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What’s A Fling Between Friends


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Summary: Jo comes down with the flu and Dean takes care of her, and also catches it. Also, I couldn't help myself, I threw in some allergic Sammy at the very end of part three.

Disclaimer: Alas, I do not own them. If I did there would be a lot more sneezing in the show.

Warnings: Second part emetophobes beware, brief and not very graphic, but I figured I should warn you anyways.

Also, Special thanks to 27JJ and Mads for their amazing livejournal memes.

Okay, here's part one of three. Let me know what you think.

“Like HELL you’re going on a hunt with them.”

“Mom it’s just a cold… not a big deal.”

“Hate to say it, but your mom’s right. You’re in no shape to go anywhere right now, much less on a hunt for an Incubus.”

“Which is precisely why you are going to stay here with Dean.”

“Wait…what.” This was not part of the plan.

“You’re the only person in this screwed up family who might be able to get Jo to stay put, and that’s only if you’re here. Sam can go with me to hunt this damn monster.”

Dean knew Ellen was right, if he didn’t stay Jo would find someway to follow them and he didn’t want to risk what happened last time she tried that. But seriously, he didn’t know the first thing about taking care of someone sick, much less a sick Jo.

“I’m…fine….” Jo couldn’t prevent her breath from hitching and bent forward with a powerful sneeze.

“Bless you.” The group echoed in unison.

“Ellen, can I speak to you for a second?” Dean pulled the older woman away from the group.

“You realize I have no idea what I’m doing in this situation, right?”

“You’re smart boy, you’ll figure it out. Just get her to rest, drink lots of liquids, and keep her temp down. We’ll be back in a few days.”

“You make it sound so simple.” Dean’s voice was full of sarcasm.

“Come on Sam, let’s get movin.” Ellen swung her coat over her shoulder as Sam looked at Dean for approval.

“Go on Sam. Just be careful.” Dean came over and gave his brother a hug and pat on the back. Sam knew what he was doing here, and they’d have Bobby meeting them for backup. Dean was the one who might not make it through this alive.

“So, what’s your plan?” As soon as her mother had left, Jo was eager to find out how they were going to sneak out and join the group.

“The plan is to stay here and get you better.” Dean’s beautiful green eyes held the truth… he was serious.

“Come on, really it’s just a cold.”

“And if you were a hunter you would know that hunting with a cold almost always ends in death or pneumonia.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Do you really want your mom to kill me?”

“No.” Jo looked down as if she had been scolded as her eyes began to tear up.

“Are you… crying?”

“So I get a little emotional when I’m sick.” Jo brought a hand up to rub her runny nose.

“A LITTLE. Owww. Shit.” Well, her punch hadn’t suffered any. “Now I’m going to have a bruise there.”

“Poor baby.” Jo coughed into her fist.

Dean couldn’t be mad at her, especially not like this. Her eyes were sunk in, lined with dark circles, nostrils red, fading into a pink on the tip of her nose, matching the color of her cheeks. He wanted to ask how long she’d had this ‘cold’ for, but thought maybe this wasn’t the best time.

“So can we sit down or something? I haven’t had a couch in weeks.” It was the truth, not like he was just making it up to get Jo to sit and calm down.

“Yeah, I guess.”

Was she pouting… yep… definitely pouting.

“Can I get you anything to drink?” Dean offered

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

Dean decided not to answer as he took his time and grabbed himself a beer from the fridge.

“Fine, I guess you can get me some water.” Dean smirked, hidden behind the refrigerator door.

“hEktshh, hITshh, ETshew!” Jo clamped both hands tightly around her nose.

“Bless you.” Dean set a bottle of water in front of her.

“Thangs….ummm… cad you hadd be the dissues.” Cheeks blushed in embarrassment.

“Yeah, sorry.” Dean grabbed a few from the box and Jo swiftly grabbed them, hiding her face as she blew her nose. Resuming his seat next to Jo on the couch, Dean set the box on his lap, pretending to ignore her as she withdrew a few more.

Dean felt clueless as to what to do next. Finally Jo spoke first.

“Want to watch tv?”


Awkwardly, Dean sat both his hands in his lap, only moving them to hand Jo tissues when her breath started to hitch. Eventually Jo’s eyes started to slip close.

“You want to move to the bed?”

“No” Jo snapped her eyes open again.

“Here, at least rest your head.” Dean moved the tissue box from his lap to the arm of the couch and partially pulled Jo down till her head was resting on his legs.

“You’re hot.” Dean could hear Jo’s eyes roll, “… no… I mean… you’re warm… not that you’re not hot….cause you are…but.”

Jo chuckled at Dean, she had never heard him stuttering like that, especially around a girl. However, the laughter quickly turned into a chesty cough, that left Jo straining to take a breath.

“Whoa…it’s okay…just breathe.” Dean sat her back upright and let her lean against him for support. He felt this stinging feeling of helplessness inside, but had no idea what to do about it so he just rubbed her back softly. After a few minutes Jo was almost back to breathing normally and sipped at her water.

“You okay?” All Dean could think about now was Ellen was going to kill him if something happened.

“Yeah.” Jo’s breath was still shaky and she had started to tremble. Dean put his hand on the back of her neck, pulling it back almost immediately.

