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"Guten Tag yourself!" [Supernatural, Dean [m] ]


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giiiirl i LOVE this update :wub:

this is SOOOO AMAZING cute!!! :drool: :drool:

and the picture of rachen drachen just made me laugh xD

don´t bring too much to our meeting! ;)

please more of our gorgeous boys! :kiss:

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Sam stroked his brother’s hot cheek.

Oh. My. God.blowup.gif

"Sammy?" Dean suddenly murmurs. "Yeah?" Sam looked up from driving. "I don't do tea."

Oh, but Dean. It would help your sore, achy throat. C'mon. Let Sammy give you some tea. In fact, let Sammy hold it for you. wink.png

“Yeah Sam. I feel awful. I’ve been feeling awful since I woke up this morning. But it’s none of your business.”

None of Sammy's business my ass! Let Sam take care of you Dean! Pleeeaaasssse! C'mon Dean! Big boy snuggles, big boy snuggles! You know you want it.love.gif



BYE! bleh.gif

Edited by Bubbles!
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@ telltale

Thank youuu =) Right, there can never be enough sneezy, sniffly, dizzy Dean out there!!

I'm glad you enjoy it as much as I do <3

@ Ciuty80

Thank youuuu smile.png

Don't worry, it's no biggie, really!

I have a few very ... special...ideas for you =D

@ Bubbles

Yeah *_* You know I want it x)

There will be a lot of big boy snuggles, promise!

@ madserver

Thank you smile.png

You enjoying this is also making me happy =D

Here's the next part! Hope you enjoy!!

Shivering, Dean cracked an eye open.

His sight was blurry and his head ached. Slowly he moved his head around and inspected his surroundings.

It looked like a hotel room. After a reassuring glance at the other bed where Sam's clothes were piled, he knew that Sam couldn't be far away and closed his heavy eyelids again.


As he caught a sudden sneeze in his sleeve, he noticed that he was wearing one of Sam's giant hoodies and his lips escaped a sigh. He didn't remember how he got there, obviously he had been sleeping a few hours since it was already dark outside.

As a warm hand gently touched his warm cheek, he moaned and leaned in the touch.

"Dean? Hey, Dean."

A soft voice whispered his name into his ear and he slowly opened his eyes.

It was Sam, holding something in his hand that looked like a spoon.

After a few seconds it dawned on him that it actually was a spoon.

"Come on, you need to take this. Open your mouth, just for me, please." He eyed the content of the spoon which suspiciously looked like icky medicine.

"Please, Dean. I want you to feel better."

Sam leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on his hot forehead.

"You're burning up. We outta do something to lower your fever."

Dean nodded slowly, too out of it to say anything at all, and complied.

"Good boy," Sam stroked his cheek as Dean made a face because of the awful taste.

After he finally had gulped it down, his brother offered him an unscrewed water bottle. "Drinking helps, you know."

Dean eyed the bottle but didn't drink from it.

"What?" Sam gave him a worried look.

"Mahhvesmtea?" He slurred and blushed slightly.

"Come again?" Sam sat down and inched closer to him.

"May I have some tea instead?" Dean repeated quietly.

A smile spread over Sam's face as he answered.

"Sure. Lemme just get up."

As he entered the kitchen he chuckled, "You don't do tea, yeah, sure. Haha, aww, Dean."

* * *

Big boy cuddles in the next part. Who's in? =D

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Big boy cuddles in the next part. Who's in? =D

Oh, you know am.

Sam leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on his hot forehead.

Me, that should be me. God, I never thought I'd be so jealous of Dean. Poor guy's sick too................ GIVE ME SAM!

As he entered the kitchen he chuckled, "You don't do tea, yeah, sure. Haha, aww, Dean."

Aww, Dean indeed.

BYE! :bleh:

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The FOREHEAD KISS! And Dean's bad-tasting-medicine face, and Sam being like, "Awwwwww, you caved and asked for girly tea, you're so cute Dean!" :heart:

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  • 4 weeks later...

UHMYGOD, I'm so SORRY!!! It's been a month O.o

But I have been so terribly busy...But I'll continue now, even though you don't expect it anymore, hah!

