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How Can Life Be Tragic If There's Magic In Your Life?


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What happens when Criss Angel comes to explain some magic tricks to the cast of Carnival during allergy season....for Alexandra Marie wink.png

I awoke as if today were any ordinary day, but today was far from ordinary. Criss Angel would be flying in from Vegas to help me teach Sleight-Of-Hand to my Co-Stars. As not only a fellow Magician, but a Loyal, I was thrilled!

"Arianna, be honest, do I look okay?" I breathed nervously as I stared at my reflection in the vanity. "You look lovely, Emily." Arianna said as she placed the giant, Green bow on my head between my pig-tails. Today the cast of Carnival had to appear in full costume for Criss Angel. I sat on the vanity shelf & nervously kicked my legs back & forth. Of all days for me to spend with Criss Angel, I had look like a Five-Year-Old!

"It'll be alright, Emily." Arianna said as she placed my Criss Angel Logo Chain around my neck. Now I felt ready! I heard knock at the door just a few seconds later; from behind it I heard David's muffled voice.

"Come on, Skank! Criss Angel's Lamborghini just pulled up!" I let out a shriek of fear! He was Twenty minutes early! In a panic I ran to the door, swung it open & pushed my way through the crowd of Co-Stars. Soon enough, Bobby came to my rescue & carried me down the stairs to the front door. He then, put me down & Joanna used her hands to flatten any wrinkles in my costume.

Just the idea of what was waiting behind the door made me light-headed & I almost lost all function of my legs, but I willed the feeling away. Criss Angel was behind that door & I had been selected to greet him! I felt the cluster of Leads step back as I opened the door. Criss smiled the minute he saw me & I couldn't help but blush! "You must be Emily," He said sweetly. "I like the chain." He said gesturing to my neck. "Th-thank you, Mr. Angel." I managed to say, trying to keep composure.

"You don't have to call me Mr. Angel, Hun," He said with a chuckle, as though he never heard it before. "Call me Criss." I almost exploded right there! CALL ME CRISS?!?!? HUN?!?!? OH MY GOD!!!!!

I took him by the hand led him into the Theatre. Apparently all my Co-Stars had been listening through the door! What was the most awkward was seeing everyone staring at me. "David is the one that you'll be teaching Sleight-Of-Hand." I said as I drew him forth. "The Basic Cigarette Vanish." I said with a grin, trying to flirt. "We'll be rehearsing in the Theatre's Basement." Lisa told him as she held her snake Bella around her neck. "The Basement?" Criss giggled, I was mortified! "Yes Sir," I said with embarrassment. "The Basement."

Once in the Basement, my Co-Stars & I properly introduced ourselves & explained the musical Carnival to Criss. Soon after we were able to get started once Criss understood the David would be vanishing the Cigarette & pulling it out from behind Arianna's ear. Criss demonstrated the trick & so did I, but I couldn't help vanishing the cigarettes in a puff of smoke each time. I knew it was cheesy & I knew Criss hated smokers. But he seemed impressed!

We wasted the early hours of the morning away trying to vanish cigarettes & reproduce them from behind Arianna's ear. Eventually we all fell victim to the dreaded Lunch Rush. My Co-Stars had all gone out on the town for lunch; I stayed behind with Criss, too nervous to eat. "I know another trick!" I cooed, leaning over the arm of Criss' chair.

"Oh yeah?" Criss asked raising his eyebrow, I blushed. "All you got to do is game a kiss on the cheek!" He smiled as he leaned in for the kiss. Then, the basement door burst open. In came my Co-Stars, unaware of the moment they'd just ruined. "Emily & I were just discussing magic," Criss said, "Perfect timing." I heard everyone gasp & giggle. "In fact," I said slyly shifting toward Criss. "I'll do a trick right now." Our lips were just inches away before he pushed me back.

Criss turned his head to the Left & sneezed violently in to the crook of his arm. He excused himself & somehow the subject changed from kisses to cigarettes again! Criss removed his Skull Logo handkerchief from his pocket & sneezed again. We tried to continue the lesson, but Criss just couldn't stop sneezing! With embarrassment, Criss excused himself for some fresh air & I followed him.

"I'm so sorry." Criss said as he sat out in the afternoon sun with me. "My allergies usually aren't this bad!" I looked him sympathetically, he was a mess! "I'm worried about David," I admitted lifting my head to the bright, blue sky. "He's just not getting it & we're running out of time!" Criss blew his nose & then his handsome face lit up. "I could extend my stay." My ears were ringing! EXTEND HIS STAY??? MARVELOUS!!!!! "Oh Criss!" I cried out, embracing him. "Spend the whole weekend here? Are you sure? I mean...I know you're awful busy!"

He smiled & that was enough for me! "I'll have my Mentor, Maria set up a Hotel for you, only the best." I said pulling out my cell phone & then remembering that Maria wouldn't be able to hear me, put in my Blue Tooth. "I could just kiss you!" I exclaimed, as I did so, I leaped up for another kiss, but Criss covered his mouth & nose with his handkerchief & sneezed again. At least I had more time for that kiss!

The next morning Criss Angel came with us to rehearsal, bright & early! While Act 1 ran as usual, I sat in the pit with Criss. I used my CP as excuse for poor balance & Criss sat behind me the whole time, keeping me propped up! His allergies were still bothering him & even he sneezed a few times. I caught the small gust of his breathe on the back of my neck a few times & it took a lot for me to not melt into a puddle right there! "Bless you." I would whisper, smiling up at him. He'd reply, "Thank you." Sounding rather stuffy & embarrassed, it was adorable!

It had been a long weekend, but it was finally coming to an end. Sunday night I helped Criss prepare for his flight back to Vegas. I could rest easier knowing that David had mastered the cigarette vanish. But still no kiss!

"I...have something for you." I told Criss as he & I sat together in the basement, he had put up with David so well, he earned something special. "Really?" He asked curiously. From behind Criss' ear I removed 2 tickets for the Opening Night of "Carnival!" Criss' face lit up. "Oh, Emily, how-" He removed his handkerchief from his back pocket & sneezed into it again. I sighed, no kiss for me, I guess, "Come on, you've got a flight to catch." I walked Criss out to his car, but before he could shut the door & drive off, I just had to give him one more thing! "Criss," I put my hand on his shoulder as he went to put the keys in the ignition. "My token." I said cleverly quoting "Carnival" & I produced a Purple Carnation. Criss gasped in amazement.

"You are quite the little Magician, aren't you?" He said with a sweet smile, "How about a kiss on the cheek?" As always, the clever trick followed through. "Mindfreak" was all I managed to say in a trance like state. Criss chuckled, closed his car door & drove off in the damp streets. I just stood there in the middle of the sidewalk at one in the morning, aghast.

"Emily!" I heard Arianna call out from the window overhead, the dorm lights were on, but it was past curfew. "Emily, come inside at once!" Arianna scolded again.

I stood still motionless in the middle of the sidewalk. I raised my arms high & at the top of my voice screamed out, "MINDFREAK!!!!!"

Edited by obsessed
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Aw, what the hell? I gotta do it.....



"Mindfreak" indeed...better than any Magic trick!

If only the cast of "Carnival" had really gotten that privilage...

Our show opened & closed with a bang anyway, with or without Criss Angel.

Spot on with my Co-Stars by the way, it's as if you really knew them...


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