“Jeez, you’re burning up. Why didn’t you say something?”


“No it’s not. I’m getting you Tylenol and you will take it.” Dean knew there would at least be some of that in the first aid kit.

Jo didn’t argue as he handed her the pills and guided the water to her mouth afterwards.

“How long have you had this.”

“Few days.” Jo continued to shiver as Dean wiggled his way along the back of the couch, pulling Jo down and against him.

Sniffling, she curled closer against his chest, enjoying the warmth of his body.

“My mom would kill you if she found us like this.” Jo smiled.

“Yeah…well.” Dean smiled back and kissed her on the forehead.

After a while Jo’s temp started to stabilize and she sat up grabbing a tissue before sneezing twice into it, hair falling forward.

“Bless you.” Dean reached up and pushed her bangs behind her ears.

“Thanks.” Jo sniffed, dabbing at her leaking nose.

“Hey, what’s wrong.” A tear dripped down her cheek.

“Nothing… it’s just… nothing. I’m glad you’re here.”

Dean knew she wasn’t saying everything, but he didn’t care.

“So am I,” Dean pulled Jo close and she let her body mold into his, only to pull away to sneeze several more times.

“Are you sure I can’t get you in bed?” Dean ran a hand threw her hair. Things started to feel more natural.

“I don’t think my mom would approve.” Jo smirked

“Now you care what your mom thinks.” Dean joked back.

“Mn.” Jo pressed her forehead against her hands.

“What’s wrong?”

“Head, just give me a sec.”

After a few seconds Jo could feel the stinging ease up.

Dean still looked worried.

“Really, I’ll be fine. Just could use another aspirin.”

“Aspirin then bed.” Dean pleaded. His green eyes were pretty, but they didn’t come close to matching Sam’s puppy dog look.

“We’ll see.” That was as much as she was going to consent to for now.


“Whad happened?” Jo woke up to a soft mattress beneath her with Dean reading next to her. Reading… was she delusional.

“I drugged you.” Dean answered matter of factly.

“You WHAD?!” Jo tried to sit before a wave of dizziness knocked her back down.

“Here.” Dean gave her a tissue from the box which she promptly blew into and then threw at his head.

“Hey! What was that for?” As if it wasn’t completely obvious.

“You drugged me.”

“Well, you weren’t going to bed on your own, so I called your mom.”

“And you listened to her?!”

“You may be scary, but not half as scary as your mother.”

Jo rolled her eyes before coughing into her fist. Dean held out a tissue but pulled it back before she could reach it.

“Promise not to throw it at me.”

“Fide.” Really! Her nose was already full again.

“Trash?” Dean held up a small trash can from beside the bed for Jo to throw the crumpled kleenex into.


“Ugh.” Jo flopped her head on the bed, “I hate this.”

“I know.” Dean ran his hand along Jo’s forehead, relieved to feel that her fever had lowered.

“Do you feel like you could sleep some more?”

Jo tried closing her eyes, but shook her head no.

“Would you like me to read to you? And if you tell Sam I offered I’ll deny every word of it.”

“Actually, that would be kind of nice.” Jo’s nostrils twitched and Dean got a tissue to her nose just in time to catch the wet spray.

“Sorry.” She sniffed and sneezed again right after having retrieved the tissue from Dean’s hand. Yep, she wasn’t a disgusting mess.

“Bless you.” Something about Dean’s eyes told her that at least he still thought she was beautiful.

“I’m so sorry you’re stuck here with me.”

“I’m not. Hey, it’s almost like a mini-vacation.”

Jo gave a halfhearted smile and then slid herself down a little so her head could rest on Dean’s leg.

“So… Water Spirit’s okay.” Dean re-opened the book he had been reading when Jo woke up, and sometime between Water Monkeys and Wraith, Dean felt warm rhythmic breathing against his leg.

“hIktshh, heh… hETShew.” Jo sprayed all over Dean’s jeans and she let out a shocked gasp.

“Shhh… calm down…it’s okay. Trust me, much worse has gotten on them.”

Jo groaned.

“Really, it’s okay.” Dean tilted her chin up so she was looking him in the eye. “Now the drool I’m not so sure about it.” Dean laughed as Jo found to the spot he was referring to and grabbed a pillow placing it over her face.

“Just kill me now,” was muffled by the pillow.

“Sorry, it’d be to much work to bring you back.”

“How’re you feeling?”

Jo lifted the pillow.

“That good, huh.”


“Come on, just a little bit more.” Dean had finally coaxed Jo into trying to eat some soup, but it wasn’t going as well as he’d hoped.

Jo just sat there, returning his quiet gaze.

“Okay. Do you want to go back to bed?”

“Not tired.”

“Do you want to watch tv?”

“Want to hunt.” Jo groaned, not sure whether she wanted to hunt or just be well enough to hunt.

“Not an option.”

Low growl.

Maybe Jo was as scary as her mother.

“Come on. Let’s go crash on the couch. Watch a movie. We can watch some horror shit and make fun of how wrong they got it.”

“I guess.” Jo staggered to the couch, blanket wrapped around her.


