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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Imagination overload


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So yeah, this is another meme fic and it turned out a LOT more fetishy than I would usually right so... I dunno, you may well find it too much. But writing it was an interesting deviation, and that's the beauty of prompts... they take you to some unexpected places!


Sam stared apprehensively at the empty corner of the room, using the fingers of his right hand to press down hard on the cut on his left. The wound was healing, and the pain subsiding, but it was still enough to make the thing that Sam saw in that corner flicker and fade a little. That was comforting.

Because, of course, the corner of the room that Sam saw wasn’t empty. There was the same hideous faded wallpaper, the same rickety desk with a wad of paper towels bunched under one of the legs to keep it stable. Only in Sam’s corner, perched on top of that desk was Lucifer: his eyes narrowing as he watched Sam attempt his usual distraction technique.

“Yes Sam, we both know I’m not real,” Lucifer mocked. “Proving that to yourself isn’t going to make this any easier on you.”

But Lucifer didn’t realise that it did make it easier.

When Sam didn’t reply, Lucifer sighed and interlocked his fingers. “To business then. I noticed today that your brother was very nervous about you going into that witch’s house. What on Earth did he think you might encounter?” Lucifer leaned in to look at Sam and raised an eyebrow, waiting for a reply. Sam turned back to his laptop.

Lucifer gave an exaggerated cough to get Sam’s attention. When Sam looked up he was twirling something between his fingers. It was a stick of incence.

“He’s very protective, your brother, isn’t he?” Lucifer smiled and rubbed his fingers along the very tip of the incense stick, causing it to set alight.

Sam rubbed hard across his injured hand and tried to concentrate on the screen of the laptop. His eyes kept flicking across to the other side of the room, however, at the tiny wisp of smoke floating and twisting silk-scarf like out of the incense stick and into the motel room.

His nose was tickling. That was understandable, though, surely? Just thinking about having an itch gives you an itch, and he was watching fricking incense burning. Nothing in the world made him allergic like incense. So it was natural. Except that it felt as if his eyes were starting to water.

“You know I find this fascinating,” Lucifer commented, wafting the stick back and forth. “This is supposed to be a protective response, yes?” He eyed Sam as he rubbed at the base of his nose. “And it’s protecting you against what? This terrifying burning plant life?”

Sam had both hands up to his face, fingers massaging the bridge of his nose. His eyes were beginning to look wet and glazed.

“Interesting also, that your body feels compelled to so protect itself certain against other natural threats. In particular, flowers and kittens. We are to assume that the Father was drunk when He made you, yes?”

Sam’s fist was pressed tight against his nose, his face and eyes screwed tightly. He let in a shaky breath.



Dean started as he stepped out of the bathroom, pulling on a shirt. “Jesus. Bless you.” He clapped his brother on the back. “You made me jump there.”

But Sam didn’t move his hand from his face. “He-uh HAPTCHYEW! EhTCHYEW!”

Dean frowned at his brother, but sat down on his bed. “You find anything?”

Sam remained bent over on his bed, one hand cupping his nose and mouth. “EhAHCHYEW! HuhIHTHITYEW! HUEP-CHIHSHYEW!”

“Are you okay Sam?”

Sam hurridly wiped allergic tears from his face before burying his nose into the crook of his arm. “HipISHYEW! ISSSHHU! HehISSHH! A-allergic HepNGXHT-chuh! fit,” he gasped.

Dean frowned and scanned the room. “What you allergic to?”

“In... HiiTCHYEW! Heh! Incense,” he managed breathlessly.

Dean gave an exploratory sniff. He didn’t smell incense, much less see it, although, truth be told, incense was probably the best match for Sam’s symptoms right now. Dean had never known anything else make his brother sneeze so repeatedly and so violently. He wondered for a moment whether whoever had had the room before had been burning the stuff, but surely just a lingering scent wouldn’t affect Sam this badly, and besides, he hadn’t seemed to be suffering earlier when they checked in.

Sam appeared to have caught a break. He breathed heavily through his mouth, finger and thumb clamped tight around his nose. His eyes were streaming.

“Dude, there’s no incense here,” Dean told him.

Sam’s full breaths had been replaced by short, shallow ones. “Heh. Heh! Lucifer. HehAHHTCHU!”

