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What's the matter, Keiichi-kun?


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Okay sooo I'm a huge fan of anime (fangirls, UNITE!), one of them being Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni. Don't know it? Shame on you. Go look it up and watch it. NOW. It's amazing--scary as hell, confusing, and just plain bloody, but amazing nonetheless. There's also a second season (Kai) to explain everything you didn't understand in the first season. Bonus. biggrin.png

Either way, the main (and only, for that matter) male character is Keiichi Maebara and oh my god do I love him. I'm like... blushing and giggling so bad right now. I'm so glad no one can see me. heh.gif Really hope everyone likes it!

"Keiichi! Hey! Keiichi! Wake up, will ya?!" Mion Sonozaki stood over her friend, who was currently napping at his desk, and shook her head, green ponytail bobbing back and forth. "Unbelievable..." she muttered.

"He still asleep?" called Shion.

"Yup," the other twin sighed. "I dunno what we're gonna do with him, Shii."

"I say we prank him," here she gazed over at Satoko, "or rather, 'trap' him. Why not just throw a bunch of cold water over his head?"

"No, that's..." suddenly Mion's eyes lit up, "PERFECT! Sis, you're a genius!"

"Tell me something I don't know," Shion smirked.

A few minutes later everyone was gathered around the sleeping Maebara, grinning at each other deviously. Shion and Mion held the large gray bucket, full of ice cold water. Satoko had decided to crank it up a notch by putting actual ice in it. Smart, smart girl. The tiny blonde stood on Shion's right with Rika, while Rena leaned in from behind them.

"Hau," she breathed. "Are you guys sure about this? This is awfully mean, don't you think?" Her blue eyes sparkled with indecision.

"Calm down, Rena." Satoko stared back up at her haughtily. "We're just having some fun. Right, Rika?"

"Oh, yes," Rika replied in her high voice, "it's just some fun. Besides, Keiichi should know better than to sleep in class. If he's tired, maybe he should take his naps at home. Nipah!"

Mion nodded down at her, "Right!" She turned to her sister. "Ready, Shion?"


"Okay. On my count. One... two... three!" And the Sonozaki girls tipped the bucket over poor Keiichi's head.

"WAH!" Keiichi awoke with a start, the ice cubes slipping and sliding as they fell from his hair to the desk. Almost immediately he began to shiver violently. "G-g-guys! W-w-what's w-wrong with you?!" Everyone played innocent, looking away and whistling or pretending to be occupied with something else. It only made Keiichi madder, which was just what they were going for. "Y-you people are r-ridic-c-culous!"

Shion scoffed. "We're ridiculous? Who's the one with the soaking wet mop on his head, hmm, tough guy?" Satoko laughed in that boisterous way of hers.

"Yeah, Keiichi!" she antagonized, "Maybe you should start going to bed earlier. It's not your place to nap here!" Her eyes flashed mockingly. "It could get you in a lot of trouble."

"T-trouble? I'll sh-show you t-trouble!" He began to approached the young Hojo, but suddenly stopped. A strange look passed over his face, his angry expression fading into nothing. His shining blue eyes glazed over and he stepped back. Everyone was flabbergasted until the sharp intake of breath. Then: "Hi'shu! HiCHuh! H'mph!" The sneezes were wet and powerful, almost bending him over at the waist. He aimed them into his left elbow, shuddering with the effort of stifling the last one.

Everyone stared as Keiichi recovered, rubbing at his nose and blinking as if confused. Rena was the first to speak up. "Bless you, Keiichi-kun!" she twittered, and grinned. The teenage boy looked down at her and frowned. He 'hmph'ed and ran a hand through his soaking brown hair in exasperation. No, no, no, he thought desperately, I can't be sick, I can't be sick again. It's just the water... just the water. That's all. He hoped.

"What's the matter, Keiichi-kun?" Rena piped up again in concern. "Not feeling well?"

Deciding to play on the gripe, he just glared at her witheringly. "I'm fine," he gritted out. "Other than the fact that I've been drenched with freezing water. Just dandy!" He shook his head and stormed out, glad they were early and no one else was in the classroom yet.

"Oi," Shion said, causing the kids to turn and stare at her. "Looks like we touched a nerve there!" She squeaked out the last part in a high voice, emitting laughs from her friends. Except for Rena. She, instead, stared worriedly at the direction Keiichi had gone. Something was up. And the young Ryugu was going to find out.

