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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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I've been wanting to write something like this for a while now, just for…"reasons". shy.gif In the end, Erik won over my judgement as the one with the sneeze fetish. I intend for this to be a multi-chapter story with weekly updates (possibly sooner if my schedule doesn't cloud up).

Warning: If you haven't already realized it, this fic will be M/M. Meaning, there's going to be male mutants getting jiggy with it (even though at a PG-13 level). tonguesmiley.gif

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this steamy prologue and teaser. wink.png



by Spoo



The breath that ricocheted against the sensitive skin of his collarbone was hot, damp, and torturously uneven. Erik bit back the groan that was attempting to spill out of his mouth. His fingers curled into the sheets, his toes mimicking the gesture towards the foot of the bed.


The arms around his neck tightened, if only slightly, as the man sprawled beneath him responded to the sultry calling of his name.

Erik swallowed. He dared a glance downward and found himself looking into a pair of watery, fevered eyes. Sickness did absolutely nothing to betray their beauty, however. They were still so very blue.

"Charles, you don't have to…"

Please stop talking, Erik.

While the words were spoken into his mind firmly, they carried that gentle patience Charles was known for.

Erik could only nod, even though there was nothing more he wished to do than convince the telepath that his indulgences weren't required.

There was nothing normal about this.

But then Charles drew their bodies closer, their clothed torsos touching, and Erik could feel the swell of Charles' chest, the pressure of the air filling his lungs as his inhalations began to hitch.

It was going to happen again.

Cold insecurity turned into something hot and prickly, licking at his insides. Erik shuddered.


Selfishly, he held Charles closer, eyes rolling shut, as he felt something firm, twitching, and wet press into the side of his neck. The coils in the mattress began to hum, reflecting Erik's anticipation.

Though this was the end of a long and shameful struggle, he could only think of the beginning.

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  • Spoo


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That is the sound of pure happiness.

If you don't update soon then I will explode!! :boom:

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Spoo if you dont update I am going to die. blowup.gif I LOVE your writing SOOO much!

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Gah. *twitching inarticulately on the floor* I keep trying to not get drawn in First Class fandom, but for you I will make a massive exception. Especially if every installation is going to be as face-meltingly good as this one!

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pinknose: Ohjeez! Don't explode! omg.gif I'm pretty sure the forum isn't insured for that… Heh, but I'm thrilled that the prologue made you happy. biggrin.png

MadWonder13: GAH. Okay, so pinknose is going to explode, and now you're going to DIE? NOT COOL, PEOPLE. B-but, thank you soooo much for the compliment. I take pride in my writing and it's nice to hear that others enjoy it. happy%20crying.GIF

LeapYearKisses: Yesssssss…come to the dark side! aaevil.gif Youknowyouwantto. I can't promise that EVERY chapter is going to be super hot and steamy, but as for later on… whistling.gif

Dusty15: naughty.gif

mads3rv3r: Thank you! heart.gif

TicklesWithFeathers: Thanks, dear! happy.png

Ouroboros: Ohhh, BELIEVE YOU ME. There will be more. Bwahahaha…

Bruyere: Thanks very much, Bru! hug.gif This whole thing is going to include details like that, only because it focuses around the fetish, sooo…yeah. heh.gif Glad you like!

Chapter 1 will be up soon, guys! Keep your eyes peeled. smile.png

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This is going to be AMAZING, I can tell <3 <3 <3

It's already shaping up into nummy >:3

I'm going to be in suspense until you post another update, so-.. in the meantime-..

*noms on prologue*

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Holy sweet baby Jesus how could you leave it there?

This story needs to never end.

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BlackScatter: Wahhhh! yay.gif Thanks, babe! You're too awesome to me. heart.gif

queenie: laughing.gif ! I'm sorry, but your replies always make me laugh. It's going to end eventually, but only after I dish out a few tasty chapters! aaevil.gif

I'd like to, AGAIN, thank you all for giving this story a chance. It means a lot! wub.png

Here we have the first official chapter. It's a little slow-moving, I'll admit, but I promise the next chapter will make up for it. In the meantime, enjoy these two for their amusing chemistry and witty banter. biggrin.png

On a separate note, I never realized how difficult it is to put a fetish into words. blink.png Seriously. Good thing Erik isn't projecting enough for Charles to notice...yet. wink.png



by Spoo


Chapter 1

What should have been a productive day lasted longer than both of them had anticipated. Setback after continuous setback delayed their schedule - so much so that they failed to reach the mutant they were originally scouting for. The girl, Alexia Pergrove, held potential for being a valuable member of the team they were assembling. Her mutation revolved around her ability to bond with machines and directly connect to their circuits.

