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Bubblegum Gardens (a special present for Akahana)

Marshmallow Peep

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I'm so sorry I've taken so long with this, lots of things to do, including a big paper for school... but it's not the time for me to babble about what I've been doing for the last few days, it's Adventure Time!

Let's get on with the story, shall we?


It was his greatest plan yet. Something about his idea seemed a bit childish but it was going to be fun and that was all that mattered. This great scheme was planned by none other than Marshall Lee. His plan was to simply hide behind a floral bush in a garden outside the Candy Kingdom and scream something silly, such as “Boo!” to scare a certain passerby for his amusement. This certain passerby was Prince Gumball; he made a considerable target since he occasionally visited the garden for a late-evening stroll for a change of scenery. Things seemed to be going great; Marshall Lee went completely unnoticed on the way to his hiding spot. While the rush of being caught might have been exciting, the joke itself should be the most pleasurable of it all. He carefully stepped into the bush expecting good ol’ “PG” to arrive; unfortunately, it looked like he was going to be a bit late.

‘I suppose I could wait a bit longer’ Marshall Lee thought to himself. Waiting shouldn’t have been as much of a problem for him if it weren’t for a less than enjoyable sensation in the back of his right nostril. He tried to ignore it but the feeling was far too powerful to do anything about it.

Hihh” No! “Hyahh” I can’t!

Despite the fact that he would never be able to fight it off, he attempted to do so anyway. Sadly, this was a failure.


The sudden noise was definitely something that would sacrifice the element of surprise any day. Marshall Lee poked his head up to see if anyone had been around to notice this prank-ruining outburst; thankfully, the area had been empty for the moment… until the sound of familiar footsteps was heard drawing near. Before he could duck back down into his perfect hiding space, the awful feeling was back. His eyes became a bit irritated then to add to this concern. With his breath hitching at each step taken by the target, the plan was surely more complicated than it was before.

Ha’GKTCHeuhh… kih… H’KCHEUhhh”

“Umm… Bless you?” said an easily recognizable voice. Marshall Lee slowly looked outside the leaves of the floral bush to make sure it was who he thought it was. Sure enough, the voice definitely came from Prince Gumball. Marshall Lee blushed a bit from the embarrassment of being found hiding; he’d probably be seen as some sort of stalker, and if that were the case, just the thought of what could happen to him was rather frightening. “Are you all right? What are you doing here, anyway?” Prince Gumball reached for Marshall Lee’s hand; showing his surprisingly white teeth, what with his diet consisting of nothing but sugar and all, he laughed a bit. The miserable vampire king, however, did not even crack a smile, nor did he really have a reason to do so; the only thing he could really do was sniffle and rub viciously at his eyes and nose. Once he at least thought he could answer, that dreadful sensation was back.

I-I w-wanted t-to…

Hih’ GTCHXEUUGghh… Hahh’ KTCHUHhhh”

Prince Gumball waited for Marshall Lee to finish and handed him a pink square of fabric, something that many would call a handkerchief. “Here” Prince Gumball said with a smile. “Use this; I’ll take you to the castle for a change of clothes”

“Why Wo- Hah-KGTCHUUuhh… Why would I need a change of H’KICHEUhhhclothes?” Marshall Lee asked while reaching to accept the handkerchief.

“Well, if I’m not mistaken, the floral bush you’ve been hiding in is the same one where an incident involving caramel occurred about a week ago” Prince Gumball answered, he then grabbed a flower stuck to Marshall Lee’s shirt, tugging a bit to reveal the sticky substance supporting it. With the reason to change clothes out of the way, Marshall Lee had one more question. “Is this handkerchief supposed to be made of bubblegum?” Prince Gumball tried his best to hold in a burst of laughter; the question was reasonable but sounded rather silly coming from a vampire king who obviously was not having a very good day. “Actually, no.” He replied. The two then had an interesting exchange:

“Then is it… taffy?”


“Colored… sugar… paper?”


“Any sort of sugary, edible product whatsoever?”

“For the last time, it’s just your ordinary handkerchief.”

After this questioning session was over, they went to the castle without much to really say to each other; of course, Marshall Lee’s occasional sneezing fits helped keep the moment from being awkwardly silent. Once they had arrived, Prince Gumball excused himself to some sort of room that Marshall Lee hadn’t really paid attention to before.

“Where is he?” Marshall Lee thought aloud, he tried to ponder this quietly but things became rather difficult with those vile bringers of suffering stuck on his shirt.

Hahh’ KITCHEUGghh”

“Oh, you’re still here! That’s good.” Marshall Lee bolted up from hearing Prince Gumball’s voice. When he looked him, he could see the hot pink candy prince carrying a bucket-like container filled with warm water and a washcloth. Prince Gumball kneeled down and placed the fluffy, yet wet washcloth over Marshall Lee’s eyes.

“What in the world are you doing!?” Marshall Lee asked; he had considered flinching at first, but something told him to stay still. “You don’t expect to keep your eyes that irritated for this long, do you? I hope not, it looks uncomfortable. I read somewhere that a wet compress, warm or cold, might be able to help” Prince Gumball replied. Suddenly, he took Marshall Lee to his side and just held him… right there, in the middle of the castle… just holding him as if he were an injured child at the playground. “What about th-the… H’GKCHUUuugh… change of clothes I came here for?” Marshall Lee inquired, he had other things he wanted to ask about, but bringing up the change of clothes was the safest way to go. Prince Gumball thought about this question for a while; and after a bit of consideration, a large grin reached from one ear to the other. “I’ll get you the clothes soon… right after… this.” He finished the statement with a kiss on Marshall Lee’s cheek. Marshall Lee was extremely confused but part of him appreciated Prince Gumball’s display of affection; sure it was a bit sudden, but that was what made it enjoyable… the element of surprise. Where does that sound familiar? Marshall Lee thought back to the prank that had started the series of events in the first place. If there was one thing to describe his earlier scheme, it was that it was his greatest plan yet.

The End


I hope you liked it, thanks for reading biggrin.png

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AHHHHHHHHH~ OHMAIGODOHMAIGODOHMAIG that was SO CUTE!!!!! *runs around squeeling* Oh mai god I am shading and giggling like mad because this is so cute!! OH god girl I just like, exploded...and the ending I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE!! XD God I am like, high off of life now, welcome to cloud 9~ I thank you SO much for this, you don't even understand how...ohmaigod adorable that was!!! Short but sweet...DO WANT!! <333333333

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Ohgod that was adorable. I could hear Gumball's voice perfectly and aww he was so caring and sweet and shjfsdkhfjkfhfksh Marshall Lee yesyesYES those perfectly spelled sneezes and the way he tried talking through them yeeesss this was just TOO CUTE AND AWESOME. I was waiting for Adventure Time. Aww! I love this!

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  • 11 months later...

OH OH OH OH!! <3 I JUST RECENTLY GOT HOOKED TO PRINCE BUBBLEGUM AND MARSHALL PAIRING!! <3 i love this so much! i wish there was more

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