"I'll be back," she said in her breathy voice, and set off after him.

Alright, so practically no sneezing in this one. But there'll be more in the next part (if ya'll want it), I promise! A good story needs PLOT... aka tons of set up, angst, and jokes to balance out with the angst. heh.gif

Want more? tonguesmiley.gif

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YESS!!!! Ohmaigawd...I haven't been able to fina a Keiichi fic ANYWHERE!!! PLEASE continue, it's interesting and I want to know what happens next!!! <3

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Ahh, Higurashi... Never watched the anime, but I've read some of the manga (not all, got bored... n__n'''). Anyways this was so enjoyable, please continue!

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Fuuuu- Higurashi! Omg, one of my all time favourite animes! Thankyou for writing this. Can't wait to see what happens next...

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I have never ever ever seen anime before. Of course, I saw 1 or 2 episodes of Pokemon when it was on a long time ago and I catch a few other things too. But I've never really been interested by it. Now, I want to go out and by EVERY copy of Higurashi. I don't know what it is, what it's about, or even if it's in English but whatever! I want it. I cannot wait until the next update. I have an awesome feeling about this story.

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by Bubbles!
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oh oh oh OOOOHHHH Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni is on my must-see anime list!!!! but unfortunately there are MANY more in this list and it´s way to go when i can watch it. but hey...this start just hooked me!!! so please keep it going! :wub:

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Here I am! :D

Oh wow I can't believe so many people haven't seen it... it's amazing. DEFINITELY worth watching. Awesome characters, interesting plot, and oh yeah, KEIICHI. <33



...Is that how you spell it? xD

Rena found Keiichi outside the schoolhouse, crouching next to the large basin of water. His back was turned to her, so she couldn't see his face, but shudders were running through his body and she found herself becoming worried. She cared deeply for Keiichi, and would hate to see him suffer. Approaching softly, she called out to him in a meek voice.

"Keiichi? Are you okay?"

He didn't respond.

"Kei-chan?" she tried again. Nothing.

She got up close to him and leaned over, blue eyes wide as she realized what was wrong.

"Mmph! Issh! Hih...MMPH!"

Rena winced. Those sounded like they hurt.


"Keiichi?" she murmered again in a last effort.

Finally the boy looked up. Craning his neck around, he jolted as he realized who was behind him. Rena, he thought bitterly. Great.

Even so, he attempted to act normal, holding off a few more sneezes as he stood. "Hi, Rena."

Ryugu frowned. He looked awful. His eyes were bright and wet, definitely not from being iced on by the girls. His cheeks were flushed as was his nose, a light pink that stood brashly out against his fair skin. His hair was still sopping, as were his clothes, giving him a disheveled look. She could see him shaking. Her concern shot up a few notches.

"Um... are you okay?" Rena's voice wavered.

"I will be when I get dry," Keiichi smirked. "I was just one my way to do that now."

The redhead decided to play dumb, "Then what stopped you?"

Keiichi flushed an even deeper red. Of course he didn't have an answer for that. "Nothing," he muttered, and turned once more to leave. He set off across the schoolyard at a furious pace, willing to do anything to escape from the curious girl.

"Keiichi, wait!" Rena held out a hand and ran to stop him, "Hold up!"

"Go back inside, Rena," he said, not even looking around.

Rena shook her head and slowed down. "Wait! What about school? Chie-sensei will be here any minute!"

Finally Keiichi stopped and turned. "So?" he scoffed, "It's not like I haven't been late before. Besides, my house isn't that far from here. If I run I can probably make it and get back before the sensei steps foot inside."

A sudden wind blew, sweeping everything to the side. Even some of the smaller trees bent under the great gust. Rena held on to her hat to keep it from flying away, but Keiichi had just about curled in on himself, shivering like mad. This didn't go unnoticed by the girl, who once again frowned at her friend's sorry state. "Keiichi, you should really get inside. I'll have the others help find you something to dry off with in there. There's gotta be something; the place is huge." She gazed at him pleadingly. "Please, Keiichi?"

For a moment, he paused taking in her request and the puppy-eyed stare she gave him. The wind, once again, interrupted his reverie.

