

“If you’re so smart you figure it out. I quit you guys, I quit the H.I.V.E and now, I’m gonna give you till the count of three to get out of my site or I’ll have to kick your ass.” She made sure to yell loudly enough so that all the Titans could hear. She wasn’t sure how long she wanted to keep up this charade but no one was going to end it for her.

Gizmo and Mammoth’s eyes widened, they couldn’t translate what they just heard her say.


Gizmo took a step back.

“Two.” Jinx’s voice was beginning to quiver with her frustration, a purple haze coming up from her fists.

“Three!” Without hesitation she took her glowing purple fist to Mammoth’s chin sending him into the air and off the hovercraft in one swift blow! Without skipping a step, she cast out the violet haze from her fingertips onto the external control panel of the hovercraft and back flipped out of the cockpit.

Within a few seconds the lights and buttons began to blink and a computerized female voice quickly announced, “Self-destruct mode activated in 5…4…3…2..”

Jinx was causally walking back to the Titans, swaying her hips and smiling like a deva as the hovercraft exploded behind her. The Titans just stared on at her, mouths dropped.

“Now that’s how it’s done.” She smiled, feeling as cool as they come, “hh…Hemmfsso!!” Well...almost.


The Titans had thrown Jinx a party as the newest member. Cake and candles, lots of hugs and laughs. It was nice she had to admit, but she couldn’t help thinking about Mammoth, hoping she didn’t crack his jaw and Gizmo, wondering if he got out of the hovercraft soon enough. She knew she shouldn’t care, but she did.

As the party began to die down Jinx found herself on the roof top of Titan tower leaning on the guard rail near the edge. It was a nice view from up there looking across the bay at the city, the sunset glossing the entire world around her in shades of red and orange.

A gentle breeze cascaded across the roof, tickling at her already dribbling nose it wasn’t long before the urge grew to be too much, “he HEffstoo! Heffstoo!...Eh…Etttff…,” it was no use, she was feeling worse by the day and since she hadn’t gotten any rest her cold just dragged on and on. She knew she’d have to call this game of hers quits soon enough, but she wasn’t ready yet…not yet.

She gazed out at the sun a little while longer, admiring the vista she rarely had the privilege to see. Would she get to see the sunset everyday if she stayed with the Titans? How could she be thinking like that…after everything? She didn’t seem to know anymore what she wanted.

“That must have taken a lot.” Cyborg’s voice shot up from behind, she jolted around in surprise.


“Taking down your friends like that.”

“They aren’t my friends.”

“A week ago they were.”

She silenced herself and stared out at the sun. Cryborg came up beside her leaning himself along the rails as well, staring out into the setting sun. They were quiet for quite a time until finally Cyborg spoke.

“You’re worried about them aren’t you?”

Jinx bit her tongue, it was true, how she could have affection for such imbeciles was beyond her, but, they were without a doubt her friends, her good friends.

“I don’t think I’m cutout for this.”

“…You aren’t ready yet are you.”

“No…I’m not.”

“You could be one of us you know. You have the skill, and the passion, but most of all, I think you have the heart.”

She turned to meet his gaze what could he mean by that, the heart, she was a villain, she was heartless, she was tricking them all as she stood there, she was no soft hearted hero. She couldn’t be…could she.

“I don’t have that kind of heart. I’m who I used to be…I just don’t like to lose is all.”

“Is that so?”

She wanted to say, ‘you don’t know the half of it’ but she feared what that might imply, and stifled herself with a lighter comment, “You don’t like to lose either right?”

“Of course not, but the good guys always find a way.”

“Yeah, that’s because the good guys’ jobs are easier! Let’s face it…all you have to do is put a stop to a perfectly good plan. You just come in and start beating the pulp out of people and boom…world saved. Villains have to have so much more skill and intelligence to scheme, build, and execute their plans…and what do you guys do…you trash it…like knocking over a card house.”

Cyborg stared strangely at Jinx, “You sound like you’re not one of us.”

“…Maybe I’m not. Maybe my heart isn’t what you think it is.”

“I think you’re wrong. I think you’re better than you think you are. You admire the good traits in bad people. There’s something to be said about that...”

She rolled it over in her head for a while, she liked to steal, but she didn’t much care for anything else, she didn’t want to hurt people and she was beginning to see herself as more sentimental than she had hoped. She cared about her friends, who had few good traits to be found, yet, she still liked them. Was she getting soft? Was she turning into a good guy? Her eyes widened at the thought. Was she loosing who she was, who she always wanted to be?

