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Someone Like You (An Inception Fic) 1/?


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I feel like it's been ages since I've been on the stories thread, so please, you'll have to forgive me if I'm a bit rusty. This first chapter has not been beta'd or reread in its entirety since I finished it about half an hour ago, so if it's horrid, I apologize. Also, there is no sneezing or illness yet in the fic, but it's coming in the next chapter, I promise. This is merely building background and getting a few things established.

Also, it's Inception, because those of you who know me know it's my favorite fandom. And it's Arthur/Eames, because they're just as much of a canon couple as Dom/Mal in my mind. But, enough of the disclaimers and whatnot. So, without further ado, here it is.

ETA: I don't know how to fix it, but I typed too much in my thread description and it got cut off. It was meant to say 'for Leap Year Kisses, as I've missed her dearly while I've been gone.'


It had been nearly three years. More precisely, it had been thirty two months, three weeks, and two days. Thirty two months, three weeks, and two days since the last time Eames had seen Arthur. They'd been in Córdoba, somewhere near the center of Argentina, working a relatively simple, two-level case for a Mr. Julio Cavallo. The team for the job had met up in Eames' hotel room after all was said and done to tie up any loose ends and discuss payment. Arthur was seated in the far corner of the room, closest to the door, with a moleskine in his hand and his chair tilted back on its hind legs. "Mr. Cavallo has wired the money to each of your accounts individually," Arthur had said, glancing down at the small, leatherbound book. "Expect it to show up within twenty four hours. We will all be taking separate flights out of Córdoba over the next three days at various times and through various airlines. That being said, good luck to you all on your trips back home."

He stood, nodding in acknowledgement of everyone in the room - Eames, the architect, and the extractor - and his gaze lingered on Eames for a moment before he turned on his heel and walked out. Eames had half-expected him to show up at his hotel room later that night, much like he had on jobs prior. And the two would take separate planes to the same city - usually to either Arthur's flat in Lille or Eames's in Mombasa - and waste the days away until one or both of them had received another job offer.

But Arthur never showed up at his room. And when he received his plane ticket via Masterson, the middle-aged architect he'd worked with once or twice in the past, he flew back to Mombasa under the impression he'd find the pointman there upon his return. He wasn't. And that didn't change. Not after his next job offer, or the one after that. He never showed up.

It had been nearly two hours. Eames couldn't be any more precise than that, seeing as that might require he remove his hands from his pockets where, though not warm, they were at least shielded from the bitter winter rain. But it was close enough to two hours that he didn't even bother checking. He'd been here two hours, waiting for Arthur to arrive home, as he'd gotten no response the first few times he'd knocked. In retrospect, two hours should seem minimal compared to the thirty two months, three weeks, and two days it took him to arrive here. But he'd spent nearly two hours leaning against the brick wall of what he was told was Arthur's newest place of residence in freezing rain, and each minute seemed more like twenty. He was so caught up in focusing on anything but how wet his jumper was and how he'd begun to shiver as his body fought to keep itself from shutting down at the temperature that he hadn't even noticed when Arthur did arrive until he spoke up, his familiar voice meeting Eames's ears even through the heavy sounds of the rain.

"Eames, is that - what are you doing out here? It's got to be almost below freezing out here, and it's pouring," Arthur said incredulously as he approached him, balancing his umbrella over his shoulder and securing the handle with his chin long enough to fish his keys out of his coat pocket. Three years and that was the first thing Arthur said to him. Why was he in the rain? Eames blinked, a few raindrops that had collected on his eyelashes trickling down his cheeks as he looked over his old friend. What was meant to be one of his iconic, nonchalant smiles appeared on his lips, but they were slightly numb by now and even if they weren't, he imagined it might've still seemed a bit forced. He wasn't a forger for no reason, however, and he masked any tension that may have been present in the expression well. Well enough, at least, that Arthur hadn't noticed. Or if he did, he didn't mention it.

"Waiting for you to get home," Eames said simply, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. It was, quite frankly, to Eames. Why else would he be standing outside his door?

Arthur shook his head, fingers deftly flipping through several keys on his keyring before identifying the correct one. "That's not what I meant," he said sharply, making toward his door and gripping his umbrella tightly again to keep it from being whisked away with the harsh November wind. "Or, well, it was," he mused, shaking his head again, "but more specifically, why are you in Boston, on my doorstep in the middle of a freezing rainstorm, soaked to the core? And also, while you're at it, why would you possibly have thought that this would be a reasonable way to spend your time?" There was a slightly biting tone to his voice reminiscent of the way the two had once bickered back and forth, Arthur forever chastising him for his actions and decisions, and Eames hadn't realized exactly how much he'd missed it until then.

"I happened to be in town," replied Eames through quietly chattering teeth, wrapping his arms over his chest tightly and stepping out of the way so Arthur could unlock his door. "Thought I'd drop by. Haven't caught a glimpse of you in nearly three years, darling, and I heard this was where you were staying."

Arthur turned the key in the deadbolt and pushed the door open, turning on his heel in the foyer and looking back out at Eames. For someone trained in the art of deciphering expressions and body language, he couldn't quite figure the look that flashed briefly in Arthur's eyes. "It's not where I'm staying," he began, but before he could continue, Eames cut him off, tilting his head to the side inquisitively.