Amazingly, Jo made it through the entire movie, the same could not be said for her companion. Dean had made it through the first ten minutes before conking out, only awakening to stroke Jo’s hair when her body shuddered from sneezing and the occasional cough.

Dean cracked an eye open when Jo started to move around.

“Hey, sleeping beauty.” Jo grinned.

“Yeah, yeah.” Dean paused to clear his throat. “Feeling better?”

“A little.” Was it just her hearing or was Dean’s voice sounding a little haggard.

“How’re you?”

“Okay.” Dean stretched his joints, aching slightly, probably just from the position he was in.

“hIKtshh…eh’tshhh.” Jo sighed and sniffed. Why couldn’t she shake this thing.

“Bless you.” It took Dean a few seconds of searching but he finally located the tissues and handed her some.

“Thanks.” Screw this embarrassed thing. Jo blew as hard as she could, a slight honk punctuating the end.

Dean felt her forehead. She seemed cooler, but she leaned into his touch, alerting him to how she was really feeling.

“Can we move to the bed?” Asking worked so much better than ordering with Jo.

“Yeah, think I’m going to get some juice to drink first, want any?”

“Do you want me to get it for you?”

“No I got it.”

Dean moved to the bed, surprised that Jo brought him a glass of orange juice as well.

“Thanks.” He would have preferred beer, but what the heck.

Downing the glass in a few gulps, Dean was a little wary of the prickling coming from his throat.

Jo just slowly sipped at hers, propping herself up partially against Dean.

“Do you mind reading some more? And if you tell anyone I asked I’ll deny every word.”

Dean laughed. God, her smile was beautiful.

As he opened the book, Dean felt his nose itch and reached up to rub it. Two pages later it had turned into a definite tickle, causing his nose to run a little. Three pages after that his nose was not willing to be ignored.

“hUR’eG’TShOoo,” Dean let out a powerful sneeze to the side, spraying the floor.

Jo jumped from the noise, but quickly regained her composure and blessed him.

“Sorry,” Dean sniffed and grabbed a tissue, rubbing his still aggravated nose.

“You’re going to sneeze again.”

Dean nodded and shook his head a little trying to dislodge the itch. Jo’s eyes roamed over Dean’s body, watching his abs move beneath his shirt with each hitch of breath, brows scrunched up revealing the cute wrinkles along his pearly green eyes, one nostril twitching with a glistening drop of mucous near the tip of it.

“huh…heh…hURSH’TTTT.” Dean’s prayer style hands caught the sneeze within the folds of the used tissue.

“Bless you.”

“Thags.” Dean grabbed another tissue and blew, dislodging some mucous from deep within.

“What are you looking at?”

Dean noticed Jo’s staring and she blushed a little.

“Nothing… sorry… you’re just... getting sick…aren’t you?”

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.” Dean knew that wasn’t what that look meant but decided to drop it for now.

“Does your throat hurt?”

“A little,” Dean admitted, reading hadn’t helped it any.

“Why didn’t you just tell me? I would have never asked you to read.”

“I just wanted you to feel better.” Dean squinted a little.

“Okay, what else hurds?”

Dean held out a tissue.


“Ummm,” Dean thought about it, tempted to lie, but it’s not like he could hide much for long anyways, “Headache, little achy, chest kinda hurts, throad, sniff, obviously congestion.” He struggled to speak clearly, and grabbed another tissue.

Jo reached up to feel his forehead. Dean felt a little awkward at this because he still had the tissue to his nose and his breath had begun to hitch.

“Bless you.”

“Hn’GXT, hIG’tshh, heNGTshh…heh…thags…eh…hETShhh.”

Dean spotted that look again, and was pretty sure his face looked very similar.

As soon as he removed the tissue Jo sat up and kissed Dean forcefully, but somehow gently at the same time. After a few seconds Dean pulled away to breathe and Jo wasn’t sure what she felt. Feeling tears well up, she got off the bed and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Dean could even hear the lock click. Girls.

Unsure of how long to give her, Dean got up.

“Can I come in?”

“Doh.” Yup, definitely crying.

Dean sat by the door and waited a bit before speaking up.

“Did I do something?” Dean didn’t think he had, but with girls you never knew.

“Doh, I just… hold od.” Even her nose blowing seemed endearing. What was wrong with him?

“I just… I don’t know... I shouldn’t have… you know… come at you like that.”

“I don’t mi…heh… mind. Hang on.” Even with a door separating them, Dean still turned away into his arm, letting out three harsh sneezes with about four seconds in between them.

“Bless you.” Damn, even she could hear the blushing in her voice.

“So…umm… I godda ask… is this like… you know…”

“Yeah.” She knew what he was talking about.

“So you don’t think I’m gross and disgusting?”

“I’m not sure that it’s possible for you to look gross and disgusting… and wipe that smirk off your face.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Dean coughed into his sleeve. Now what.

“I think you’re beautiful.” Oh God, he was turning into a sap.


“Yeah… so will you come out now. And bring the Tylenol.” Hmmm… maybe he should have reworded that. He heard movement though, so he must not have ticked her off too badly at least.

