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I don't mind that I make you laugh; you just scramble me up so much that it's my only available outlet! You really have a knack for leaving me wanting more, too; you built up and left it just at a crest. Woosh. I need a cold shower (I'll pretend it's because it's 83 degrees in March laughing.gif )

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  • Spoo


  • queenie


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  • LeapYearKisses


tma: Ohhh, you will! aaevil.gif Hehehe.

MadWonder13: Gah! I'm glad I could make your day. :cryhappy:

pinknose: laughing.gif ! Thank you!

BlackScatter: LOLOL! Your comment was so hilarious. Thanks, lovey. heart.gif

LeapYearKisses: I know, right?! I've never attempted to write something like this, so it's a super fun challenge. happy.png My signature IS heartbreaking, isn't it? ;D

Daisoku: Hah! Thanks. It's going to get a LOT hotter in later chapters. wink.png

Dusty15: wub.pngwub.pngheart.gif


sneeze@me: Hehe. Who knows what I'll do? naughty.gif

Bruyere: It sure as HELL did. Bwahahaha! I would feel bad for Charles, but I don't. Not one bit~ whistling.gif

DogLover: You. Will. Have. More! Haha. I'm glad you liked it. biggrin.png


facet: Thank you! Makes you wonder if Charles knew all along... shifty.gif

queenie: You'll REALLY need a cold shower after this update, then!

Guys, I'm really feeling the love. You all are soooo sweet! In all honesty, I've been having a rough time with my writing lately because I feel like I'm not as detailed as I used to be. Nonetheless, I feel encouraged and relieved that you all seem to enjoy it. Really, it means more than you guys know. Thank you from the bottom of my fangirl heart. heart.gif

Another thing. I apologize in advance if I happen to offend anyone with my terminology regarding the fetish ("sickness, disease, pervasion"). It does NOT reflect how I feel about the fetish. Erik is just horribly embarrassed and ashamed. That's all.

And noooow…chapter 2! biggrin.png



by Spoo


Chapter 2

Erik wasn't sure how long he lingered around the vending machine, but by the time he started walking back, his footsteps paced intentionally slower, he felt that a good forty-five minutes had slipped by.

There were plenty of explanations he could have offered to excuse his absence, so he wasn't too concerned about any potential questions that may have surfaced once he returned.

The door was opened slowly, soundlessly, granting Erik entry when he finally arrived at the room. He would have liked to see Charles laying in bed, sleeping, but he found the bed closest to the wall empty. The bathroom door was closed again and yellow light spilled out from below the thin horizontal crack above the rough carpet.

The sound of running water met Erik's ears, but that wasn't the only thing.


Erik was torn between stepping closer and stepping back, all while desperately hoping his conflicting thoughts wouldn't reach the individual in the bathroom.

Charles would sense him. Charles would know.

Distracting himself, Erik returned to his suitcase and plucked out a new shirt for the following day. Unlike Charles, he didn't have clothes he slept in (despite receiving multiple offers from the telepath that he would personally buy Erik a pair of pajamas if it meant Erik would stop sleeping in his slacks).

The bathroom door opened.

Erik had his back to the scene, but it didn't take eyes to hear what managed to paint an all too realistic image in his head.

"I was beginning to think you'd gone to the vending machine back in Memphis."

Charles' voice.

It was thickened with congestion and heavily lined with a nasal undertone. Erik's fingers abandoned their task of setting out his clothes as he turned around. His expression didn't betray the unease that was gradually dampening his palms.

"I would have come back sooner, but the traffic was horrendous."

Charles' eyes. They were bloodshot, watery, and highly indicative of irritation. He was dabbing the itchy corners with a crumpled tissue.

"You didn't happen to see any antihistamines in there, did you? I underestimated the severity of the reaction, as you can see," Charles said, sniffling wetly.

Erik would have answered right away, but the sight of Charles' angrily red and wet nostrils distracted him. Thus, his reply was delayed for another second. "…No."

"Damn," Charles swore under his breath. "I suppose I'll have to manage, then. Apologies in advance for keeping you awake with," he paused, circling his face with a hand, "all of this."

"It's fine," Erik answered, and perhaps he'd replied a bit too quickly. "I'm going to take a shower now."

Walking past Charles, he entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him, locking it.

Once within, Erik approached the sink and gazed at his reflection in the mirror above. He resembled more of a wild animal at the moment with his dilated pupils and overall unsteady gaze.

He couldn't recall being so unnerved by his condition. His illness.

The disease had always been there, resting somewhere deep within, and he rarely granted it access to the surface. There were times where his defenses cracked and he was unable to desperately snatch it back before it bloomed into that sickening desire.

The rusty knobs of the shower rotated themselves with a shrill metallic squeal as Erik turned the water on. He slipped his turtleneck over his head and began working on his slacks when his actions were delayed by yet another noise in the main room.


And then…Charles was blowing his nose.

Erik had witnessed the act before when Charles had eaten something spicy and hadn't thought twice about it, but now that his senses were awakened and vulnerable, he couldn't ignore it. The sound was thick, thorough, and he could only imagine how flushed the gesture left Charles.

This wasn't right.

The hot water of the shower proved to be a good distraction, but it failed to ward Erik's mind entirely away from his predicament. His palm reached out, touching the shower wall; it was smooth beneath his calloused skin - smooth like he imagined Charles' shoulder felt beneath his lips.

In truth, this wasn't the first time Erik had fantasized about his traveling companion.

He often wondered what Charles would look like in the throes of passion, kissing him with that maddeningly red mouth, swollen and damp, parted and panting. Erik pictured the beautiful milk-white canvas of Charles' flesh, splotched red and purple from his own possessive and merciless teeth.

