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For Bubbles! An Unnecessarily Fluffy Rewrite of the Tributes' Love.


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Whoever's read the book, you can't deny imagining or wishing for naughtier things while reading the "cave scene." Seriously, you can't. I can't. Okay maybe people have more self-control than me. But really, we all wished something bigger happened in that cave, right? And I can't wait to see how it turns out in the movie, oh lawdy.

On a less fangirly note, I believe I may have written them horribly out of character. OTL Peeta doesn't say much so I haven't slaughtered him too badly, I hope, but Katniss, oh glob. the lump am I posting this for. oh yes, this is a present for Bubbles! biggrin.png I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I liked writing it.


I watch Peeta’s chest heave heavily. It’s damp with cold sweat, even though his body is burning with fever. He shivers and mumbles something unintelligible. I cross the width of the cave to inspect his current condition. There wasn’t really anything much to check on—his breathing was still ragged, and his fever wasn’t going down. I just need to do something to keep myself calm.

I bend down and place my hand on his cheek. He flinches at the sudden coldness of my skin, then relaxes and moans in content. I decide that he is unconscious and walk silently to the mouth of the cave to see how water I have collected. There is no problem with water for now, of course. There’s a river nearby and it’s raining so hard that I can’t see past five feet away. Do the Gamemakers truly believe that sending waterfalls of rain will stir up more action? More likely we’ll all take the chance to regain our energy in hiding.

I carry over the make-shift basin and pull out the cloth that has been soaking in it for a good twenty minutes. I lay it gently on his scalding forehead, and take the one that was originally on his head to mop the rest of the sweat on his body dry. It makes me uncomfortable still to touch him in such intimate areas, but I don’t want him to die in my hands either. I had already taken off his wet, dirty shirts earlier before his limbs became totally useless, so I only move him enough to wipe his skin.

I dab at his face and neck first, and make my way down to his arms. He is very well built, strong and stocky in a way different from Gale’s lean body. As I wipe his chest, it rapidly begins to rise and fall. His eyelids flutter helplessly. I know what will happen next, so I take my hands away from him and wait. He takes several short, gasping breaths and expels all the air in one of numerous outbursts.

Huhh-TCHUhh!” He’s starting to regain consciousness. I can tell because he tries to turn his face away from me when his breath catches again.

“hUH’hh EH’TCHH-huh! HUHTCHUuh! IHTCHu!” He’s totally awake now and aware of the situation. He tries to sit up, but I can see his weakened arms tremble violently as he attempts. I gently push him back down. I am a little closer to him than I have to be, but if the Gamemakers want a show, I’ll give them a good one.

“Katniss,” Peeta breathes, pulling me on top of him. I am surprised at how much strength he has left after watching him struggle to get up, but the surprise is only momentary because his lips are locked with mine. They are hot, cracked, passionate.

The Capital is going to get a huge kick out of this.

I return his kiss, intertwining my fingers in his fever-drenched hair. Peeta is gasping for air once again, and he breaks away from my lips.

Haahh-hH…hEH’ehTCHUH! Uhh’igNTTtch—uhk’tchUH!” He sniffs sharply, eyes glossy from illness. I don’t even give him a moment to recover as I dive back in for more.

Suddenly, I’m overcome with anger. Why hasn’t Haymitch sent us anything yet? Did he not see how deathly ill Peeta was? Was I not doing a good enough job of keeping the sponsors entertained? Was our little romantic tragedy not staged well enough?

I mash my lips against Peeta’s. He instinctively returns the favor, fervently hugging me closer to him. I can feel his heart thumping quickly against my chest, hear his frantic breathing. I hold him even closer, enveloping my arms around his broad shoulders. It’s time to take this a step further.

In between desperate gasps for air, I murmur his name. This will be the grand finale of our little show. I open my mouth a little wider and allow our tongues to exchange vows. Then I break away and look at him, trace the outline of his manly face.

“Peeta.” It’s barely a whisper, but I know the cameras will catch it. “Don’t leave me.”

Every person in the Capital has heard it and now they are all eagerly waiting for the response.


Was that a show good enough for them?

The rain outside has stopped. My heart starts pounding as I see a small parachute drifting towards the cave. I almost can’t believe it. Did it really work?

“Peeta,” I choke out, clinging to his arms even tighter. I suddenly can’t hold back anymore and I make a mad dash to the floating parcel. I untie it with fumbling fingers and find a bottle of brown liquid, and food. Food. I nearly can’t stop myself from drooling from the smell. My stomach groans in response, but I regain my senses before I devour everything in sight.

I pick up the small bottle and walk back to Peeta. I am about to feed him the contents when he grabs my wrist and presses his lips softly against my cheek.

My eyes are almost drawn to his immediately.

“Katniss, I love you.”


um. this is how I'd imagine a hot, steamy kiss would be because the steamiest kiss I've ever gotten so far was from my mother. yeah. 16 and zero experience. even middle schoolers date these days. surrender.gif I give up on love guys.