Jo stepped out, cheeks a little more red than before, but other than that you could hardly tell that anything had been wrong… aside from her being sick. Dean was shivering, and as she stepped closer to him, he gave her a hug and quick kiss on the lips. Yup, definitely more heat radiating off of him.

“You’re hot.”

“I know.” Dean smiled back and Jo gave him a shove before walking to the kitchen for some water.


Dean swallowed the pills.

“Good boy.” It was Jo’s turn to grin this time.

“Uh huh.” Really he didn’t add any sarcasm to that.

“Ugh…sorry…hafta sneeze.” Dean turned his back and Jo wrapped her arms around him, abs tensing beneath her firm grip, as he doubled over.


Jo brought her mouth up right next to Dean’s ear nibbling at it before whispering, “Bless you.”

An involuntary shiver ran down Dean’s spine.

“Now, lets get us back to bed.” Dean allowed his head to rest momentarily against Jo’s before letting her guide him to the bedroom.

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This is really good! Normally I wouldn't read female-stuff, but this was really well-written and a bit of both, so, yeah! I don't think I've seen anything Jo/Dean before, and you got them both so right. :heart:

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YAY! Thank you for the wonderful compliments (and now that someone has responded I will post part two).

Pt. 2 WARNING (emetophobes beware, not very graphic but may want to skim over part of it)



“If I could breathe.” Dean sat up more and coughed into cupped hands, grabbing a tissue to discreetly spit into.

“I’m really sorry you caught this.”

“It’s okay, really.” Dean looked Jo in the eye and brushed some of her hair behind her ear. “I’ll be okay.”

“Mmhmm. That’s what I said.”

Dean tried to laugh but it just turned into a hacking cough. Jo tried rubbing circles on his back, but when that didn’t seem to help she went and got some water.

“I don’t suppose I could get you to take some cough syrup.”

“Not a kfff kfff, chance, kfff.”

“Kind of what I figured.”

“hItshhh….heh…” Jo tilted her head back before letting out another sneeze off to the side.

“Bless you.”

“Thanks. Do you mind if I lay down?”

Dean lifted his arm so Jo could snuggle up against him.

“I feel… different.” Dean could see Jo smile from the corner of his eye.

“What did you do?”

“Drugged you. Paybacks a bitch. You should probably lay down.”

Dean scooted down, till Jo’s head was against his chest.

“Shhh, just take it easy.”

Dean’s breathing started to even out. She loved the feel of his chest but worried a little at the crackling sound it made.


“Ktshhh, heNXSHT,” Jo tried to stifle her sneezes by pinching her nose, but didn’t quite succeed in keeping Dean asleep.

“Bess you.” Dean snorted and rolled over coughing. Jo got off his chest and handed him a tissue, knowing he had plenty of gunk to get out of his lungs. Unfortunately all the coughing made him gag and he managed to lunge towards the trash can just in time.

“It’s okay, just breathe.”

Sweat beaded along his forehead and it took a minute before Dean trusted himself enough to collapse. He was aiming for the bed but Jo pulled him into her instead. He let her run a hand soothingly through his hair, now spiky from sweat.

“Grrrnnn. I’m so sorry Jo.”

“Shhh… I told you, it’s okay.”

He felt a kiss against his forehead before starting to drift off.

“Whoa whoa there. Not on the floor. Come on back to bed.”


Jo yawned and rolled over to find Dean… not there? Then she heard running water in the bathroom.

“Hey, you know I would have done that.”

Dean was standing next to the cleaned out trash can, coughing into the sink. Jo waited patiently for him to finish.

“I dow,” grabbing some toilet paper from the roll, Dean blew his nose before continuing, “but it was gross, and you shouldn’t have to deal with it.”

Jo pressed up against Dean’s rear and rested her head inbetween his shoulder blades.

“Mmmm, feels good… warm.”

Dean looked at himself in the mirror, Jo’s face poked out from behind him. Oh man, Sam was going to have a field day with this. His nose was possibly redder than Rudolph’s and the freckles that were normally barely visible, were now easy to see against his pallid complexion.

“You look fine.” Jo tried to reassure him as she pushed him towards the bedroom. Maybe she pushed too hard because the exertion caused a serious of wheezing coughs to escape her lips. Dean turned to her and held Jo as her small frame trembled. Finally she was able to breathe again, and Dean pushed her bangs back.

“You ogay.”

Jo nodded, eager to just be sitting again.

“Quit looking at me like that, I’m fine really.”

Dean still wasn’t so sure, but she did seem like she was getting a little better.

Jo reached up and touched Dean’s forehead letting her hand drift down along his cheek covered in stubble.

“You’re the one with the fever.”

“What, no you’re hot.”

“Can’t boost your ego to much.” Jo pulled Dean down onto the bed and smirked as she kissed him before pushing him to the side.

“Now get some sleep.”

“Demanding.” Dean looked at her playfully.




Sam wrapped his octopus arms around Ellen and used all his strength to hold her back.

“What’s all this ruckus.” Bobby walked into the bedroom and eyed Dean and Jo curled on the bed together, Dean coughing into Jo’s shoulder as she prepared to get between her mom and possibly boyfriend. “Idjit… I’ll just go… scrounge up some food… or something.”

