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"Guten Tag yourself!" [Supernatural, Dean [m] ]


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YES. Seriously. I don't think you know just how much this story makes me happy!

Sneezy Dean is to die for. Mmm... All sick and like "Oh, no, it's just a cold." And worried about his brother!

And sick!Sam. MY HEART. He's just so adorable. Dean is SO sweet, with his warm washcloth and caretaking.

I'm in love. With you. <3


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  • LovelyLinda


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Mmmmmm, sneezy!Dean and feverish!Sammy. What else could a girl ever want? Well, except to nurse the sick boys back to health. That would just be awesome. Continue soon!

TSCHUESS! :bleh:

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  • 1 month later...

Ack! Son of a ...! It's been so long! I actually feel bad for not updating,

but my life has been sort of complicated and I needed to fix these things first.

Soo, anyway, here's some plotty update and yeah, I couldn't help throwing the Beatles in, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it.

(Some of it is actually true in the story, the Beatles actually HAVE been in Hamburg^^)

Any Beatles fans out there? =D

@ ickydog2006

Yay yourself =D There's nothing better than sick!sneezy!Winchesters *_*

@ madserver

Guhhhh *_* I also feel like this. Totally. This man has a damn sexy nose.

@ Zwee

Thank youu smile.png I also love that "It's just a cold" thing, because I love making it...worse! I hope you like where this is going =D Your comments always make me smile, thank you for that.

@ Ciuty80

Tehe, I love LOVE =D

You are awesome. Thanks!! You will get more. Soon.

@ VividBubbles

Have to get used to that "vivid", but it totally fits! Oh gosh, nursing them back to health?

God yes. I'm in. I'm totally in.

* * *

"Watch out, don't destroy the salt lines around the window!" Bobby told him as Dean tried to open a window.

"So, the guy is called Karl Joseph Schmidt? It's like Miller, or Jones, there are thousands with that name!"

Dean shrugged, "I know. It's better than nothing!"

"Then let's split up and ask a few locals. I warn you, don't go near Reeperbahn. It's the main hunting area of the poltergeist," Bobby told him.

"What if I meet the poltergeist anyway?" Dean reached for the rifle leaning against the wall but Bobby batted his hand away.

"You can't just go running around with a rifle. People don't know that it's only rocksalt in it."

He opened the cupboard and took a little box out.

"Here, it's salt. It'll also work, and it's less suspicious."

Dean made a grumpy face but took the salt anyway.

"Okay, thanks."

"We'll meet here again in a couple of hours, hopefully we've found something by then."

* * *

With a sigh, Dean untied his tie, got out of his suit and slumped down on a chair. "Nothing," he grumbled,

"all this work for nothing."

Sam lifted his head from the heap of pillows and looked at his brother,

"Not successful?"

Surprised that he was awake, Dean turned around and admitted, "No, not even a tiny little bit. I asked every person called Schmidt in this goddamn town about this guy. I got zero. It's depressing."

"You what? Why didn't you tell me! I found out who he was just yesterday, you didn't have to do all the interviewing," Sam looked at him with feverish eyes.

"How did you do that? I took the laptop with me into the kitchen to make sure you really sleep."

"You didn't lock the door, I retrieved it when you were asleep."

Dean gave a heartfelt groan because of the irony of it and buried his head in his arms.

"No wonder you feel like shit today. You haven't even had a proper night's sleep!!"

"Sorry, I couldn't help it.I couldn't sleep anyway."


That was the angriest sounding "Mmm" Sam had ever heard.

Sniffling, Sam sat up and grabbed the laptop, which he had hidden under the table, and opened it.

After a short while he turned the screen so that Dean could read.

"Here, that's what I found about him. He had been sort of a bouncer and people were scared of him, back to the year 1961. Apparently he had worked here in Hamburg while they Beatles were here, you know, before the got famous. And…well, the weirdest thing is…"


Suddenly, Dean's head snapped forwards and he knocked it painfully against the table. Rubbing his head, he gave a series of curse words every sailor would have been proud of.


"You okay?" Sam asked, slightly amused.

"I hit my fucking eye. It hurts like hell!" Dean looked up and his left eye was watering a little.

"Dude, you're so clumsy." Sam grinned.

"You're so clumsy," Dean mimicked him and pressed his hand against his throbbing eye to try and alleviate the pain.

"Well, anyway, the weirdest thing is, that the guy just disappeared. Nobody had seen him since this one day in July where he was supposed to make sure nobody was disturbing this one rock concert."

