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Side Effect [SPN fic]


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::: ::: :::

Sam unlocks the door and goes into the motel room to find Dean at the table, head resting on folded arms, asleep. He smiles to himself and carefully sets his plastic grocery bags on one of the chairs, trying to be quiet, but Dean suddenly shoots upright.

“Wha’happedd?” He’s so congested Sam can hardly understand him. He drags a hand down his face and sniffs hard, groans. “I feel ligke shit.”

Sam rolls his eyes and starts unloading his purchases onto the table in front of Dean.

“Told you that you were getting sick.” When he sets a box of Kleenex down, Dean grabs it and tears it open, blows his nose loudly.

“Ugh. I cadn’t breathe.”

“Sorry kiddo.” Sam reaches over and ruffles his hair. “You should try and get some sleep.”

Dean slaps his hands away and shakes his head like a petulant child.

“Well, I’m beat,” Sam announces, pulling off his boots. He flops onto his bed, turns on the TV. Dean’s practically falling asleep again, and as Sam flips through channels Dean sucks in a huge breath and sneezes all over his sleeve.


Sam opens his mouth to bless him and instead cries out, curling around his leg, eyes squeezed shut.

“Holyshit,” he pants, hands around his calf.

“You okay?” Dean asks, snuffling into a Kleenex. He stands and moves toward Sam, but Sam waves him off.

“Just a charley horse,” he gasps, swallowing hard, and a few seconds later he relaxes back against the headboard. “Ow.”

“Poor baby,” Dean grins, sitting down on the other bed. He drags his sleeve under his nose and Sam frowns.

“I bought you Kleenex for a reason,” Sam tells him, but Dean just sniffs and gets under the covers.

“They’re all the way over there,” he replies, pointing at the table. “I’b too tired.” He wipes his nose on his sleeve again and sniffles again wetly.

“How is he my brother?” Sam asks the ceiling.

::: ::: :::

In the middle of the night Sam wakes to the sound of a sneeze and agonizing pain in his side.

“Fuck. Dean?” He manages to whisper, jaw clenched. He presses his hand against his side, closes his eyes, and the pain throbs under his palm for a minute, then fades to a dull ache.

“Sam?” Dean’s whispering back, voice hoarse. Sam turns on the bedside lamp. Dean is sniffling pathetically into his sheets, so Sam pushes himself off the bed and retrieves the Kleenex for him. The muscles in his side and his leg are sore, and he can’t quite suppress a groan when he sinks back into bed.

“Sam?” Dean asks again after he blows his nose. “You okay?”

“Another cramp,” Sam replies. “I’m okay. Go back to sleep.”

Dean’s answering snores keep him awake for most of the night.

::: ::: :::

When Dean comes out of the bathroom the next morning, his nose is red and his face pale.

“Hey man, why don’t you catch a few more Z’s?” Sam suggests. “We don’t have anything to do today.”

Dean squints at him, wheezes in a crackling breath and coughs for several seconds. Sam’s at the table, reading something on his laptop, and going back to bed seems like a really good idea. Just as he’s burrowing under the covers, his breath hitches and he sneezes loudly.


“Bless-- FUCK!” Sam yelps, leaning over to clutch at his foot. He maneuvers himself awkwardly onto the floor, breathing hard. Dean gets out of bed, nearly tripping over the covers that come with him, and staggers over. He crouches in front of Sam, one hand on his shoulder, and replaces Sam’s hand on his foot with his own.

“Feels like…like it’s broken,” Sam tells him as Dean sniffles and peels his sock off, puzzled.

“Not swollen yet,” Dean announces. He clears his throat. “I’ll go grab you some ice, why don’t you go get in bed and prop that foot up?”

Once Sam’s settled, his leg elevated by a stack of pillows, Dean carefully feels the bones in his foot while Sam bites his lip through the pain.

“Not sure if it’s broken or what,” Dean says, “but what the hell is going on?”

“God, I don’t know,” Sam grunts. “Every time you-- wait, that’s it!”

“What’s it?” Dean asks, coughing into a fist.

“I think you’re cursed, Dean.”

“I am?” Dean frowns, rubs his nose. “I don’t wanna be cursed.”

::: ::: :::

“That witch we dealt with, last month in Irving,” Sam tells Dean after hanging up the phone. “Bobby says he’ll look into it, but he’s pretty sure you’re cursed.”

“Well that’s just wonderful,” Dean says. “So every time I sneeze, you fracture a foot something?”

“Looks like it,” Sam replies with a grimace.

“Oh shit,” Dean suddenly gasps. “Hih-HDSHSH!”

There’s a sickening, audible cracking sound, and Sam goes pale, cradling his left arm with a breathless cry.

“Oh God, sorry,” Dean rasps. “I couldn’t stop it!” He clamps a hand over his mouth and nose, eyes wide. Sam's face twists in pain. Dean reaches for a Kleenex with his free hand and quickly presses it to his nose, breath hitching.