He did not want to be a part of this, and if blood was to be spilled he sure as hell wasn’t going to be there for it.

“Mom, I…”

“Don’t talk!”

“He’s sick. And you’re the one who told him to stay here.”

Ellen looked to Sam, now for backup.

“She has a point.” Sam hunched a little preparing for Ellen’s wrath to be directed to him.

“Mom, he did take really good care of me.” Dean finished coughing and looked up guiltily, sweat dripping down his forehead. Please don’t get ugly, please don’t get ugly. He’s not sure his body could put up a proper defense right now.

“I won’t kill you right now, you’re just too darn pathetic, but I reserve the right to beat the shit out of you later boy.” Ellen stormed out.

“You dodged a bullet.” Sam’s face couldn’t have said ‘You’re an idiot’ more clearly. “By the way, we ganked it.” Sam went to go check on Bobby, make sure Ellen didn’t decide to kill him instead.

Jo and Dean collapsed on the bed.

“We’re dead.” Jo said.

Dean just nodded his head and put a pillow over his face before rocking forward with a sneeze.

“Ugh.” Dean left the pillow on his face. He felt physically awful and had no idea how to keep Ellen from putting his head on a platter, not that he would mind so much in his current condition.

“You okay.”


“I’m going to go see if I can calm mom down.”

As Jo entered the kitchen, Bobby and Sam headed out. Sam didn’t know where Bobby took off to but he went straight for Dean.

“Well, you sure fucked this up.”

“Dean just moaned into the pillow.”

“Come on, let me see?”

Dean allowed Sam to remove the pillow.

“Looks like Ellen may not have to finish you off.”

“Dean sat up and dizzily fell into Sam’s shoulder.”

“Whoa there, hot much.”

Sam’s shoulder felt cool and Dean was relatively content just sitting there.

“You really do feel like crap, huh?”

“How’m I gonna deal with Ellen. Hk’TSHHH.”

“I really don’t know man, good news is she’s not going to whoop you like this.”


“Hey Sam,” Jo walked in apologetically, “How’s he doing?”

Dean had a damp washcloth across his forehead and looked like he had been on a three day binge.

“Finally got him to sleep.”

Dean snorted and rolled on his side and Sam motioned to continue talking outside.

“How’s your mom.”

“Pissed, but I think it will be okay. I assured her it’s not like I was going to just pick up and take off with you two. If anything, it will be a long distance thing, she knew I’d probably end up with a hunter, doesn’t make her any more pleased about it. I really like him Sam, but I’m not an idiot, I think once he’s gone things will simmer down and go back to normal, or at least normal for this household.”

“I’m sorry things are… complicated.”

“Me too.”

“How’re you doing by the way?”

“Okay, tired, throat hurts, pretty sure the worst of it’s over though. Care if I go lay down with Dean?”

“Go for it. Just, take it easy on him.” Sam smiled, even better, he smelled food.

“Shhh, just sleep.” Jo curled along Dean’s side.

“D’n feel good.”

“I know.” Jo ran a hand tiredly through Dean’s hair before drifting off.


“Jo.” Sam shook her shoulder gently, and she looked over to see Dean still asleep, twisted up in sheets.

“Sorry to wake you, but your mom wants you for a family meeting… no Dean.”

“Kay.” Jo sat up and coughed into her wrist. Dean just rolled over and mumbled something incoherently.

Jo followed Sam back to the bar where Ellen and Bobby sat.

“I don’t want him here.” Ellen was the first to speak up. Point blank.

“Mom, we can’t kick him out like this. Especially when it’s my fault he’s sick.”

Everyone could see that this wasn’t just Jo coming up with excuses to keep him there.

“Can you promise me no sex, if I let him stay.”

“Mom!” Slightly exasperated, Jo agreed to the terms, not because she was planning on sex with Dean, but because her mother was bringing it up in front of the whole ‘family’.

Sam decided it was his turn to talk.

“I hate to ask this of you Ellen, but do you think Bobby and I could leave Dean here for a few days.”

“Rufus called and could use some backup about a days drive south of here.” Bobby inserted before Ellen could have her say. “His fever would probably be down by then and I can put the boys up at my place if Dean needs more time off.”

“Thanks Bobby.” Sam said, grateful that he had people to watch his back.

Ellen looked at Jo before begrudgingly agreeing.

“And look who woke up.” Bobby said facing the blanket clad intruder.

Dean smiled, eyes fever glazed, and confused.

“Where’s dad?”

Sam managed to get to Dean just in time for him to not do a full face plant into the floor.

“Shit.” Bobby cussed under his breath. Maybe he wasn’t going to have an extra hand on this hunt.

“Dean! Dean! Come on bud.” Sam gently tapped Dean’s cheek and he slowly opened his eyes.


“Yeah Dean, it’s me.” Sam lovingly wiped the sweat from his brother’s brow. “Come on, we need to get you a bath.”

“I’ll go get one ready.” Ellen sighed and Jo joined Sam on the floor next to Dean.


“Hey.” Dean seemed to calm instantly at Jo’s smile, and Sam was thankful for small blessings, like Ellen not witnessing this.

“Wanna help me get him up?” Sam looked at Jo who had turned away, eyes fluttering.