"It's not?" He licked his lips and furrowed his brow slightly, the taste of rain water cold on his tongue. He took a step forward. "I'm not sure I follow. You've a key, correct? And you just used it to get inside? If you're not staying here, then where -"

"Eames," Arthur interjected loudly, interrupting his diatribe. Almost as soon as he'd spat the name, his features softened as though he'd only raised his voice long enough to cut Eames off and get him to listen. It worked, if for no other reason than how demanding his tone had been. "I'm not staying here," he repeated. "Staying - the way you mean it, at least - implies that I'm here temporarily, whether a few weeks or a few months, maybe even a year. I'm not just staying here now, I live here. I have for two years."

The confusion slowly melted away from Eames' face, and as it faded, a sort of abashed understanding worked its way onto his features, looking oddly out of place on the otherwise cocksure forger. "Oh," he said, looking up as Arthur stepped over the threshold and into his foyer. "I'm sorry, I hadn't realized..."

Arthur snorted, an odd juxtaposition to the mildly somber tone of their conversation. "Of all the years I've known you," he started, leaning his umbrella up against the wall and beginning to unbutton his peacoat with deft fingers, "I've never heard you apologize so quickly for something so...so mundane as a misunderstanding." He unwound the scarf from around his neck, looking expectantly at Eames as he did so. "Are you just going to stand there, or did you plan on coming in before I'm forced to drag your hypothermic body inside?"

Eames shrugged sheepishly, looking down at his red, windbitten fingers for a moment as he thought. This wasn't quite how he had intended for things to go, and it wasn't for lack of compliance on Arthur's part. He could honestly say it was all him. Though he hadn't intended to waltz right up to Arthur with the same bravado he'd held himself with while on the job - Arthur, by this point, knew him far better than that and knew he wasn't as downright cocky as he oft chose to appear - he had anticipated being at least a little more eloquent in his speech and organized in his thoughts. But anything he'd premeditated, anything he'd intended to say to Arthur about the fact that he'd dropped off the radar - christ, he'd just disappeared without any sort of farewell - for three whole years, melted away as soon as he'd seen the brunet and he suddenly wasn't certain of anything anymore.

He should've been mad at Arthur, furious at him for leaving him wondering for months upon months if something had happen. He spent endless nights wondering if he'd had a chance run in with one of his enemies that he wasn't prepared for or if he'd not been so lucky with a job that had gone tits up. He'd exhausted nearly every one of his connections, asking if anyone had seen him because nobody just disappeared from their industry. There was always a reason. And Eames had wanted to know what the reason was. It had taken him this long to even procure an address, and the means by which he made that happen were low, even for him. He chose not to talk about it, and if asked, he'd deny it. Desperation can make a man do many things. He should've been mad.

If not mad, he should've been upset with Arthur. And perhaps he was, betrayed by a close friend - the word stung, friend, because the both of them knew full well it had gone a lot further than that - who hadn't even thought to mention that he was leaving. He blew Eames off like he was little more than a casual acquaintance, a disposable coworker. After everything that had happened, the soft touch of lips against bare skin and the adrenaline rush of running, constantly running to evade the men with guns looking to acquire the prices on their heads, after ten years of being friends and coworkers and allies and lovers, he left. He should've been upset.

"Eames," Arthur repeated, pulling him from his thoughts, and when Eames looked up, he had already shed his coat, scarf, and gloves. "Come inside. I'll get you a towel." He glanced at his watch and then over his shoulder at the staircase. "You can get a shower and warm up, and I'll dry your clothes for you."

- -

Well, there's chapter one! I hope you all enjoyed it. Concrit is always welcome, lovelies. And I've missed you. It's good to be back!

Edited by Jazz.
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I can't wait for more. This is fantastic. I'm pretty sad currently-- I expect a damn fine explanation from Arthur,

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Jaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzz..... *wibble* I've missed you so much. TT I'm so glad you're back now! *massive amount of hugs* Things aren't the same without you! And you come bearing fic! My whole week has been made!

I love how this starts. I happen to be a bit of a sucker for the 'haven't seen you in three years' kind of fic (I've written at least one myself) so already I was excited. There's so much interesting backstory and drama one can pack into that situation, and your fic is off and running with a lovely amount of misunderstanding and angst. I am really looking forward to Eames being sick and sad here, and though I have a feeling Arthur must have a reason, I sort of want him to suffer about this, too. XD I mean, who just goes off and leaves their lover with nothing? Especially a man as awesome as Eames?

Please update soon! *such a hypocrite* And drop me a message, darling! How have you been?

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  • 2 months later...

I really am so horrible at consistency, and for that, I apologize. But I want you all to know that, if you are interested, I'm back and I will be continuing this story. I have so much more that's left to be written, and even though it's been a few months, it will get completed. (I know, I'm only on chapter one, but just you wait.) I'll have chapter two up tomorrow or Sunday at the latest.

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Jazz, I am fantastically interested in more of this story. :D How could I not be, when it's yours? Take as much time as you need! I really understand the inconsistant chapters - I do the exaaaaaaact saaaammme thinnnngg.... I'm just happy you're back!

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Jazz-I have been craving an Inception Eames/Arthur fic for so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just made me SSSOOOOOOOO HAPPY with this! Please continue!!!

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