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Flying High (F/F Glee, Faberry)


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Hey guys! Seemed like time for a new story, so here you go. In this story, Quinn & Rachel are 22, living together in NYC, but Rachel is currently filming on location in LA, so they haven't seen each other in a while. Quinn's supposed to fly to LA for their anniversary...what could go wrong? ;p Enjoy!



Quinn was having a very unpleasant dream about being trapped in a sinking car after crashing into the Hudson river, when the sharp trill of her apartment's buzzer woke her abruptly. She sat up gasping, which quickly turned to coughing, as she rubbed her eyes. It was a surprisingly wet cough, and she cupped a hand to her mouth as her chest rattled painfully. The buzzer buzzed again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," the sleepy blonde girl muttered woozily, throwing the covers back and shoving her feet into her slippers as she climbed reluctantly out of bed. She pulled her soft grey fleece robe on over her pajamas, and stumbled sleepily to the front door, where she found a pimple-faced delivery boy waiting with a huge bouquet of all her favorite flowers. "Oh," she sighed in surprise, smiling dazedly as she rubbed the last of the sleep from her eyes.

"Delivery for Quinn Fabray," the young man smiled cheerfully, thrusting the bouquet towards her.

"Thank you," she smiled woozily, taking the flowers and holding them close to her face to smell their sweet fragrance. But all that happened when she inhaled was a thick, wet sniffle; she couldn't smell the flowers or anything else. A soft pang of disappointment coursed through her as the boy thrust a clipboard into her hands along with a pen to sign for the delivery, which she hastily scrawled.

"Hold on a sec, let me get you a tip," she offered with a yawn, looking around absently for her purse. She rooted around with her free hand, still cradling the flowers protectively against her chest, and came out with a few bills, absently shoving them at the boy. "Here you...huhhh...hht'kshiiew!! *Snnnf.*" Quinn ducked her head against her shoulder, hastily rubbing away the trickle of discharge running down her lip onto the fabric of her robe.

"Um, bless you," the boy said awkwardly as he took the bills from her outstretched hand. "Hope you're not allergic. I can always put them down in the lobby if you prefer."

"Doe, that's okay," Quinn shook her head, with another sharp sniffle. "I'b...*snrf!*...I'b dot allergic. I guess I'b just gettidg a little cold. *Snnnf.*"

"Well, feel better, and enjoy the flowers."

"Yeah, thadks," Quinn nodded absently, as the boy trotted off to his next delivery, and she closed her door and shuffled into the kitchen to find a vase for her bouquet. As she pulled off the paper wrapped around the bundle, the note fell out, and she flipped it open with one hand.

Happy Anniversary Angelfish! You are getting TONS MORE than flowers, but I'm saving the rest for tonight when I can see your face while you open them. I can't believe I'm going to see you in less than 12 hours! I miss you so, so, SO much and I know I'm the luckiest girl in the whole wide world because no matter where I go or what I do, I always have your love to guide me. See you tonight in sunny CA. Love, forever and ever, Starfish.

"Aww, Rach...fuck," the blonde girl sighed miserably, wiping her nose on her arm as she re-read the note, her brain slowly waking up. Yes. Anniversary. Tonight. She was supposed to catch the red eye from New York to LA, where her fiancee was currently on set filming a remake of Funny Girl that was already creating buzz in the New York Times, while critics speculated that this would cinch her transition from stage to screen and take her one step closer to that coveted EGOT. Which was all wonderful, except that Quinn was stuck in New York and couldn't just take off from her coveted and highly competitive internship, her first real job out of college, just to hang out on set with her baby, as much as she'd like to. They hadn't seen each other in over a month, and she'd only just barely gotten permission to take this long weekend vacation from her internship so she could visit Rachel on set for their anniversary. She'd been so stressed out about it, she hadn't been eating or sleeping particularly well lately; and without Rachel around to scold or coddle her through her stress-induced bad habits, she'd spent the month of January running around the city at all hours in a caffeine-fueled manic frenzy. Which she was now regretting, as her stuffy nose began to prickle irritably again, and a sluggish trickle of snot pooled teasingly in one nostril.