Dean bit at the inside of his lip in confusion. “Lucifer? Is what… burning incense?”

Sam snapped forward at the waist. “HuhUHHSHUH! EIHISHSHU!” He nodded.

Dean pulled up a chair closer to Sam’s bed. “Let me get this straight, you’re hallucinating incense and it’s making you sneeze?”

“Yeah…” he croaked, “HuHAHPTCHUH! Urgh. Tissues?”

Dean regarded Sam for a minute, but fetched the Klennex and put them in grabbing reach of Sam. He also, without thinking, picked up the wastepaper basket and brought the side of Sam’s bed. Possibly a sign that he’d sat with Sam through too many allergy attacks.

Sam dived into the tissue box immediately, pulled out a handful and held them in front of his face.

“Sam, you’re not really allergic. Seriously, just don’t sneeze.”

Sam looked up across at him, questioningly, his jaw slack and his mouth hanging open.

“Nothing’s really bothering your nose so you don’t have to sneeze. Just don’t sneeze.”


Dean sighed. “Let’s try that again. Remember the incense isn’t real.”

Sam wrinkled and wriggled his nose. Dean looked him in the eye and pointed an authorative finger in his direction. “Don’t sneeze!”


Dean glowered. “Don’t sneeze!” he snapped.


Frustrated, Dean stood, pulling a tissue from the box and clamping it over Sam’s nose. “Don’t sneeze,” he repeated.

Sam breathed through his mouth in what were generally even and carefully controlled breaths, but which sometimes jerked into erratic little hitches. After a string of this more unruly breathing, he tried to pull himself away from his brother’s grasp.

“Ah-ah. Oh no you don’t.” Dean warned, catching his brother by the back of the neck and forcing him to stay in the hold. “I’m serious Sam: look at me.”

He straightened Sam’s head to meet his eyeline, and Sam genuinely tried to look back, or at least it seemed as if he did, but damnit, his eyes kept on blinking closed and his nose looked sore and stuffy and he just seemed so damn allergic. Except, for fuck’s sake, there wasn’t even anything there to set him off.

“Sam!” Dean snapped. “Listen to me. There is no incense. You don’t need to sneeze. Your nose is not itching. Just…”


Dean wrinkled his own nose in disgust and flicked the now-damp tissue in the waste paper basket. “Gross.”

“You… heh! you… HehTCHOO! You askedd for thadt onde.”

Dean glowered for a minute before throwing his hands up in surrender. “Okay fine! You say it’s an allergy fit, we’ll treat it as an allergy fit. You crack open a window, I’m going to get your antihistamines.”

Sam was staring into the corner of the room again.

“What?” Dean demanded.

Sam’s nose wriggled and twitched. “He… Huh! heh! He says… HurHAPTCHYEW! Urgh! He says idt wondt work.”

Dean set his teeth, irritated. “He can go do one. If your mind can make you sneeze, your body can make you stop.” With that, he marched out of the motel room to retrieve Sam’s allergy meds from the car.

When he returned to their room Sam seemed in no better state for being by the window. His eyes and nose looked agonisingly red and the collection of used tissues in the bottom of the waste paper basket was growing at an alarming rate.

Dean disappeared into the bathroom to get a glass of water for Sam before setting both glass and tablets down in front of his brother, who, with some effort, managed to keep from sneezing for long enough to take a dose.

“Okay,” Dean announced, relieved that Sam had at least been able to get the medicine down him. “Now I guess we just gotta wait.”

Dean was beginning to get nervy when it was nearing an hour and still there’d been no change.

He was so fucking tired of this crap, demons taking up lodging in his brother’s head. First yellow eyes and Meg, then Ruby and the demon blood, and now this. Just fucking give him something he could fight.

Today was something different again though, this wasn’t just hallucinations and spacing out, this was Lucifer stepping out of Sam’s imagination far enough to have a fucking physical effect. Dean found himself, for the first time, wondering what that meant. What if they couldn’t stop this? Would Sam be able to eat? Drink? He certainly wouldn’t sleep. Would he get enough oxygen after hours and hours of breathing that way: in gasps and snatched breaths? And hell, if Sam’s crazy hallucinated Lucifer could do this, what else did he have up his sleeve? Dean checked his watch for what must have been the millionth time and drummed his fingers on the table.

