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Another sick day on iCarly

Pinky's Pal

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So I was browsing through my story about Freddie getting sick on iCarly and have gotten requests to write about Spencer getting a cold. Well...today is your lucky day :)

Here we go

Part 1

After an intense cold that day, Freddie finally recovered. After a week of bed rest, fluids, soup, his mom spraying him with lysol, and, of course, Carly's visits after school, he recovered nicely.

"Finally your voice sounds normal and no more of that annoying sneezing" Sam said sarcastically.

Carly laughed. "Haha" Freddie chuckled giving them both a look.

"Well I'm glad he's better" Carly smiled. "Ok lets get ready for iCarly"

Freddie grabbed the camera and turned it on while the girls got in position.

"Ok in 5...4...3...2..." Freddie pointed out the last number and the girls began their business.

Later that night Carly was coming down the stairs in her PJs and noticed no dinner on the table. She folded her arms. Spencer was supposed to make spaghetti tacos. She thought. Wait... where was Spencer? Carly checked his room, the bathroom, and upstairs. He was no where to be found. Suddenly the front door opened. It was Spencer. He was sniffling and rubbing his nose with his left hand and a small grocery bag in the other.

"Hey where were you?" Carly asked concerned her arms folding.

"Sorry kiddo, I was at the store buying tissues and allergy meds. My allergies are hitting me real hard"

"In the winter? Oh well. Did you get what you need?"

AHCHOOO! AHCHOOO! "Yes" *sniffle*

"Well I am gonna make me some soup" Carly pointed to the kitchen.

"Oh I am so sorry I was supposed to cook dinner tonight" Spencer slapped his forhead.

"Its ok don't worry about it. Soup sounds good anyway. By the way Spencer you should have had a V8" Carly laughed.

Spencer gave his little sister a noogie then plopped on the couch. Spencer was tired. He felt run down all day. To be honest he really didnt feel like cooking dinner. All he wanted to do was sit down and relax. He felt funny ever since he woke up this morning. His throat felt kinda scratchy and itchy, his nose was slightly runny, and had a small headache. He also started sneezing. A lot. Its just really bad allergies he thought but he had never sneezed so much ever in his entire life.


"Bless you!" Carly called from the kitchen.

Spencer reached into the grocery bag and got out the box of tissues.

"Hey would you like some soup?" Carly asked from the kitchen.

Spencer blew his nose hard. "Yes please. That sounds really good"

Later, Carly brought in two bowls of soup. Set the big bowl in front of Spencer and they began eating.

The next morning Carly came downstairs with her backpack. She was wearing her favorite outfit. It was seven in the morning and Spencer was not awake yet. Weird. Spencer was always awake at 6:30, somtimes earlier to take Carly to school. Oh well. Carly put two waffles in the toaster and poured herself a cup of juice.


Spencer walked out of his room with his hair all messed up and a tissue up to his nose.

"Bless you. Goodmorning sneezy" Carly chuckled.

*sniffle* "Morning" Spencer still had the tissue up to his nose. He sat at the counter burrying his head in his hands, resting his elbows on the counter. His head was throbing this morning and a little of congestion settled in.

The waffles popped out of the toaster. "Allergies still bothering you this morning?" Carly asked buttering her waffles then setting them on the plate.

"Apparently. It hurts my throat when I sneeze" A sudden tickle developed in Spencer's nose. His breath hitched and nostrils flared. AHCHOOOO! Spencer muffled the sneeze in the crumpled tissue. "Ow see what I mean?" he said rubbing his throat.

"Did you take your allergy medicine? And are you sure its your allergies?" Carly began to get concerned.

"I did yes and yes its just allergies. They have been this bad before they'll be gone this afternoon I promise."

Spencer got up and took his allergy pill. He winced. Somehow juice hurt his throat as he took his pill. Ow. My allgeries must be worse then I thought.

"Ok well did you want breakfast?" Carly offered a waffle.

"No thanks. Not hungry this morning"

"Ok. More for me." Carly joked and began to eat her waffles.

After school Carly got a ride from Sam's mom. All three friends went for a smoothie then all went home to finish homework.

Carly came in the apartment and found crumpled up tissues everywhere. Spencer was on the couch flipping through channels.

"Hey Spencer"

"Hey kiddo theres chinese food for you in the fridge.

"Thanks um.. whats with all the tissues?" She asked setting her backpack on the floor next to the coat rack.

ACHOOOO! Spencer sneezed before he could answer.

"Bless you. Uh oh"

"Uh oh what?" Spencer rose an eyebrow and sniffled.

"Are you catching a cold?"

"No Carly. Its just my allergies"

"Its just you are showing symptoms, like Freddie did two weeks ago." Carly said growing concerned.

"I'm ok Carly just really bad allergies. I promise they will be gone in the mor..morn...AHCHOOO ACHOOOO! morning" Spencer sneezed in a tissue. *sniffle*

"Ok" Carly went into the kitchen to heat up the chinese for dinner.

I am sorry but this is all I have got so far. Please feel free and tell me what you all think and if you want to suggest what I should add for my story, feel free to tell me that also. :) Hope you all enjoy the first part. More to come I promise. B)

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So cute! I love sneezy Spencer!! He's my favorite on that show! Thanks for sharing, and I certainly hope there's more. ;)

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  • 1 year later...

Oh, Spencer. Such a goofball. And isn't he supposed to be rid of his allergies since he took those allergy meds and had all those crazy side effects. It's obviously a cold.

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Well this is cute :3 in freaking denial man

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  • 1 month later...

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