Though, it seemed their meeting would have to wait until they were able to get to her the following day, due to the lack of daylight. The roads just outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee were rather perilous at night, especially when traveling around the narrow bends of the Great Smoky Mountains.

Erik would have had no trouble driving straight through the night until they reached Nashville, yet it was Charles' gentle suggestion that they stop somewhere that had the man reconsidering. Reluctantly, Erik agreed.

They pulled off of the interstate at the next available exit and searched for the nearest overnight lodging. It didn't take long to come across a motel. The overall appearance of the place wasn't anything dazzling or remotely impressive. In fact, it was a bit shoddy and far less luxurious than some of the hotels they'd stayed at.

Erik didn't hide his utter excitement when both he and Charles exited the car, heading for the main office to check in.

"I wonder if they have a pool," he said dryly, looking up at the flickering neon sign that didn't advertise 'Vacancy', but 'Vcancy'.

Charles chuckled. "Now, now. It's only for the night."

And thank goodness for that.

The two men entered the office - Erik holding the door open for Charles - and approached the desk, where an old lady peered at them through large, thick glasses. She was barely big enough to see over the ledge, yet her disposition seemed friendly enough.

"Evenin'. You fella's lookin' for a room?" she inquired.

"That would be wonderful, yes," Charles replied. "Preferably one with two beds."

Erik stood back, allowing his traveling companion to handle the process while he idly gazed at some of the tourist guides and information packets that were pinned to a corkboard on the wall. He helped himself to a map and bent it in half before stuffing it in the pocket of his brown leather jacket.

When he looked up again, Charles was thanking the woman as she handed over the key to their room. With that now in their possession (though, such a trifle was useless when you could manipulate locks into opening) they left the office and headed back to the car to secure their belongings.

"We're at the far end," Charles said, shouldering his bag.

"She didn't trust us, did she?" Erik remarked, grabbing his suitcase and shutting the trunk without actually touching it.

"Well, considering there was no hot water in the room she intended for our stay, I might have suggested she accommodate us elsewhere," Charles commented, tapping a finger to his temple.

Erik smirked. "Heaven forbid you can't wash your hair."

"Ha, ha."

The journey to their room took no more than a minute of walking. Although unnecessary, Charles opened the door with the key and stepped in first, followed closely by Erik. The smell of cigarette smoke was prevalent in the room, followed by a musky scent they couldn't quite identify.

Charles turned on the light and revealed the small space they would be occupying for the night. There were two twin-sized beds, a nightstand, a table, a dresser, and a bathroom.

"Cozy," Erik droned, setting his suitcase down on the floor.

Charles laid his bag on the table and began sifting through it, looking for something. "Would you like to shower first?"

Erik sat down on the bed he'd claimed and heard the springs groan beneath his weight. Thankfully, he wasn't heavy enough to damage the mattress for the next lucky guest that would come after him.

"You can," he replied, slipping off his jacket. "You take longer than I do anyway."

"Which is why I offered for you to go first," Charles laughed, securing a neatly folded square of clothing in his arm. With his free hand, he grabbed his small traveling bag of toiletries.

"Go ahead."

Nodding, Charles entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Erik heard the clicking of a lock and then sighed quietly. He had been on his own for so long that being with someone now was still outside of his comfort zone.

Though he'd promised to stay out of his head, Erik felt that the telepath could always see through him, as though he were made of some transparent material. The way Charles looked at him sometimes with those bright blue eyes, as if he wasn't looking at him, but through him.

It was unpleasant, to say the least.

The sound of the shower starting snapped Erik away from his thoughts and encouraged him to seek out the map he'd taken from the front office. He unfolded it and spread it over the bed, his eyes scanning the contents. He wasn't too familiar with roads and routes when it came to getting by in the states; he was much more familiar with Europe's layout.

