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You'll get what the title means later. And I... I know. I really need to work on finishing stories. I'M JUST SO HORRIBLE AT IT! :(


She's sitting in her room, on her bed (no one else's, Iggy, Gazzy), meditating after a long day of taking care of demons sent from the depths of hell to torture her, also know as The Flock. She could still smell the smoke from the bomb Gazzy had set off in her room. Why, she doesn't know. Maybe he's being attention starved?

The point is that she's tired, and exhausted, and sleep-deprived, and... you know what? You get it. Anyway, she just wants some piece and quiet (and sleep). So, she lays down, all ready for rest mode (otherwise known as sleep), when she hears it.

It's a quiet sound, a sound a non-two percent avian person wouldn't have heard, and, at first, she can't even clearly tell what it is. But, then it comes again.


She sits up quickly and sighs in frustration. She'd know that loud, pinched, deep sneeze anywhere. It's Fang's sneeze, and it's... annoying? Well, yes, annoying, but also....... concerning. There has to be something wrong with Fang to make him sneeze. In fact, Max has only heard/seen Fang sneeze a handful of times and they've been together almost since birth.


She sighs again. Obviously there'll be no sleep for her until she fixes Fang (or, you know, chops his nose off). She stands, making her way to the bedroom door, when suddenly, Angel bursts in. She's dressed in her newest pajamas (purple pants and button down shirt with cartoon pandas) and her usual halo of golden hair is stuck up in some places, tangled in others (proving that even Angel can have a bad hair day).

But, neither of these features concern Max (except the hair, seriously, where's the camera?). What concerns her is Angel's blue, blood-shot eyes, full of tears. This shocks Max greatly. Her flock is tough bunch of kids, and it takes a lot to get to them (growing up in a dog crate and having to observe experiments with mutilated results can do that to you).

"Honey, what's wrong?" She asks, scratching in between Angel's wings soothingly.

"It's Izzy and Gazzy, Max," Angel says, peering up at her and sniffing softly,"they're gone."


Sorry for the lack of sneezing (and shortness)! There won't be more in the next update but possibly in the update after that. Oh, and don't get too excited. There won't really be a plot in this except for in the very beginning, and that's only setting up for Fang neglection. Wait, neglection is a word, right? I googled it but it had differing answers. Eh, oh well. I bid you goodbye until the next update! bleh.gif

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Ooooohhh, Maximum Ride! It is a little weird hearing Max in third person, but I've decided I like it.

I love how Max recognizes his sneezes and knows something's wrong. And I love the sneezes themselves, I mean pinched stifles!!! They're awesome.

So ya, anyway, bye!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh jeez people. I am so sorry! I have actually almost finished this story but my computer crashed and this is the first time in a long time that I've had any time on a computer without someone standing right behind me. So, I've come to say that no, I will not be canceling this story. And that I may update it tonight, next week, or sometime, but hopefully soon. Sorry!

BYE! bleh.gif

Edited by Bubbles!
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  • 1 year later...

Ha! Woah, blast from the past, guys. :D I totally forgot about this story. I feel kind of bad that I never continued it, maybe I'll come back to it someday. But anyway, thanks for all the comments, guys, I live for feedback. :)

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Hey VB.....

I'm gonna kill you.....

If you don't finish all your stories....

*smiles murderously*

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