The sun set and the world grew darker around her. That was it. She was going to have to toughen up. No more playing, it was time to do something bad. Real bad. It was time to come up with a plan.

A gentle smile crept onto her face. She knew exactly what she was going to do.


When everyone had fallen asleep Jinx got up out of bed. She tiptoed out of her room and across the hall. She knew the Titans likely didn’t have a security system in their living quarters but they probably did have one where she was going. She snuck around the Tower for a while, stumbling across the training room, the medical ward and of all things, Beast Boy’s snack stash. She took a few cheesy puffs and kept going until she found what she was looking for, the Cyborgs computer main terminal. It was the supercomputer Cyborg built to control the primary functions of the Tower, to power himself up, and to collect data on crimes within and outside of the city. It’s the same machine that set off the alarms.

She was gonna mess with it a bit. Hopefully she could shut it down or at least make the computer stop reporting crimes, and…maybe…just maybe if she was lucky give Cyborg a virus much like the one she was suffering through. Only computer generated.

Before she entered the room she cast out some purple haze from her hands to illuminate any sensors on the ground. There were plenty, of course, which she easily maneuvered over with a series of agile flips.

Once she reached the terminal she quickly turned it on and began shuffling through the computer. She was humored to find a half-naked robot chick photo in Cyborgs ‘don’t look’ file, and promptly emailed it to the other Titans for kicks.

As she was playing with Cyborg’s email account she noticed a new message pop up. It was noted as urgent. Being the curious creature she was, she read it. It was a personal message from the bank owner. He was dismayed and confused stating that they were missing the money from the Dr. Light Heist. The message had been sent out to all the Titians. Her eye’s widened, they’d get it soon enough. There was no way to hack into all of the Titans’ contacts, and a message this urgent would probably by transmitted directly to their communicators. The moment they woke up they’d see it.

It was over, she had to get out of there before they started asking questions and pointing fingers. She quickly deleted the message and promptly found the siren control program that set of the alarms in the Titan’s tower and the program that sent messages to their communicators. She promptly disabled and deleted them both, hoping that would slow them down a bit. It was time to get out of there before they noticed anything.

She spread her purplish glow from her hands again to see the detection beams and slowly crossed over each one with her agile skills. As she held herself up with her hands in a handstand finding the perfect place to put down her foot, a horrible twitch came at her nose. She couldn’t lift her hands to stifle it and it was far too powerful to hold back. She scrunched her eyes and nose, beginning to tear up at the horrible tickle. She inhaled through her mouth building up to the release and her nostrils began to flare and twitch, it was too late. “eh….Eh….EHH”TSHOOO!”

She fell flat on her back, the force of the sneeze crippling her onto the red beams. Just like that the alarm went off, screaming “Intruder…Intruder.”

“Dabn it!” The urge hadn’t left her yet, she sat up on the floor, sneezing into her sleeve, “EffsstOO…EhStchOO!...He…hestchoO!”

After regaining her composure she quickly rose to her feet, rubbing her irritated nose. There was no getting out of this one. Apparently, disabling the program that reported city crimes didn’t disable Titan Tower’s security alarms. Crap.

She ran out of the room just as quickly as she could, but couldn’t remember which way she had come from. It took her a while to recall which direction she should be heading, but eventually she found her way back to the living room area of the tower.

And…to her dismay all of the Titans had assembled, holding onto their communicators, stern faced and displeased. The decorations from her welcome party were still hanging from the walls.

“So you know.” She admitted, holding out her hands in preparations.

“We trusted you,” Raven uttered, cold hearted and cruel.

“And you betrayed us,” Starfire’s voice was shaken.

“I thought you’d changed.” Cyborg stated dejected.

“DUDE!” was Beast Boy’s only reply.

“I’m disappointed,” Robin crossed his arms.

“OH SHUT UP! What is this? An intervention or a fight! BRING IT!” Jinx’s hand lit up with a violet glow, illuminating the darkness of the room.

“Titain’s GO!” Robin shouted what had to be his favorite phrase.

And the fight began. Jinx knew she was faster than the Titans but she wasn’t crazy, she couldn’t win in a fight against them all at once.

