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Yet Another Thing a Thneed is Good For


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Well, it's my birthday today, and I wanted this badly, so I wrote it. xD Please don't hurt me.


It was morning in the Truffula forest. A beautiful time of day. The Swomee Swans were flying high above the bight colored tufts of the truffula trees, the Barbaloots played about in their Barbaloot suits, eating Truffula fruits, and the humming fish were humming clearly. It seemed as if every creature were out and about in the forest that morning.

Every one, except for one.

The young Once-ler lay in his bed, fast asleep, cuddling a pillow to his chest. Noramlly he would be up by now, making pancakes and then going out to work on his future. But he was so tired, it didn't matter that the sun was high, and that annoying Lorax creatur would be coming back for him soon. He had stayed up all night planning. He'd made designs galore. He'd thought of every last thing... The whole process left him quite drained and less than energetic.


The Once-ler woke himself with a sneeze. What an unusual way to start his day.

His blue eyes opened and he smiled, stretching and sitting up, then pushed a tuft of black hair out of his face. "I've got it!' He exclaimed. "Why didn't I think of it before?! The trees! I'll make them out of the trees!" He jumped up and ran to his window, looking out excitedly. He looked out at the entire forest and saw his future. He saw every Truffula tree, swaying in the breeze.


He had barely enough time to bring his arm up to cover his nose and mouth, blocking the spray. Thinking of the trees, the young man couldn't help but wonder the pollen count. It was probably higher than his nose would like.


Definately higher. Hhh... He took the oppertunity of the stuck sneeze to bring his hands up to his face, just in time to catch the remainder of his little fit.

H'kNnnSHEW! H'neTCHEW! Ahh.... EhhETCHEW!

He sniffed and looked down at his hands, which were now covered in his spray, and cringed. "Tissues..." He muttered, looking around.

"I know I've got them..." He began searching, but his search turned up unsuccessful. Eventually, he restored to wiping his hands on his pajama pants, then wiping his nose on the sleeve of his nightshirt. Then closed the window and began to dress for his day of Thneed-making.


Well, I'm deviding this into parts because I've got hell school to go to.... I'll put up the rest later, my lovelies!

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Happy birthday!!!

Also, this is adorable! Used to be my favourite book as a child...

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This is great! PLEASE! write more. I loved the book too! w00t.gif

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YAY!!! You wrote it!!!

This is amazing! The Once-ler was definately my favorite character, so I was happy that half-way through the movie the power went out and I got to see all of it the next day. So much Once-ler!

Anyways, this story is amazing and I can't wait to see where it goes! Sneezy Once-ler is just...*drools*


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Oooookay! I have returned! Crazy, crazy stuff going on or I woulda had this done already. So sorry for the wait!



The only sound that filled the quiet room in which the Once-ler sat was his own wet sniffling. In fact, he was almsot sure it was the only sound in the entire forest at that point in time. It had gotten dark, and he had been planning all day. The design for the Thneeds had never been clearer in his mind. Of course, all he'd needed was a good night's sleep!


And maybe some tissues wouldn't have hurt either.

But, since he was in the middle of the Truffula forest, by himself, and it was too late to go into town to go to the store, he had to resort to sniffling continuously. His hands moved quickly as he began knitting, shaping not only his creation, but himself. His future.

If only he knew what his future would hold.

But he didn't have time to worry about that, because just then his nose twitched and tingled from the itch that burrowed it's way in. But his hand continued moving. He couldn't sneeze now. He couldn't ruin it. This was his future he was creating! His nose could wait a few moments longer!

If only someone would tell it that.


His breath began to hitch slightly, and he still tried to fight it off; a battle he was destined to lose.

Hh-ih.... Ih....

No. Snff.

He would not let himself fail. Not this time. He had to prove to them that he could do it.


By this time his hands had stopped, he was frozen, stuck in the prolonged force of the held-back sneeze.

H'ngXnGT! H'TCHpnNgT! H'hutCHEW! Ha'aTCHEW! H'nCHUnFF! Ehhtck'CHOO!....Ugh. Snff... Snff

After the fit had past, Once-ler opened his eyes and relized what he had done.

The sight was more than a bit comical. There, in the midst of the silence of the calm, peaceful Truffula forest, sat the Once-ler, lower half of his face buried into the unfinished Thneed.

He slowly pulled his face away, cringing at the thought of what he had just done. This thing represented everything he was to become. Everything his family could finally see him as... And he had sneezed into it. By reflex, yes, but he had done it none the less....

But the young man refused to be shaken. He'd go out tomorrow and cut down another tree. Then he'd try again. And besides....

He smirked. "Well, at least I kndow onde thigg... Snnrff... A Thndeed cand be used as a tissue.... I guess that's just yet another thigg a Thndeed is good for."


....I'm.... Not all that satisfyed with this.... Iono. What'd you guys think? ^^"

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Mmmm~ Good stuff here.

So this is the first official Once-ler sneezefic, hopefully the first of many.

Insanely cute sneezes <3

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Thanks everyone for your feedback! ^^ I'm debating writing another Oncie story.... But I don't think I do it all that well. xD *Waiting for someone else to do it* <w< >w>

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THIS. ;A; Ahhhhah, so painfully sweet and adorable! I, too, have developed quite the crush on the Once-Ler, and this...UGGH. It was so in-character and cute! I could see it all in my mind perfectly, and Galaxy liiiiked. e.e And YES. Do another Oncie story, if you feel the inspiration to do so! This is just sooo precious. Excellent work! :)

Edit because I just realized that you mentioned "waiting for someone else to do it". I'm going to try this! :D Expect it by the month's end!

Edited by Galaxy
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  • 2 weeks later...

A little late to reply, but this was just so adorable! Very well-written and great job :) and my friend who lurks here told me to tell you that this makes her squeal with delight. xD

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This is sooo cute!! I remember reading the Lorax when I was younger and I was so happy to watch the movie! The Once-ler is amazing! And you write him so well! Can't wait for more!

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