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SPN Ficlet: "Override"

Lady Blessington

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A/N: This is a little bit dirty! If it's too dirty please let me know and I'll move it to the adult section.

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy?" Sam turns and sees Dean sitting very still at the little table by the motel room window. "Oh boy what?"

Dean spares him a watery glare. Then his eyes lose their focus.


Dean touches the backs of his fingers to his nose, then lowers them with a huge sigh. He sniffs, and Sam's gaze locks onto his nostrils. His rosy, damp-looking nostrils.


"Yeah." Dean shakes his head as if to clear it, then mashes his palm over his nose and pushes it from side to side, up and down, like it's itchy.

"Does that..." Sam's voice is husky. "Does it tingle?"


Sam's jeans are getting tight. He puts his pillow in his lap. "Sorry. Are you getting sick?"

"AH-HHGHKhh!" Hunched over, a hand cupped to his face, Dean snuffles. He looks at the box of tissues on the night stand beside Sam. "Uhhg... hh-hh-HGXTSS!"

Sam stares. He fumbles for the box and stands up, letting the pillow fall away from his hardening dick.

"HH-HWUTSHSH! HG-XXSH!" Dean's flushed and crunched forward, one elbow propped on the table, the other tucked like a wing against his side. "Hah... hh-hh-haah..."

"Oh God." Sam puts the tissues in front of him and waits, but Dean's too preoccupied to take the offering. He plucks out a handful and brings them to Dean's steepled hands. Dean snatches them just in time.

"HG-HR-HRRRRSHSH! Hh-HDTSHSHuh! Heh... ih-HKGDTCH! Oh God," he echoes, then makes wet, burbling sounds into the paper.

"Dean," Sam groans. He reaches for his brother's crotch, rubs him through his pants. Dean stands and crowds him toward the bed.

"Hh-hhh. Hh-hh-hhhhhh."

Sam watches his brother's pink face work through the agony of the buildup, sees the wetness leaking from the corners of his eyes, the flutter of his lashes. "You're so fucking gorgeous."


Sam feels the mattress behind him and sits. He pulls Dean down on top of him. Dean straddles his brother, rotates his hips so their groins shift against each other. Sam makes an obscene sound.

"Gah-HHH..." Dean's nose is scrunched up, his lips red and wet, his cheeks flushed with exertion. "Hh-hh-HHHHH-HG-TSSSH-CHK-KFSHCHCH! HEH-KGDSH! XXSHOO! Uh-HBPASHSH! Heh-heh-heh-HDGCHCH!"

"Oh Jesus." Sam flips Dean over and humps him mercilessly. He comes with guilty speed, then reaches into Dean's pants and jacks him off.

They breathe noisily, dazed and spent.

"We never get anything done when I have a cold," Dean reflects.

Sam slides up alongside him and kisses his beautiful pink nose. "Were we doing something?"

Dean lifts up the tissues and blows his nose.

Sam groans. He rubs Dean's nipple.

"Never mind," says Dean.

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It is kinda dirty...I like it, though. A lot. (Total understatement)

So. Much. HOTNESS! Also, sneezekink Sam? What is this new creature? I like...

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@sneeze@me: me toooooo. Sneezekink and h/c together. Rarrr. Thank you so much for reading!

@DogLover: :D Thank you!! Sneezekink Sam is a rare and beautiful creature first brought to light by 27jaredjensen. He's endangered so PLEASE WRITE HIM, RARRR.

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telltale, your emoticon CRACKS ME UP. :heart:


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"Does that..." Sam's voice is husky. "Does it tingle?"

And that:

Sam watches his brother's pink face work through the agony of the buildup, sees the wetness leaking from the corners of his eyes, the flutter of his lashes. "You're so fucking gorgeous."

Is why I like sneezekink Sam so fucking much!

It was awsome. Like... Incroyable.

And don't even get me started on the sexy stuff...

By the way...I didn't know we could post something like that on this board. Gives me ideas...

Bonne journée!

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Et le awesome feedback! Merci so much!!

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That is a little bit dirty! In a good way though - I forgot how much I love your fics. And it kind of reminds me of early-seasons Sam for some reason; not really sure why ... Either way - hot!

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BlueRandom, you made me grin! Thank you so much!

Guyyyyys there's a sneezy SPN meme on LJ right now! At tarotgal's. Here.

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BlueRandom, you made me grin! Thank you so much!

Guyyyyys there's a sneezy SPN meme on LJ right now! At tarotgal's. Here.

Ohh, just read your fic 'The System' on there - so so good! The banter is especially awesome ... just :heart: ...

*Goes to read some more*

(Also, 27-jj, love 'Twenty-seven' ... such pretty images!)

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