"Ughh, dambbit...huhh, uhhhh...hehh-etcheww!!! *Snnnnf.*" Another sneeze doubled the woozy blond girl over, sending a blast of thick, wet snot into the palms of her hands. "Fuckidg hell," Quinn groaned miserably, yanking a paper towel from the kitchen roll and roughly wiping her nose and hands, then blowing heartily into the rough material to clear the ticklish itch from her head. It helped a little. I am not letting a stupid cold ruin my anniversary, she thought firmly, giving her nose one final wipe on the harsh material before throwing it in the trash. Conundrums like this were the reason over-the-counter cold medicine existed. She was going to California. She was going to be with Rachel tonight, come hell or high water. With a sigh, Quinn filled the vase with water and placed it neatly on the kitchen table, admiring it for a moment before wandering down the hall to the bathroom to find some DayQuil, and, even better, some nasal spray for the plane. She'd just gulped down the bitter-tasting orange liquid when she heard her cell phone ringing in the bedroom-- it was playing "Don't Rain On My Parade," Rachel's personalized ringtone. She ran to answer it.

"Happy anniversary babydoll," she said cheerfully (or the best approximation of cheerful she could manage), smiling despite her cranky mood as she picked up.

"Hi sweet angel, happy anniversary to you," Rachel cooed through the phone. "Did you like your flowers?"

"What, did you get signature tracking or something so you'd know the second I got them?" Quinn giggled, wiping her nose on her sleeve so she wouldn't have to sniffle. She didn't want Rachel to worry.

"Of course. Technology is wonderful, Quinn, especially when I can't be there to see your beautiful smile. You did like the flowers, didn't you?"

"I love them, Rach, they're gorgeous."

"Not as gorgeous as you," Rachel murmured softly, and Quinn felt her heart give a little thump of longing. She really, really wanted to feel her girlfriend's arms around her, right now.

"I miss you, little star," the blonde girl sighed, closing her eyes briefly as a wave of shivers made her pull her robe tighter around her body.

"What's the matter?" Rachel asked sharply, and Quinn could almost hear the alarm bells going off in her girlfriend's head, she knew that tone of voice so well.

"Nothing's the matter, I just miss you," she whined softly, with a yawn. "Isn't that enough?"

"Of course, honey, it's just-- I'm gonna see you tonight, right?" The little starlet sounded slightly confused and wary now.

"Fuck yes. Just try and stop me."

"Now why would I do that?" Rachel giggled, and Quinn felt the smile spreading across her own face automatically in response.

"I can't wait to see you," she sighed, relaxing a little as the warm, happy feeling spread through her body. "Anything special you want me to bring from home? H&H bagels, black and white cookies?"

"Just you, angelfish. You wouldn't believe how much ass-kissing happens on a movie set. You'd think directors are just below royalty the way everyone acts around here. I mean, last week one of the gaffers brought the wrong kind of coffee, and..." As Rachel continued to talk, Quinn felt the telltale irritable tickle blossom deep inside her sinuses, and she squeezed her eyes shut, pinching her flaring nostrils firmly between her thumb and forefinger, feeling a little trickle of wetness dripping gently into her palm. She flipped the phone away from her mouth, so the earpiece was still at her ear, but the bottom part was now pointing at the top of her head.

"Hehh...n'ktshhh! *Snnnrf.*"

"What was that funny sound?" Rachel asked warily, as Quinn wiped the back of her arm under her dripping nose.

"Ndothig. Street...*snnf!*...street noise."

"Hmm, okay. I'll take blatant lies for $100, Alex," Rachel said sarcastically, and Quinn groaned softly and closed her eyes. "Was that a sneeze, baby? Are you sick?"

"It's fine, Rach. It's nothing. Just a tiny little cold."

"So why did you feel you had to lie?" Rachel huffed impatiently.

"Because, I didn't want you to worry, and there's nothing you can do anyway," Quinn pointed out, grabbing a tissue and blowing her nose properly now that her cover was blown. "You know how you overreact when I get sick, and I'm not letting a runny nose ruin our anniversary."

"If by 'overreact' you mean 'shower you with love and affection so you feel better faster,' then yes, I know exactly what you mean. And you know you love it," Rachel snapped defensively, obviously stung by Quinn's flippant remark.

"I do love it," Quinn hastily agreed, wincing at the hurt tone in her baby's voice. Yep, so far she was doing a bang-up job of not letting this cold ruin her anniversary. "I'm just thinking of you, starfish. If you were here, I'd totally let you cuddle me and make me tea and do all the things you love to do to make me feel better; but you're not here, and I don't want you to worry all day. I promise, I'm really...*snnf!*...really fine, Rach. And I'll see you tonight."