@ Bubbles

I'm jealous of Sammy ALL THE TIME! I'd absolutely pay a million dollar just to get to take care of sick!sneezy!sniffly"sexy"Dean *_*

@ Ciuty80

Aww, nice to know you're in ;)

I'm sorry it took me soooo long to continue o.o

@ Madserver

Thank youuuu :) I also loved all of these things <3

I'm such a sucker for forehead and nose kisses <3

It's ridiculous, but so fucking sexyyyy....

Here it is, lots of LOVE and CUDDLES!!

When Sam returned, Dean was quivering with cold and had wrapped his arms around himself, teeth chattering.

"Aww, poor you. You're really feeling awful, aren't you?"

Sam set the tray down on the bed stand and sat down next to his brother.

"Want some tea? It'll help you warm up."

He passed him the steaming mug, put an arm around him and allowed him to huddle up against him.

"You warmer?" Sam asked after a while, glad that his brother wasn't shaking anymore.

"Yeah," Dean rasped and let loose a shuddering cough into the crook of his elbow.

Sam rubbed in soothing circles over his back till the coughing subsided and Dean had managed to catch his breath again


Tiredly, he rested his head on Sam's lap and closed his eyes.

Softly, Sam stroked over his too warm cheeks, the dark stubbles building a hard contrast to his pale skin.

After a while Dean fell asleep, softly snuffling here and then.

Sam didn't mind, he enjoyed taking care of his brother and he was sure that secretly Dean was enjoying being mothered by him.

He turned his head a little and snuggled closer to Sam's warmth, quietly moaning in his sleep. A smile hushed over Sam's lips as he gently played with Dean's soft hear, twirling it between his fingers.

Almost he had also fallen asleep, but then he felt his brother stir.

Sleepily he looked up just to see Dean bringing up a hand to his face, giving his nose a quick rub, and resting it near b.

He knew what came next and reached next to him to grab a handful of Kleenex.

As Dean's breathing became erratical and shallow, he covered Dean's nose with the tissues, waiting for the inevitable.


Dean snapped forward, his whole body shaking with the release of the sneeze. "Bless you." Sleepy grunt in response.

Carefully, Sam dabbed at his nostrils which were damp a little reddened by now.

It was amazing that Dean didn't wake up, Sam had never heard of someone who could sneeze while sleeping.

Well, Dean wasn't like everybody else, he was very special.

* * *

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Well, Dean wasn't like everybody else, he was very special.

Special, hot, ADORABLE.


BYE! :bleh:

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  • 1 month later...

Heeeeey guys!

I'm sorry for the delay - once again!

But I have continued writing and have plenty of new stuff for you :)

I hope you enjoy!

Ps: Since I've got a lot of requests, I'll let Sammy catch Dean's cold ;)

Sounds good, huh? Both boys sick is just wonderful *_*

As Sam awoke a few hours later Dean had gotten rid of the blankets and the hoodie and was lying on the couch with his bare chest.

No good sign.

Of course this alarmed him and he quickly checked for fever. Sleepily, Dean opened his eyes and tried to swat away Sam's hand, but he was so weak, that he didn't even hit him.

"Shhh, you're okay. I just wanted to check if your fever is still that high."

This seemed to calm him down a little, with a contented grunt he balled up himself on the bed and closed his eyes again. Even though his whole body was covered in sweat, Dean actually felt a little colder which reassured his brother that the meds were working.

When he was sure that his brother had drifted off to sleep again, he carefully covered him with the blanket to keep him warm.

Exhausted because he hadn't got a lot of sleep, Sam went to bed, leaving the door open so he could hear and observe Dean.

As soon as his cheek touched his pillow, he fell asleep.

* * *

The next morning he was startled awake by Dean singing hoarsely and out of tune while having a shower. He was relieved, that only meant that Dean was feeling quite okay again.

"…one lonely Sunday morning, her long hair blowing in the midwinter wind, and I don't know how she found meh…huh…uh no - hehh…hh'KTSHyew!" (


"God damnit," he heard his brother mutter as a coughing fit overtook him. His cough still sounded pretty bad but he quickly regained his composure again

Sleepily, Sam rubbed his eyes and started shivering as soon as he got out of his bed. As he took a look into the empty fridge Dean got out of the bathroom, wearing towels around his waist and his head.

"Dude, shower's awesome."

Sam smiled to himself and involuntary remembered his brother's love to showers. "It's no steam shower though."

Even if a hotel was crappy, a good shower could always cheer him up.

Sam smiled to himself and boiled some water.