"I wonder if the Beatles were involved. Rumour is, they were really bad boys back then." Dean mumbled,

"I bet it was George. He always seemed so quiet. Too quiet if you ask me."

Sam gave him a blank look.

"Uh. Yeah. No, I don't think it was George. By the way, he's dead now, you know? Died of cancer in 2001."

"Why do you know that? Secretly a Beatles fan?"

"I read. Besides, you're the Beatles fan," Sam winked at him and suppressed a yawn.

Dean rolled his eyes and stole the laptop from him.

"You. Sleep. Now. And don't let me catch you secretly taking this laptop back from me. I manage it on my own, we clear?"

Sam huddled into his blanket and murmured,

"Okay. But please don't leave without me, I'm coming with you. I won't let you hunt alone."

"Sleep tight," Dean gently stroked Sam's dishevelled hair and went into the kitchen to wait for Bobby.

* * *

Edited by LovelyLinda
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Lovely, you've returned! And posted such a great chapter too! Wonderful! :D I'm so happy that you're continuing this! Oh and thank you so much! I'm so happy you like my name! I can't wait for your next update! :heart:

BYE! :bleh:

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wow my sweety updated this wonderful story! :eek::yes::heart:

awww and poor dean hitting his head on the table...i feel sorry for him somehow...but the created image in my insane main brain twitchsmile.gif made me grin...sorry :lol:

"Sleep tight," Dean gently stroked Sam's dishevelled hair and went into the kitchen to wait for Bobby.

this is sooooo CUTE!!! :inlove:

please more! :wub:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Thank you for your nice feedback, this means incredibly much to me *blush*

I'm sorry that I'm kind of slow with updating, I'm not doing this on purpose, seriously, it's just that I can't seem the time to continue this fic even though there are so many things on my mind how the story could go on.

Here's a little teaser, I hope you enjoy it.

Please let me know if you still want me to continue :)

Lots of love, Linda

* * *

Bobby returned home about half an hour later and Dean was scanning through the article he had found on the internet once again.

"God damn, why does everything translated by Google sound like it has been translated by Yoda? There is no structure!"

Dean shook his head in annoyance.

"Learn German, then." Bobby gave him a grin as he entered the room.

"So, did you find anything?"

Bobby shrugged.

"Not all that much, just that this guy used to be a bouncer back in 1961 and that a lot of people hated his guts."

"Yeah, I got that, too. Well, rather Sammy found it."

Bobby cocked an eyebrow at him. "Sam did? How is that?"

"Stole the laptop from the kitchen, has been doing research the whole night long."


"Soo, do you have any idea of what to do next?"

Bobby opened the fridge and took out two cans of beer. Handing one to Dean, he sat down.

"Not really. But I think visiting Reeperbahn is worth a shot, even though it is dangerous."

Dean took a sip of his beer and shrugged. "Yeah, it probably is."

"Let's not waste any time, we'll be back here before dinner, Sammy won't notice a thing."

* * *

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:lol: visiting the Reeperbahn :D

i hope all the light-clothed girls won´t keep them from their investigation :lmao:

uhhh yeah that´s really a teasy update, i wonder what will happen next :evilsmiley03:

please more, sweety! :wub:

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Loving this so freakin' hard. :heart:

Please more.

bye. :wub:

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Ah! A little teaser!

Uh-ohhh... I sense a promise being broken!! And I sense a sick Sam being pretty unhappy when he finds out his sick brother pursued some of the hunt without him! This story is so good!

Thank you, dear!

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Aww, Ciuty80, I also toyed with this idea, but then I remembered it shouldn't get 18+ (what a pity). Maybe there will be some fic though =D

I hope you enjoy the ending nevertheless!

VividBubbles, I'm so glad you like it :) It took me pretty long to finish, but after all it's a total of 30 pages written in Microsoft Word. When I started this story I expected maybe 10. Wow, I got carried away. Sorta.

iluvsneezes, no problem, here it is, the FINAL PART! Yay, I'm somewhat proud that I actually finished the story even though I had so little time. Hope you enjoy x x x

My dear Zwee, you are totally right :) Did I tell you that it's creepy how alike we are? I hope you like the last part, I wrote it all in one rush. It's creepy, it's been a while since that happened to me the last time. Okay, anyway, have fun!

FINAL PART!!!!!!!!

"Alright, let's split up. You go this way, and I'll take the other one. Call me if you find anything. We'll meet back here at 18:00, alright?"