"Make sure you take some nasal spray before you get on the plane so your eardrums don't explode," Rachel instructed bossily. Quinn smiled to herself and closed her eyes briefly.

"Yes, dear."

"And don't patronize me."

"Yes, dear."

"I'm only tolerating your sarcasm because you're not feeling well, you know," Rachel huffed; but Quinn was pretty sure she could hear the grudging smile in her girlfriend's voice now.

"I...*snrf*...I doe," Quinn sighed, with a yawn.

"Aww, baby! You sound all sniffly. Poor little thing, are you sure you still wanna come out here? I mean, I desperately want to see you, but I'd understand if you're too sick to fly."

"No, I want to come!" Quinn cried, her eyes welling up with tears at the idea of cancelling her trip. "I told you, I'm okay! I'm coming and you can't stop me."

"Okay, okay sweetie. Shh, don't cry, I was just checking. Believe me, I don't want to cancel our anniversary either. As long as you're okay with flying, everything is fine," Rachel hummed soothingly, her voice reassuring the blonde girl as she sniffled and pinched her nose in the wadded tissue.

"'Kay," Quinn sighed woozily, rubbing her eyes. "I'm gonna go get in the shower now, Rach. I'll call you when I'm on my way to the airport, 'kay?"

"Okay, my love. Don't forget to take some serious cold medicine before you leave, hmm baby?"

"Already did," Quinn smirked proudly, knowing Rachel never trusted her to self-medicate unless she was there to oversee it.

"Good, you get a gold star. And I'll make sure I'm all stocked up here so we can take care of you properly over the weekend. Is there anything in particular you'd like from the store? Some Whole Foods chicken soup, perhaps?"

"Rach, I told you, I'm really not that sick," Quinn whined softly, rubbing the damp tissue around her nostrils again as they began to twitch and flare. "I dod't...*snnf!*...I...uhh...ehh'tchhuh!! *Sniffle.*" The blonde girl cupped the wadded tissue over her nose and mouth as her shoulders snapped forward with a soft, sickly sneeze, sending a teasing trickle of snot streaming from both nostrils.

"Bless you, liar," Rachel cooed sweetly. "Just get here in one piece, and leave the rest to me, all right angelfish? That's the only anniversary present I want."

"Okay," Quinn agreed shyly, smiling softly to herself as she blew her nose in a fresh tissue. "I love you, Rach."

"I love you too, Quinnie. See you tonight."

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Thx guys, glad you're digging this! Here's part 2...enjoy! :)



Flying High

Part 2


Quinn wasn't feeling so bad by the time she got to the airport; the combination of a hot shower, a large dose of cold medicine, and the 12-hour nasal spray had really done a good job clearing out the congestion in her head and chest, leaving her nothing but a slight sore throat and a sleepy stupor to remind her she wasn't quite on top of her game. Still, the thought that she'd be with Rachel in six short hours kept her mind off all other concerns as she made her way through the security checkpoint and down to the gate; and once the plane was in the air, she put in her earbuds and fell promptly asleep, her head filled with dreams of balmy California skies, swaying palm trees, and Rachel's smile.

“Miss? I'm sorry, Miss, I have to ask you to return your seat back to the upright position and fasten your seatbelt. We're beginning our final descent into LAX.”

“Huh? Oh...uhh...hhk'tkshuh! Ehh-ishieww!!” The woozy blonde girl shivered as she snapped forward in her seat with two sudden and utterly overpowering sneezes, cupping her hands firmly over her face to shield her fellow travelers from her germs and snot.The flight attendant cleared her throat impatiently, like she thought the sniffling girl was somehow making herself sneeze on purpose, just to waste time and draw out the pre-landing protocols for the entire plane.

“*Snnnf*...sorry,” Quinn blinked dazedly, rubbing her nose as she fumbled for the button on the armrest. The flight attendant stood there and watched her until she'd completely raised the seat back and buckled her seatbelt, like she was a slow child who couldn't be trusted to follow simple instructions. The blonde girl felt a flash of indignant hostility, but it took a back seat to the pain in her ears and throat, that had multiplied several times over while she was sleeping. Her nose was raw and irritated from the nasal spray, but still relatively clear, save a thin stream of watery discharge left trickling from her nostrils after her unexpected wake-up sneezes. But the worst part was that inside of her head, from her sinuses to her inner ear canal, felt like one giant suction cup. She groaned and pressed her fingers to her temples, opening and closing her mouth a few times to try to make her ears pop. Nothing happened.

