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Secret Santa for Ruskie!


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So, here you are! This takes place around the earlier episodes - three, four, five, etc. I had never heard of this show before, so I went and watched all of the episodes! Ahh! Am I obsessive? Maybe. I wanted to give you the Secret Santa you asked for, so I hope you like it! =D




It was late, but Chloe wasn't anywhere near sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see were flashes of terror from the past few weeks, most of them leading back to one thing: the truth.

And the truth was not exactly something she wanted to deal with, which is why she had no immediate plans to go to sleep and deal with the nightmares. 

It was windy outside, and beginning to rain, hard. It had been drizzling all day, but now the storm was hitting for good. 

All at once, Chloe sensed...something. Something off. 

She sprung into a defensive position and listened closely.

There was someone - or something - on her roof. 

Chloe closed her eyes and concentrated on the graceful steps coming from above. She recognised them in an instant.

It was Alek, of course. For whatever reason, his way of looking out for her involved a nightly patrol on her roof. Surely he could watch from somewhere not quite so... distracting. 

Chloe rolled her eyes and sank back onto her bed, resuming her music browsing session on her laptop. She knew she could relax, but it just seemed impossible. Knowing that she was alwaysbeing hunted; knowing that she had a responsibility greater than she could even comprehend: well, the combination certainly made relaxing impossible. 

It happened in an instant. One second her window was shut, the next it was open, and Alek was climbing through it. Before Chloe had a chance to assess the situation, she was up in another defensive position, this time, all ten claws out, poised and ready to lunge at Alek. 

And then she realised it was him, and relaxed. A bit. 

"Seriously, Alek? You couldn't have given me a  warning? Like, 'Hey Chloe, mind if I come in?' I mean, I could have hurt you! Or I could have been getting changed - " 

Alek laughed, holding up his hands.

"Woah, woah. Slow down. One, you wouldn't have hurt me, and second of all, who says that's a bad thing?" He grinned, crossing the room and plopping down on her bed. 

"You're a perverted jerk," Chloe snapped, only half joking. "And you're dripping water all over my bed!" She crossed her arms "What do you want?" 

"Nice of you to ask. I j-ju-just..." Alek trailed off suddenly, a distant look in his eyes. 

Chloe tensed again. 

"What? Alek - what?" 

"Heh'EAASSH!" Alek snapped forward, hands cupped over his nose and mouth. He chuckled after he caught his breath. "How ironic. I just came inside to warm up. It's bloody freezing out there." 

"Bless you," Chloe offered. "But if you're going to sneeze again, can you try and be a bit more quiet? My mom is just down the hall, and I don't want to have to explain why you're here, on my bed, late at night - you get the picture?" 

"Yeah, sure," Alek snickered sarcastically, rubbing his nose. "She didn't take it so well last time, hmm?"

"Yeah, and even that was a lot earlier than it is now."

Chloe pushed aside her laptop and sat down on her bed next to Alek. "You should go home, Alek. There's no reason you should be out in the freezing rain."

Alek looked up at her

"Of course there is, Chloe. It's you."

"I'm not your responsibility, Alek. I can take care of myself. Go home. I'll be fine for a night."  Besides, if you stay out there you're going to get sick."

"I'm afraid it's too late for that," Alek muttered, wrinkling his nose. "Have you got a tissue?" 

"Ugh, Alek, that's just great. Really great. And yes...I do, hold on."

Chloe got up from the bed and dashed to the bathroom down the hall, tip toeing past her mother's room. Grabbing a bunch of tissues, she returned to her bedroom and  - quietly - shut the door behind her. "Here," she said, offering them to Alek.

"Th-thanks," Alek gasped, grabbing one just in time and pitching forward - once; twice. 


"That was not quiet," Chloe muttered, handing him the rest of the stack. "Are you okay?" 

"Thanks for all the sympathy," was the congested reply.

Chloe sighed. As sweet as she knew Alek truly was, he was wrapped in a thick layer of sarcasm and wit that she just had to tolerate. 

Or, perhaps give back.

"I'm sure the fact that you spend cold rainy nights on my roof really help your immune system," she shot back. 

Alek looked up at her, sniffling a bit. 

"Haven't you ever seen Cat on a Hot Tin Roof?" He grinned. "It's a classic." 

Chloe couldn't help but laugh. It was such a stupid remark, but somewhat surprisingly clever.

"You know, I actually haven't -" 


If it wasn't for her heightened hearing abilities, Chloe probably wouldn't have heard the sound. 

 "Oh crap!", Chloe gasped, jumping up suddenly.  "I think that was my mom's door - you need to hide, now!" 

Alek stood up quickly, scanning the room. 


"Not on the bed! Move! And don't sneeze!"

Alek managed to duck in Chloe's closet as she dove onto her bed and opened her laptop, just as her bedroom door opened slightly. 

"Chloe! What are you doing up so late?," Meredith asked, frowning slightly.

Chloe blinked rapidly, trying to come off casual. 

"I couldn't sleep. What's up?" 

"Well, I heard laughter, and it made me suspicious." 

"Oh, that? I was just watching a funny  video," Chloe lied, pointing to her laptop. 

Once again, her hearing allowed her to pick up even the slightest of sounds. This time it came from inside her closet - Alek stifling two more sneezes. 

Meredith, who didn't notice crossed her arms. 

"Uh-huh... Go to bed, Chloe. You have school in the morning." 

"Alright. Goodnight Mom. Love you."

"I love you, too."

Chloe relaxed when her bedroom door shut, and her mom went back to her room. 

"Alek?", she whispered. "It's safe."

Alek stepped out of the closet, sniffling wetly.

"Was that quiet enough?," he smirked

Chloe rolled her eyes. 

"Go home, Alek. I don't want you to get any more sick because of me." 

"It's not your - HUH'ESShsghk! - fault." 

Chloe winced.

"That sounded painful." 

"I'm fine," Alek muttered.

"Alek. Don't make me call Jasmine. Go home. I'll be fine."

Alek looked like he was about to argue, but sneezed instead. 


"Bless you. See? Point proven." 

Chloe put her hands on her hips. 

They stared at each other. 

"Fine. But if anything happens - " 

"Nothing is going to happen, Alek." 

Chloe walked over to him and took his hand in hers. "I really do appreciate everything you're doing for me. Looking out for me. Really, I do." 

She smiled. "Now come on, mister. Go through that window. It's time we both got some rest." 

When they arrived at the window, Alek opened it and stepped out onto the roof. He turned around and smiled. 

"Night, Chloe. Be safe." 

"Goodnight, Alek." Chloe replied, smiling. "Be well," she added. 

And with that, Alek disappeared into the night of rain, leaving Chloe alone once more.

He  really is something, she thought to herself as she shut her window for the night.

He really is.



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Wow! You wrote them so perfectly! And Chloe telling him to be quiet...and the banter...and Alek hiding in the closet and stifling...and of course the sneezes just LOVE! You've inspired me to try and continue mine :)

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Oh my good Lord. This is perfect :) thank you so much! You write Alek like your inside the show oooo I love u!!!!!

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OMG!!!! This is so awesome! You need to continue it! Please, please, please, please?!

BYE! :bleh:

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Phew! Glad it was liked! :D

Well, Ruskie's birthday is coming up in a few days.... I may be able to throw a little "bonus" story together... :)

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Phew! Glad it was liked! :D

Well, Ruskie's birthday is coming up in a few days.... I may be able to throw a little "bonus" story together... :)

Yes! Please yes!

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