With one blow, Jinx threw up her hands at the ceiling sending out rays of her hexing light at the support beams of the tower, within a few moments they gave way, collapsing onto the Titans. This would give her just enough time to get out of there.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she fled to the nearest exit, but to her dismay Raven had cast a black barrier over their entire team forcing away the rubble leaving all the members fully intact to pursuing her.

This was beginning to look bad. She ran through the hall ways of the tower, still not accustomed to finding her way around. The Titans were hot on her tail and she was beginning to slow down.

Starfire who was rather livid with her was zooming behind her, casting green bolts of fury at her back. Jinx pounced out of the way of each of the bolts, but found it increasingly difficult, her body wasn’t working the way it should have, and her nose was beginning to tickle.

She turned the corner skidding on her feet to shift her moment, a bolt of green fury flew before her face, less than a centimeter before her nose, the heat of the blast watering her eyes, almost singeing her nose. It was too much. She continued to run but the urge had already begun, the tickle at her nose, she ducked to the grown for just a second, “FfitccOO,” a few bolts more flew over her head before she jumped up to avoid the onslaught.

Her nose still burned, but it would have to wait. She held her face as she ran, beginning to panic that Starfire wasn’t playing games, she wanted blood.

Jinx realized this was getting her nowhere. She cast her glow over the nearest door, blowing it in, and rushing inside the room. As she approached the window she huffed into her hand a few more times “EffstUU… HffstOO,” before blowing out the glass to the window and jumping out into the night.

She hadn’t realized how close to the top floor she was; perhaps she hadn’t thought that through?

As she descended into the sky the flying Starfire zoomed out to catch her, but see wasn’t fast enough. Jinx twisted in the air, looking behind herself at the rapidly distancing tower. She cast her power at the windows, breaking all the glass, preoccupying Starfire as she attempted to avoid getting any of the sharp shards in her eyes.

Without her knowing it, Raven had transmuted through the walls of the tower beneath the falling Jinx. Forming to a bird like shadow, Raven had stretched out into a canopy beneath her, wrapping her into the darkness when she fell onto her body.

Jinx was caught. Raven ensnared her in her body, reforming into a human form, but still binding Jinx with her arms as they floated down to the ground. Jinx struggled but it was no use.

Without much delay the rest of the Titan’s formed outside, “You can’t get away Jinx. You should have known better than to trick the Titans,” Robin spoke in is ever so irritating ‘we-won’ voice.

“Damn it!” Jinx struggled pointlessly, it was no use, her nose was beginning to flare as well, her whole body was exhausted from so little rest. She should have stopped this charade long ago. She submitted to the insistent irritation of her nose, “HeffestOO….FetscHOO!”

Raven turned her head up slightly displeased.

Cyborg approached, “It didn’t have to be this way Jinx, you could have been one of us.”

Jinx lifted her head, her heart aching, “I’b a theft! I like to steal! I like it DABN IT! I dod’t care if I like saving people too or not! I still like stealing! I like widing! I still…” She was silencing herself her eyes beginning to tear up, she really did like saving the day. She liked having the people cheer and thank her, but…she still liked being with the H.I.V.E…she liked being sneaky and devious. She liked making plots and stealing things she didn’t need. She liked having a team that accepted her for her evil side. She liked it a lot. Why did she do that to her real friends? What was she going to do now….

The Titans didn’t say a thing…not one of them had the will to.

Jinx sunk her head, her eyes nearly about to burst. She couldn’t let them see. She couldn’t…she…

And just as a tear was about to break through, a small, but highflying hovercraft zoomed down from the sky, it shot off a small, but powerful sonic blast at Raven’s head, knocking her out instantaneously, dropping Jinx to the ground.

Jinx looked up, it was none other than Gizmo and Mammoth, flying in what she assumed had to be the new and compact H.O.V.E.R 3.0. She smiled, wiping her eyes with the sleeve, right on que.

“Keep your dirty hands off our Jinx!” Gizmo shouted charging the sonic beam for another blast while Mammoth leaped from the cockpit down to the ground grabbing Robin and tossing him into Starfire like a rag doll.

“3 Titan’s down…uh…,” Mammoth contemplated the math for a second, before turning around to find Beast Boy had transformed into a T-Rex with something of a temper, “Uh….”

Jinx rushed over to her friend casting her power into Beast Boy’s jarring mouth. The shock knocked loose all of his teeth, which looked to be humorously painful. With that, Jinx grabbed Mammoth’s hand and led him to the hovercraft. They boarded it and made their get away.