When he arrived with a tray and two mugs, Dean was already sitting at the table eating a self-made sandwich.

"Dude, is that tea? Seriously?" Dean gave him a doubting look.

"Yeah. It is," Sam quietly cleared his throat, "I thought it'll be good for you. You know, you were pretty out of it yesterday."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. But yesterday's long gone. I want some coffee."

Sam shrugged. "Make it yourself, then."

This earned him another roll of eyes as Dean reluctantly snatched the mug from the tray, too lazy to do what he was told.

Sam smiled again. This trick worked every time. Dean's laziness was hilarious and so predictable.

Besides, a little tea wouldn't be too bad for him either since his throat felt strangely dry.

"Cheers! Oh, by the way. I added some honey. You like honey?"

Sam grinned and Dean looked like he was about to kill him.

"You sneaky bitch."

"I love you too, jerk."

* * *

After breakfast they packed their stuff in the back of the Impala and Sam entered the driver side.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Dean gave him the stink eye.

"Uhm…Driving?" Sam answered, scratching his ear.

"Forget it, baby's mine. There's no wahhh…way you get to drihh…drive heh…her…hhh'RSGSHH-uhh, hihh'GZDSH."

Dean looked at his hands in disgust and considered wiping them on his jeans. Sam's lips escaped a laugh.

"See? That's why I'm driving."

He winked and handed him a clean tissue he had stored in the pocket of his jacket before. Dean pouted, but accepted it.

"Okay, but if you screw up my car, I'm gonna kill you."

"Sure thing." Sam nodded. He knew the procedure, he always had to go through it.

* * *

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Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sammy's sick! Cannot wait until the next update! I wonder what newly-sick-Sam and getting-over-it-but-still-sick-Dean will have in store for us next?

BYE! :bleh:

P.S. Is it just me or is it getting just a little Wincesty? ;)

BYE! Again. :bleh::bleh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aww, thanks for your wonderful feedback :)

I hope you enjoy the next part!

Oh and Bubbles, Sam's going to get one hell of a cold x)

I hope it's what you expected^^

* * *

They were driving for about 3 hours when Dean's coughing really started to worry him. It became longer and more painful sounding every minute and Dean wasn't talking at all - not even complaining about Sam being the one to drive. He was sure that Dean was in pain but didn't want to admit it. He could be so stubborn sometimes.

"You okay?" Sam tried and gave his brother a quick glance.

"Mmm." Dean grunted and turned away, not wanting to let his brother see how hard he was trying to hold back some more coughing.

"You want a cough drop?" Sam risked, almost expecting Dean to hit or bite him after that question.

"Nah, they taste awful." Uh. Okay. That was not quite what he had expected as an answer. He shrugged and kept on following the highway they were on.

After another half an hour of driving Dean broke the silence as he failed to stifle a sneeze against his wrist. "Hhh'MGTXSH"

Sam cringed, that sounded quite messy. Dean groaned and rubbed at his itchy nose.

Suddenly Sam remembered his previous shopping tour and pointed at the glove department.

"Hey Dean, open that for me, will you?"

With another unwilling grunt Dean had opened it and found a small bag of sweets.

"Rachen Drachen? What the hell is that?"

Dean furrowed one brow and eyed his brother quizzically.

"Some sweets, like gummi bears, you know, only shaped like dragons. I got them from the nice lady from the gas station." Dean tore the bag open and peeked into it.

"I don't want to eat dragons, they … smell strange." He sniffed liquidly.

Sam wondered how Dean could smell anything at all with that stuffy nose of his and switched tactics.

"Well, doesn't matter. Then I'll eat them myself." He stole the bag from Dean and stuck one of the little sweet dragons into his mouth. The menthol wasn't that obvious at all, he could only taste a little hint of it - its effect was overwhelming, though. The single dragon soothed his scratchy throat and Sam felt a huge relief.

Greedily, he took another one out of the bag.

"What the hell…Sam?!? You really like 'em?"

With a quick movement Dean had snatched the bag and eyed one of the dragons cautiously. "Here goes nothing."

He chewed it for a while and suddenly his face lit up, and he shoved a handful of little dragons into his mouth.

"Hey, they ain't half bad. Actually they taste quite nice."

Sam noticed that his voice sounded less stuffed up - thanks to the menthol - and smiled to himself. He should remember stocking up on them before they left the German border.