“ick’TSHHH, et’SHew.”

“Bless you.”

“Thanks,” Jo wiped her nose on her sleeve, “Sorry, what were you saying?”

“Can you help me get him up?”

“M’Fide,” Dean pushed himself up before falling back into Sam’s arms.

“Yeah bud, you’re fine all right.”

Between the two of them Jo and Sam finally got Dean up the stairs to the bath.

“I think I got it from here.”

Sam looked sure of himself, so Jo let the boys had some time and walked in on Bobby and her mom talking downstairs.

“So, Bobby and I got to talking.”

Jo’s eyes lit up.

“I can go!”

“Hell no!” Ellen couldn’t believe that her baby girl had her heart set on hunting, and she wasn’t even willing to think about that she might have her heart set on a hunter.

“Your mom here was thinkin of maybe joining me. Leave you and the boys here.”

“The bars been closed for a while so I need you to promise me you and Sam could get it going while we’re gone.”

As much as Jo didn’t want to deal with the bar, it did mean she could spend a little more time with Dean and Sam would probably be a little more lenient than her mom.

“Okay, I guess.”

Bobby got up.

“I’ll go check on the boys and let Sam know the change. You and your momma get the details of the bar worked out.”

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! MORE!!!!!!! BYE! :bleh:

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Omfg *_* Are...are you trying to kill me?

Good lord!

" Dean nodded and shook his head a little trying to dislodge the itch. Jo’s eyes roamed over Dean’s body, watching his abs move beneath his shirt with each hitch of breath, brows scrunched up revealing the cute wrinkles along his pearly green eyes, one nostril twitching with a glistening drop of mucous near the tip of it.

“huh…heh…hURSH’TTTT.” Dean’s prayer style hands caught the sneeze within the folds of the used tissue. "

This part got me. Rowrrr. I love your descriptions and the fact that most of your story is dialouge!

It's wonderful!!

I'm impatiently expecting more :)

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Yay. So glad people like this. I was a little worried because Jo isn't very popular in fics but I couldn't get this out of my head. WIth all the Sammy fics lately I couldn't help but throw in some allergic Sam to this part as well. I set it up so I could do a sequel, but for now I don't expect to write more. Please reply, I love feedback. Now onto the finale.

A few hours later Jo waved goodbye and went to join Dean and Sam on the bed.

“How’s he doing?”

Jo looked down at Dean, who’s limp body rested curled up against Sam’s hip. Normally the tough guy, Jo couldn’t believe how hard this bug had hit him. Had she really looked this bad?

“He’ll be okay. Got his temp down to 102.”

“It’s too late to open the bar up tonight, but I’ll need some help setting it up tomorrow, would like it to be open by noon for the lunch crowd.”

“I think we can manage that.”

Dean’s nose twitched and Sam’s teeth kind of clenched as Dean sneezed wetly onto Sam’s crotch.

“Seriously dude, gross.”

Jo giggled and grabbed a kleenex, before wiping the moisture from above Dean’s lip.

Dean’s nose wiggled as the tissue touched the tip of his nose and Jo pressed it underneath his nostrils in time to prevent more spray from spackling Sam.

“How can he sleep through that?” Sam wondered out loud as Jo yawned.

“Hey, I almost forgot, how are you feeling?” Sam looked up at Jo expectantly.

“Tired mostly. Chest still feels a little tight, but not too bad. You okay if I curl up against Dean?”

“Yeah,” Sam could hear Ellen’s voice yelling inside his head, “just don’t tell your mom.”

Jo smiled content to be warmed by the heat radiating off Dean.


A small knock woke Jo from her slumber and the movement seemed to stir Dean awake.

“Hey sleeping beauties.” Sam smiled as he walked in holding to mugs. “Jo, here’s coffee for you, and tea and Tylenol for the sicky.”

Dean smiled at the sight of Jo next to him and tried to say something, but his voice cracked and faded as he began to cough. Jo handed him a few tissues before taking her mug and sipping at it. After blowing his nose and coughing out way too much gunk Dean was finally able to take a wheezy breath.

“Dude, that really doesn’t sound good.”

Dean rubbed at his chest as Sam brought up a hand to feel his brother’s forehead.

“I can’t tell if your temp has gone up or not. Here take these.”

Dean swallowed the meds and took a sip of tea, before setting it back on the nightstand and pressing a pillow against his nose.


“Man, Bless you. Those sounded like they hurt.”

Jo shoved a few tissues underneath the pillow still hiding Dean’s face.

“Thags.” He croaked out before honking into the tissues and finally letting the pillow flop off of his head.

“You look like shit.” Sam frowned.

“F’l lige shid.”

Jo handed over more tissues and Dean repeated the previous process before flipping over onto his stomach.

“I’m really sorry I got you sick Dean.”

“S’nt your fault.” Dean mumbled head pounding with each word he spoke.

“I’m really sorry to interrupt, but I got most of the stuff ready for today… I think, but it’s almost noon and I need you to check everything over Jo.”

“Yeah, shoot.”

“Don’t worry too much. I already opened the place up and thankfully it’s just some old timers wanting their beer. That I can do.”

Jo smiled and quickly got changed while Sam spoke to Dean briefly before heading back downstairs.

