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"Guten Tag yourself!" [Supernatural, Dean [m] ]


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Ugh, so short! :( NEED MORE OF THIS!!! Continue soon!

BYE! :bleh:

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Nuuu you tease with the short one! *pouts* pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese put more up soon? watsup.gif

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I love so much that idjit = Depp! Oh Johnny bb. :heart:

Hot spellings, also, BTW. Ghuh.

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SOO cute. Of course Bobby speaks German. Fluently.

Oh, goodness, yes. Sneezy brothers in the library? My favorite!

You're amazing! Thank you a million times!

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Surprise, surprise!

I've got a new update for you (yes, so fast, it's creepy, huh?)

@ Bubbles

Aye, aye, ma'am, here it is!

Thanks for reading :)

@ MadWonder13

Tehe, I'm aware :) Here's more, I don't wanna upset you :D

Hope you appreciate!

@ madserver

What do you think how hard I was laughing when I figured out the meaning of "Depp"?

I LOVE Johnny Depp, so I was feeling rather guilty for laughing about his name.

@ Always

Thank you :) I gave my best to write a fast update, and here it is, tadaaa!

@ Ciuty80

Honey, you are alive! We should start chatting again :)

Thank you for reading <3

@ Zwee

Tehe, mine too :D

Yeah, sure thing! Bobby (or rather Jim Beaver) had studied German and Japanese.

I thought I'd rather let him speak German since I don't understand a single word Japanese.

I hope you all enjoy! The plot thickens now, kind of.

* * *

"So…What exahh…heh…-exactly are we looking for?" Dean eyed the huge amount of book shelves confusedly.

"Anything related to these strange murders near Reeperbahn, maybe we'll find a pattern between the victims, which could help us with our case."

"Mmm." Dean grunted in response and crinkled his nose.

Sam took a couple of old looking books out of the shelf and dropped them next to Dean on the table producing a small dust cloud.

"Dude, keep your dust to yoursehhh…self-HHRSHH-uhh. Ugh, see what I mehh…mean? Hhh'GDTSHsh."

An angry Dean looked up from his book and threw his brother a fiendish sideways glance.

"Sorry. I can't help that you have a sensitive nose." Sam grinned at him.

"My fucking nose is not sensihhh…hehhh…" Dean started but as to contradict his nose started revolting again, making his breath quiver.

Determined not to let Sammy triumph, he pressed his fist under his nose and held his breath.

Sam bit back a smug grin and watched his brother struggling, his nose twitching madly and his eyes tearing slightly.

Feeling a little guilty, he averted his eyes and opened one of the books he had found. Luckily he had also found a German dictionary, so could look up a few words to understand what the books were about. After had skimmed a couple of pages, he heard a hasty intake of air and looked up. It was his elder brother.

Rolling his eyes in annoyance, Dean turned his head away from him and let loose a messy sneeze in the crook of his elbow.

"Hhhh'rrESH-uhh. Say a wordd andd I kill you."

Sam chuckled with a hint of schadenfreude and dedicated himself back to the book. The hours passed and the boys gradually lost interest because all they could find were myths about nymphs like the Lorelei but nothing about ghosts in particular.

"I'm starting to think that the Germans left poltergeists out purposely! What's so bad about them?"

Sam closed his book with a snap and send another cloud of dust into the air, much to Dean's disapproval.

"Hehh…Sab, I hahhh…hate you!" He got barely the words out before sneezing convulsively into his hands.

"Hhhhr'GTZSH-uhh, hehh…hhhhr…Heh'GDzSH-uhh."

This time, Sam couldn't hold back and laughed at him.

"Dean, you're adorable, you know that?"

With a wet sniff Dean faced him, mimicking him. "Adorable. Yeah, sure."

His nose had gotten runny and he dragged a wrist under it, sniffing helplessly. "Uh, I'll be right back," he grumbled, standing up to go to the bathroom.

"Okay, see you then."

* * *

"Hhhh'GZSH-uhh…ohh…Fuhh…Fucking Sam with his fucking duhhh…dust. Heh'rrESHhh-yew. Uh god, I'b disgustigg."

Dean delivered another sneeze into the wad of toilet paper in his hands, trying to blow but finding his nose too blocked up to do so.

Sniffing thickly, he tried to breath but ended up coughing noisily.