“We did it! We got the Titans! YEAH!” Gizmo shouted as he pulled off into the air.

Jinx looked back to see all the Titans at their tower. Beast Boy was running about in agony, holding his mouth in human form; the two birds Robin and Raven seemed totally unconscious and Starfire was too dismayed to do anything but coddle, but…

“We missed one!” Jinx looked back at Cyborg standing on shore.

She didn’t hear him say it but he whispered under his breath, “Sorry Jinx,” before raising his arm and transmuting it into a cannon aimed at the hovercraft.

Jinx quickly turned to Gizmo, “This thing impenetrable right!”

“Yeah…well…on the inside.”


And just like that, the cannon fired, turning H.O.V.E.R. 3.0 into scrap metal.


It was dawn again, the sun was peaking its head out from beyond the horizon, spreading rays of warm sunshine across the water of the bay. Jinx pulled herself onto the sandy beach dripping from head to toe. She gazed back at the sunset with a snarl, recalling the familiar scene. She allowed the rage to bubble up in her body, turning her pale cheeks red with fury.

Gizmo and Mammoth crawled out onto the bay, shivering and staring at Jinx’s back, awaiting the impending explosion.

Gizmo quickly started talking before they got hexed, “I didn’t have enough welding to make it impenetrable on both sides! I’m not made of money yah know! And…with what happened last time…I thought…that…,” Gizmo trailed off in his speech as Jinx remained still.

“Jinx?” Mammoth added quietly, a blank stare stiffening his face.

Jinx threw up a hand to the call of her name, she held it in the air silencing the both of them, for a while she remained still.

“FeetSOO! Uh…that’s better,” she sniffed and wiped her nose against her sleeve before turning to face her friends, “I cab’t believe they got us agaid. We’ll have to steal sobe tougher welding for the H.O.V.E.R 4.0 right?”

Gizmo and Mammoth’s mouths dropped.

“Does that mean…you’re not brainwashed anymore?” Gizmo’s words contained some degree of childlike innocence.

“Dope. I’b better now. You and I have too much work to do for me to be playing Titad, right?” Jinx smiled faintly.

Gizmo and Mammoth blinked in surprise before their gapping jaws were replaced with teethy grins. Jinx was back, and they knew better than to get into her business and ask what the heck she was doing with the Titan’s anyway. Honestly, they didn’t care, they were just glad to have their buddy back.

“Uh…” Jinx gripped onto her shoulders shivering as the wind blew. Her body ached in places she wasn’t even aware existed. Another urge was coming on but she didn’t have the will to stop it.

“FfffsShoO! EffFssO!...EhhScOO!” She winced her eyes with each sneeze and erupted into her sleeve. She was finished.

“Damd that Cyborg…how could he do that to be? I thought he li-…” She caught herself before she finished her verbal outburst, widening her eyes when she remembered she wasn’t alone.

“What did you say?” Gizmo rushed up to Jinx.


Gizmo looked into Jinx’s eyes for a good long moment before backing up as though she had leprosy, “No way! Gross! You have a crush on Nuts-for-Brains! Sick!”

“Shut up!!”

“Is that true?” Mammoth interjected, his eyes big and quivering like a puppy’s, poor sap.

Jinx looked at her friend for a moment and sighed, “Dno, It’s dot true…besides, there are plenty other fish in the sea,” Jinx smiled faintly, her eyes glittering a bit, “ Baybe a fish that doesd’t have cyberdetic bembers,” she joked with herself to lighten the air.

“Gross he showed you his members?!”

“GIZMO! Shut the hell up! And DNO! What kind of girl to you think I…” Jinx stopped mid-sentence. Her nose flaring as she pulled back her head,

“EffstOO! Eh…Ftssu! …uh….” She fluttered open her eyes regaining her thoughts as she pulled back from the sneeze induced daze.

“Are you okay Jinx?” Mammoth asked with concern.

“Dno!” Jinx rubbed at her nose, “It’s gonna be a pain walking all the way home.”

“You can ride on my shoulder if you want.” Mammoth offered kneeling down on one knee. His shoulders were so broad and Jinx was so petite the arrangement had suited them on several other occasions.

Jinx’s lips curled in a faint smile as she hopped up on her companion. Once she was situated she patted him on the head saying, “Well let’s get going then!”