"Ipsch'uuh!" Keiichi growled at letting one slip; he had to keep up his defenses. If one of them found out something was wrong...

All at once Rena was the frustrated one. "Get inside!" she ordered.

"No," he rejected hotly, "I'm going to my own house. You'll never know I'm gone."

"Keiichi-kun." Her tone made him look at her. Her voice had gone deadly quiet, completely calm; barely audible over the wind from the brewing storm. She looked at him with knowing blue eyes. Her hair blew into her face, covering her expression. "You're not feeling well." It wasn't a question. He denied it anyway.

"...What are you talking about? I feel fine--"

"USO DA!" Birds flew out from the trees around them, squawking and screeching in panic. Rena didn't notice. "Don't lie to me, Keiichi-kun," she said. "I don't deserve to be lied to."

"I'm not lying!" Maebara argued.

That was the last straw for Rena. If he wanted to reject the help of his friends... if he wanted to suffer, let him. She was wasting her breath anyway. "Fine," she told him flatly, then looked to the sky, as if seeing something. After a moment she leveled her gaze back on him. "You better hurry. Like I said, Chie-sensei will be here soon." And she turned on her heel and walked away.

Keiichi stared for a minute, then figured he'd better get out of there in case she changed her mind. He raced down the dirt path, the air around him still chilling him to the bone.

Familiar scene?! Whaha, what would a Higurashi fanfic be with Rena's big fat load of USO DA? ^_^

Okay so I broke my promise... not much sneezing here either. blush.png Then again, I got in some pretty good Rena\Keiichi angst. There's a reason I need this, though! It's not just for the hell of it! :lol: The good stuff coming! ...Sometime. tongue_ss.gif

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Oh my god oh my god oh my god! More. MORE! MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BYE! bleh.gif

Edited by Bubbles!
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LOLZ!!! I see what you did there...XD I'm hoping for some Rena or Mion care-for-Keiichi senario here...<3

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Currently writing Higurashi while listening to Inuyasha music... ANIMECEPTION.

Sorry couldn't resist. :P

Variety in this one. ;)

Keiichi was right. He was home and back again before the teacher even set foot on the school grounds. He was dry (for the most part; he damned his hair for being so stubborn) and was in new clothes in no time, racing back to the classroom against the wind. He had forgotten his bike, so it was an on-foot trek for him. But he made it nonetheless, and that's all that really mattered, he supposed.

Shivering, Keiichi stepped into the classroom again, sliding the door shut behind him. Everything was a-okay.


Of course there was that to worry about.

Keiichi approached his desk (which had been towelled dry courtesy of guilty-looking girls), and got his stuff, scrubbing at his nose furiously. "Damn," he muttered as the familiar tickle worked its way up yet again. His breath began hitching, but he gritted his teeth and did his best to ignore it, refusing to look weak again. He'd always hated being sick, even as a child. He wouldn't acknowledge any sign of possible illness. No way, not happening.

"Hihh..." Keiichi briefly wondered why the universe hated him so, "hih-ihhh..." A pause. A sigh. It was gone. Keiichi smirked. This would be easy.

Or maybe not. "Huuh, uhh, hi'ngxt-guh..."


The bell chose that moment to ring, and all the kids started pouring in, first the younger ones, then the elders. Keiichi spotted his friends among the crowd. Chie-sensei swept into the room and took out her own things, immediately going to help the littler kids study. Everybody else went about as usual, doing their paperwork and make up stuff.

Mion called him over to their regular table.

Rena regarded him curiously.

He gulped and advanced towards the table, wishing he could just disappear and pop up somewhere else... preferably in bed, wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets.

"Help me out here, Keiichi," Mion said in her usual brash way. Keiichi was somewhat a tutor for her, and Ryugu as well. Things would certainly get interesting.

"Alright, alright," he muttered unhappily, setting about his work.

At first everything went okay. He helped Mion and Rena figure out the math (nearly frying his own brain in the process), then caught up with his problems, before he got that urge again.

You have GOT to be kidding me!! he thought in disbelief, even as his breath hitched a bit. Just stay calm, he tried to tell himself, don't give anything away.

"Kei-chan," Rena piped up, "can you help me with this one?" She gazed at him pleadingly, but he thought he saw something sinister in those eyes as well. Then it dawned on him. Oh, that little witch! She was gonna make him talk, wasn't she? He could barely breathe, nevermind explain a complicated problem! Now she was smirking at him, enjoying his hesitation, despite her innocent looks she was an evil little thing.