Suddenly, the door of the unisex bathroom opened and a brunette woman entered, a little started by his appearance.

"Whad?" Dean asked her as she continued staring at him.

"Ich glaube wir haben uns schon einmal getroffen," she said, giving him an insecure smile. (= I believe we've met before.)

"Dodn't understadd no fuhh-fuckigg Germa…hhhh'GDSHhh-uhh. Sorry."

Her eyes lit up and she flashed him a confident smile.

"Actually, I'm really sure I have met you before! You're the guy with the cold from the gas station, the guy who's hunting with his brother and father, am I right?"

Dean, who had buried his cherry red nose in a heap of toilet paper, stared at her in disbelief. "I dodn't thigg so, the ode I got to kndow was blondde."

"You ever heard about dying one's hair?"

"True. Sorry agaidd." Dean blushed, the colour of his cheeks resembling the one of his nose.

"So, whad are you doigg here?"

"I am working."

"Add what exagtly?"


"You are very talkative, you kndow thad?"

"Yeah, I'm aware."

Dean smiled, for some reason he liked her.

"Do you thigg you could help be? I'b also doigg sobe research."

"In the bathroom?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "Just follow be, please."

* * *

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ohhh god they are in hamburg on the reeperbahn :D

is schadenfreude the same in english??? :confused1:

uuuwwaaahhh dust induced sneezes thumbsup.giftwisted.gifdrool.gif

thank you sammy for making me laugh happy.png

please moarrrr! yes.gif

p.s.sweety i´m in icq right now for chatting wub.png

Edited by Ciuty80
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Ahhh, a twist! And lol, you're so unique! You gave Dean the sensitive nose instead of Sam for once! I think I like it. Anyway, update soon!

LEBEWOHL! :bleh:

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Oh goodness! This just gets better! And an update so fast? I love.

Yes, Sam, Dean really is adorable. I love how devious Sammy has been in this installment! And how sneezy Dean is! I'm liking this SO much, I can't even wait for the next part! Thank you!

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Yay, it's me again, thanks for your wonderful feedback <3

@ Ciuty80

Hehe, oh yes, it is. First I thought it'd be the same as "glee" but then I was told by a native speaker that they also used the word sometimes. It's the same with 'poltergeist' smile.png

@ Bubbles!

Yay, I always wanted to give Dean a sensitive nose. I mean, why should it only be Sammy when I have both? biggrin.png

Uh, better don't say "Lebewohl" it sounds a little like "ohh, I'll never see you again, fare thee well!", rather say "Tschuess!" it's actually like "bye!"

@ Always

YOU are brilliant smile.png Thank you for reading!!

@ Zwee

Thank you smile.png I love devious Sammy x) Oh, I just felt like making Dean horribly sneezy, I thought you'd all appreciate^^ Sorry for the lack of sneezes in the next, but there will be more later on! Now I wanna concentrate on Sammy a little, I think Dean's done a good job at spreading his germs everywhere (and on Sammy xD ).

Wow, I just realized that I am evil. Does this make me a bad person?

* * *

"Hey Sabby, see whad I found in the bathroob."

Sam's face lit up when the recognition overcame him. "Hey, aren't you the lovely German girl from that gas station?"

"Yeah, exactly." She smiled at him and threw Dean a look which was saying 'See? He recognized me at once.'

While Sam was talking to her, Dean blew his nose, producing a lot squelched sounds and a huge amount of snot.

"Dude, you are disgusting."

"Thaggs, I love you, too." Dean rolled his eyes, "You know whad? You do sobe research, and I'll get us something to eat.

Sounds good to you?"

"Yeah, okay. I'm okay with that."

* * *

Dean went along the street and looked out for some kind of diner or take-away. He found a lot of fish restaurants but he wasn't very fond of fish. Suddenly, he saw a pharmacy on his left hand sight and considered going in there. Of course it was embarrassing but there was no Sam far and wide, he wouldn't even know. Looking around but finding no Sam in eyeshot, we went into the shop.

It wasn't very crowded in it but the smell of eucalyptus was overwhelming. He was waiting for about 5 minutes in the queue until it was his turn. A dark-haired man in white scrubs faced him and gave him a smile.

"Ahm…Hi, cad I have ady kidd of dosepray, please?"

