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And Now All She Thought Of Was The Weather... (Skins - Naomily)


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I love, love, LOVE Naomily. And I miss them. Somehow ended up writing this today; unsure if I’ll continue. Just trying something. This takes place sometime during series 4. Slightly AU, because in my head Emily has been staying somewhere else at this point instead of living with Naomi.

Here are the girls, for those of you unfamiliar with Skins (go watch it, because it’s awesome).

Naomi: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m03wcnlcEB1r4nkbw.jpg

Emily: http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kyg5dff73k1qa384zo1_500.jpg

And because she’s mentioned briefly, and she’s also gorgeous, Effy: http://media.photobucket.com/image/effy+skins+/mattyeah/effy-skins.jpg


I don’t own Skins. If I did, Emily and Naomi would have spent far less time all sad and far more time snogging, cuddling, and just being adorable in general.

Some language.

Also, it’s been a while since I’ve really written anything, fan fiction especially, so forgive the hideousness.

Also also; quite American. Sorry. So if anything sounds distinctly un-British, that’s because it is.

Oh, and it's short. this disclaimer is probably longer than what I have written right now =P Mmmmk, go.

And Now All She Thought Of Was The Weather…

It was raining. It was always raining, or at least it had seemed that way since the day on the roof. It was if a permanent grey haze had been thrown over Naomi Campbell’s life, and now all she thought of was the weather. Weather, and school, and books, and vodka. Anything but Emily Fitch. Except for right now. Right now she was drunk; too drunk to be thinking about the tiny red-haired girl, but too drunk to stop herself. Emily’s eyes. Emily’s smile. Emily’s voice. Emily’s smooth, freckled skin…


A harsh sneeze interrupted Naomi’s reverie, causing her to snap forward at the waist and stagger a bit as she straightened, still walking.

She had been fighting the urge to sneeze all night, but with each shot of liquor, it had become increasingly difficult to hold them back. She’d settled for stifling silently into her shoulder and looking back up quickly, hoping that no one had noticed. This had earned a raised eyebrow from Effy, who in turn received a half-hearted glare. But the dark haired girl had just lowered her eyes with a knowing smirk, remaining silent. As always.


Again she swayed slightly, pausing for the first time on her chilly walk home to lean against a light post. “Fuck.” she mumbled, pressing her throbbing head against the rain slicked surface as she fought to make everything stop spinning. She was little more than a block from her place, but it seemed forever away. Taking a deep breath, Naomi forced herself to keep going. When she finally reached sight of her front door, she was surprised to find that she wasn’t alone. Even with blurred vision, she could still make out the shock of bright red hair beneath the hood of a raincoat.

“Hey.” came Emily’s soft voice


The shorter girl didn’t reply, making quick eye contact with the blonde and then looking back down at her feet.

“Why are you here?” Naomi questioned tiredly, trying her best not to slur the words together. Emily had been staying with her family since they had gotten their house back, returning only to pick up the things she had forgotten when she had hurriedly left the home that she and Naomi had once shared. Returning only, thought Naomi with a fresh stab of pain, when she was sure that her ex-girlfriend was gone.

“I got a text from Effy.”

Naomi groaned quietly and wiped her nose on her sleeve with an audible sniffle.

“Of course you did.”

“Are you OK?”

“I’m fine.”

The younger Fitch twin waited a bit before speaking.

“You don‘t look fine.”

Naomi sighed, pulling her keys out of her pocket and moving to unlock the door. The combination of her shaking hands and an impending sneeze caused her to drop them to the ground with a jangle.

heh-eshhu! Ughhh, fucks sake.” she cursed as she bent over to pick them up.

“Bless you.”

She straightened, sniffling, her tired blue eyes meeting sad brown ones. Naomi hesitated, and then asked the question that she had forced herself to hold in from the moment that she saw the tiny redhead standing alone in the rain.

“Do you want to come in?”

Emily nodded, following the taller girl inside and shutting the blue door behind them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Shall I continue?

Edited by tFM!
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I actually don't watch Skins, but I love this!

Friggin adorable...please continue? :inlove:

Edited by catmuffinz
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