“Would you like a hard candy, dear? It helps.” The older woman sitting beside her asked kindly, offering her a wrapped butterscotch. “It's terrible to fly with a head cold, but I'm sure you already know that. It's probably for the best you slept through the brunt of the flight.”

“Thanks,” Quinn smiled weakly, hastily unwrapping the offered candy and sticking it in her mouth. Then she sighed and leaned back against the seat, staring out the window absently as the plane cleared the cloud cover, and the city came into view. She still felt groggy and out of sorts, but the knowledge that Rachel was down there waiting for her, right at this very minute, was better than ten cups of coffee to get her blood flowing and her senses tingling.

“It's worth the trouble, I hope? Whatever it is that brings you to California?” The old woman asked curiously, leafing absentmindedly through the Sky Mall catalogue.

“Oh, yes, completely,” Quinn nodded, a sleepy smile spreading across her pale face as thoughts of Rachel continued to overtake her mind.

“Is it an audition?”

“Oh, no, I'm not an actress. I'm...*snnrf!*...meeting my fiancee for our anniversary. She's filming a movie, and we haven't...*snnf*...we haven't seen each other in a...a month...*sniffle*...uhh, huhhh...iht'shiiew!!” Snot blew from her raw, pink nostrils down the moist channel of her upper lip as she hastily covered her face with her cupped hands. “Ughh, excuse be,” Quinn sighed wearily, fishing a cocktail napkin out of the seat back and softly blowing the loose, wet congestion from her gently dripping nose.

“Goodness, God bless you dear. Well I'm glad you've got someone waiting to take care of you on the ground. I hope you're able to enjoy your anniversary.” The old lady smiled, her eyes crinkling kindly as she took another butterscotch out of her pocket and unwrapped it.

“Oh, I definitely will,” Quinn nodded, beaming all over again at the thought of Rachel waiting for her as the plane touched down on the tarmac. And just like that, her sore throat, runny nose and aching head didn't matter anymore. She yawned and stretched, rubbing the last twinge of teasing irritation from the sore pink underside of her nose as the plane taxied onto the runway, and the captain's voice came over the intercom to welcome them to Los Angeles.


“Quinn! Oh, angel, you're here!” Rachel jumped into her girlfriend's arms with the force of a small, loud hurricane, making the blonde girl drop her carry-on and stumble back a few steps, laughing, as she wrapped her arms tightly around the warm body she knew so well.

“I missed you so much,” the blonde girl choked out weakly; and suddenly her laughter turned into tears of relief and happiness, and her whole body was shaking with the torrent of emotion that was unleashed without warning.

“Oh, baby...what's wrong?” Rachel asked anxiously, pulling back when she felt Quinn's sobs and stroking her face, looking worriedly into her teary hazel eyes.

“Nothing's wrong, Rach, I swear,” Quinn sniffled, shaking her head woozily as her girlfriend wiped a few stray tears from her cheeks. “I j-just missed you so m-much...can't believe I'm f-finally here...”

“Quinnie, you're burning up,” Rachel gasped in dismay, pressing her palm gently to her girlfriend's forehead. “I can't believe you got on the plane like this. You said you took something before you left.”

“I did,” Quinn sighed, her tears calming down as the reality of Rachel's presence and her comfort began to sink in. “It wasn't so bad before...I didn't feel feverish or anything when I got on the plane. Maybe I'm just hot now 'cause my body hasn't gotten used to the warm weather here yet.”

“I don't think so, fibber. You've got a scalding fever and you're pale as a sheet, my poor little lamb. C'mon baby, we're going straight home where I can take proper care of you.” Rachel leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed her girlfriend's hot forehead. Quinn sighed miserably and closed her eyes.

“I'm sorry, Rach. I didn't mean to ruin our anniversary.”

“Don't be silly, you haven't ruined anything,” Rachel cooed, stroking a lock of hair back behind the blonde girl's ear. “You're here with me, and that's all I ever wanted anyway. I don't care what we do this weekend, even if we spend the whole time cuddling in bed with kleenex and chicken soup.” The little starlet beamed, taking her girlfriend's face in both hands and pressing their lips together in a gentle, loving kiss. Quinn gave a small squeak of alarm and pulled back.

