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No Good Deed Comes with a cold


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Title: No Good Deed Comes with a cold

Author: Katsuo

Fandom/Orginal: Fandom (Wicked - The Musical)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters


Elphaba woke abruptly with the sound of her alarm clock, usually she couldn’t wait to go to class, but today the green girl felt off, a little tickle on the back of her nose and a sore throat that was getting worse since yesterday, she should have taken some medication when she first felt her throat aching, but she refused to admit that she was sick.

Letting out a sound of irritation she turned on the bed, now facing her girlfriend, sound asleep. She knew for a fact that Galinda went to bed really late last night and Elphaba didn’t wanna disturb her, and having her girlfriend sleeping, she would have time to get up, get some medication for her sore throat and go on to her day pretending that she wasn’t sick, if Galinda found out, she would never let the green girl step out of the house.

It was a perfect plan, but her nose didn’t agreed, while she was slowing getting up of bed, she felt the tickle on her nose grow, closing her eyes and with her hand over her mouth half open, she tried to hold back the sneeze as much as she could, but while she was almost at the bedroom door, she knew she couldn’t hold it anymore

"Uhh...UHHSHOOoo!! Hehh'EISHOOooo!! *Sniff!*...Ughh, fuck..." She sneezed sharply at her hand, looking over at Galinda, that started to turn on the bed.

“Good Morning Elphie… Where are you going?” Galinda said, rubbing her eyes, as she tried to wake up for complete.

“Hey beautiful, I was going to the kitchen start breakfast *Sniff*” Elphaba said rubbing her nose to get rid of the tickling that was building up again, she couldn’t sneeze, if she did, she would never hear the end of it. Going to her girl and sitting on the bed, she said “Go back to sleep baby, I’ll call you when the food is ready *Sniff*, we still have a few minutes before we have to start to get ready for school” Elphaba managed to finish the sentence before her nose started running, she was so congested that there was nothing that she would like more than a tissue right know.

Galinda looked at her green girlfriend puzzled, her nose was a little pink on the edges and even if pink goes good with green, it was very unusual, not to mention the sound that made her wake up was really similar with of someone sneezing. “Are you sick baby? You don’t look so good” Galinda said with a concern look on her face

“Me? Sick? I never get sick Galinda, and that’s how I look all the time” Elphaba said a little more annoyed than usual with a big sniffle she tried to apologize “I’m sorry baby, but really, you don’t need to worry, I’m no… not … Hehh'EISH.. aAa Hehh'EISH Hehh'EISH … sick *Sniff* ” Fuck, now is all lost.

“Really? After that sneezes you steel want to tell me that you aren’t sick?”

“It was just some sneezes Galinda, not the end of the world. And know, if you excuse me, I will get ready for school”


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Silly question! Of course continue. I want to see this cold develop until there can BE no denying. Also, wouldn't it be lovely if Galinda caught it next . . .

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Hi guys, thanks for the reply’s, and Pseudosneeze, actually I tagged wrong (sorry), but I asked a friend and he said he’s gonna try to draw something to the story for me, so, fingers crossed.

Here is part II… enjoy :)


Galinda looked shocked to the door slowly closing while her girlfriend disappeared.

“O my god, she actually left." Galinda said with a surprised look, she knew that Elphaba wasn't used to have someone to take care of her, but she thought that reaction was a bit too much, but even do Galinda was hurt, she couldn't stay mad at her girlfriend, not while she was sick.

“I’m gonna gave her some space, let her cool her head” Galinda said to herself while she started getting ready for school.


Elphaba was walking fast, almost running, she saw people on the hallway looking at the green blur passing through them, she was mad, really pissed, with that stupid cold, she really hated being sick, she never got sick, the last time that she remember having a cold, she still needed the light’s on to sleep, and she felt like crap, part because of her cold, and the other part (the bigger part) because she scream at her girlfriend, she really hated doing that, Elphaba knew she was wrong, that Galinda was only trying to help, but she couldn’t help it, when she realize what she was doing, was already to late.

While she was mumbling to herself she felt again, the tickle on her nose, quickly growing, she tried to hold the sneeze, people already started at her because of her color, she refused to sneeze and call more attention to herself, walking faster she managed to get in the bathroom right in time.

“aAaA… Hshouh, HAshouHus, Hsohous”

She sneezed on her hand and with a small *Sniff* she got some toilet paper and blow her nose hard, clearing her sinus, felt good to breed again, but the sensation only last a second when she felt her breathing itchy, she grabbed another tissue and sneezed again “HashouHahosuh… Crap” after another blow, she took a look at the mirror, her nose was pink on the edges and that made her remember of her girl, she needed to apologize, but if she did it herself, Galinda would make her get back to bed and Elphaba couldn’t loose a school day because of a stupid cold.

When she left the bathroom, she saw Fiyero on the end of the hallway and with a kind of loud *sniff* to clear her sinus, she run on his direction

“Whoa Elphaba, wheres the fire?” Fiyero said.