"Entschuldigen Sie, ich spreche kein Englisch."

Dean winced. Crap, he had totally forgotten about it.


Nervously he stammered in utter need of fitting words but didn't find any. With a sigh he gave in and pointed at his nose which was cherry red and runny. Then he gave a light sniff to demonstrate how clogged up his nose as.

The pharmacist seemed to understand and disappeared into another room. Dean took a small look over his shoulder and was startled how many people were standing behind him. He didn't feel comfortable.

In the meantime the pharmacist had returned and proudly offered him a box of tissues. Dean blushed deeply and shook his head no.

The man's smile dropped and he seemed to be lost in thoughts.

Suddenly his face lit up and he disappeared again. A little later he returned and handed Dean some nosespray.

Dean sent a silent prayer to heaven and said, "Yeah, thanks." before paying and getting out as fast as he could, avoiding the amused looks from the people behind him.

* * *

Carefully, Dean inserted a dose of the spray in each nostril and sniffed wetly. He didn't notice if it was working or not since it only made his nose tickle again.

"Suhhh…Sudd of a bitch," he grumbled and gave his nose a rough swipe with the back of his hand.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar face approaching and he quickly stored the spray in the pocket of his trouser.

"Karl Joseph Schmidt!" Sam shouted out to him, grinning brightly.

"My name is Dean, you remember? I'm your brother."

"No, I meant the ghost, he used to be Karl Joseph Schmidt when he was still alive."

"Oh. That's cool, good job, Sammy."

"Thanks." Sam's smile grew bigger,

"Hey, you sound less stuffed up. Did you take anything?"

A hint of blush crept over Dean's face.

"What? No. I got better as soon as I had left the library with your fucking dusty books."

Sam had noticed how Dean had nervously pushed something deeper into his trouser pocket and nodded.

"Oh, that's good, then."

"Yup," he shrugged it off.

Sam pinched the bridge of his nose absently and stared at nothing in particular.

"Headache?" Dean asked.

"Uh…What?" Sam seemed a little startled, like he had just woken up and sleepily rubbed his nose.

"Never mind, wanna go and ask a few locals about this guy?"

"Yeah, sounds like a plan."

* * *

Edited by LovelyLinda
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Oh boy oh boy oh boy * wiggles excitedly* I needs me some sick sammeh. And I love how dean almost always breaks and can't help but to go into caring big brother mode. *prays for very sick .sam needing cuddles

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"Ahm…Hi, cad I have ady kidd of dosepray, please?"

"Entschuldigen Sie, ich spreche kein Englisch."

Dean winced. Crap, he had totally forgotten about it.


geeez sweety you really made me laugh at this :lol:

i love the update! this is so wonderful though there are no sneezes in it ^_^

please more :wub:

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Ohhh my goodness, the fun begins for dear Sammy! Yes, DO concentrate on him for a bit! (I'm SO excited, so that must make me evil too! Hehe, we can be evil together.)

"Karl Joseph Schmidt!" Sam shouted out to him, grinning brightly.

"My name is Dean, you remember? I'm your brother."

I don't know why, but this was so funny to me! It actually made me laugh more than it should have! Just picturing Sam smiling and telling Dean the information, super proud of himself, and Dean just being funny and making fun of him. It would definitely happen in the show.

Can't wait for the next bit!

You're the best!

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Oh man, Dean miming for nose spray! And his nose being all red and squelchy. So good!

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@ Bubbles!

Yay, I always wanted to give Dean a sensitive nose. I mean, why should it only be Sammy when I have both? :D

Uh, better don't say "Lebewohl" it sounds a little like "ohh, I'll never see you again, fare thee well!", rather say "Tschuess!" it's actually like "bye!"

I know right! And ohhhhhhh, I see! Google Translate has failed me!!! WHY????!!!!!!!! :cry:

Anyway, this is so awesome!!! And I'm happy to see a little of sicky!Sam in there! I can't wait to see what you have in store for the boys in your next update! I hope it comes soon!

TSCHUESS! ;):bleh:

Edited by Bubbles!
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@ ickydog2006

Yay, thank you :) Sammeeehh is gonna get a lot worse, I hope you like it :)

I'm also in for brotherly cuddles, I looooove it <3


Honey, I knew you'd appreciate x)

I can totally imagine Dean standing there all self-conscious and not able to bring out a whole sentence

since all German he had learned was flirting...