Dean nodded and checked if the bag he kept his rifle in was safely shut.

"Good luck, boy." Bobby left him.

Slowly, he walked down the street, which was still very empty since it was only early afternoon and most of the pubs only opened after 10 o'clock in the evening. Dean couldn't avert his eyes from all these advertisements and posters which were promising "hot hours" and "100% satisfaction". He wondered if there were many foreigners in Hamburg since these signs were mainly in English.

After a while he came to an old looking building which didn't really fit in between all these sex shops and pubs. It caught his attention.

Of course the door was locked, but since almost all of the old windows were broken, it was no problem for him to climb into the house.

It was dark and Dean promptly knocked a chair over, blowing up a huge cloud of dust. "Oh no, seriously?" He thought and covered his face with his sleeve. It was of no use, quickly the dust had made its way into his lungs, his ears and - of course - his nose.


Slightly confused, Dean waited for the sneezes which usually followed, but somehow there were none this time. "Strange," he thought, shrugged and carefully groped through the end of the room, where he could see some light.

There was a stairway which led upstairs and Dean carefully climbed it up.

There was dim daylight falling through the broken windows and he saw shattered glass, lots of dirt and some dark liquid, which suspiciously looked like blood, on the ground.

"Interesting," he thought and approached the stain on the floor to do some further investigation. "Yup, definitely blood."

It looked kinda fresh to him. He wasn't a specialist, but he was pretty sure it had only been there for a couple of hours, or latest a day.

Suddenly he heard wimpering coming from another room. Startled, he took out his rifle and loaded it with rocksalt.

"Where are you, sonofabitch, I'm right here!"

He yelled, the rifle raised in his hand, ready to shoot any second.

"Is there anyone? Please help me!"

There was this voice again, and Dean wasn't sure if it was the poltergeist trying to trick him, or an actual person in danger. Wait. There was blood on the floor. Ghosts haven't got any blood. This meant…there was an actual human!!

Quickly, Dean followed the soft crying and indeed found a young woman on the floor, obviously injured because she was crying and held her arm tightly. "Are you okay, miss?" He asked and suddenly realization hit him. "Marlene! It's you!"

"D-Dean?" She stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

He put on a smug grin and answered, "Saving you, what else."

Marlene's first look of relief had passed and a look of horror crossed her face.

Dean sighed, "Let me guess. The poltergeist is standing directly behind me, isn't it?" She nodded slowly, staring just behind Dean's head.

"Fuck off!" Dean yelled, turned around on his heel and shot a bucketload of rocksalt into the poltergeists face.

"It won't be gone for long, we need to protect us!" Dean said and fumbled for the salt in his pocket. Quickly, he draw a circle around Marlene and him and crouched on his knees to take a better look at Marlene's injured arm. "What happened?" He asked as he softly lifted her hand from the wound. "It threw me against the wall and I feel into a heap of glass splinter."

Dean eyed the wound, it was bleeding furiously and he could see a piece of glass poking out. "I know you're gonna hate me, but I need to do that. Think of something else. What's your favourite ice cream?"

A look of confusion passed her face. "I think it's lemon and chocola…ARGHHHH!" She screamed in pain and clenched her teeth.

"Sorry," Dean said and showed her the piece of glass which had the size of his thumb. With a quick motion, he had ripped a piece of his shirt off and wrapped it around Marlene's arm to stop the bleeding.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to a doctor as soon as we are out of here. First off, I need to call Bobby."

Dean searched for his mobile in the pocket of his leather jacket. It wasn't there. Shrugging, he checked his trouser pockets. Also empty. Shit.

This could only mean one thing…


Dean smiled apologetically. "I haven't lost it, I just…misplaced it. I'm sure it's somewhere in here. You just stay here, and I'll be back in no time, okay?"

Taking the rifle in both hands, Dean stepped out of the salt circle and scanned the room for any signs of his mobile. Slowly he went down the stairway to the cellar and tried to make anything out in the dark.

Suddenly there was a crunch and he stopped and looked down at his feet. It was his mobile, or rather what was left of it.

"Seriously?" Dean asked nobody in particular and shook his head in disbelief. "Shit."

Then, there was another sound and it made Dean jump aside. The poltergeist had returned and came closer.

"Stay back!" Dean shouted and aimed at the ghost with his rifle.

Before he was able to pull the trigger, the ghost had used some of his magic and had dashed the rifle against the wall.

"Fuck," Dean thought and took a few steps backwards. He hadn't expected that. Suddenly it occurred to him, that he still had the salt with him. He threw a circle as fast as he could and threw himself in before the ghost could reach him.