Mammoth nodded and started marching along the shore. After a few long moments of silence, walking beside the rising sun, Jinx cleared her throat, “…Eh hem….I’m sorry…but don’t expect me to say that again.”

They didn’t say anything, they just smiled, she didn’t need to say that, but…they liked that she had.

Mammoth looked over to the sun rise, “It’s pretty huh?”

Jinx decided to look over as well, the bright pink hues and golden reflection on the water dazzled as they walked along, “Yeah…it is isn’t it.”


Finally, back at the H.I.V.E base the gang found themselves exhausted as usual after a defeat.

“Well what are we gonna do now?” Gizmo inquired as he followed behind Jinx, who seemed to have a very determined walk.

“What do you bean what are we godda do? We -…EffstHOOO…. aren’t godda do anythigg.” Jinx quickly tapped her sleeve to her nose, getting rather impatient with wiping it at a nearly constant rate.

“Well, we’re gonna get them back right?”

“Dno. What’s the point? They’ll just beat us agaid. Why dod’t we stick to stealing? Getting back at the Titad’s is pointless.”

“…Seriously? Then…what are we gonna do now?”

Jinx ended her determind stride at the door to her chambers, “I dod’t know about you…I’b goigg to bed.”


“What do you…,” Jinx turned her head to the side, “TssOO…Effsu!... thidk?”

“Ewwww….Yeah…maybe you’re right.”

“But before I go…I’ve got sobethigg for you,” Jinx opened the door to her room and slid in without letting her friends see what her room looked like.

When she came back outside she had 2 big burlap sacks and a strange awkward glowing contraption in her hands.

“DUDE! Is that a semi-active-compact-nuclear-warhead!” Gizmo yelped in pure rapture.

“Yeah, I thought you could use it id H.O.V.E.R 4.0…and here’s sobe dough so dod’t get cheap with making the thigg impenetrable on both sides!

I’m not gonna die in a nuclear explosion. And Mammoth…I know you like Cheeseburgers…so…pig out.” She handed them both a bag of cash and smiled at their surprise.

“Where did you get this anyway?” Gizmo asked.

“Consider it complements of the Titids.”

Without warning, Mammoth went over and squeezed Jinx in a hug, scooping up Gizmo in the crossfire.


“I love Cheeseburgers!” Was about the only thing Mammoth had to say.

“I’b glad…” Jinx winced from the bear hug, and possibly the newly broken rib, but she had to admit it was the best feeling she had all week.


Once her friend had scurried off to eat cheeseburgers and build nuclear powered hovercrafts, Jinx went into her room to look at her spoils. All the stuff she stole was still scattered about her room in piles creeping up the walls. The Titan’s may have stopped her, but they never actually reclaimed her stuff. She couldn’t help but feel satisfied seeing as so few villains get away with much. It felt good.

But something was missing. She sighed and climbed up onto her bed, sprawling out flat over her covers. Something in her heart still felt empty.

She gazed up at nothing, her mind wondering aimlessly until she had grown bored with her own thoughtlessness and rolled over to the edge of her bed, reaching a hand down beneath the frame.

She grabbed a paper and rolled onto her back holding out her arms so her only sight would be its contents. And there she was, smiling at the camera like a deviant deva, proud to be a hero, and right about the image was the ever so glorious headline, “Villain to Vigilante: Jinx the City’s Newest Hero?”.

She smiled. A glow creeping into her heart, “Maybe I’ll frame it?” She whispered to herself in comfort.

Her mind couldn’t help but wonder to the sunrise as she pressed the newspaper to her heart and closed her eyes. She really loved the sight of the sun rising in the morning, and hated to see it go down at night.

Feeling the paper against her chest she couldn’t help but feel assured that she would see the sunrise again, perhaps…soon enough, she’d get to wake up and see it every day, but as for right now, she would be fine sharing the night with her friends.

The sun would always be there…and it would never stop rising. It would wait for her…and it would be there when she was ready.

And with those thoughts in mind…she fell asleep to sweet dreams and pleasant memories.

The End


As always forgive typos...and um...I'll try to be more active in the future...if my stupid life will let me enjoy myself more often. uhhuh.gif

Sorry if I messed anything up in the post...I easily could have....

Anyway, please comment or...not...if you don't want to...uhhuh.gif

Lol...Okay...I'm done. happy.png


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