@ Zweeeee :)

Aw, thanks! Yeah, I wondered if I should use that joke or not since it was so stupid,

but somehow I thought it'd fit in the show, so I used it, it's nice to liked it :)

Oh, and yeah, actually I DO concentrate on Sammy right now, I hope it's after your liking!

@ madserver

Hihi :D Yeah, this also made me squeeee a lot,

being mean to Dean is so much fun <3

Thanks for enjoying it, it makes me feel less evil x)

@ Bubbles

Thank youu :D

Yup it's definitely Sams turn right now!

I hope you like it <3

Yay, you are doing good! Should I teach you another word?

What about "Bier"? It's very essential in Germany.

Just read it out aloud and you get the meaning, it's almost the same in English.

* * *

As Dean drove the Impala back to Bobby's, he took a quick look at his brother

who seemed to be a little tired since he kept dozing off every few minutes.

"You okay, Sammy?" he asked with a little concern in his voice as he opened his heavy eyelids.

"I don't know," he mumbled, "I just feel kinda dizzy."

Actually he looked more than dizzy, his cheeks were flushed and his whole face had a sweaty shimmer to it. Dean was pretty sure that his little brother was running a fever. He wondered why he hadn't noticed it before, maybe the good news were just to overwhelming.

A sigh escaped Dean's lips, "We'll better get you to Bobby, then."

As Sam didn't complain, Dean knew that he must be really feeling unwell and a feeling of guilt crept on him, making him drive even faster.

* * *

Dean gave the door a few knocks and waited until Bobby opened up.

With a steadying arm around Sam's waist, he helped his brother inside.


Dean felt some spray on his arm and rolled his eyes in annoyance as Bobby gave him a "keep your snot to yourself"-look.

Innocently, Dean scratched his head and grumbled,

"Hey, it wasn't me for a change."

Bobby's eyes travelled up to Sammy in surprise, who was sniffling slightly and totally looking out of it.

"Boy, you alright?"

Bobby's eyes mustered Sam's pale face and the suspicious red tinge of his cheeks.

"I feel a little cold," he admitted and wrapped his arms around himself for warmth, shivering a little even though he had his jacket on.

With the back of his hand Bobby felt Sam's temperature and shook his head as he found it warmer than it ought to be.

"You are burning up!" Bobby sounded concerned as Sam leaned a little into his touch.

"We need to get your fever down, come here," Dean guided him to the sofa and helped him pull off his coat and boots.

"I can't believe that you are John Winchester's boys, one is a sneezing mess, the other one has a fever, …"

Bobby smiled to himself and gently pushed Sam down onto the couch.

"Just relax a little, Dean and I work on our case. We'll wake you later."

Sam nodded tiredly and snuggled into the blanket Bobby had draped over him.

While Dean grabbed Sam's laptop from the table, Bobby filled up a glass of water in the kitchen sink and

brought it back to Sam, placing it on the table nearby so that he could reach it.

When he tiptoed back, he heard a quiet voice calling him.


The older man turned on his heel. "Yeah, Sam?"

"Thank you." His voice was sleepy but sincere.

"It's alright," Bobby soothed and stroked his overheated cheek,

"I'm here."

With his last words ringing in his ears, he fell asleep, feeling loved and protected.

* * *

Anyone in for some more feverish!Sammy?

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Me! Me! I'd like some more feverish!Sam lovin'!

@ Bubbles

Thank youu :D

Yup it's definitely Sams turn right now!

I hope you like it <3

Yay, you are doing good! Should I teach you another word?

What about "Bier"? It's very essential in Germany.

Just read it out aloud and you get the meaning, it's almost the same in English.

Yay! I'm doing good! Bier? Okay, well that sound like something I know of. Is it perhaps this --> :beer:

Anyway, this is fantastic! Continue soon!

TSCHUESS! :bleh:

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Oh my goodness! Sammmmyyyyy... SO CUTE. His little sneeze was adorable, and I feel so bad for him! And Bobby, playing his role as the Daddy-figure, soothing and taking care of his boys. Perfect. So good, and I'm SO happy you updated! I'm eagerly waiting the next part!