"Well, help her, Keiichi," Satoko shook her head, "Geez, what's up with you?"

"W-what you m-mean?" Damn! He'd tripped over his words. Thankfully no one but him seemed to notice.

"You've been acting weird and spacey all day, Kei-chan," Rika said by way of explaination. "Nipah!" She reached up and patted Keiichi's head. It was all he could do not to sneeze all over her hand.

"Sorry," he started off slowly, then turned to Rena. Pointing his pencil at all the different numbers, he launched into the procedure. Rena didn't even look at the paper. She just stared at him, smirking in that antagonizing way of hers. "T-take this nuhuuum-mber and divide it by th-this..." he glanced around; no one suspected a thing, they were all engrossed in their own work, "and subract that from..." dear God, he couldn't take it anymore, "f-from... hih--hih'Mmph!" Now his friends did react, a few muttering quick 'bless you's before going back to the questions. But it turns out he wasn't done; one wasn't enough, nevermind a stifled one. Keiichi twisted around in his chair and buried his face in the crook of his elbow, watering eyes squeezing shut at last. "H'chuu! Hi-CHmph, hiSHOO! Eckchoo! Unh... hih... ick-SHOO! H'chu!!" God, that felt good to let go! Groaning, Keiichi fell limp against the back of the chair, his one arm propped up so as to catch the fit. His head flopped down to rest on it. Holy hell, that had tired him out.

"Keiichi-san!" Satoko cried in alarm.

"That was impressive," Mion said, but she gazed at him worriedly all the same.

Rena just laughed. "I knew you didn't feel well," she boasted, then sobered. "Are you okay?"

Keiichi just hummed and didn't move.

Surprisingly none of the other kids noticed Keiichi's little display (all too concentrated on their work; the fit had been stifled anyway), but the teacher did. She excused herself from the children she was helping for a moment, and walked over to Keiichi, heels clicking against the tiles.

"Keiichi?" she inquired in her light voice, "Are you alright?"

"He's not feeling very well, Chie-sensei," said Rika, to which Rena nodded.

"Hmm," she hummed sympathetically, "Would you like to go down to the nurse's, Keiichi?"

The boy in question finally raised his head, face pink and eyes tired. "Actually," he croaked out, now his throat was giving out on him too, "would it be okay if I went home?"

Chie needed only one look at him to tell he was suffering, so she murmered a quick, "Of course," and went to write him an excuse.

When he was gone, Mion looked to the rest of the group, who were staring out the door worriedly. "Hey," she said, bringing their attention to her, "whataya say after school we head on over and cheer Keiichi up?"

Longer one. I just love torturing Kei-chan. aaevil.gif

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Uwaaaaa~! This is wonderful ^_^.. POOR Keiichi! All he wants is to suffer in peace xD. Hopefully, Rena will nurse him back to health LOL. Keep going! I LOVE THIS! KEIICHI TORTURE IS THE BEST!

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I could go on and on and on about this. I won't though, it'll bore you. But, I do have one thing to say.


BYE! :bleh:

Edited by Bubbles!
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KEIICHI!!!!! I feel so bad for him, the poor thing! I just want to cuddle him and make him feel better!! <3 Please continue~~!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back! Did you miss me? ^_^ Sorry for the longer absence, we just finished the move and I had a lot of work to do, setting up the new house and all. But I'm here and ready to torture Keiichi again! Isn't it great?! xD

School passed relatively quickly for the girls, and they were all eager to get to Keiichi's house. Whether they had something good in mind depended on the girl. Satoko was already snickering mischeviously, Rena was hau'ing all over the place, and Mion was pretending as if she didn't care either way.

"Come on," Mion announced, the natural leader of the group. "Let's get going. Keiichi's house is all the way across town so we better hurry if we wanna get there!"

"He'll survive, Mii-chan," Shion chided lightly. "Don't worry."

Mion flushed and blinked in confusion. "Who worries?" she said in an attempt to cover up her feelings. Her twin saw through it and smiled gently.

"Let's go," she lamented, and they set off.

Soon the group was in front of Keiichi's house. They rung the bell a few times, but no one answered. They figured Keiichi was in bed already. Where were his parents?