Erik was so immersed in his task that he failed to hear an unexpected sound coming from the bathroom. He caught the tail-end of it, however, and looked towards the closed door. When nothing followed, he returned his gaze to the map.

By the time he'd traced out a few different ways to get to Nashville, the water had turned off. The sound of the sink was next, and then the door was opening again.

Charles walked out, dressed in a pair of sleep pants and a long-sleeved Henley. His hair was wet and dripping at the ends, his pale skin carrying a light pink flush from the heat of the water.

Erik's eyes returned to the map. "I've found a faster route to Nashville," he said.

Charles folded his previously worn clothing into his bag and then walked over, toweling off his damp hair. "Oh?"

Erik didn't look up, but he could feel Charles looming over him, glancing down at the map. "If we take I-24 west, we should be able to get there within tw—"


Erik tensed. Very slowly, he glanced upward and watched as Charles turned his head back from his previous action. The metal-bender swallowed, his throat suddenly sandpaper dry.

"Ah, I'm terribly sorry, Erik. I'm afraid I couldn't stop it," Charles sniffed, rubbing a knuckle beneath his twitching nose. "Excuse me. Please continue."

Though they had been traveling together for some time now, Erik knew that that was the first time he'd ever heard Charles sneeze. He supposed the sound suited him, but…even so.

A deep ripple of unsettlement raced down into the pit of Erik's stomach, and he wasn't quite sure why. He'd experienced a similar sensation before - the same warm, pleasing, almost erotic burn that seemed to make everything right for just a few seconds.

It was easy to suppress such a perversion beneath years of hardships and layers of hate, but there were times, such as then, where Erik remembered all too well.

Words were on his tongue ready to be spoken, but then Charles was blinking a bit too quickly, breathing too erratically, and yet again turning to the side, pressing his nose into his shoulder.

Erik was a fool if he thought he could look away.

"Hh-! Heh'ESCHkkhish!"

The utter desperation that stained Charles' face prior to the sneeze, how his breath caught on a false start, followed by an even stronger release…

Erik finally forced himself to look away. Most people would have said 'bless you', but the phrase, in English and German alike, had always left too strange a taste in his mouth. Instead, he feigned aloofness.

"Catching a cold, Charles?"

"No, I don't think so," the other man replied. "There was a bit of mold in the shower, though. I suppose that may have stirred up a reaction. The consistent smell of cigarette smoke isn't helping much either."

Again, Erik swallowed.

"Did you expect anything less from a classy place like this?"

Charles laughed softly. "Touché."

The map on the bed was folded back up and set on the dresser. Erik stood to his feet and stepped around Charles towards the door. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm still full from earlier, really. Are you going out for food?"

Erik shook his head. "Just to the vending machine."

And with that, he opened the door and walked out without waiting for a reply from Charles. His strides were quick as he strode down the walkway, his eyes forward. Two familiar sounds resonated throughout his head, echoing over and over in his brain like an addicting rhythm he never wanted to forget.

It wasn't until Erik arrived at the vending machine - as rickety and old as it was - that he took a moment to collect himself. Crickets chirped around him, serenading somewhere in the uncut grass, while the faint sound of cars from the highway also met his ears.

A reaction…

Fists clenched, eyes closed, he realized that he wasn't hungry anymore.

To Be Continued.

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Oh wow. This so made my day! Thank you sooo much for puting this up Spoo!!! teehee.gif

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*huggling Spoo's written masterpiece* ... I daresay Spoo, darling~.. This is shaping up into a fine piece of fetish art!

OMGGGG, so HOOOOOT~! But like, not overtly hot ^^..

It's this quiet, attractice ninja-hotness that just slinks along the page :3.. I can't WAIT for the next update <3

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Hnnngh. I love stories where one of the characters has the fetish, and it's super hot to be reading it from Erik's perspective! You write in such a lovely style. I can't wait for more!

P.S. Your signature is heartbreaking. :'D

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Starting my fic catch up!

Um, WOW. *has forgotten how to do the jaw-drop and exploding smileys :( * Maybe :jawdrop: ? YES! It worked! Now I only have to remember the other one...

That's just ridiculously hot. Sneezy Charles+sneezekink Erik+Spoo's writing= :drool::drool::drool::stretcher:

You. Must. Give. Me. More.

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