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Hey guys! So I'm working on another klaine story at the moment, but I decided to write this drabble that came into my head a few days ago. Hope you all enjoy!


Darren felt blessed. After years of working in the musical area, and then being on Glee, he hadn't thought it could get much better. But it could. A 3 week stint on Broadway. He knew thousands of people would kill to be in his place. He had to do Daniel Radcliffe justice.

Packing his things up from his 7 hour rehearsal, he sighed. All this dancing and singing was physical demanding. But worth it. He had a show tomorrow.

Darren had been playing J. Pierpont Finch in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying for almost two weeks now. He had finally gotten into the swing of things. He was happy with the way everything was turning out.

Walking to his hotel, signing autographs and taking pictures as he went, he realized his head was starting to hurt, no doubt from not much food or sleep, along with the bright flashes from all the cameras. Making his way to his room Darren somehow showered and started drifting to sleep within 15 minutes, his body telling him to slow down. Not that he noticed.


"Hg'NXTCH'huh!" Darren rubbed his nose for what felt like the hundredth time that day, the delicate skin around it reddening.

He had woken up at 7 am, his alarm blaring. His nose holding a tickle in it that wouldn't seem to go away. He felt overly congested, but otherwise fine.

Now at 11 am, Darren was sitting backstage, a bagel in front of him untouched, a white handkerchief in his hands, pressed to his sensitive nose. He could feel the tickle working it's way out of his nose again, the whole nose itchy and stuffy. If Darren tried to sniffle the tickle only grew worse.

"Hehh.....Hetishhhh. Ugh." Darren rubbed his nose through the linen cloth, trying to soothe the itch that was already at work again. Sniffling, he scrunched up his pink nostrils, his eyes fluttering shut again.

"Huishhhh! Hi'YSTCH'shh! Huh.....hurshhhhhuh!" Darren blew his nose into the tissue, rubbing at his tired eyes after wards. He knew he should talk to his director. He had a show in 2 hours and he could barely talk without sneezing. Standing and keeping the handkerchief to his nose, he waled to the office.

"Hutchoooo! Heh...H'TXGSCT! XNGXT! H'TSHCHHH!" Darren snapped his eyes shut and kept his mouth closed, his nose practically overflowing. Darren felt like if he could just....sneeze 100 more times maybe this damn head cold would be gone.

Rapping on the wooden door in front of him, he heard his director say come in.

"S-Sir.." Darren nodded weakly, rubbing at the blossoming itch in his sinuses.

"Holy shit Darren. You look terrible." the director observed.

"I thin-think I caught a slight head co-col-Hg'SHHHH! Huh'XGTCH'chuhhh!" Darren wiped his nose, not bothering with it. "Slighd head code." he mumbled, congestion flooding his voice.

"Jesus. We'll get your understudy. Please just...get some sleep today, alright?" he instructed.

Darren didn't need to be told twice, already getting his phone out. Dialing a number he walked out of the office as it rang.


Darren smiled at the voice, the sweet sound.

"H-Hey Chris. I'b kids of sigck. Cad you cobe pigck me ub?" Darren asked, cursing his voice. He felt his nostrils flare and he pinched them shut, burying his face into the tissue.

"Hurmmmmphhhh! Huisshhhhhhhh!" Darren sniffled and waited for a reply.

"Of course Dare. I'll be there in a few minutes. Poor baby. We'll get you in bed and see if we can get that nasty head cold gone okay?" Chris suggested.

"Soudes perfecgt."

Snapping his phone shut, Darren sat at the back of the theater, sneezing every few minutes, wishing Chris was there now. He really wanted his boyfriends arms around his own. Very shortly after his wish, Chris appeared.

"He-" Chris stopped, his eyes widening in sympathy. "Oh baby....you look so sick." he cooed, bringing Darren into his arms, who laid his now warm face against the taller mans chest.

"Feel so sduffy ad...." Darren whipped his face out of Chris's chest, turning around, bringing the handkerchief up to his nose.

"Hx'GNXT! Huish!!! Hishhh! He'TISCHH! ugh....so...tig-tigckly...Hur'SHHHUHH!" Darren blew his nose as he sneezed the last tickley cold induced sneeze.

"Egxscuse be." he muttered, his nose red and raw, sniffling to hold in the congestion he felt in his nose.

Rubbing his finger under his nose, Darren followed Chris to a taxi and sat tiredly in the back, thankful when they got to the apartment. As Darren crawled into bed, he felt Chris's hand and a tissue on his nose.

"Blow." Chris instructed.

"I dod't wand't to ged y-youuu...Herishhhh! Hutishhhh! Ht'STCHHHHH....sigck." he groaned, blowing his nose forcefully into the tissue, falling asleep soon after.


Thanks guys! R&R

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