"Does this mean we can't take care of him?" Rika asked with a sad face.

"No," Mion frowned determinedly, "we're getting in no matter what. She reached back and pulled a clip out of her hair, her pony tail coming a bit loose. She bent down and inserted the clip into the lock, twisting it around inside.

"That's my sis," Shion joked. The click was heard and everyone cheered.

"Alright!" Rika smiled, "Let's go visit Kei-chan. We can do it, yeah."

"Let's just hope he can. Ohohohoho!" Satoko laughed.

They entered quietly, lest Keiichi's parents actuallyb e home. They saw no one in the kitchen, nor the living room. The house was silent. Sneaking their way up to Keiichi's room, the girls slid the door slowly back. He was sprawled out on on his bed, the sheets tangled up on his sweating body. His breathing was harsh and his friends couldn't help but feel some sympathy for him. Even though he'd only been there a few weeks, they all cared deeply for the boy. He was one of the family.

Hau... this is all our fault, Rena thought guility. If only they hadn't dumped all that water on him! Keiichi-kun...

The sick teenager whipped his head around at the noise of the intrusion. Everyone jumped a bit; they were almost sure he'd been asleep. He sat up weakly, staring at the girls in a confused way. Blinking sluggishly, he spoke up.

"What are you guys doing here?" His voice was very hoarse. Damn. He'd gotten sick fast.

"We wanted to come check on you," Shion told him, secretively elbowing her sister. "To make sure you were okay."

"Ohohohoho! Oh, poor Kei-chan!" Satoko smirked wickedly. "You look awful! What have you done now?"

"Me?" Keiichi croaked, "Correct me if I'm wrong: weren't you the ones to drench me with freezing ice water?!"

"You were sick before that though," Satoko argued, "We just made it more apparent." She giggled.

"You're a demon," Keiichi scowled. Even in his horrible state, his rivalry with the tiny blonde went on. Maybe the world wasn't ending then. "You're all demons, come to torture me," he buried his face under the pillow, "Just leave me in peace. I'm innocent. Whatever happened, it was probably Satoko." The girl shrieked indignantly, but he didn't care. Truth be hold, it only worsened his headache.

"Pain, pain, go away..." The pillow had been gently removed and now little Rika was patting his head to comfort him. It did nothing to actually help, but it was her kindness that mattered. Keiichi mumbled a thank you and smiled weakly at her. "Nipah!" she went.

"Kei-chan," Mion cut in, "you have to realize. We're here to--"

"H'shoo... hip-choo... Heh...ishoo! Huh'CHOO!" Keiichi's sudden fit interrupted her. He aimed his sneezes away from the girls, but curiously didn't do much to cover. He was exhausted and just didn't care anymore. The older twin was, admittedly, extremely worried about her friend. But she wasn't about to show that. She had a reputation to uphold. So she laughed and clasped her hands behind her head.

"That was almost as good as the performance you gave us at school," while she spoke she approached his sickbed, "But sadly we won't be seeing much more." When he stared at her in bewilderment she chuckled again. "Why, we're going to take care of you, Keiichi! That's what friends do, right?" Her green eyes sparkled mischeviously.

"If you were real friends you'd leave me alone," Keiichi said, suffering silently.

"Au au! Keiichi-chan, that's mean!" spoke Rena. She too approached him. "We'll take good care of you, we promise! Since your parents obviously aren't here..."

"Yeah, they're at a meeting in Tokyo," Keiichi admitted. "Ugh..." He flopped back down on the bed. "Fine, but if you're going to take care of me, do it quietly." His head was pounding, he didn't need any more disturbance.

"Of course!" Shion agreed, flashing a wink towards Mion. "Come on guys, let's go down and tidy things up for Kei-chan!" She stopped her sister with a hand to chest as she tried to escape. "Mii-chan... why don't you stay here and care for our poor sick friend..?" Her eyes flashed dangerously. "I mean, you are the head of our family after all."

"She's right, Mii!" Rika chirped, "You must be really good at taking care of people!"

"I-I'm not the head of the family!" Mion protested in shock. "I'm just in training, I..." she was so flustered, it was completely out of character, "Uncle Mion's not good at this!"