“HurHATSHYEW!” Sam sneezed, before letting out a long groan and flopping forward over the window ledge, and sneezing twice more into his sleeve. “HehHNMPTCHyew! HuUHTCHU! I…uh, I dond’t thindk he’s gondda ledt me… HuHISSHU! stobp.”


But Sam raised his head wearily, genuine apprehension in his eyes. “I’bm serious. He has cases andd cases of the stuff. Heh! I Ha! thindk…”

Dean shuffled forward on his bed and reached a hand out to Sam at the window, gently lifting his brother’s chin. “Listen Sam, it’s going to stop because you’re going to make it stop,” he told his brother firmly. “Have you tried using your hand?”

“Heh-HuPAhTCHYEW!” Sam nodded.

“Try again,” Dean instructed.

Obligingly Sam took hold of his injured hand in his good one, and abruptly twisted over his shoulder to sneeze.

Dean sighed.

“Well, it is healing. We, uh, we could cut you again?” he suggested, not sounded particularly enthused by the idea.

“HehNHGGHCTchuh!” Sam sneezed into the crook of his arm.

Dean ran a finger back and forth across his lips as he thought. “Actually, you know what? I might have an idea… You wait there.”

Sam sneezed explosively into his sleeve and wondered quite where Dean expected him to go.


Dean had been gone for no more than ten minutes, but when he returned he could have sworn the volume of used tissues in the wastepaper basket had grown from enough to fill about a third of it, to going on for three quarters. He frowned while Sam doubled over, sneezing into his knees. He sat on his bed, opposite his brother and took a handful of small brown packets from his pocket.

“I stole these from the diner downstairs,” he told Sam, dumping them on the bed.

Sam eyed the packets warily. “That heh! looks like uh! Huh! HuUHPTCHUH! HehEHPTCHAH! like heh! pepper.”

“It is.”

Sam stared at Dean in disbelief before his eyes flickered shut once more. “Heh! HuhHEFPTCHUH! Oh God…” he groaned, “ASHH! ASHH! HuhASSH! HehIHTSSYEW!” He sank his head onto his crossed arms once more and didn’t attempt to lift it.

Sat opposite, Dean was biting open the little brown packets and pouring the contents into his cupped hand. “This is gonna sound kind of crazy, but I want you to…” Dean’s nose was twitching, “to… HehpTCHISSHyew!” Dean twisted forcefully over his shoulder, trying hard not to upset the little mountain of pepper stacked up in his hand.

Sam looked up, eyes watering and nose running. Exhausted, he pulled another bunch of tissues from the box, “HA-HTTTCHYEW! HEP-PISSHYEW! Your pland is Ha! pepper?”

“Yeah,” Dean began, continuously wrinkling and relaxing his nose. “If you can… Fuck. HehpHAHTCHyew! Hapt-CHISSHyew! Urgh. If you… ASHHHA! HURASHHAH! For fuck’s sake! Sam, just HuhtTCHYEW! Urgh! Just trust me, alright?”

Sam looked up at Dean, his own nostrils flaring wildly and uncertainty all over his face.

“Breathe heh! in.” Dean instructed, before blowing the pepper from his hand in Sam’s direction. “Huh…HUKTCHyew!” Dean turned, bending at the waist, and automatically brought his hands up to his face to catch the sneeze.

“Oh fuck!” Dean swore as pepper burned in his nose. He pulled his hands away from his face for just long enough to see the tiny grains still covering the palms of his hands, before erupting into sneezes, directed uncovered towards the ground, while he vigourously brushed his hands against his jeans to get rid of the pepper.

“HUHT-chisshyew! HIT-tchyew! UHT-tchyew! HEHTYUSHoo! HEHTCHYEW!”

As Dean, sniffling, finally managed to get himself under control, he turned to Sam. In twenty-eight years of Sam and his allergies, Dean had honestly never seen his brother like this. He was sneezing fitfully, each on racing after the next, jerking through him like little spasms.

“HeptChuh! CHUH! CHUH! HetChuh! CHUH! CHUH! HehtTCHishyew! HeptChuh! HeptChuh!”

“Sam,” Dean began. “Hey Sam.”