“Fire? Nowhere. I just *Sniff* wanted to ask you a favor”

“Ask away”

“Can you give a note to Galinda fo…oor… HasSHuoua *Sniff* be?”

Fiyero was throw back a little, he never saw Elphaba sneeze before, searching his bag, he grabbed a box of tissue and handed to the green girl “Here, looks like you gonna need it, you look like shit green girl” He said with a grin.

“Yeah, thanks, I know” Elphaba said taking the box and blowing her nose quietly “Now, you do that for me?”

“Of Course, but why you don’t talk to her yourself?”

“ I can’t ok, today I scream at h” Elphaba was interrupted by a huge tickly on her nose and taking a big breath she sneezed on the tissue “ Hahsouuhsa” she sniffle softly and started speaking again “I scream at her, ‘cause she wouldn’t let me go to class while I’m sick, and if I went and apologize, she would made me get back to the room, so I need you to do that for me, please”

“Well, you guys are both grown ups, I don’t want in on your business, but since you insist I will give your note to Galinda. And for the record, she is right, you should be in bed” Fiyero said with a small smile

“Keep your op… opinions… ttt… HashoUHAE *sniff* to yourself”

“Waw, you are mean today” He said laughing

“I know, sorry, and thank you.”


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Obs: Please ignore any misspelling, english is not my first language and i didn't had time to review sweatdrop.gif


Galinda walked out of class a few minutes after the bell ring, looking in the hallway for some sign of her girl green skin, it was lunch time already and she haven’t seen her all day and she was starting to get really worried.

Making her way to the cafeteria, she was surprised with Fiyero running towards her

“Hi Fiyero” Galinda said with a sad voice

“Hey Galinda, how are you?” He said, deciding to ignore the sadness on the blond girls voice.

“Um? Fine, just fine” She said looking around the Cafeteria for some sign of her girl.

“Great, so, I have something for you.” He said taking a small paper out of his pocket and handing it to her. “Is from Elphaba”

The name of her loved one, made Galinda stop looking around and focused on the paper in front of her “From Elphaba? Where is she? When she give you this?” Her words coming way too fast from her mouth

“Wow, slow down, just this morning, she asked me to give it to you” He said giving the paper to Galinda, who looked puzzled at it.

“THIS MORNING?” Galinda shouted “and you waited until now to give to me?”

“I couldn’t find you, I’m sorry” Fiyero said defensively

Galinda sighted, unfolded the paper and started reading

Hey beautiful, how are you? Good I hope. I know that I screwed up this morning, I didn’t mean to scream and storm out like that, I’m so sorry, I’m sick and I really don’t know how to act, I really needed to go to class today and I knew that you wouldn’t let me (that’s why I asked Fiyero to delivery this message for me).

So, if you don’t freak out, and led me get through the day, I promise that I will let you take care of me when we get home.



Galinda stood there for a minute, eyes shut “Fuck” she said, out loud by mistake

“What’s wrong?” Fiyero said concerned

“Nothing, Elphie is sick and she think that I will make her go home, so she’s gonna ignore me all day. I really wish I could know if she is okay”

Fiyero approached the gril and gave her a hug

“Don’t worry, she didn’t look too bad this morning, just a few sneezes tops, nothing she can’t handle”

“I hope you are right” Galinda said sighting


Elphaba skipped lunch all together, when the bell ringed announcing lunch, she rubbed her nose that was already in a awkward red color, trying to make the tickling disappear, the tissues that Fiyero gave her wore already ending and she didn’t want to go all the way to the dorms to get another, the less she sneezed, the better.

While walking towards the library, she felt the itching grew inside her nose, knowing that was a lost battle, she closed her eyes, grabbed a tissue, putting in front of her face and waited “hiii…iihh..a aaa *sniffle*” but it was useless, the sneeze was stuck.

Elphaba tried breading slow then fast, trying to get the sneeze out, while she was inhaling she felt the tickling grow stronger, dominating all her nose “aaaHshorush… a aaaHsohruoh hosurhso” blowing her nose hard made her fell a little better, but she stell felt the tickle on her nose.

“I can’t go to the library while I’m sneezing” She said to herself, turning around to go to the courtyard, maybe some fresh air will do her good, and she knew that Galinda hated eating on open spaces, so it was a safe place to be.

Elphaba opened the door to the courtyard, when she was surprised with a rapid “ashauAhusu” She placed a tissue in front of her face quickly and sneezed again “aAHsouhooo.. o fuck, the…su…Ashoush… sun… Ashouhsuh” The light in touch with her eyes made the sneezes that were stuck come out.

With watering eyes she started again “AhUAHSUhha… Auhosuhooo… aaA..aAaaHosuhsooo”

Blinking quickly to make all the tears drop, she blow her nose on one of her last tissues “Great, know I have to go all the way to the dorms, that’s *sniff* all I needed”

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