“You shouldn't be kissing me, Rach, I'm all germy and contagious,” she whined miserably.

“Quinn, be reasonable. I haven't seen you in over a month. If you had the bubonic plague, I couldn't keep my lips away from you,” Rachel hummed teasingly, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's neck and kissing her again, a little more thoroughly. Quinn sighed and relaxed into the kiss, slipping her hands under Rachel's shirt to grasp her hips, stroking little circles over her lower back.

“That's more like it,” Rachel murmured approvingly as they pulled away, smiling goofily at each other. “Happy anniversary, angelfish.”

“Happy...huhh...hehhishoo!! *'Snnnf.*” Quinn turned her head to the side abruptly, cupping both hands to her face to cover the sharp sneeze that rattled her feverish body. “Uhh, sorry,” she sighed, wiping her nose on the back of her hand with a woozy sniffle.

“Shh, don't be sorry love. C'mon, let's get out of here so I can start spoiling you properly. For the next three days, you're getting absolutely anything you want, and that's a promise.” Rachel pulled Quinn's hand up to her lips and kissed the back of her knuckles. A faint blush colored the blonde girl's pale cheeks, and she grinned shyly.

“All I want is...huhh...you...” Quinn raised her hands and cupped them a few inches in front of her face, as her delicate little nose crinkled and quivered helplessly, and her eyes fluttered in anticipation. Rachel rubbed her lower back soothingly. “Uhh'tchsh! Huhh...hhkshiiew!! ...*Snnnf!*”

“God bless you, my poor little baby. Here, I think you could use this.” And with a flourish, the dark-haired girl produced a pocket-pack of kleenex from her purse.

“Thag you,” Quinn smiled sheepishly, pulling one out and blowing softly into it, still wary of causing any more pressure in her ears. “You always know exactly what to say to make me feel better.”

“Aww, baby. I'd blow off the damn Oscars if it would make you feel better,” Rachel beamed, smoothing a lock of mussed blonde hair back behind her girlfriend's ear.

“I don't think that'll be necessary—but I'll let you know,” Quinn teased, giggling behind her crumpled kleenex. “C'mon, starlight, take me home.”

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I give up! between this and the glee episode my mind can't take it! this is amazing! I totally love you! thumbup.gif please continue :)


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awww, thx you guys! I'm sure you won't be too surprised when I tell you the reason I haven't updated this in a while is due to the wrath of 3x14. those bastards. they hit quinn with a fucking truck to stop her from declaring her love for rachel!!! so I was over at fanfiction.net doing general damage control/group therapy. but now I need a break from the heaviness, so I will def be updating this story soon yes.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could you write another South of nowhere story please? I accidentally stumbled across one of your other south of nowhere stories and that what introuduced me to the show and made me fall in love with it! (thanks for that btw (: ) So I was wonder if maybe you could write another one and I love the Glees stories like this one! Thier amazing and so much fun to read! Keep up the Great work!

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hello lovelies!

here is a new chapter of sniffly faberry fluff to bring you cheer. sorry for the long delay, I'm sure you'll understand when I blame it entirely on car crash cliffhanger drama! hope this chap will distract you from the horror.

ps, weevill-- I have not forgotten your story request! I couldn't make it fit here, but it WILL be my next story, i promise smile.png



Flying High

Chapter 3


"Honey? Wake up. We're here." Rachel stroked Quinn's hair to rouse her; the blonde girl stirred and blinked woozily, cupping a hand to her mouth to cover a raspy cough. Once she straightened up, though, she found herself staring at what might well be the most picturesque beach house ever built on a secluded ocean vista, right in front of her.

"This is where you're staying?" she gasped, her hazel eyes suddenly wide as dinner plates as she scrambled out of the car to get a closer look at Rachel's fantasy-perfect, temporary LA rental house.

"Nice, huh? I thought you'd like it," Rachel smiled proudly, coming around the side of the car and wrapping an arm around Quinn's waist, absently slipping her fingers up the back of her girlfriend's shirt and running her nails lightly up and down the warm skin of Quinn's lower back.

"It's beautiful," the blonde girl sighed, shaking her head in amazement. "I can't believe this is where the production company is putting you up...you really are a big deal now, huh baby?"

"I am pleased with my current career trajectory, yes," Rachel teased, beaming with pride at Quinn's overwhelmingly impressed expression. "Wait till you see the private beach access in the back."

