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I love you, idiot (Part 6/?)


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BYE! :bleh:

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This was so freakin amazing I'm still reeeadingn more!!!!!!!

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Hey guys,

I just wanted to pop in and tell you something to explain why I won't be doing much writing for a while. One of my best friends was killed today in a car accident and I'm working on dealing with the whole thing. I've been trying to write, but with my current emotional state everything comes out all angsty and tragic and stuff. While that's good for other fics, it's not really what I had in mind for this one (and I'm pretty sure that if I do what my emotions are telling me to and have the Order come and kill everyone some of you would not be happy). I'll try to continue this when I've had some time to deal with what happened, but no guarantees.


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Oh my god, that's so horrible. I'm so sorry. And, I know that you're probably not looking for pity, but just know that I'm here for you. If you need a (virtual) shoulder to cry on or someone to vent at I'm here. This probably doesn't help a lot but I just want you to know that you can always find someone to talk to, even if you don't really know them. I hope this helps, even if only a little.


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oh my dear....thats just awful. I know how you feel, I lost my brother earlier this year, so if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.

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Thanks, guys. It helps to just know that people care...

Waaahhh, I feel like crying and ranting and screaming, but I can't because I really shouldn't do that anywhere except the Snake Pit, which I don't have access to. It's kind of frustrating. I just really want to yell at the world...

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I know I know. I still wasn't a full member when my brother died and I remeber just being so frustrated 'cause I couldnt talk to anyone here.

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, just wanted to let you guys know that after ditching you for the last two and a half months I'm back! And ready to continue this fic...

Listen, guys, I'm looking for a beta. Anyone interested?

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Oh! Hey, I'd be interested in betaing you! You're a really good writer and I really liked this story so if there's anything I can do to help you out I'll definitely try. Can't wait until your next update!

BYE! :bleh:

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Yay, you can beta! :) Can you just send me an email (mine's on my profile) because I haven't been validated yet so I can't go get yours? Next chapter is in progress so I'll need your help soon :)

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Absolutely! But, I do have to warn you. My computer has been down for about 3 weeks so I'm using my brother's PS3. This doesn't disable me that much but my replies to your emails will probably be pretty short or there will be 2 or 3 of them. Thanks for letting me beta you!

BYE! :bleh:

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After much time away, I have finally continued this. Nothing new happens in this part, just Jasmine's POV on the last one. Many thanks to Bubbles!, who is now beta-ing for this. Any mistakes can be blamed on her :bleh: But so can any good parts...


Part 7:

Jasmine had been sitting on the roof of the school when Alek had walked out the door under her, looking about five times as bad as he had that morning. After watching him nearly miss Chloe and Amy on their way out, Jasmine decided to following the three of them to make sure Alek's cold didn't get them all killed.

Easily keeping up with the girls, Jasmine devoted most of her attention to her cousin. He looks like the only thing stopping him from passing out is sheer willpower, she thought, half admiring his determination and half worried about his health. She winced as a sneeze nearly caused him to miss the next roof as jumped a gap.

It was around then that she noticed the Jackal. He was obviously following the girls, the hood of his jacket up and keeping to the shadows. Jasmine studied the Jackal, looking for weaknesses and calculating her chances in a fight. If Chloe and Alek help me--oh, crap, Alek. Jasmine glanced at the Mai in question, who was swaying alarmingly as he perched on a rooftop. Add his rapidly progressing illness to his ridiculously bad allergies to supernatural dogs and you get--well, a liability in a fight.

As Jasmine frantically tried to figure out a plan that didn't involve dying, Alek finally noticed the Jackal.

"Chloe!" Alek yelled. Jasmine winced at his voice, hoarse and breaking in the middle and about an octave lower than usual. She watched, impressed as Alek flipped gracefully off the roof at the speed of thought despite being as sick as--well, a dog. Amy screamed as he landed five feet away from her.

Jasmine crouched on the edge of the rooftop, preparing to drop onto the Jackal from above as soon as he got in range.

Alek still looked terrible, wrinkling his nose against the itch that was probably forming as a result of his proximity to the Jackal.

"What is it, Alek?" Right, Chloe wouldn't know about Jackals. Jasmine wished she could warn her in some way, but that would mean giving away her position to the Jackal and losing the element of surprise.

"Wh--ahhh--What do you mean?" Great, Alek hadn't noticed that their attacker was a freaking Jackal despite his breath hitching in preparation for sneezing at it.

"That guy! What is he?!" Chloe asked again, jerking her chin towards the attacker.

"Shit! Shitshitshit!" Now Alek finally picked up on the nature of the enemy. And the gravity of their situation.

"He's shit?" Chloe was never too shocked for wisecracks.

"No, he's a Jackal!" Alek spit out.

And you're allergic to dogs, Jasmine finished the sentence for him.

"Why is that bad?" Okay, someone seriously needed to teach Chloe more about the world of the Mai. And about Alek.

"Le--hehh--let's just say that dow we're goidg to f--ahh--fide out whether it's possible for be to sdeeze by h-heh-head off add fight at the sabe tibe," Alek said, his voice breaking in the middle again.

