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Inconvenient [SPN fic]


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So. Sorry if you've read this before. But we all know I'm an attention whore.

Written for the Again but with MORE COLD comment-fic meme (though this one is Cas w/ allergies)

::: ::: :::

“Angels can have allergies?” Dean comes into the room, holds out a roll of toilet paper to Cas, and glances over at Sam, who’s in the corner with his arms crossed over his chest. His brother looks both pissed off and like he’s about to burst into tears, eyes shiny and wide.

“Bobby doesn’t have any tissues,” Dean says, turning his attention back to the angel. Cas stares at the toilet paper with a hint of disgust, sneezes against his wrist, a tiny sound that Dean would laugh at under any other circumstance.

“We are sensitive to impure things,” Cas finally answers, sniffling, “such as mutilated souls.” He sneezes another one of his puny, soft sneezes and tears off some of the paper as an afterthought, dabbing at his red nose gingerly. Sam looks at his feet.

“Can’t we just give you some Benadryl and call it done?” Dean asks, but Cas is sneezing again, over and over into the sleeve of his trench coat.

“I’ll take that as a no,” Dean sighs. He looks over at Sam again, but Sam doesn’t meet his eyes.

“Well, maybe if you want to tell us what it is you came here for? Then you won’t have to stick around if Sam’s—if it’s bothering you.”

“It is…is p-pointless—HH-HTCH! For me to even be here when he is,” Cas manages after a few minutes, tipping his head in Sam’s direction. Dean drags a hand down his face, exasperated.

“It’s not like he can just leave, Cas.”

“And why can’t he?”

“Stop talking about me as if I’m not right here,” Sam huffs, and Cas shoots him a glare.

“I’d prefer you weren’t,” he says before launching into another fit of sneezes. Sam swipes at his eyes with the back of his hand and leaves the room.

“Jesus,” Dean groans. “Cas, just wait here a sec, okay?”

Dean follows Sam, finds him in the kitchen opening a beer.

“I’m okay.” Sam tries for a smile but fails. There’s a moment of silence, and then he says, “Your angel doesn’t like me anymore.”

Dean grabs his own beer from the fridge and leans back against the counter next to Sam, their sides pressed together. Sam picks at the label on his bottle and gives a small sniff.

“So. This is inconvenient,” Sam mumbles, his voice shaking slightly. He glances sideways at Dean and sniffles again.

“He isn’t far enough away!” Cas calls out from the other room, and Sam frowns. They hear the angel sneeze, and suddenly, Dean starts to laugh.

“What?” Sam asks, staring at him in confusion.

“Who even sneezes like that?” Dean whispers between snickers, and then Sam is laughing right along with him. When they finally manage to contain themselves, Sam looks considerably less miserable.

“Let me go find out what he wants so he can leave,” Dean says with a small smile, heading for the doorway.

“I’ll go upstairs,” Sam says, rolling his eyes. He watches Dean leave, then sets his bottle on the counter and starts to head for the stairs.

“Hey Sam?” Dean sticks his head back around the doorframe. “I still like you. Bitch.”

::: ::: :::

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! Okay, I just realized I use that word FAR to much to be healthy. Anyway, I love, love, love this! I saw the story on LJ but I'm not really all that into sneezey!Cas so I didn't read it but I am soooooo happy I have! Poor sad!Sam. I don't like Cas in this. He's mean. *pouts and crosses arms* I'm so sad that he died though! WHY?! WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY??????!!!!!!!! God needs to bring him back.... again..... now.

BYE! :bleh:

P.S. Don't read the crossed out and small text unless you want a HUGE and HORRIBLE spoiler for Season 7.

BYE! :bleh::bleh:

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Haha. Brilliant! I love the idea, and a sneezy Sam-hating Cas and amused Dean are just too funny. If I were there, I would insist Sam stayed in the same room, however. Muahahaha.

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! Okay, I just realized I use that word FAR to much to be healthy. Anyway, I love, love, love this! I saw the story on LJ but I'm not really all that into sneezey!Cas so I didn't read it but I am soooooo happy I have! Poor sad!Sam. I don't like Cas in this. He's mean. *pouts and crosses arms* I'm so sad that he died though! WHY?! WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY??????!!!!!!!! God needs to bring him back.... again..... now.

BYE! bleh.gif

P.S. Don't read the crossed out and small text unless you want a HUGE and HORRIBLE spoiler for Season 7.

BYE! bleh.gifbleh.gif

Girl, you make me smile :D Thanks for reading and commenting!!

LOLZ!!! I don't even watch supernatural and I love this!!! *snicker*

Aw, thank you so much for reading!! (You should totallyyyyy watch the show, it's GREAT)

Haha. Brilliant! I love the idea, and a sneezy Sam-hating Cas and amused Dean are just too funny. If I were there, I would insist Sam stayed in the same room, however. Muahahaha.

Hee, thank you!! I think I would insist on that too:) :heart:

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  • 1 year later...

Having Cas allergic to Sam was kind of brilliant. Mean, but brilliant.

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