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Okay, so this fic is for DogLover, who's written me the most BEAUTIFUL NLOCK fic I've ever seen. She's fabulous, everyone go give that girl love. Anyway, I promised her a Denial!Jace fic for her. I've been doing my best, but I don't know how I feel about it right now, I think it’s just a tiny cheesy, but whatever :) I had to throw in a little bit of Alec/Jace Friendship fluff, ‘cause I just adore Alec. This is my like third fic, and so I'm super nervous about what you guys think, since I know theres a lot of Jace girls out there. Just a little background information: This fic takes place kind of inbetween City of Ashes and City of Glass, however I continued to use Jace's last name of Wayland to avoid as many spoilers as possible. But be warned, there is some in there. Basically Jace lives with the Lightwoods, Isabelle, Alec, Mayrse, Robert, and Max, in the Institute in New York City. An Institute is a sort of Headquarters for the Shadowhunters, who protect the world from different kinds of demons. There's also Clary, who is a Shadowhunter as well, but she didn't know that until the middle of City of Bones, the first book. She and Jace are in love but they can't be together, since their siblings :0 That's pretty much it, and now since I'm done rambling, enjoy!

P.S.: First part is fairly short, just a few sneezes, but I wanted to get a part up. Also, I seem to lack basic editing skills, so if this freaks....my bad...

Jace lept out of the way of one of the Shax demon’s pincers, landing lightly on his feet several feet back, near the edge of some pond. The rain had begun to pour down, obscuring his vision long enough that the beast got within a foot of him before he saw it.

“Jace! Watch it!” Alec shouted somewhere to his right, two seconds too late. The demon let out a great screech and flung itself onto the blonde Shadowhunter, knocking him backwards into the half-frozen pond. The cold water stung every inch of his body, muddling his thoughts, and turning the world on its head. Jace was only semi-aware of the weight of the demon sinking below him, its feeble legs and heavy body not meant to heave the demon to the surface. He kicked as hard as he could, forcing his body towards the light that meant sweet relief from the burning in his lungs.

His head broke through, gasping as Alec grabbed his flailing hand, pulling him towards the hard, soild grass.

“Jace, Jace, are you okay?” Shivering, Jace nodded his head. Alec pulled him to his feet, taking off his own jacket and putting it around Jace. The younger shadowhunter shook it off.

“I’m f-ff-ine,” He chattered, crossing his arms over his chest to try and subside the shivers wracking his body. Alec rolled his eyes, shrugging on his own jacket, if Jace wanted to freeze, so be it.

“Whatever,” The dark haired teen muttered, crossing to the edge of the pond and peering into its depths, it was unusually deep and dark. Jace set out across the park, heading back to the Institute. Alec swore colorfully behind him and raced to catch up.

“Where are you going!” He shouted, grabbing Jace’s shoulder. Without a doubt, the blonde Nephlim was cranky, he had been for a while, but he was downright bitchy today.

“Home,” Jace spat, stalking up and into the great church that housed their home.

“What? We weren’t done with it.” Alec grumbled, punching the button on the lift, raising his voice slightly over the screech of its brakes.

“I don’t particularly care, I’m cold and wet,” Jace snapped, stalking into the lift and punching a button angrily. Truthfully, though he was cold and wet, Jace was actually angrier about the fact that he’d let the stupid demon get away in the first place.

“And cranky,” Alec muttered, shouldering past his Parabarti and disappearing down the dimly lit corridor. Sighing, the younger shadowhunter made his way into his room, slamming the door loudly behind him, hoping to ward off anyone else in the house who thought it a good idea to irritate him.

Stepping into his small bathroom, Jace started up the shower and undressed, stepping into the steam, hoping to warm his body up. The steam seemed to float into his nose, tickling the inside like a bunch of feathers.

Hehixgt! “ Jace stifiled a single sneeze and swore colorfully, now was not the proper time to fall ill, and under no circumstance would he be able to just take a day off. Aware of the pounding in his head, he turned off the shower, toweled himself off, and dressed in the warmest clothes he owned, dark, thick sweat pants and a sweatshirt someone had left in the institute at one point. Climbing into his warm, well made bed, the young Nephlim drifted off to sleep.

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Ohmygod! If this is going where I think it's going... So excited *explodes*

And how is it that you've managed to capture Jace?! I've tried and failed to write him soooo many times...tell me your secrets, woman!

Anyway, I'm happy right now...

Also, you should know that it's your fault I'm reading this instead of working on my Secret Santa fic, so if I can't get it done in time I'm blaming you.

So ya, excited... Update soon!

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BYE! :bleh:

P.S. Sorry for the spazz attack. I just love this so much!

BYE! Again. :bleh::bleh:

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