Laying there on his stomach, he realized that his hadn't been one of his smarter ideas. The dust from the ground had made its way right into his face and he could already feel a terrible tickle build up in his nose. "Oh n-no," he gasped and tried to hold back the inevitable. "Hhhhh…Huhhhh…", the urge to sneeze became so big that there was no way of holding it back anymore,

"Hhhh'DGtZSHH! Hhh'RrSSH! Hhh'DZGshsh-uhh!"

The sneezes overtook him so fast, that he wasn't able to cover them.

To his horror he noticed that he had sneezed some salt from his circle away. Unfortunately, so did the ghost.

With a mean smile, it came closer and reached out his hand, ready to kill Dean…

"Stop it!"

There was a weak voice yelling from the other side of the room. Then there was a shot of rocksalt and the ghost was gone - for now.

"Sammy? You were supposed to stay at home!" Dean was shocked to find his brother here.

"And let you die on your own? No way, dude." Sam smiled and Dean could see how exhausted he was.

"Sam, you cad barely stand, let alone walk. Damn it!"

"My health isn‘t of importance, now, Dean. Let's kill that stupid ghost. Do you have an idea how?"

Sam couldn't keep on standing anymore, so he crouched himself next to his brother on the floor.

"What about burning his bones?"

"Ahem…I'd love to but…"

"What, but?"

"There are no bones left."

Dean looked like he was going to bang his head against the next wall.

"Great. What now?"

Suddenly, a grin hushed over Sam's face.

"Hey, you remember he was a bouncer, right?"


"Let's bounce him, then!"

A devilish grin spread over Dean's face. "I love you, Sam."

* * *

"Where the hell have you boys been?! I've been worried, for Christ's sake! And who is that girl? I told you not to flirt with whores."

Bobby seemed outraged, but incredibly relieved to find his boys still alive.

"What? That's no whore, that's…," Dean stuttered.

"Marlene," Sam whispered into his ear and Dean blushed slightly.

"That's Marlene, a friend of us from Germany."

Bobby nodded. "So, is the ghost gone? I couldn't reach you, did you forget to charge your mobile once again?"

Dean fumbled around in his pockets and showed Bobby what was left of his mobile. "Ahem…It got destroyed during the hunt."

Marlene grinned, "Yeah, he stepped on it."

Dean gave her an icy look, "Thanks a lot for pointing this out to me, Miss." "You're welcome," she winked at him with a gleeful smile.

* * *

"You ready to leave Germany and return to the US?"

Bobby asked, a burning match between his thumb and index finger.

"Ready as can be," Sam confirmed him and waved Marlene, who was standing in a safe distance.

"See ya around, boys."

With these words, Bobby lit the pile of magic things he had prepared on the ground, and let its hocus pocus take the boys back to where they belonged.

* * *

With a hearty snore, Dean awoke and found himself in his Impala.

He nudged his brother Sam, who was sitting next to him, to wake him up. Startled, Sam gave him a confused look.

"Man, I had a weird dream."

Dean laughed and asked, "Clowns or midgets?"

Sam returned his laugh and answered, "Dragons."

His brother seemed fairly surprised and shrugged. "That's new."

Then he remembered, that they had gotten an invitation to stop by at the roadhouse and drop Ellen and Jo a visit. "Sam, my sunglasses are in the glove department. Could you please give them to me?"

As Sam opened the glove department, a plastic bag fell out to him.

Confused he peeked into it, and took one of the things in there out.

It was candy. He even had the feeling they smelled slightly of menthol.

He tore the bag open and took one of the little gummie things out.

It had the shape of a little dragon.

This made him smile in recognition.

It was true. Everything.

* * *

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As Sam opened the glove department, a plastic bag fell out to him.

Confused he peeked into it, and took one of the things in there out.

It was candy. He even had the feeling they smelled slightly of menthol.

He tore the bag open and took one of the little gummie things out.

It had the shape of a little dragon.

This made him smile in recognition.

It was true. Everything.

wonderful ending and again the rachen drachen :lol:

thanks sweety for this awesome story placed in our good old germany ;):thumbsup::heart:

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What an awesome ending! Loved it! Love this! :heart:

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Ahh! So cute! <3 We must be doppelgangers, since we seem to be the SAME person.

You're amazing! Haha, Lemon ice cream! Yummm. And sick Sam and sneezy Dean!!

What a perfect ending to a perfect story!

Thank you!

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