The day went by pretty quickly, Sam and Jo taking turns watching Dean sleep and tending the bar. Both tried to force feed him meds and some snacks when he woke, but Dean got less and less cooperative. Sam took it as a good sign.

“hI’tshew, et’sEW”

“Bless you.” Dean sat up watching Jo grab some tissues from the new box she had brought up.”


Dean rubbed at his head.


“A little; still trying to shake this thing?” Dean patted the bed next to him and Jo sat down allowing Dean to lean against her collarbone.

“I’m okay, just a little sniffly still.” Jo rubbed the underside of her nose with her index finger. “How are you doing?”


“Honestly?” Dean could hear the glare in her voice.

“Achy, sinuses swollen, feels like my chest is full of cement.”

“Let me have a look.”

Dean sat up, wincing as Jo pressed softly along his cheek bones.

“Definitely a sinus infection and from the feel of it your fever hasn’t gone down any. It wouldn’t surprise me if you’re trying to get pneumonia too, I really would feel better if we could take you to the clinic.”

“Not happening.” Jo sighed.

“Will you at least take a course of antibiotics we have in stock for… backup?”

Dean knew what she meant, for hunters too stubborn or too wanted to get medical attention.


Sam walked in just as Jo was leaving.

“Hey, I finished up with closing. Where are you off to?”

“Going to grab a pack of antibiotics.” Sam nodded before turning to Dean, slumped over head in his hands.

“Still not doing too good huh?”

“Sinus infection.” Dean’s nose scrunched up and Sam handed him a tissue a little too late.

Dean took the tissue and blew/coughed into it, while Sam grabbed another one and cleaned off his arm.

“Sorry.” Dean’s eyes gleamed above the tissue.

Sam rolled his eyes, “It’s okay, kinda getting used to it… still gross though.”

Jo returned with a pill bottle that had the name rubbed off of it, but the directions were still intact.

“Any plans for tonight boys?”

“I actually feel a little hungry.”

Sam and Jo both looked at Dean in amazement.


“Nothing, just been a long time since you really ate anything man. What do you want?”

“A cheeseburger.”

Jo chuckled a little bit and Sam just went along with his atypical brother.

“Okay, I’ll bring you back a cheeseburger, anything else,” Sam paused a second before continuing, “besides pie.” Dean smiled, Sam knew him too well.

Jo placed her order with Sam and settled in next to Dean for the wait.


Dean gave up on the cheeseburger about halfway through and let himself fall against Jo.

“D’n feel good.”

“Poor baby.” Jo cooed and Sam went to go anywhere but there.

Dean wasn’t sure if Jo was being sarcastic or not, but he didn’t really care and just snuggled closer.

“Hn’GXSHT, heh,” Dean managed to stifle the first sneeze into his arm and waited like that for a moment before giving up on the second sneeze. Sniffing he found his nose totally clogged and when he looked up Jo held out a tissue, face tightening as he tried to clear the congestion despite the pain it produced deep within his sinuses.

“Bless you.”


“There is nothing to be sorry for. Now, get back over here.”

Jo scooted down to where she was laying and allowed Dean to rest against her breast, and that’s where Sam found them the next morning.

“Mnnnh.” Jo opened her bleary eyes as Sam walked in the room.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Ugh, what time is it.” Worming her way from underneath Dean she slowly sat on the edge of the bed.

“It’s only six. I was going to go for a run and just wanted to check on Dean before I left. Looks like you’ve got it under control. Oh, and while you are up, what time should I open up the bar?”

“You really don’t have to do that Sam. I’ve got it.”

“It’s fine really.” Just keep an eye on him. He couldn’t help but laugh as he pointed to the drooling mass on the bed.

“I will.”

Jo was in the bathroom when she heard coughing come from the bedroom.


“M’r’n’g.” Dean’s voice crackled.

“Jesus, you sound bad. How are you feeling?”


“I’m going to assume you said better.”

Dean nodded and rubbed his throat.

“Here.” Jo brought over a cup of water but was stopped by Dean’s hand using the other to blindly grab for a tissue. Success.

“he’KTSHHH, hm’pSHHHH.” Sneezing into the tissue left him slightly winded and it took him a minute to return his attention to Jo.

“Bless you, and here.”

After watching Dean mouth “thank you”, she rested a cool hand against his forehead.

“Feels like your fevers down a bit.”


When Sam returned Dean and Jo seemed to be content watching tv, sharing a large blanket.

“Hey, he lives!”


“Seriously, that’s the best you got…jerk.”

“I’ll k’f odd you.” Dean managed to barely croak, breath hitching, before he started coughing up some junk into a tissue.

Jo rubbed his back and playfully glared at Sam.

“What, it’s your fault he got sick.” With that Sam earned himself a death glare from Dean and he quickly apologized.

“It’s okay, I know you weren’t seriously blaming me.”

“Thanks, so how’s he doing.”

“Fevers down a bit. And obviously his voice and lungs are still pretty screwed.”

“Well, I’m gonna go take a shower, Dean why don’t you come with me and breathe in the steam. If you want the bar open for lunch again, you should probably finish the set up downstairs Jo.”