They both freeze, waiting. Dean pinches his nose hard, lets out a shaky breath.


Sam flinches, closes his eyes, breathes through his nose. Dean drops his hand, give a tentative, gurgling sniff.

There’s a moment of silence.



::: ::: :::

“Just a few more hours,” Sam whispers. Sweat is pouring off him. “It’s…ahh. It’s okay. Just sneeze if you have to.”

Dean shakes his head, coughs hard until he’s gasping for breath. His face is flushed red, and he scrubs his sleeve under his nose roughly. The skin above his upper lip and around the edges of his nostrils is rubbed raw. He inhales sharply, lungs expanding with stuttering breaths, then pushes the air out slowly.

Sam tries not to pass out.

Dean makes him take another dose of painkillers, and bites the inside of his cheek until he draws blood to keep himself alert.

::: ::: :::

“Bobby says we should be in the clear.” Sam gives a small smile, sets his cell phone on the nightstand. “Nothing hurts, so that’s a good sign.”

Dean nods, tight lipped. Sam sits up, the slowly stands, stretching out his arms in front of him, then his legs. He looks over at Dean.


“Well what?” Dean eyes him warily.

“Sneeze. I wanna see what happens.”

Dean shakes his head and rubs his knuckles under his nose.

“Dean, just do it. The curse should be over.”

“Doh thangks.” Dean’s stuffed up as hell, probably all those sneezes building up without release.

“Dean. Don’t make me hold you down.” Sam takes a step toward him. Dean pulls a Kleenex from the box and holds it in front of his face uncertainly. He closes his eyes, wiggles his nose back and forth. After a moment, his breath hitches, head tipping back.

Hehhh…hhh-ihh…huh-HPTSHCH-SHUH!” The sneeze explodes out of him like a cannon. He looks up with watering eyes, sighs in relief when Sam gives him a triumphant thumbs up, then sneezes seven more times in a row.

::: ::: :::

Edited by 27jaredjensen
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AAAAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Poor sick!sneezey!Dean and hurt!Sam! Don't the poor guys ever catch a break?

BYE! :bleh:

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I mean...I love it. I can't get enough. It's just too much deliciousness for my poor little brain to deal with.

“Doh thangks.” Dean’s stuffed up as hell, probably all those sneezes building up without release.

“Dean. Don’t make me hold you down.” Sam takes a step toward him. Dean pulls a Kleenex from the box and holds it in front of his face uncertainly. He closes his eyes, wiggles his nose back and forth. After a moment, his breath hitches, head tipping back.

“Hehhh…hhh-ihh…huh-HPTSHCH-SHUH!” The sneeze explodes out of him like a cannon. He looks up with watering eyes, sighs in relief when Sam gives him a triumphant thumbs up, then sneezes seven more times in a row.

That part. Gah...I have no words.

Marry Me?

Edited by Rika
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Aww poor Sam :(

I almost stopped reading because I couldn't stand Sammy getting hurt...

But (!) your awesomeness and Dean's sexy holding back sneezes...are...guhhh *_*

I do like the idea that Dean's cursed but does it have to hurt Sammy?

Would also be funny if Sam would start singing or dancing every time Dean sneezes x)

I like your story though <3

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AAAAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Poor sick!sneezey!Dean and hurt!Sam! Don't the poor guys ever catch a break?

BYE! bleh.gif

We are so awful to them:( Thank you for reading!


I mean...I love it. I can't get enough. It's just too much deliciousness for my poor little brain to deal with.

“Doh thangks.” Dean’s stuffed up as hell, probably all those sneezes building up without release.

“Dean. Don’t make me hold you down.” Sam takes a step toward him. Dean pulls a Kleenex from the box and holds it in front of his face uncertainly. He closes his eyes, wiggles his nose back and forth. After a moment, his breath hitches, head tipping back.

“Hehhh…hhh-ihh…huh-HPTSHCH-SHUH!” The sneeze explodes out of him like a cannon. He looks up with watering eyes, sighs in relief when Sam gives him a triumphant thumbs up, then sneezes seven more times in a row.

That part. Gah...I have no words.

Marry Me?

I am so happy that you enjoyed it! Thanks for the awesome comment:)

Aww poor Sam sadsmiley.gif

I almost stopped reading because I couldn't stand Sammy getting hurt...

But (!) your awesomeness and Dean's sexy holding back sneezes...are...guhhh *_*

I do like the idea that Dean's cursed but does it have to hurt Sammy?

Would also be funny if Sam would start singing or dancing every time Dean sneezes x)

I like your story though <3

I know, but at least I fixed him in the end, right? :P Thanks for reading!!



Aww. I wanna hug both of them :-)

I want to hug YOU. Thank you!!

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