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A/N: So when I was moving into my new house, I found an old notebook of mine with a bunch of stories I had written. This one is actually the very first Supernatural fic I've ever written, and I wanted to post it here for everyone to enjoy! Oh! And I should probably let y'all know that this is pre-series, so Sam is 16, and Dean is 20.

Part 1

Sam Winchester stirred as the light hit his face through the impala window, and he groaned. They had slept in the car the night before, and his legs were cramped and sore. He heard his dad and brother waking up in the front seat, and he scowled. Before they had left the last town behind, John had made Sam run 4 1/2 miles as a punishment for getting home late from school. He had tried to explain that the teacher had held him back after class, so he had missed the bus and was forced to walk home, but that had only added fuel to the flames of his father’s anger. Dean had, naturally, sided with their father, thus sentencing Sam to his punishment. Dean yawned a good morning greeting to John, who smiled fondly at his oldest as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Is Sammy awake yet?" he asked Dean softly, and Sam quickly closed his eyes and evened out his breathing as Dean tossed a glance over the back of the seat at him.

"Nah, kids still out like a light." he turned back around in his seat, and Sam sighed in relief. He must have drifted off again, because the next thing he knew, Dean was leaning over him, shaking his shoulder gently.

"Where are we?" he asked, groaning as he sat up in his seat. God his head was killing him. Dean grinned as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"We're about an hour or so outside Saint Paul. Thought I should wake you up now so you can still fall asleep later." He noticed Sam swallow with a wince and rub at his forehead and frowned.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked quietly, and Sam nodded.

“‘M fine, Dean." he looked around, suddenly noticing the absence of their father. Dean smirked and jerked his head towards the gas station they were parked in front of.

"Inside." he paused, frowning, and Sam sighed. He knew what was coming next, and he knew that once his brother said it, there was no way he would be able to stay mad at him.

"Sammy, I'm sorry about yesterday. Dad should've let you explain. Hell, I should've let you explain. We both know you must have had a good excuse for getting home so late." Sam nodded, stretched, and then yawned again.

"I know....it's just...huh..." his face went slack, breath hitching, and before Dean could ask what was wrong, he snapped forward, his nose and mouth buried in his sleeve.

"Huhktshh! EhKtshh!" he sniffled wetly and groaned. He had known since yesterday morning that he was coming down with something, but had hoped he would've been able to hide it better from his family. He knew they, or at least his father, would only see it as a weakness. He felt Deans hand on his shoulder and looked up to see his brother staring at him with such concern it shocked him.

"Are you sure your okay, Sammy?" he asked, and something in his voice managed to break through Sams resolve. He opened his mouth to tell Dean just how shitty he was starting to feel, but before he could find the words to, John clambered back into the car and eyed Sam.

"Well look who’s finally up. Don't expect to be pampered when we get to the motel. You and your brother both have training to do, so I hope that little nap you had did you some good." Sam sighed, but nodded, and when Dean opened his mouth to protest for him, he shook his head minutely. It wasn’t worth getting into another argument with their dad just because he had a runny nose. Besides, all he would do would be to send Sam to bed early with the promise of double the training the next morning. He sniffled quietly and leaned his head against the window. It was going to be a long night.

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Please PLEASE continue... I want to see their father feel like SHIT when Sammy gets really sick. XD

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Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Okay, you just totally made my day! This is awesome! I love this so freaking much I should be a puddle of goop. Oh no.... wait.... here it comes..... yep, I'm a puddle of goop now. Hmm... I wonder how I'm still typing. Anyway, MOAR MOAR MOAR!!! NOW!!! ROAR!!!! Tehe. I just had a little moment there. Sometimes it's like I'm bipolar or something.

BYE! :bleh:

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Okay, I have had ENOUGH! I don't usually comment twice, but it's an emergancy. Update now! I'm going to explode if you don't! I swear to god I will. It's been 5 freaking days! Come on woman! What do you want from me?! I'll give you anything if you just update! PLEEEEEEAAAASSSEEE?!

BYE! bleh.gif

Edited by Bubbles!
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I cant say anything that hasn't already been said, so I'm just going to repeat what everyone else has said :-) Sammy is sooo cuuuute, and John needs to feel guilty >:-[ I can't wait for updates!

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A/N I love you guys SO MUCH!! Thanks for all the support, here’s part 2! Sorry it’s a little short, part 3 should make up for it.

Two brothers ran alongside another on a dark road, one looking alive and alert as the wind hit his face, the other looking as though he had been hit by a car multiple times. He paused, breathing hard, a wave of dizziness threatening to knock him over.

"Sam?" Dean had stopped running now too, and he had his hands on Sams shoulders, holding him steady.

"'M fine, Dean. Let’s just finish this lap, we're almost done now." he caught a glimpse of Deans scowl and flinched. The last thing he wanted to do was annihilate his only ally, but the thought of his dad’s angry face was enough motivation for him to keep moving. He jogged around his brother, who sighed, but followed his lead. They fell back into rhythm, their feet pounding the pavement in a synchronized pattern. They made it another few feet before Sam stopped again, breath hitching. He quickly brought a fist up to his face and sneezed.

"Huh...huhkishhu! HehKishh! Ehhkishh!" he whimpered softly as the pounding in his head increased, and when he looked up again, he smiled. Dean was standing with his back to him, knees bent with his arms out behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and smiled back at him.

“Hop on.” Sam hesitated for a moment, but when he remembered that they still had a mile or so to go, and that it was freezing cold outside, he sighed and wrapped his arms around Dean’s neck. He grinned when his brother stumbled a little under his weight.

