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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Hermione watches as Ron casts the curse at Malfoy. In her head she's proud of Ron. It's not everyday that he just throws around random curses. But, as she watches the spell rebound, she can't help but feel a little disappointed. Malfoy needs to be taught a lesson and as she hears the laughter of him and the other Slytherins she thinks "Who better to do it than me?".

So, while Harry rushes over to help Ron, who is now throwing up slugs, she slowly raises her wand (ominous effect okay) a spits out a menacing "You shouldn't have done that Malfoy". The blond boy looks at her and bursts out laughing again.

"You?" He mocks. "You're going to curse me?!"

Hermione does her best not to smile.

"Diynocio!" She shouts, flicking her wand. A yellowish white light shoots from her wands and is absorbed into Draco's chest. A couple of seconds pass while nothing happens.

"Ha! Good job, Granger! You succeeded in boring me!"

The Slytherins snicker nervously around the boy. They know Hermione is a brilliant witch, even if she is so young, and that if she hits you with a curse it will do something.

After a few more seconds and still nothing has happened the Slytherins become more pronounced in their laughing and some even start to shout random insults at her.

"Dumb Mudblood!" One exclaims. She only cracks a smile.

Hermione watches for signs of the curse, ignoring the rude comments of the Slytherins. It's not long until she finds one.

Malfoy is sniffling, rubbing his hand against his nose, turning the pale skin into an irritated pinkish color. It's not long after that he turns to the side to sneeze.


It's a small sneeze, polite even, and she wouldn't have even noticed it if she hadn't been looking. But, it's no matter to her. The size of the sneeze is not important, only the sneeze itself matters and she only needs one sneeze.

Hermione takes pride in the way Malfoy's eyes widen as the dust puffs from his nose, and how he makes a small, high screeching sound. He knows what he's been cursed with. He glares at her before turning to the side to sneeze again.


This sneeze is sightly bigger than the one before and a few of the still laughing Slytherins turn to see what caused the noise. She takes the confusing moment to retreat to Hagrid's, Harry and Ron in tow.


There will be more. I swear. Around next week or so. And I got the spell from something I just made up. Diynocio stands for Dust In Your Nose and then ocio. Yeah, not very creative, I know. Oh well. And sorry for the lack of sneezing. There will be more of that later too. BYE! bleh.gif

Edited by Bubbles!
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Sorry for the hold up people! I'm having the busiest weekend ever! I promise that there will be more just not this weekend. I will make it my top priority to post the next chapter by the end of next Sunday. Sorry!

BYE! :bleh:

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