Oh, and um... feverish!Sammy? I'm always in.

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Me too! Me too! Love feverish Sammy!!!! So awesome!!!! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Hi there,

I've got an update biggrin.png

@ Bubbles

Yup, that's right. It's one of the most importan German words, you should keep that in mind x)

@ Zwee

Hihi, thank you smile.png Although I'm more of a Dean girl I sorta enjoy letting him take care of his little brother Sammy.

I hope you like it, I had a lot of fun writing this.


Yay, thank you!! I hope you enjoy, there's a lot more sick!Sammy to come!!

Thanks for reading smile.png

@ ickydog2006

Back at you smile.png Thanks for commenting!

Here's more. I hope you like it!

Sooo...We've got here lots of sneezy Dean, sweet brotherly love and caretaking <3 <3

* * *

Quickly, Dean closed the kitchen door behind him and delivered a sneeze into his elbow.


Sniffling, he looked up and his teary eyes unfocused once again.

"Hhhh…" His nose gave a twitch and his breath hitched uncontrollably.

"Hhh'DGZSH-shh. Ugh, dabbit."

The force of the sneeze had doubled him over and he straightened, rubbing his nose.

Bobby gave him a sceptical look as Dean wiped his nose on his sleeve.

"Whad? No 'bless you'?"

"You don't look so hot, either," Bobby remarked and reached his hand out to feel his forehead but Dean shirked away.

"I'b good, it's jusd a cold."

Bobby rolled his eyes and grumbled,

"Whatever. It's getting late, we should get some rest too, we'll do some further investigation tomorrow."

As if to prove the point Dean gave a jaw-popping yawn and rubbed his eyes.

"Sounds good."

* * *

Dean heard the sound of an alarm clock and buried his head deeper into his pillow, trying to keep on sleeping.

He felt awful, his throat was still sore and to top it all his nose was so stuffed up that his attempt at breathing resolved in a gurgling sniff.

"Ughh…" He crawled out of bed and switched the alarm clock off.

Yawning he went into the bathroom, unwinded half a roll of toilet paper

and blew his nose noisily.

The blowing made his nose look even redder but it didn't ease the congestion.

"Fuck," he thought and fumbled for the nose spray in his pocket. It wasn't there. Dean felt like hitting something.

Where could it be? After he scanned the whole room several times, another thought came to his mind. His leather jacket. Mentally giving a scream of victory, he found the spray in the pocket of his jacket and generously dosed himself up.

"I hope id's fuckigg worki…hihhh…Hhhrr'DGZSHshh. Hhh'GTSHhh-uhh, hhih'YESH-uhh. Ugh, working."

Dean rolled his eyes, for some reason the spray always made him sneeze a lot before it actually worked.

Blowing his nose again, he finally felt some relief.

It felt really good to breath through one's nose again.

When he tiptoed into the living room, he found his shivering mess of a brother on the couch.

"Oh, you're awake?"

Sam lifted his head and nodded slowly, his eyelids too heavy to stay open.

"How are you feeling?" Dean sat down next to him and pressed his hand to his brother's forehead, finding it still quite warm.

"I'm so cold."

Goosebumps had risen all over his bare arms and he

Although Sam kept on shivering, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

As Dean noticed it, he found that he'd have to do something.

"I'll be right back." He disappeared and left Sam on his own.

A few minutes later he returned with a set of new clothes and a warm washing rag. "What are you doing?", Sam slurred and looked at him in confusion, the fever making him light-headed.

"I'll make you feel better. Just get out of your shirt."

Too out of it to understand, Sam tried to free himself from his shirt - with no success. It was too much effort for his weakened body. Dean sighed and helped him. Now his brother was trembling with cold but Dean already had a plan.

He soaked a washing rag with warm water and gently ran it over Sam's bare skin, warming him and washing all of the sweat off.

When he was finished he carefully dried him with a towel and helped him into fresh clothes. Contentedly, Sam huddled deeper into his hoodie and sighed. "Thank you."

Dean smiled and covered him with a blanket as Bobby entered the room, gesturing him to come.

He followed Bobby into the kitchen so that Sam could get a little rest and closed the door silently.

* * *

Sorry for mistakes or randomness, I just didn't have time to re-read it. I hope it's still okay :)

Edited by LovelyLinda
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