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Untitled Good Omens Sneezefic (You Don't Have To Know The Fandom)


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There's not much sneezing in this one, but next part will have some sneezing and maybe some more sexy times! Yay!


It wasn't even a month before Crowley was coughing and sniffling and avoiding Aziraphale once again. Though, he had to admit, Aziraphale's little kink sure did make last time quite enjoyable. Although, it seemed as if he still thought that showing up at Aziraphale's shop all sick and sniffly would be invading his alone time. They were like an old married couple, they could stand little doses of each other (which, in their case, was a couple of centuries, at the longest) before wanting to rip the other's head off, whether or not they were in a relationship didn't matter. And lately, they had been spending most of their time together, so he just didn't want to crowd the angel's space and whatnot.

Crowley rubbed his eye and sighed, noticing that this time, it took even longer for the cold to come full-force. He had stopped sleeping, because it seemed as if every time he slept, he'd wake up feeling worse. So, Crowley had gone four days with no sleep and his headache was growing, his nose was running more often and he had run out of tissues hours ago. He swiped the back of his hand underneath his runny nose and sniffled, debating whether to go out and get some more tissues. With his luck, he'd run straight into Aziraphale the minute he'd walked out of the drug store.

He flopped himself down onto a plush armchair and shut his eyes, not realizing that exhaustion won and he slipped out of the conscious world.


Aziraphale sighed contentedly as he watched the white, fluffy November snow fall, mug of hot chocolate grasped in his hands. He distantly wondered why Crowley and he hadn't seen each other for almost a week. He made a quick decision to visit him after the snow had stopped falling, and as it was thinning now, wouldn't be too long from now.


Aziraphale knocked on Crowley's door, and upon receiving no answer, pulled out the spare key that Crowley had given him. Seeing as to how Aziraphale always drank just a bit less than he did, therefore, he was more capable of getting Crowley inside his flat than he was. He slid the key into the lock and pushed the door open. The smell of stale air hit him like a brick wall and he saw Crowley passed out on a large armchair in the main room. Well, actually, he saw Crowley's legs dangling over the arm of the chair, the rest of him had sunken into the overly plush cushion, while one arm down, fingertips brushing the carpet and the other was rested on his stomach. Aziraphale smiled gently, it really was like Crowley to get drunk and pass out in his living room. Aziraphale looked around the flat but saw no empty wine bottles, just the overall disarray of his living space. He made his way over to his lover after taking off his snowy boots, mindful of the carpet.

Crowley had his mouth slightly parted, unable to breath through his congested (yet still runny) nose. He had a bright flush high on his cheeks, but other than that, he was pale, just about Aziraphale's color, really. Said angel pursed his rose lips and shook his head. Crowley mumbled something in his sleep and snuffled wetly before curling into a tight ball and facing the backrest of the armchair. Aziraphale knelt down and put the back of his hand to Crowley's fevered cheek and he pulled away from the cold touch, whimpering. Aziraphale just shook his head and removed his snow coat, having a wall of freezing air crash into him. He shivered and went to the thermostat and saw that it said that the temp in the flat was ninety, which was obviously not so.

No wonder Crowley kept getting sick, his thermostat was broken, leaving the cold-blooded demon to live in this frigid climate, weakening his immune system to all sorts of human illnesses. “That poor dear,” Aziraphale said, giving up on the thermostat. He moved over to Crowley and attempted to remove him from the armchair, but Crowley seemed to plant himself in his spot, claws digging into the upholstery. Aziraphale just shook his head and brought a blanket from his bedroom and placed it across the demon, hoping to ward off some of this freezing air.

He went about making some tea, but found none in the cupboards. “Oh, yes, that's right. Crowley only drinks coffee.” Aziraphale grimaced at the thought of the bitter liquid. So, he went on a quick run without leaving a note. With the way Crowley was sleeping, he thought he'd be back before the demon stirred. Alas, he was wrong, Crowley woke to find the comforter from his bed on top of him and traces of Aziraphale's aura around his flat. He sighed, of course he couldn't hide this from Aziraphale. Exactly what had he been thinking?

Crowley groaned as he made to get out of the chair, his muscles stiffening and aching. He made his way into the bathroom, and opened the medicine cabinet behind the mirror that he now officially had a purpose for. He grabbed the Aspirin and poured an amount that would easily kill a human into his palm, popping them into his mouth and getting some water from the sink to wash them down with. He closed his eyes as the familiar tingling in his nose appeared and he clamped his nostrils shut, the Aspirin forgotten. “Uhn'kst, ah'knt, eh'gnst, heh'kmpt, ah'ngk, uhn'gkt, ai'gknt...” Crowley panted, cautiously removing his fingers from his nose, sniffling.

He have another strong intake of air and ran the back of his hand under his nose. He nearly had a heart attack when he heard his angel call from the living room,

“Crowley, dear? Where are you?”

He wasn't able to answer as a sneeze caught him unsuspecting, “Aht'KUH!” He thought he heard a small squeak from Aziraphale, but he couldn't be sure as he was a bit busy trying to make the room stop spinning wildly. He lowered himself into a sitting position on the cold linoleum floor and clenched his eyes tightly. When Aziraphale found him, he shot him a look before clucking his tongue.

“Crowley, you really should be in bed, dear,” Aziraphale said.

Crowley coughed before replying, “Tell me about it,” his throat hurt when the words came tumbling out of his mouth. The angel helped Crowley onto his feet and felt sorry for him as he groaned. Trying to fight the head rush that just seemed to appear in Crowley's currently miserable life, he said, “I'm alright.”

“Hm, yes, perfectly fine, are we?” Aziraphale said, deliberately sweeping Crowley into his arms much too fast. He almost smirked as another head rush plagued Crowley, almost. He carried Crowley bridal-style into his bedroom, while the demon muttered something about being a 'bad-scratch that-horrible influence on him.'

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HOLY SHIT ZIRA!!!! <3333333333333333 So cute~ X3 I love this!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

OH MY MISHA. SO MANY TYPOS. I need a beta. Any of you guys willing?

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