"Private beach? Like, we can go skinnydipping anytime and no one will be able to perv on us? God, why do we live in New York again?"

"We live in New York because we are New Yorkers; and because most of my work is there, and so is yours," Rachel reminded her gently, leaning her head contentedly on Quinn's shoulder as they stood staring at the beautiful beach house, with the setting sun glowing warm and orange behind it. Quinn coughed again, and Rachel rubbed her back absently. "But maybe in a few more years, we can afford to get a vacation house here, hmm?"

"Yeah...I want a beach house," Quinn nodded giddily, giggling as she pulled Rachel toward the front door. "C'mon, show me the rest...I wanna see the...*snnf!* the beach..." she paused at the door, pulling a crumpled tissue from her pocket and pressing it to her slightly pink nose as a fresh trickle of discharge dripped teasingly down the divot in her upper lip. "Hehh...hkkshiew!! Huh'eshhoo!!! *Snnnf*...ughh, fuck," the sniffling blonde girl sighed miserably, cupping the soaked tissue to her face, and turning her head away from Rachel as she hastily wiped her wet nose on the equally wet tissue.

"Aw, honey, God bless you," Rachel cooed, unlocking the door and gently but insistently propelling Quinn through. "C'mon, I wanna get a fresh dose of cold meds into you before we do anything else. Then we can play house all we want, okay baby?"

"Okay. Ahd I thidk I deed bore kleedex, too," Quinn sniffled thickly, giving up all pretense and swiping her forearm under her running nose, leaving a long, wet streak on her sleeve. "Ugh, I'b disgustig," she whined miserably, with another soft, raspy cough into her elbow.

"No you're not, you're adorable," Rachel fussed, kissing her sniffling girlfriend on the lips and promptly pulling her by the arm into the tiled kitchen, where there was a small pharmacy's worth of cold supplies piled onto the center island.

"Did you rob a Safeway?" Quinn joked, staring at the copious supplies laid out on the table, and pulling a fresh tissue from the nearest box to blow her leaky nose.

"Very funny, Quinn. I simply wanted to be prepared to take care of you, and I didn't know exactly what kind of symptoms you might have, so I thought I'd just get one of everything. You're only here for three days, and I don't intend to waste any of that time on trips to the drug store." Rachel smiled sweetly, and Quinn giggled as she rubbed her nose on a fresh tissue, still twitchy and irritated even after she'd blown it clear.

"Hard to argue with your logic," the blonde girl admitted sheepishly, even though she hated making a fuss over minor illnesses and generally just tried to ignore her own symptoms. "Cad I...*snnf!*...have sobe of that oradge stuff? *Snnnf!*"

"No, you may not. That's just for sniffles and sneezes, you need the red stuff that has the cough syrup mixed in," Rachel said brusquely, cracking open the appropriate bottle and pouring out a dose into the little plastic cup that came with it.

"Rach, c'bod," Quinn whined, sticking out her lower lip in a classic Fabray puppy pout, even cocking her head to the side to complete the effect. Combined with the slight, sluggish trickle of glistening snot dripping gently from one pink nostril, it made her look even more like a cranky child as she pouted mulishly at her girlfriend. "I like the oradge wode. The red stuff tastes like cat puke."

"Well it's not meant to taste good. It's meant to make you feel better," Rachel huffed, holding out the little cup of red medicine to her miserable girlfriend. "I know you hate taking medicine, but I heard that cough, and it sounds like the one you had two years ago. Remember that? It started off small, too, but you ignored it and you ended up with pneumonia. You have scar tissue in your lungs, you have to be more careful than the rest of us with your respiratory health." Rachel's voice softened considerably as she reminded her girlfriend about the worst time in both their lives, the horrible car accident she'd had in 12th grade that had left her temporarily paralyzed, and scarred her lungs permanently. Quinn sighed and closed her eyes.

"I know," she murmured miserably. "I guess I just try not to think about that anymore."

"You don't have to think about it, baby. I'm thinking about it for both of us. But I do need you to take your medicine...okay, my love?"

"'Kay," Quinn sighed quietly, taking the little cup and hastily gulping it down, making a comically sour face as the bad taste hit her throat. Rachel smiled goofily at her girlfriend's grumpy expression, and took her face in both hands, kissing her soundly.

"Doesn't taste so bad to me," she teased when she pulled away, making Quinn giggle shyly.