“Isshyew! Isshyew! ISSH! Huht-ISSH! ISSH! ISSH! ISSH!”

“Sam!” Dean yelled, taking hold of his brother by the back of his head. “Can you quit sneezing for two seconds while I talk to you?”

Sam shook his head, nostrils flaring. “HehptCHISH! ISSH! HehptCHISH! CHISH!”

“Well, can you at least listen to me while you’re doing that?”

Sam nodded. “UhEISHoo! IHSHoo! SHOO! HehptSHOO!”

“Um, okay, there’s two different…”

“HEHPTchuh! EHTCHOO! HETCHyew! HaHTyew!”

Dean sighed and pulled a tissue from the box of Kleenex on the window ledge, covering his fingers with it, and once more pinching hard at his brother’s nose. Sam panted.

“I… huh… I do-ohhndt wandt to sneeh! HehMnf! to sndeeze ond you againd.”

“Good. Go with that. It seems like it’s working.” He looked his brother in the eye. “Okay, listen to me, you need to sneeze right?”

Sam shot him a look that could melt lead, before convulsing against Dean’s hand. “HehPHXFT! UNGHT! HehUNGHT!”

“Okay, but there’s two separate feelings, okay? One is real and the other isn’t. Can you tell the difference?”

Sam didn’t respond.

“Sam?” Dean demanded

Nose twitching in Dean’s hand, Sam nodded.

Dean hadn’t even noticed he’d been holding his breath, but he let it out with such relief. “Okay, and you can concentrate on the real one, right?”

Sam nodded again, his eyelids shutting.

As Dean released him, he turned instantly to take a tissue from the box and sneeze into it, but they were different now. Slower, softer, calmer.

“HehUhsshoo! Uhfftshoo! HEHTshoo! HEHPtchisshoo!”

“Okay, that’s it.” Dean patted his brother on the shoulder. “You can do it, Sam, you just… you concentrate on what’s real.”


Dean sat on his bed, Sam’s laptop rested on his thighs, ostensibly finishing up the research that Sam had started, but hell if he could concentrate with his brother stretched out on the opposite bed, flannel across his eyes and looking like death perculated. Sam hadn’t moved except to sneeze or blow his nose since he’d crawled into bed and that was a good ten minutes ago. Now he was turning on to his side and reaching out to the tissue box on the bedside table.

“You gotta be kidding me,” Dean commented, “Still with the pepper?”

“Hehptchushoo! HuhkTchishyew! Yeah, apparendtly,” Sam croaked.

Dean set the laptop to one side. “I used too much…”

“Dno I…” Sam pulled another tissue from the box and held it out for a minute in front of his nose. “HehpTCHUH! I was all sendsitive fromb the Heh! fromb the indcendse.”

“From the non-existant incense,” Dean corrected.

“Yeah Huh-NnK! from that.”

“You’re such a screw up, you know that?”

“Yeah,” Sam sniffed. “I kdnow.”

Dean stood from his bed and stretched. “Okay, you know what? I’m tired; you look fricking exhausted: we’re having a night off. You go stick your head in the washbasin or something, just try to get that shit out of your nose. I’m gonna head out, get some tea or something for your throat and rent us some crappy movies. Sound okay?”

“Yeah…” Sam replied, burrowing down further under the covers.

“Okay then,” Dean pulled on his jacket. “Don’t forget. Head. Washbasin.”

“Okay,” Sam murmured. “Thandk you Deand.”

Dean ruffled his brother’s hair on the way out of the door.


Prompt from UntilUntilUntil: Hallucifer is doing something to make Sam sneeze. Dean is like oh dear God crazybrain what to do with you.

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Dude. That. Was. Awesome. You are a genius! Hail SexualOddity! wink.png

BYE! bleh.gif

Edited by Bubbles!
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I was just so happy when Dean started sneezing, too.

I just love any time Dean is trying to be all protective and strong, and then ends up vulnerable in any way.

THAT PART where he's just sneezing towards the ground....Hnnnggg....DELICIOUS!

Edited by Rika
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  • 1 year later...

Wow. Never thought someone could hallucinate something that gives them allergies. But what am I saying? They're Winchesters.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Holy bejeezus! That was absolutely brilliant!!! Brain is mush!

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