I know the answer, Jasmine thought. It's not possible. Stubborn idiot, she mentally yelled at him. If he'd just admitted to being sick none of this would have happened.

"I'm not sure what you mean by that, but let's try to figure out a plan before he--"

"H--hiihh--here's the--huhh--plad. We kill it. Without--huh--dyigg."

Yeah, how about you just keep yourself alive.

"Good plan." Chloe sounded extremely apprehensive.


And it begins.

"What's--" Chloe started to ask something but wisely stopped as the Jackal leaped forward and tried to grab her head. Jasmine watched from above with approval as Chloe easily dodged his arm, dancing backward and getting into a fighting stance.

Come on, just a bit closer, Jasmine mentally urged the Jackal to get in dropping range. She grimaced in frustration as Alek drove him away, leaping at him and kicking him twice. He landed with another sneeze.


He's going to get himself killed at this rate, Jasmine shifted in her crouch, ready to drop at a moment's notice.

The fight between Chloe and the Jackal sped up. Chloe was a whirlwind, dodging, kicking and striking at the Jackal at the speed of light. "Alek?" she managed to look over her shoulder to glance at him for a second.

"hek'chuh! chuuh! heh'ISH'shuh! ish'shuh!" Alek sneezed some more.

Yeah, he's not going to be much use right now.

Alek straightened up from his fit in time to spot the punch the Jackal aimed at his face. Jasmine was impressed as he managed to somersault over the Jackal and land just under her while sneezing his head off.

"heh'ISHH! ISH! ISH! ish'SHUH! TCHUH!"

"Alek!" Chloe yelled as the Jackal turned and saw Alek standing there, sneezing helplessly, hard and fast and with no breaks in the middle to do stuff like breathing or noticing the Jackal reaching out and grabbing his arm.

With the Jackal now right under her, Jasmine dropped onto it from above. She wasn't fast enough. By the time she hit the Jackal's back, Alek had already crumpled to the ground with a dislocated shoulder.


Jasmine spared a fraction of her attention to notice her cousin sneeze, biting his lip to keep from screaming as the motion jarred his shoulder.

She jerked her attention back to the fight as her opponent finally seemed to notice there was a Mai sitting on his back. She punched him in the face as Chloe kicked his stomach.

The Jackal roared in pain and anger, trying to knock Jasmine off his back. She tightened her arms around his neck in a chokehold while Chloe punched and pummeled him. Under their combined attacks the Jackal slowly crumpled to the ground, his head hitting the pavement with a dull thud.

That over with, Jasmine jumped off the Jackal and ran to her cousin, who lay on the street sneezing repeatedly and barely holding off screams.

"hek'chuh! hek'CHUH! TCHUH! het'CHUH! heehhh! heshhuuh! heh'ISH! ISH! ISH! hh'TCHH! TCHH! uh'TSHSH! heh'ESHH! ESHH!"

Jasmine grabbed his arm and popped his shoulder back into place. His face relaxed in relief, only to crumple in the face of another sneeze.

"heh'ECKchuh! Jasmine?" he whimpered.

Jasmine scrambled to think of a response and spoke the first words that came into her head. "You're an idiot."

"Tha'sss," Alek slurred, nearly unconcious but still able to use sarcasm.

"I love you, idiot," Chloe said from behind her as Alek fell unconcious.

"Come on," Jasmine said. "Let's carry him home."


To be continued...

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I found no mistakes!!! Yay! This means I get all the good credit! ;) You did a great job on this DogLover and I can't wait to get your next part! Hope there's more soon!

BYE! :bleh:

P.S. I finally got back my computer! Yay! Now I can actually beta well instead of just writing like a four or five sentence comment!

BYE! Again. :bleh::bleh:

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@jezebel215: WATCH IT! WATCH IT! WATCH IT!

Um, I mean, only if you want to... :blushing:

@Bubbles!: Yay, thank you! You deserve all the good credit.

Unfortunately, most of this week will be taken up by a school trip (camping! With my allergic classmates! In March!) so I will not be writing anything until Thursday. However, I leave you with a question: I'm planning on adding some contagion. Anything you guys want to see?

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I can't wait for more :) maybe some Chloe contagion and being all " stay in bed" when hes still sick:o

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Oh hey you! Haven't seen you in while...

I think this fic is going on vacation for a while because it's just kinda not going anywhere whenever I try to write. HOWEVER. I'm gonna write episode 7 (Dogs of War) allergic!Alek style :D Just you guys know, I feel like you deserve updates. Thanks for your patience with me :hug:

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Well, I'm not a patient person but I think I can make an exception for you (and Alek). ;) Can't wait to see your Dogs of War fic!

BYE! :bleh:

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As much as I love this story (and I do :)) I cannot wait for that allergic fic :)

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  • 2 months later...

noooooo I had this sneaking suspicion that this wouldn't be a finished fic, but I read it anyway ; __ ; why do I do this to myself

but yes, I have been stalking your topics to find your stories LOL

I must say, this is perfectly wonderful 8'D I wasn't even aware that this was a fanfic cause it's so well-written even without knowing the fandom :D

Can I cross my fingers in the hopes that you'll take a vacation from the vacation and continue writing this one? :x I like it a lot LOL

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