"Rach, if you keep sticking your tongue down my throat, you're gonna catch this damn cold for sure. Maybe you should take something, too, like some Emergen-C. Something preventative," Quinn frowned, caught between wanting all the kisses and cuddles she could get, but also not wanting to leave her girlfriend sick and miserable when she went back home again in three days.

"One step ahead of you, smartypants. I've already had some today, and I'll keep taking it for the rest of your visit, just to be safe. That way, if I do catch your germs, they won't hit me so hard. I can handle a few sniffles in exchange for three days of unlimited Quinn kisses, I think," Rachel teased, digging her hands playfully into her girlfriend's blonde hair, and kissing her again. Quinn sighed happily into the kiss, and they both lost themselves in each other for several long moments. Then Rachel felt Quinn tense up, sucking in a sharp, quavering gasp of air a second before she jerked her head to the side, with a wet, helpless "Hehh-heshhiew!!!" into her hands.

"Bless you, angel," Rachel cooed, offering Quinn the closest box of tissues from the table as the blonde girl stood frozen with her hands cupped over her face, eyes closed and breath hitching, clearly gearing up for another congested sneeze. She blinked woozily and grabbed a fresh tissue from the box Rachel held out, briefly revealing her pink, quivering nostrils, glistening with snot, before pinching them haphazardly in the fresh tissue as her eyes snapped firmly shut again.

"Huhhh...uh'ishho!! Hktxchuh!!! *Snnnnf*...ugh, sorry Rach...I dided't bead t-to...*snrf!*...huh, hehh...nktshhiew!!! Heh...hehh'ehshoo!! Ughh, fuck," the sniffling girl whimpered miserably, wiping the soaked tissue once more under her thoroughly irritated and running nose as Rachel fussed over her and rubbed her back soothingly.

"Poor baby, your little nose isn't very happy, huh? That was quite a fit. Let's go sit down on the couch, and I'll make you some nice hot tea, hmm?"

"'Kay," Quinn sniffled absently, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and pinching it firmly around her moist pink nostrils as they contorted wide open again, hopelessly irritated by the twin rivulets of snot running from the depths of her nose down the channel of her upper lip. "Uhh...huhh...ehhiSHOOoo!!!" Quinn sneezed so hard her whole body doubled over where she stood, Rachel's hand steadying her on the small of her back.

"God bless you," Rachel exclaimed, half concerned over the severity of Quinn's worsening cold, and half impressed with her lung capacity. "C'mon, couch. Now." Rachel steered her woozy girlfriend through the archway from the kitchen to the living room, gently but firmly pushing her down onto the couch before they could be waylaid by another impressive sneezing fit.

"Thag you," Quinn yawned dazedly, cupping the wadded tissues back to her face and blowing into the bundle with all the energy she had left.

"Poor little angel, you're really getting sick," Rachel cooed, curling up on the couch by her sniffling girlfriend's side and kissing her fever-warmed forehead. "I wish I could make you feel better..."

"You are making me feel better," Quinn yawned, closing her eyes as another raspy cough rattled her chest. "Ughhh. I think I'm just gonna lie down for a minute," she sighed blearily, stretching out on the couch and insistently pulling Rachel down with her.

"You can lie down for more than a minute, my little sickie-pie. Just close your eyes and have a little nap...I'll be right here when you wake up." Rachel reached over her head and pulled the neatly folded afghan down from the arm of the couch, settling it over both their bodies as Quinn snuggled down against her chest, possessively throwing one long leg over Rachel's like a life-sized teddy bear.

"Will you...*snnnf*...will you sidg sobethidg?"

"Mmm, sure baby..." Rachel yawned, lulled by the warmth of Quinn's feverish body pressed against her, and began softly singing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Within minutes, Quinn's stuffy breathing had evened out into soft, congested snoring; unwilling to leave her, Rachel closed her eyes and snuggled down to join her girlfriend in sleep, with the soft caws of seagulls and the crash of the ocean lulling her gently to dreamland.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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I love you. This is amazing! please please please keep this going! I might explode if you don't!

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awww, thanks you guys! I was planning to post an update last week, but then the forum was down and I didn't know how long it would take to come back, so i got kind of stalled. and now, I think I'm going to start a NEW story, requested by Weevill, who has been so incredibly patient thus far ;) So, be on the lookout for that later this week!

cheers, my dearsclapping.gif

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