* * *

The ride was slow and boring. Sam noticed that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier and was alarmed as he almost dozed off behind the steering wheel. Besides, his throat had begun to itch again. Awesome.

He took a reassuring look at Dean, who was peacefully sleeping and snoring softly on the passenger seat, then one on his watch.

It was early afternoon, they should get something to eat since they hadn't have anything after breakfast. Strangely, he didn't feel hungry at all.

Well, maybe Dean was. Besides, Sam could really use a break.

On the next possibility he pulled off of the road and stopped at some gas station. As soon as the tires stood still, Dean sneezed himself awake.


"Huh? Did I miss anything?" He looked hilarious, his eyes were sleepy and his hair was a mess.

Sam yawned. "Not really. I just wanted to get something to eat and take a look at the map to make sure we're right." Dean scratched himself behind his ear.

"Well, I could go and grab some food and you do the map-thingy?"

Sam looked up from the map. "Yeah, sounds like a deal. Thanks."

* * *

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  • 3 months later...

oh my gooood, I'm so sorry for the delay... O.o School eats my life right now.

I wish the day had more hours to spend...

Anyway, I have continued this story, it's getting a little plot-ty right now, I hope you like it anyway :)

* * *

After 10 minutes Dean returned, complaining about the long queue of people in front of him. "Sam?" He didn't get a reply.

As he sat down next to Sam he realized that his brother had fallen asleep, his head resting on the map.

Dean chuckled, usually Sam wasn't the kind of person to do that. Except for when… Dean went quiet and took a concerned look at his younger brother. Gently, he shook his shoulder and whispered, "Hey Sammy, let's swap seats, okay?"

Rubbing his eyes, he nodded and slowly got out of the car. Dean scooted over and took over the steering wheel. "Oh, and I got us something to eat. Hungry?" He held out a cheese sandwich for Sam, but he shook his head no. Dean shrugged and put it back into the paper bag on the floor.

"And?" he looked at Sam. "And what?" he asked quietly.

"Are we on the right route?" Sam suppressed a yawn. "Oh that. Yeah, I guess we are. It's not that far anymore. We have to follow this road about half an hour, and then we'll arrive here," he pointed at an exit on the map, "from here we'll need another half an hour to pass through these little villages but then we should be in Hamburg."

He couldn't suppress a yawn this time.

"Okay, I think I got it. What about I drive and you try and get some sleep, huh? Sounds good?" Dean folded the map and stored it in the side of his

door. "Mmmm. Very good." Within seconds Sam had fallen asleep again, his head resting on the window.

"I'm sorry, Sammy," Dean whispered and patted his knee. He knew what was going to happen - it had been inevitable.

* * *

Indeed, after a little over an hour Dean could see a road sign saying "Hamburg" and his mood lit up. "See, Sammy, we made it. We're in Hamburg!" Sam looked up, he hadn't slept at all, at least he was still as tired as before. Yawning, he had a stretch and looked out of the window.

"Wow, look at the harbour, it's beautiful, don't you think so?"

Dean mumbled something in agreement and scanned the street in front of him. "What the…" His mouth dropped open as he saw three almost naked ladies, waving them and touching their bodies seductively.

"Sammy, look at that! Is this… paradise?" Dean asked dreamily.

"No it's not, you idjit, it's the Reeperbahn. And now drive on, we got work to do." Startled, the boys turned around to find Bobby sitting on their backseat. "What are you waiting for?!" Bobby smirked.

Obediently, Dean kept on driving and followed Bobby's instructions until they finally stopped in front of a small old house.

As the boys got out, Bobby gave each of them a hug and said, "Sorry about earlier, getting you here before the dark was more import than giving cheesy greetings. Let's go in and I'll explain everything to you."

The three of them entered the house and made themselves comfortable on the sofa in the living room. While Sam was yawning and having a stretch, Dean was sneezing deafeningly into the crook of his left elbow.

"You doing alright?"

Bobby appeared next to them and handed each a bottle of beer, a quizzical look on his face.

As to answer the question Dean started coughing involuntary - thick and long - and it visibly took him a lot of effort to settle himself again. "Coming down with a cold?"

Dean snuffled and gave a shrug. "I'm okay."

At this, Sam rolled his eyes.

"How did you get to Germany, anyway?" Bobby looked surprised.