Edited by Emily
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First off, don't worry about your lack of love life; I'm nineteen and still boasting a solid zero myself. It'll come when it's ready, advice you've probably heard before but it's the best thing you can tell yourself. I keep this little quote around for those days when it seems particularly annoying to be dateless. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz505ujzQE1qe52v7o1_500.jpg

But enough of that! I haven't read the Hunger Games before but this almost makes me want to. It seems to have an interesting premise. And cute scene? Try hot, what a passionate kiss! Somehow I doubt that was all 'just show'. The care-taking was very cute too and the desperateness of the situation came through clearly. And Katniss predicting what would happen when she put her hands on his chest? Oh, so very adorable. Certainly one of the more interesting, thought-provoking kiss scenes I've read. Thanks for sharing this with us!

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I could be taking it too personally, but omg thank you so so so much! I am ecstatic, to say the least. I love detailed reviews! I didn't even see all that underlying meaning when I was writing it! and you should read it; it's amazing! although I can't say the same for the rest of the trilogy, you should definitely read the first book. :nod:

and the tumblr quote? too true :D bookworms win in the end after all haha

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Hhdskldsiozennlagz6jasn..!! Emily! Your writing is BRILLIANT <3

When I read the book my mind was playing me tricks o.O I thought all kinds of naughty things, believe me, you're not the only one.

Actually I love Gale better, but your Peeta is cute, too smile.png

I also doubt that it's all "just show" even though Katniss doesn't know herself.

(She doesn't even know in book number 2, hehe^^)

Edited by LovelyLinda
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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I asked for this I just wanted a cute little story for Katniss and Peeta. After all, it's not like they have many. But you, you turned it into one of the only oneshots I've ever read that seem complete, that doesn't turn the characters upside-down or any other directions! I think that you actually captured Katniss quite well in this little piece of artwork. And, though he didn't talk much, Peeta too. You caught how desperate Katniss was and how Peeta knew he loved Katniss and she him before Katniss even registered it. Linda's right Emily, you are absolutely brilliant! Oh, and for the love thing. I totally agree with Red 9's quote but still, don't give up, your too young. Also, I'm in middle school and even I agree that we shouldn't be allowed to date! I mean, what're we gonna do? Go to the park? Be chaperoned to a movie?! Jeez, who would want a relationship like that? This was really good and I can't wait until your next story!

BYE! :bleh:

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@LovelyLinda: THANK YOU! :D and I knew I couldn't be the only one! :lol: actually, I also prefer Gale, so maybe a while later I'll write a Gale fanfic ^^; thanks for reading and replying! :D

@Bubbles!: I figured it wasn't really what you were asking for, but I couldn't really think of another way to write it LOL no imagination whatsoever. but it looks like you enjoyed it anyway so thank you! :D ahaha, I LOL'd at your love comment x) chaperoned to a movie indeed

gaaah you guys make me bluuuuush blushsmiley.gif thank you very much!

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I knew it was only a matter of time before I decided to start creeping around and looking for fetishy Hunger Games fanfics. And believe me, I'm very pleased with what I found... :drool:

Those sneezes sound so desperate. :twisted: I love just-woken-up sneezes. ^_^ And kiss-interrupting sneezes. And just any sneezes really. But these were especially tasty.

As for relationships... quality not quantity. Middle schoolers date, but they longest I remember anyone going out in middle school was two weeks. I had my first serious boyfriend at sixteen and we didn't even kiss. The idea terrified us both. :laugh: The time will come when you have one, if you want one, but don't feel like you're running out of time - you've got your entire life. Besides, I would never have guessed you never kissed anyone from what I read! That was... really really nice. :laugh:

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  • 1 month later...

JFHB ISRGAO;V NSJK omg I just saw this! thank god I did its amazing!!! I love you :D

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:D thank you! :D this is one of my better pieces of writing [or at least I like to think so ^^;] :D thanks for resurrecting it! and glad you enjoyed it
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I've been waiting for someone to post a Hunger Games story, and I thought about it, but didn't have any ideas coming to me right away!!! That was so fantastic. I loved it!!!!

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If this happened in the actual book (which I haven't yet read), I would throw my room into a state of disarray looking for it. I have no idea at all how the characters act, but regardless, I love your portrayal of this, and the scene itself, and just everything is fantastic!! You wrote it so well, I read it like 3 times tonight (though I read it multiple times long before I joined the forum as well) before I finally decided I should probably just tell you how great a writer you are. When I read things like this, it makes me want to go and write me own stuff. Everything about this little story is...is...hang on, I need a word...beautiful? Yes. And all its synonyms. :D

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Mmmm... That was HOT. I never would have guessed you'd never kissed anyone either! It was so cute. I LOVE Peeta, and the way you wrote his sneezes... Perfect. They were desperate-sounding, but still really cute. And I love that she predicts what's going to happen. And I even love that she barely acknowledged him sneezing, she was too caught up in kissing him. Maybe it was because she wanted food, but also maybe it was because she liked it! I can dream. I just started the third book, but I just want to reread the first over and over and over. ESPECIALLY if I have this in mind when I read the cave scene. Thank you!

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This is so adorable. I have been waiting to find a Hunger Games fic! You really captured Katniss well I think. I've only read Hunger Games and to me it's rather obvious it's not just a show but who knows.

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