"Please," Shion laughed, "I know you, Sis. I know all the training you're going through... one is being able to take care of the injured... and the sick." She smiled. "So, go ahead and heal away! We'll be counting on you!" She said the last part in a sing-song voice, and the others filed out. Rena flashed a look back over her shoulder, but at a gentle coaxing from Shion she left as well. They could be heard going down the stairs and then nothing. Weakly Mion went over and shut the sliding door. She looked back to Keiichi with a pink face. He, however, was oblivious to her presence.

"H'MPH... hii...shoo! H'nxgt'ugh..."

Mion sighed. This was gonna be a long night.

Hehehe... pointless Mion/Keiichi fluff coming! YES, I DO SHIP THIS PAIR. Nothing will happen of course (I'm such a tease), but... well. ;)

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You updated! Finally! This is so wonderful! You totally fried my brain. Well, now I guess I'll have to go fix it. THIS IS SO AWESOME! UPDATE SOON!

BYE! :bleh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my god I feel terrible. I'm making you guys wait so long for this... my computer's in the shop and I have to use my dad's when he's not on it, but still. I'm really sorry, I mean it. :(

Hopefully the Keiichi/Mion interaction will make it all better. Mion is hopeless when it comes to this stuff. ;)

Mion knelt down next to Keiichi on her knees, staring down at him. He was laying on his side, his back to her, but she could see how much trouble he was having just breathing. Her worry shot up a notch and she reached forward to feel his forehead. He jumped and gave a hoarse little cry, resulting in her jumping back as well.

"What are you doing?" Keiichi went, looking at her with wide eyes.

Mion slapped the floor. "I'm trying to see if you have a fever, idiot." She frowned at him. "You do. Congratulations."

"Whatever," he said dully, and tried to flop back down on the bed, only to have Mion grab his arm. "Huh?"

She didn't say anything. She looked into his eyes, flicking her own back and forth, inspecting him. He was bedraggled and exhausted and obviously wasn't up to par to deal with her jokes. So she just looked. Mion raised her free hand, slowly, and put it to his forehead firmly. This time he didn't flinch back, taking refuge in the coolness of her skin compared to his. When she drew back Keiichi found himself disappointed. He squashed the feelings and watched her evenly.

"Uncle Mion REALLY isn't good at this..." she muttered, smiling faintly. She added awkwardly, "Do you... you know... need anything?"

Keiichi almost said, "Yeah, I need to be alone," but stopped himself. Mion was genuinely trying to help him here, he couldn't just blow her off like that. So he settled with, "No, I'm good," and laid back down. He slept. Mion watched over him every minute.


"What do you think they're doing up there?" Satoko questioned off-handedly. In truth, none of the Hinamizawans were 'tidying up'... more like sitting around having fun. But whatever.

"Who knows?" Shion shrugged. "Sis has probably already got him down-pat by now..."

"Shii-chan!" Rika exclaimed.

"What?" The Sonozaki looked at her innocently. "We all know Mion wants to do the deed."

"H-hau..." Rena blushed.

"Oh, look what you did!" Satoko put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

Ryugu was still in her own little world, face red. "I wonder how Mion likes his fur seal... au au..."

"RENA!" everyone shouted.


"Hi'choo...ha'chu!! H'MMPH'guh... huh..hii--ugh... damn."

"Damn, Kei-chan! You sure you don't need an ambulance?!"

"...I don't know."

Mion leaned forward to stare hard at Keiichi, then smirked. "What was that at the end there?" she asked lightly.

Keiichi, with his cold-fuddled mind, didn't understand. "...Wha'?"

Mion's smirk grew. "Nothing." She grew serious again. "You should really go and see Irie, you know. He could give you some stuff to help this pass."

"I don't think... I can make it." Keiichi had his head buried under the pillow once more, so his voice was muffled. Hard enough to understand with all the sneezing he'd been doing.

"Ah, come on," Mion encouraged lightly. "We'll all go with you there. You can do it. I'll have Rena catch you if you fall."

Keiichi raised his head, eyes wide in horror. "God, no," he croaked. "You wouldn't!"

Mion, knowing full-well how Rena would react if she had to gather up Keiichi in her arms, replied, "I would. You know Uncle Mion." She gazed at him mischeviously. "A real wild card."

"Demon," he said like earlier, making her laugh. His eyes lit up the tiniest bit.

"I mean it, Kei-chan. You seriously should get to the clinic."