"Dean pissed off a witch, and kazaaaam, the Impala was standing in front of some sign saying 'Cologne.'"

Bobby chuckled, "Oh, okay. I've never heard of anything like that, but I won't complain. Since you are already here, you can also help me with my case."

"Hehhh'GZRSH-ehhh." Dean looked up from his hands, looking for something to wipe them on.

"Boy, keep your snot to yourself, you don't want us to get sick either, do you?" Sam rolled his eyes and thought "Too late." as he felt his throat burning and aching badly. He grumbled something about 'being back in a minute' and disappeared in the bathroom.

"Heh'eKshh-uhh." Sam groaned in pain. He was definitely going to get sick too. If the terrible pain in his throat wasn't enough to prove, the sneeze surely was. He sighed and splashed some cold water into his face before returning into the living room.

* * *

Yay, some sick!Sammy, too! Anyone interested in some more?

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Me! Me me me me!!! I'd like some more! Continue continue continue!!! Mmm sick!Sammy is awesome. Update soon!

BYE! :bleh:

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Oh my gosh, I'd forgotten about the dragon-candy! So cute.

Awesome spellings BTW. Deeean, rarrr!

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Can't breathe ..... too awesome

Edited to add: loves me some contagion... squeeeee!

Edited by ickydog2006
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I honestly don't know why I haven't seen this before. I'm so glad I set aside the time to read this whole story... multiple times... and drool over all of it! Thank you, this is amazing! Dean is possibly the cutest thing in the entire world in this story. As is Sammy, of course. Interested in contagion?? THIS GIRL. YES. I'll take it, thank you. My sister recently came back from studying abroad in Germany, and she brought us a bunch of little candies similar to the dragon ones you wrote about... although these didn't have menthol. They were just sugar mice and the best gummi bears I've ever tasted.

I'm dying for more, thank you ever so much. <3 And sorry it took me so long to realize this existed! You're great.

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Aww, thank you all for your feedback! It's making me incredibly happy :)


Thank youuu, oh yes, sick!Sammy is indeed awesome :D

@ madserver

Tehe, I also love them, maybe I should send some to Canada?

@ Ciuty80

YAY, I will :D Thank you!

@ ickydog2006

Aw, I also love contagion, it's one of the nicest things ever!!

Thanks you :)

@ Zwee

Wow, thank youuu, awesome comment <3

I should also send you some dragon candy, huh? :)

I totally would!

@ iluvsneezes

Aw, thanks :) I try my very best, Ma'am!

Here's another part, I'm sorry it's kinda short. The next will be longer, promise.

With lots of sneezy brothers in the library. Gosh, I love this scenario x)

* * *

"Alright boys, we are most certainly dealing with a poltergeist. Actually poltergeists aren't that much of a problem but this one's different. It can…"


Two pair of eyes were facing Dean now who was fiddling around with the shredded rests of his last tissue, trying to find a dry spot.

"Sorry," he said guiltily.

"Never mind," Bobby continued, "Well, the special ability is, that it can actually move on from house to house, it's not bound to just one. I've never seen anything like that before, so I thought I'd rather call you. It's always good to know to have some back-up, especially when…"

"Huhhh'DZRSHSH-uhh. Agh, I'b sorry. Agaid."

Dean was pressing the back of his hand to his nose, sniffling madly to try and keep his it from running.

Bobby rolled his eyes in annoyance and handed him a roll of toilet paper.

"Thaggs. "

"Blow your nose, boy, I can barely make out what you're saying,"

he commanded with a laugh.

While Dean was noisily blowing his nose, Sam tried to clear his throat unobtrusively.

"So, how do we kill that son of a bitch?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Well, like any other ghost, too. Burn the bones. The problem is that I haven't even got his name when it was still human. I need you for research."

"Waid, I am barely able to flirt id German, how should I be able to udderstadd ady books?"

"There is such a thing called 'internet'. You've ever heard of that? It can help you translating."

"Add what about you?"

"Ich verstehe Deutsch, du Depp, ich brauche keinen Übersetzer."

(= I understand German, you idjit, I don't need a translator.)

Puzzled, Dean stared at him.

"Okay, whatever you've just said. I get what you meandd."

"Alright, the both of you do some research at the library, I'll see what I can find out by interviewing the locals. I'm sure at least one person must have heard of this strange ghost. See you around, boys."

* * *

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