“Gotta lay off the hostess snacks, Sammy...” he muttered, and Sam chuckled softly against his shoulder, the added warmth making it easy for him to fall asleep.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Sammy piggy back ride! Adorable! Goop. That's what I am right now. Goop. Ooooooooooo I cannot wait until Chapter 3! Wow, I sound like a crazed fan girl. Hmmmmm... I guess that's okay as long as you UPDATE SOON!

BYE! :bleh:

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, sorry it's taken me so long, but I wil try my hardest to get the last part of this up here real soon! If not tonight, then definately sometime thiss weekend!

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yay! i cannot wait!

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  • 1 month later...

A/N: Again, thanks so much for all the love and support you guys give me! It makes me really happy to know that I’m not the only one enjoying this! And without further ado, here is part 3! Also, this is the part to this fic, and it is about 3 pages in word. BAM! Also, sorry it took me so long to update this damn thing. Thanks for being so understanding everyone!

When Sam woke again, he heard whispered voices arguing somewhere above him.

“…supposed to teach him discipline…”

“Discipline? Dad, you made your 16 year old son run 3 ½ miles in the freezing cold when he’s sick! How-“

“I didn’t know he was sick, Dean.” This statement was quiet, and Dean paused. When he spoke again, his voice shook with anger and frustration.

“No, you wouldn’t, would you? You never notice how either of us are doing until you push us to the point where we’re in the hospital. You-“he broke off when he saw Sam blinking blearily up at him, and his face softened.

“Hey kiddo, how’re you feeling?” he sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on Sam’s cheeks and forehead, frowning when his little brother shoved his hand away, then smiling slightly when he immediately ducked his head and sneezed twice into his elbow.

“Hehkishh! Ehh…ehkishhu!” He sniffled softly, and then muttered a soft apology, not meeting either Deans or Johns gaze. Dean shot a glare at his dad, who felt his heart breaking at how worn down and broken his youngest seemed. How ashamed he was that he wasn’t feeling well.

“Bless. You don’t have anything to apologize for, Sammy.” He whispered, sitting on the other side of the bed and brushing Sam’s hair back from his face. Sam shook his head and as he met Johns gaze for half a second, his wide hazel eyes brimming with tears. John looked at Dean, who, despite his anger at him, seemed to understand that John needed to be alone with Sam for a little bit to make up for his mistake.

“Okay kiddo, I’m going to run out and grab you some medicine. Try and get some sleep.” He kissed Sam gently on the forehead, then looked at John over the top of his head and mouthed ‘Play nice’. As soon as the door shut behind him, Sam turned to John and asked

“So how much trouble am I going to be in exactly?” John felt his mouth open in surprise, and he felt himself tensing with anger and frustration at himself.

“Sam, you’re not in trouble buddy. You can’t help being sick, it happens.” John pulled him into a tight hug, smiling when he felt Sam gasp in surprise. He then nudged Sam slightly to get him to scoot over and stretched out next to him on the bed, tucking Sam against his side.

“Don’t you dare apologize, Sammy. I’m the idiot here, okay? I knew that you weren’t feeling great and I still made you run in negative 4 degree weather.” He let go of his son and cupped the side of his face, smiling softly when he saw the bewildered expression on his face, then quickly pulled out a handful of tissues and held them out to Sam when his breath began to hitch again.

“Heh…ehKITchshh! HehKISHH! Hehh…ehhKIshh!” Sam groaned and blew his nose, then smiled when he felt John rubbing his nails softly up and down his spine. He sighed, and John stopped, worried that he had somehow done something wrong. But to his surprise Sam turned to look at his, smiling softly.

“Felt good, don’t stuh…huhKITCHSHH!” the sneeze was harsh and unexpected, leaving Sam no time to turn away or cover his nose and mouth, and John flinched slightly as he felt the spray catch him on the jaw. He chuckled softly and wiped himself off with his sleeve. When he looked back at Sam, who was looking at him in complete horror, he smiled softly and resumed running his nails up and down Sam’s spine.

“Bless you. You know this used to be the only way to get you to sleep when you were little and you were sick or hurt.” Sam smiled softly, relieved that his dad wasn’t going to yell at him. He cleared his throat softly and asked

“Really?” He felt John nodding, and his heart swelled at the knowledge that his dad knew things like this, things that were proof that even if he didn’t always say it or show it, he really did love him. He sighed again, feeling his eyes drooping shut, then growling softly in frustration when the itch in his nose overcame him just as he was about to fall asleep. He scrambled franticly for the Kleenex, and smiled softly at John when he felt a few being pressed into his hand.

“Thuhh…thanks…huhEHTshh! HehTISHHuh! Ugh, god id wond’t stop!” he exclaimed, and John chuckled and kissed the top of his head softly.

“Bless you. Sorry kiddo, I know you feel pretty bad, huh?” Sam nodded and yawned widely, nuzzling closer to Johns side.

“I jusdt wand’t to sleep…” he complained softly, and John pulled the blankets higher on him. When it didn’t help to stop the tremors running through Sam’s body, he hesitated, then kicked off his shoes and climbed under the blankets and pulled Sam closer.

"So sleep. Just close you're eyes and breathe. You'll be there before you know it." Sam smiled and nodded, and closed his eyes. Sure enough, as stuffy as it was, his breathing soon became slow and even, and John smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Sleep tight tiger."

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Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! This is the most adorable fic I've read in a really really long time, thanks for continuing!!! :wub:

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Good god. This is so cuuute! All of it. I especially love it when the characters feel guilty, so everything you did was perfect! I loved Dean telling off his dad, and Sam thinking HE was going to be in trouble, because it pulled at my heart! (however cheesy that sounds... blush.png ) I'm serious, this was too adorable for words. Thanks so much!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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