Keiichi shook his head. "It's just a cold. I've been sick before." He scowled a bit. Unfortunately, he thought. He wiped it off his face and continued, "Really, it's no big deal. I--" His words were cut off my harsh coughing, which he immediately flipped over to do so as not to get it all over Mion. Even so, the oldest Sonozaki twin rubbed his back and watched in concern. When he was done, he laid back down and looked up at the girl hazily, out of breath.

"Still think we shouldn't go?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Keiichi didn't answer but to cough a little more. Mion softened. "You know," she said softly, "I'm really sorry about this."


"This." Mion guestured about her. "Everything. You being sick. We really shouldn't have played that trick on you."

"Eh." Keiichi shrugged slightly, and looked up at her. "It's like Satoko said, that little brat. I was sick before. You guys just kind of proved it." He smiled brightly, despite feeling like the absolute crap he did.

"So... you're not mad?" Mion went uncertainly. Her green eyes were wide.

"Course not," Keiichi answered, and they both sat in comfortable silence as the cicadas sung their song.

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omg higurashi fic <3 need I say more? :'D past all the lovely goriness and blood and zombies and what have you, they're all drawn so pretty! and omg nail rippping <3 . . . /sick delusional psychopath to the forum wheeee/ Keiichi-kun is an absolutely wonderful sneezer :> ufufufu

can't wait for the next update! 8D

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Wow, this was sooooo adorable! I just want to gather him up and hug him until he gets better! Hope there is more soon!

BYE! :bleh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you everybody! Glad you're all still liking it. :D

I'm starting to wonder... Higurashi is a pretty scary anime. And, although this is sneeze fiction, I'm wondering if I should include a little bit of that..? What's better than a sick, defensive Keiichi, huh? Nothing. Nothing at all. xD I already threw in a load of "USO DA!" so the board's open. ^_^

Anyway, next part!

Someone gets pretty embarrassed in this one. ;)

"Mion?" Rena peeked her head into the room. "Mii-chan?" She went in a bit further. "How's it going? How?"

Something stirred in the dark. Rena flipped the light and her blue eyes bulged.

Mion. And Keiichi. In the same bed.

"H-hau! Haauuu!" Blushing like a tomato, Rena's body began to tremble at the sight, cute mode setting in. "Hau! Mii-chan, wake up! Look at what you're doing! Ooohh!"

At the younger girl's outcry, Sonozaki sputtered and rolled. "Wha'?" she muttered groggily, swiping at her eyes. "What is it..?" Then she saw where she was and screamed.

Keiichi jolted awake and yelled too.

Then everybody was rushing up the stairs, calling for them, pounding on the steps. The door burst open and the whole group was there, ragged and breathing heavily and wide-eyed. They all stood there for a few long, stretched-out moments, before Shion began to laugh. It was just a giggle at first, then it turned to gut-wrenching laughter and everyone was joining in.

"Wow," the younger twin panted, "what a scene that was!" When she finally sobered up, she looked to her sister. "What happened up here?"

Mion was as red as Rena by now, stammering for an answer and failing. Keiichi was still staring at her with bleary eyes.

"Mion, what is it?" Rika squeaked.

She only shook her head, but she didn't need answer.

"She and Keiichi were... hau..." Rena giggled.

It was quiet confusion before Satoko's eyes grew wide. "Oh my GOD!" she cried.

"No, no, it wasn't like that!" Mion held her hands out as if to ward off a blow. "I just woke up and I was next to him!"

"Mmhmm," Shion hummed, in a way that suggested she didn't believe her.

"It's true!"

The other girl rolled her eyes playfully. "Sure it is."

"Shion!" Mion looked indignant. She turned to Keiichi suddenly. "Look, Keiichi will vouch for me! We weren't doing anything, right?"

"Uh... no, we weren't..." The boy looked slightly confused. "Mion... what..?"

Everyone burst forth with laughter again, something the Sonozaki girl couldn't handle. "WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP?!" she roared, and their howls only got louder. Growling in frustration, Mion pushed passed them and stomped downstairs, cursing all the while. Her sister watched her go with a barely contained smirk.

My turn, she thought, and turned to Keiichi and smiled.

Uh oh.

No sneezing again. This was just a short part. There's TONS of sneezing in the next part though, so... I'm sorry for now? O:)

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