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Karin for SneezyQueen1 <3


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Alright, so I wrote this story for SneezyQueen1. I worked hard on it, I'm sorry it's short... Anyways, I worked hard, I hope you like, please enjoy!

Karin's Bad Luck

Karin was in shock. Sasuke had tried to kill her, and now she woke up in a bed, not feeling so hot.Where was she? Doubting that Sasuke or anyone from Taka took her, she began to look around the room. She started to feel dizzy and coughed. She wiped her nose with her sleeve from her grey jacket; her nose was stuffy and running. 'The enemy most of took me, great!' Karin thought to herself as she made a face.

As Karin watched the door nob turn, she felt a sudden intense tickle coming in her nose, "Ha-ha-ha-HAShUU!He-HaTSHUUuu!" the ending of her sneeze was sighed out.

A girl with short pink hair, wearing a red shirt walked in. She noticed the sneeze that came from her captive girl's nose. She watched her shiver and said, "bless you, Karin." Sakura was told to be kind to Karin by the Hokage. Sakura watched Karin rest her head back on the pillow. Walking toward Karin, Sakura grabs a tissue on the table behind her, then gives it to the sickly girl.

Karin grabs the tissue and wetly, blows her nose. When she tried to sniff, it is obvious that she is very stuffed up. "Hmmp," Karin said in response to Sakura's kind gesture. "Why be nice to me?," she sniffed, "I'm the enemy. I guess it's because you want information from me." She made a half smile that turned into an increasing pre-sneeze face, Karin starts hitching quickly until- "HATSHUU, AtiCHOuu, heASHOOO!... gah," Karin sneezed quicker than she expected. She places her head back on the pillow, and makes a grumpy face.

"I'm just doing my job, orders from the Hokage. It's not my job to interrogate you. And bless you." Sakura grabs a wash clothe and places it on Karin's forhead, but just as she placed it on Karin's head, Karin jerked forward-

"Hah-ha... HaketshEuu, HeHatishuoo!!! I can't stop- HEHTshUUi, Sneez- Etschoo, ing- ItShuknx-uuh," Karin tried to stop her last sneeze, but failed, "Give me another tissue." Karin said to Sakura rudely as she rubbed at her nose with the back of her rist. The wash cloth fell from her head as she sneezed.

Sakura thinks, 'It may be the Hokage's orders to take care of her and be nice, but I would love to nock her head off!' Sakura grabs a tissue with a smile on her face, and hands it to Karin, "Bless you, here."

Karin lightly blows her nose, and wipes it. "You don't have to stay with me. I'm not that sick."

"Why, so you can try and escape? I don't think so. I'm staying right here." Sakura folded her arms across her chest and sighed. 'That Karin, how did you put up with her, Sasuke?' she thought to herself. She watched Karin lift her hand.

Karin felt anothe insane prickling deep in her nose, she used the back of her hand and pushed up againsted her nose, she was clearly trying to stop a sneeze in it's tracks, but, "Huh- huh-ItShuu," she couldn't even stifle. She has such quiet sneezes, yet powerful, even as a ninja, she has no control of them. She started sweating, she had no clue why she was sick.

Sakura's hand touches the wash cloth on the floor, Sakura picks it up and puts it in the hamper behind the table. In the cabinet is a thermometer, Sakura takes that and turns back around to Karin. Karin was lying on her back with her eyes shut. It was clear that Karin was sick. Sakura then pushes the thermometer in Karin's mouth. Karin didn't resist. "Your temperature is 102. You need medicine." Just then Ino opens the door, Sakura goes over to her.

All Karin could hear was whispers, but she didn't care. It hurt to have the one you love try to kill you. Karin said she was done with him, but letting go is difficult even for this stubborn ninja. She opened one eye and looked towaed the door, the pink haired ninja was talking to a blonde ninja with her hair up in a pony tail. Trying to listen now, Karin gave into another sneeze, "Itshuuu, Huh-ha-he-ItitChuui, Atchew, Hitshoo, ahktinkx," another stifled sneezed at the end.

Sakura turned around and Ino left. "Don't worry we're getting you some medicine, and bless you times 5."

With about 5 minutes of silence, Ino returned, and handed the medicine over to Sakura. Karin took her medicine, eagerly, yet tried to be grumpy in doing so. Karin had a couple more fits, then gave into a slumber, a deep, deep sleep.

It was funny, Sakura had one thing in common with Karin (besides liking Sasuke), they are both sick. Sakura suddenly sneezed into her arm, "Atshoo," quiet enough that Karin didn't wake up. It was also funny, Sakura is the one who got Karin sick. 'At least I'm not as sick as her,' thought Sakura as she smiled evily.

-The End-

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You're welcome <3 I wasn't sure how you would feel about the ending with Sakura, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

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