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Twenty Questions


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After what has to be at least two hundred miles of highway, Dean eyes his brother in the passenger seat as his breath catches.


He frowns. “Bless you. Again. You coming down with something, Sammy?”

Sam rubs his thumb over his eyebrow. “Uh… I dunno, maybe.” He sniffs and clears his throat.

“Fucking perfect,” Dean mutters.

“I’m sorry.” He rubs his knuckle under his nose.

Dean waves it away. “Don’t apologise, it’s not your fault,” he reaches over to open up the glove compartment. “Long drive, you know, and you have the world’s shittiest timing.” He eyes their Kleenex box. “This is all we’ve got. You might have to ration these.”

“Thanks.” He takes the box from Dean and pulls a tissue out to blow his nose. “You wanna swap? You look shattered, it’s gotta be well past my turn to drive.”

Dean grimaces. “I don’t like you driving when you’re sick.” He studies Sam. “You planning any massive sneezing fits any time soon?”

Sam rubs at and wrinkles his nose. “Well, I’m not planning them…” His eyes glaze over for a minute. “HuhHISSHU!” He laughs. “I think you made that happen there.”

Dean clicks his teeth. “Yeah, it’s not difficult Sam.” He sighs. “I dunno, I’ve not got a lot left in me. You think you could drive?”

Sam wipes his nose on the back of his hand. “Yeah, sure I can.”

“You gonna crash my baby?”

“No, hey,” Sam runs his hand in a cross over his chest. “Cross my heart. Pull over, c’mon, you need to get some sleep.”

Dean does pull over, and they swap seats, but he has an untrusting eye on Sam as he settles down to sleep.


“Sam…” Dean growls.

“It was one sneeze, Dean!” Sam protests. “Just go to huh… uh…AhTushyew! Hushhuu! HaTtishyew! Ushuu!”

“Pull the fuck over.”

Sam does, still sneezing, and Dean sits back behind the driver’s seat. He sighs. “I don’t have another three hundred miles in me, dude. And I’m sure as hell not letting you drive. I dunno, I’m kinda thinking we should just pull into a side road and sleep in here. Would you be warm enough? Don’t wanna make you sicker.”

“Sure, we got a blanket in the trunk.”

“Good.” He starts up the car. “Cos I’m starting to think that if you don’t sleep soon you’re not going to. And, no offence, but I’m sure as hell not sleeping with you sneezing and coughing up a lung all night, which puts us in the exact same position tomorrow: you sick, me tired, neither of us fit to drive anywhere.”

“Okay,” Dean instructs when he pulls up the car. “Grab a blanket and hop in the back.”

Sam rubs at his nose. “You sure you don’t want the back? You’re working on, what, three hours sleep in as many days?”

“You’re sick.” Dean answers instantly. “Besides, I told you, if you don’t sleep I won’t, and if I don’t there’s no point us even stopping. Wrap yourself up warm.”


Dean wakes seven hours later, probably a record for him in a motel room, let alone in the fucking car. He rubs his eye with the heel of his hand and stretches… and fucking looks outside.

“Holy shit!” Dean says aloud. The place is covered in fucking feet of snow. He pushes open the door and the thing barely budges, and when it does snow fucking pours into the footwell. “Oh fuck.” He grumbles.

Sam is shifting in the back.

“Heh…HuhUhtchoo! Heh-Hutchoo! Uhtishyew! Ha…ahUshuu! Usshyew! Ushuuu!”

Dean leans over the back of his chair. “Shit. This is really not gonna be any good for you.”

“Huh?” Sam blinks, his nose dripping.

“Take a look around you Sammy.”

Sam does, then groans and slumps against the backseat.

“Okay, hey, have a look in our bag. Put some extra clothes on. I don’t know how long ‘til we’ll be moving and I want you warm.”

Obliging, Sam pulls the clothes from the bag, still blinking sleepily.

Dean routes through the glove compartment. “Now what do you need? Aspirin? I think that’s all we got.”

Sam clears his throat. “Yeah aspirin would be good.” His voice is husky.

“What you got there?” Dean hands over the aspirin. “You gonna put a couple of sweaters on, yeah?”

Sam wipes at his nose with his sleeve. “It’s a cold, Dean, you can chill out a little.”

Dean huffs. “I know, I know, It’s just… it’s fucking freezing Sam and I got nothing here get you better.”

Sam pulls on a sweater. “I’ll be fine. Don’t you wo-uhh worry HuhUSSSHah!”

“Okay” Dean accepts grudgingly, and puts a tape into the cassette player. “Hey, this could be a while, so, you know, who am I? You got twenny questions.”

Sam,buries his nose into a tissue “Usshu! Usshu! Ussshh!” He sniffs. “Are you Dave Mustaine?”

Dean shuffles in his seat.

“Screw you.”


27_JJ's prompt: The guys are having to sleep in the Impala on a realllllly cold night. They wake up in the morning and discover it has snowed. A lot. So they’re snowed-in in the car. And it’s really cold. And Sam is either already sick, or getting sick.

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