Jo turned to Dean in agreement with his plan and gave him a quick peck on the forehead before heading to the bar.


“Hey Sam, do you mind taking a shift downstairs.”

“Sure.” Sam pushed his bangs back and shut his laptop. “Anything wrong, or just need a break?”

“Just a couple guys eyeing me. Not a big deal, I could easily take them, just don’t think Mom would like me doing it on my own. As long as they pay their tab, don’t worry about it. How’s your brother?”

“You act like I’m dot here.” Dean whispered, just barely keeping his voice steady.

“I’m sorry.” Jo gave him a not so apologetic look, and Dean huffed in response.


“What the heck happened?” Jo immediately stood and rushed over to Sam.

Sam’s eyes were red and puffy, a wad of toilet paper over his nose.

“Girl.” That’s all Sam managed to get out before stifling a round of sneezes into the tissue.

Dean slowly stood, making sure the room quit spinning before walking over and patting Sam on the back.

“Looks like Sammy here found himself a girlfriend.” Dean whispered, while Jo stood there confused.

“H’KTSHH, TSHH, ehTSSS, eK’TSHH, TSHHH.” Sam could barely get a breath in between sneezes, not a chance he would be able to spit out an explanation.

As allergic tears streamed down his face, Dean helped guide Sam to sitting.

“He’s allergic to most cheap perfumes.”

“Oh.” Jo stated simply, unsure of what to do.

Sam’s nose had calmed down some but he continued to alternate breathing, sneezing, and blowing.

“huR’ETSCHuh.” Dean turned away and sneezed openly towards the floor.

“Geez, bless you. Aren’t you two quite a pair.”

Dean only blew his nose in response and turned back to Sam.

“Stop that.”

Sam dug his knuckles into his eyes.

“C’d you get a c’l cloth.” Talking more had apparently gotten to Dean’s voice but thankfully Jo was still able to understand him and was able to return quickly with a dampened wash cloth.

“C’m on S’m, lead ba’ck.”

Sam allowed his brother to guide his body back, still wracked by the occasional sneeze, and he placed the cloth gently against his eyes, instantly relieving some of the itch.

After a few minutes of listening to Sam wheeze, Jo asked if he’d be okay.

“Yeah, sniff, sorry, k’TSHH, thags, I tried to close up.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll finish up,” Jo rubbed Sam’s leg comfortingly, “I just wanted to make sure you’d be okay first.”

“Uh’huh, sniff, oh, and your mom called, sniff, they’ll be back toborrow.”

Dean shoved a tissue against Sam’s nose and he took the hint, grabbing it and blowing forcefully in it before sneezing twice more.

“Bless you, well, I’m going to get downstairs and make sure the place is set.”

Dean nodded and returned to Sam duty.

“Eye drops?”

“Deand, you’re sick, I’ll ged it, just, eh’KSHT, give be a binute.”

“Here.” Dean shoved more tissues in his brother’s hand.

“Ugh, thags. How you feelig?”

Dean shrugged, and Sam swatted his hand up to Dean’s chest.


“Look who’s talking.” But Dean obeyed and took in a deep breath before trying to hack up a lung.

“Still pretty junky.”

Dean pushed Sam’s arm away as he twisted for a tissue to spit in, and then collapsed on the bed.

By the time Jo came back both boys were sleeping and she curled up against Dean, barely fitting on the bed.


“If you’re in bed with him again you’re dead meat!”

All three woke up at the sound of Ellen’s voice.

Entering the room she wasn’t upset finding the three on the bed, knowing that that meant nothing happened. Then her eyes crossed to Sam.

“Please don’t tell me you caught this now too, boy!”

“Nah,” Sam rubbed at his raw nose. “Allergy attack.”

“You sure?” Bobby piped up, bags in hand.


“How ‘bout you idjit?”

“Okay.” The word was more mouthed than spoken and Bobby set the stuff down to go feel along the kid’s glands. After checking for fever and sinus pain as well he seemed satisfied.

“You up to driving?”

Dean nodded before adding, “Br’kfast first?”

Bobby looked at Ellen.

“I’m sure Jo can whip something up for you while you pack.”


After breakfast Bobby got in his rig and pulled out. Jo came and said a quick goodbye to Dean, kissing him on the cheek, a single tear falling as she watched them drive away. Both had a wordless understanding that nothing more would probably come of this… fling… but they could hope, and who knew, maybe they’d settle down some day.

Turning to Sam, he could see his eyes slowly closing as he sniffled and coughed into his arm, head pressed up against the window. Like hell he wasn’t coming down with this.


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AH! This is amazing :') I loved it. A sequel from you would be fabulous! The characters were spot on; you're the best :D

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Ahh, I really liked this! And the ending made me giggle. I think the first Supernatural fic that I read was one of yours, ages ago! Anyways, this was awesome.

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Oh my gosh, I am SO RATIONING THIS. I just wanted to say that here I am at the end of Part One and I'm a happy happy kid. I loved Dean being all warm and babysitterly to poor snotty Jo, and then to have him catch it and have her react to him, like to see through her eyes what it looks like when he's about to sneeze and when he feels like under her hands... gahhh. And a bonus fever, even!

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