The feel of Charles' ribcage, pressing against Erik's torso with every great gulp of air…how each of those breaths would begin to tremble as he looked up, seeing quivering nostrils, and then…a rush of wet warmth spraying his collarbone.

Erik hadn't realized he'd closed his eyes until they viciously snapped open, wide and feral, while his pulse hammered in his ears. The hand that was still resting on the slick wall curled into a helpless, trembling fist while his unoccupied hand masked his face.

The rest of the shower was a blur for Erik.

He'd finished not too long after, dried himself off, changed, and then returned to the room without a word. Charles was reading on his bed, one hand holding the book while his other kept a tissue pressed beneath his leaking nose.

"We'll head out early," Erik said, folding his clothes beside his suitcase and walking to the bed he would occupy.

"Alright," Charles agreed, closing his book and setting it on the floor near his bed. He turned off the lamp and doused the room in darkness. "Goodnight, Erik. See you in the morning."

Erik wished the end of that sentence hadn't been punctuated with a thick, wet sniff. He turned on his side, back facing Charles, and attempted to get comfortable. He'd slept on much harder surfaces in the past, but the motel's mattress was unnecessarily firm.

Though Erik was nowhere near tired, he closed his eyes and focused on the distant hum of the streetlights, or the drain in the bathroom sucking down the last remnants from his shower.

A stream of uneven breaths from nearby had his eyes opening again. His long fingers curled into the bedsheets, creasing them in an iron grip.

It took everything he had to keep his thoughts contained.


Muffled, but against what? The tissue? His hand? The pillow?

Heat pooled in Erik's belly as Charles' breathing swelled again.


The bed frame shivered.


Against his will, Erik's mind projected. Stop it, or I won't be able to stop myself…

Snfkk! "Sorry?"

Charles heard him. His control had slipped.

"Erik, is something wrong?"

No, Erik thought, swallowing Charles' gasp of surprise down his throat.

Something was finally right.

To Be Continued.

Edited by Spoo
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Okay, my brain just melted.

That was very possibly the hottest thing EVER!

I'm probably going to end up reading the whole story over just to keep me from going crazy waiting for the next part.

Again, SO HOT!

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Ohmygod...*incoherent noise*

Aaaand I have to go to work. SERIOUSLY? I will accomplish nothing other than reliving this in my head over and over and over again.


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This is one of the best stories I think I've ever read. Don't worry about feeling like you're not detailed enough, this was amazing and I can't wait to read more!

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*noms on latest update* What is THIS delicious piece of writing? Could it be?.. Ah, it is~! SPOO FICTION!


Oh, dear god, that was lovely.. I LOVE the tension here~.. I need more. Like, now x3

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I am choking on my excitement right now. I can feel desire in the bottoms of my feet. Is that a weird compliment? Yes. I don't care. Good LORD, woman.

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Oh My God! surprise.gif I can't even handle how amazing this is! I've read some of your other stories and I can't get enough! Please continue!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, so I've been re-reading this over and over agai and have come to the conclusion that no, I don't need help, I need to read it again. So, pardon me while I continue to make incoherent noises and bite my lip.



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Every time someone comments on this and it gets bumped back up, I sit up straight and go "oh my god oh my god oh m god please" but there is not a new chapter just yet. :-(

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Every time someone comments on this and it gets bumped back up, I sit up straight and go "oh my god oh my god oh m god please" but there is not a new chapter just yet. :-(

Hahaha, exactly! XD

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Every time someone comments on this and it gets bumped back up, I sit up straight and go "oh my god oh my god oh m god please" but there is not a new chapter just yet. :-(

Hahaha, exactly! XD

(Apologies for bumping, darlings,) but I have to say..OH THANK GOD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE! :D

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Every time someone comments on this and it gets bumped back up, I sit up straight and go "oh my god oh my god oh m god please" but there is not a new chapter just yet. :-(

Hahaha, exactly! XD

(Apologies for bumping, darlings,) but I have to say..OH THANK GOD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE! biggrin.png

No worries we all do it...^____^'''

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Every time someone comments on this and it gets bumped back up, I sit up straight and go "oh my god oh my god oh m god please" but there is not a new chapter just yet. :-(

Hahaha, exactly! XD

(Apologies for bumping, darlings,) but I have to say..OH THANK GOD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE! biggrin.png

No worries we all do it...^____^'''

You guys.

I want to be upset with you for tricking me again? But I'm just giggling. I think this means we're friends now?

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I really appreciate your support, everyone. It means a lot to me. happy%20crying.GIF I deeply apologize for the delay. This was my last week of school, and next week I have finals. dead.gif After that, however, you can surely expect an update. heart.gif

Until then, try to keep the bumps to a minimal on this thread, okay? As much as I love you all, I don't want anyone getting in trouble for threadjacking. heh.gif

Edit: If anything, please PM me and I'd be more than happy to talk/fangirl with you there. :D

Edited by Spoo
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I know it's been a bit of time since the fic was actually updated, but since this one was one of my major favs that I read before I registered, I just had to come back and comment on it. Spoo (is it okay to call you that?), you are a GENIUS. This fic is just pure awesome. Its hotness level is OFF THE SCALES. Just wanted to let you know how much the fic is loved. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, Spoo? From what you said in your last post, your finals should be over by now... :P Please, please continue?

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  • 8 months later...

This is fantastic! Seriously it just moved up to the top of my fave sneeze fics ever! Please, pretty please with a cherry on top continue???? :D

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