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The Best Date Ever (secret santa for LeapYearKisses

Marshmallow Peep

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Well, it's Secret Santa time! Happy Holidays, LeapYearKisses, I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it (I enjoyed writing it a lot, by the way)


In Music Room 3, the Ouran Host Club was having a much slower business day than usual. Apparently, the lovely lady guests had decided to go to a new plush-animal-themed amusement park & resort for something called “The 1st Annual Ladies-Only Host-Talk Slumber Party”, one could only guess that this was where they would spend time together gushing over the hosts they like best and discussing the thought of possibly experimenting with different requests of tea, snacks, and even an entire host package. For the hosts, wondering how in the world the guests gained permission to be excused from classes for this… field trip wasn’t enough to stay occupied for the days without any activities to attend to. The hosts went on to make other plans for the time being, Haruhi decided to take advantage of this by using the time to finish some extra chores at home, Hikaru and Kaoru snuck out of the building to who-knows-where, and Honey made plans to go the new amusement park as well, bringing Mori with him of course. The only two without plans were Tamaki and Kyouya, much to the surprise of the other hosts. Well… they didn’t have plans until day 2 of an empty club room; the time spent there went slowly until Tamaki broke the silence with a suggestion. “Hey, Kyouya! I bought a horse ranch yesterday, how’d you like to come check it out, we can ride the horses and feed them; they have names too, there’s normal names like Yuuki and Kuro, and cool foreign names like Sugar, Biscuit, and Fred. It’ll be fun!” Tamaki said with a smile. Kyouya wasn’t exactly sure whether to accept this offer of an activity, there were so many other things they could be doing besides that anyway. Tamaki could always change his mind, right? Wrong! For the next half-hour, the horse ranch was all Tamaki would talk about and he only shut up once Kyouya reluctantly accepted the plan to spend the following day at “Suoh Stables”. “You know, Tamaki, you haven’t been this… ‘enthusiastic’ about plans since middle school, what’s making you act like this now?” Kyouya inquired. “Well, I guess it’s because I’m able to spend time with you” Tamaki answered as he cheerfully tilted his head like a confused puppy. Kyouya then checked the clock as if he were suggesting they should be going soon, which they eventually did since the doors would be locked if they had stayed any longer. All Kyouya had to do then was wait for all this to be over so they could go back to hosting like they would normally do. By the time he got home, he was ready to eat dinner and be done for the day.

Tomorrow is going to be a very, very long day.

~ ~

Tamaki eagerly waited outside the stable gates looking for Kyouya. He could barely hold his excitement, as soon as Kyouya arrived, Tamaki felt like he was going to explode with joy! Once Kyouya stepped out of the vehicle that transported him there, he had the strangest feeling things were going to either go great or terribly, terribly, wrong, with nothing in-between of those 2 outcomes. Tamaki hopped up and down like a 5-year-old after eating 3 bags worth of jelly beans and drinking 2 cans of an energy drink of some sort, Kyouya just hoped Tamaki would slow down before they made it to the stables.


Kyouya tried not to draw too much attention to himself, even the horses watching him break the comfortable silence was a bit unsettling.

“You okay, Kyouya? If you’re sick then we can just reschedule and-“

“No, I’m fine, let’s just get to the stable and pretend this… exchanged never ha~” Kyouya stopped mid-sentence… he held up his left index finger signaling the next outburst to come within 2 seconds or so

“Keh~GKSCHiuhh… Kih~CKSHIihh”

Tamaki stared at Kyouya with a rather blank expression on his face. Kyouya looked completely fine earlier before walking closer to their destination at the stables. Either Tamaki was oblivious to what was going on or he had already put two and two together but kept quiet to savor the moment he was probably enjoying. To Kyouya, the conclusion was clear, with his eyes watering faster than any fountain could and the constant itching, burning sensation in his nose… they all wanted to rub a very unfortunate fact in his face, something that could have gotten him out of this predicament with a brief sentence, Kyouya was most certainly allergic to horses, the majestic animals he was expected to not only pet and feed but ride. Kyouya wished he had said something sooner but he felt the need to face the problem for Tamaki’s sake. After quite a bit of walking and Kyouya’s near-desperate attempts to hold back major sneezing fits in order to avoid Tamaki’s increasing concern, they had met with a professional horse-trainer the Suohs had hired to assist with business. “Welcome to the wonderful horse ranch known as Suoh Stables, I’m taking that you’re Tamaki’s guest, Mr. … Ootori?” said the friendly hired help, waiting for a reply; instead, he got something… else.


Kyouya rubbed his nose and turned back in embarrassment. Tamaki felt a bit guilty for not showing much concern for his precious Kyouya and decided to make up for it as soon as possible. “Please excuse us for a brief moment” Tamaki requested of the horse-trainer, he then took Kyouya gently by the arm and found a quiet place behind a tree outside the ranch. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Tamaki asked with a grin while holding Kyouya tenderly in front of him. “We could have gone anywhere else in the world, I would be fine as long as it’s with you” Tamaki whispered in Kyouya’s ear the way he had practiced with the guests in the host club. “Well, for one thing, I forgot about all the horse business until we got here. I also went along because it was something you wanted to do.” Kyouya replied, he felt silly saying such things but he also noticed saying this left a sweet aftertaste of happiness in his words. Tamaki smiled and took his cell-phone out of his pocket; he then started fiddling with the numbers as if he were sending a text message, he then showed the screen to Kyouya, with a calendar-like note saying that next Sunday will be a day for just the two of them, something they both agreed on. That will be the best date ever.

The End

I hope you liked it. Happy Holidays!

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Oh man, this is so adorable! Thank you so much! I'm grinning from ear to ear! :D I love the idea of a Ladies-Only Host-Talk Slumber Party leaving them all to their own devices. It's definitely something that would happen. And then you wrote Tamaki and Kyouya so well! *dances* And the horses! :D And his adorable sneezes!

This is awesome! Thank you!

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