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Crafting Chains of Daisies ~A Corpse Bride fic


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It's Emily! Oh, I never would have guessed! What a delightful twist to a delightful story! And Victor...aww. I'm so happy that he still cares strongly for her, even though he loves Victoria.

Aww, hon. :hug: I'm sorry responses don't always add up to larger numbers. I hate when that happens to me, terribly so, but I just remember that the people who do comment like what I do, and that delights me. :) It's unfortunate that life can get in the way of things, like commenting on splendid stories, but please remember just how creative and loved you are around here! I agree with Quite Contrary; write because you love to, not to please others. I would rather you write for yourself and not share these marvelous creations (but, bloody hell, my life would be QUITE dull without them!) than for you to write for the single purpose of pleasing others. Perhaps that didn't help in the slightest, but I certainly tried! Love you, darling~<3

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I just wanted to say sorry for all this madness. I've just been being a d*ck, for no good reason.

I didn't want to force anyone to post anything, if they didn't want to. I guess, it was because I put a lot of my thoughts and time into this, and all I got was barely any feedback. I was just upset about this, and I didn't mean to take it out on you guys!

Thanks for being so understand and patient with silly, old Apple.B! :D

P.s. I do believe it is Victor's birthday today! Happy birthday Victor Van Dort!! :wub:

Edited by AppleBlossom
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@w@ Emily~!!! :D

This is still so so so so so so amazing~ I know how it feels, when you get a comment, it's like a rush~ ^^ You get so excited and happy. ^^;; It's pretty cool.

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"M-My marriage?!"

"Yes, you seem to keep forgetting that part."

"B-But there's nothing wrong with my marriage!" Victor's voice seemed to be laced with worry, he realised she had seen and heard everything they had been talking about, and he meant everything.

"Oh really. So why did your dear wife run out of this room?"

"We had an a-arguement."

"My point exactly-!"

"-- a-about you!"

"Point taken."

The cat dander was beginning to work its way through Victor's thick congestion. His lips began to part, as long hitching breaths were soon tormenting and teasing him. Then his thin body contracted uncontrollably, as his dark eyes were squeezed closed. His head snapped forward, sneezing wetly to the side.

"Hh’NKTschu! Ehh.. Ihh... Nnh’HGXtsh!"

"Bless you, darling! Sorry about all the fur!"

"It's alright, it's just-! ...Wait, you k-knew I was allergic to cat fur?!"

Victor's mind turned back everything that Emily had done. He remembered Emily rubbing her fur on her clothes, practically jumping on him, and running after him. Her bright, blue eyes grew wide with sudden realisation of what she had just said.

"Well, I had to make absolutely sure that you were allergic to me."

"Y-You didn't have to g-go through all of- of-- that!"

"Oh, come now Victor. I wasn't that ba-"


His hands clasped his cheeks with horror, only to clasp his hands over his mouth, obsidian eyes bulging from their sockets. Emily's back arched fearfully, sharpening her claws on Victor's trouser leg.

"Victor, that's... -not important!"

"N-N-Not important?! ...Oh goodness no, Emily."

"I'm truely if I... emabarrassed you, in any way." Her once vibrant eyes became dull, as her head was cast down, ears drooping as well.

"It's- It's... perfectly alright, Emily. I-I just wish I knew how to find a way for Victoria to f-forgive me."

"Well, that is what I am here for, Victor darling!"

His eyes merged with her own, he lightly sniffed, hand hovering over his face.

"But- Hold onn... Hehh- Nh'gXNTch! -ugh."

"Bless you again."

"Sorry, my n-nose doesn't seem to agree with you v-v-very Hh’KSHHuu! Heh’ngXNTchu! ...much."

"It's not your fault. Anyway, your marriage-"

"Yes, my m-marriage... Eh'gKXNTtch!" Victor paused, trying to regain his breath after the violent fit. His sneezes scraped his throat slightly, leaving him shuddering afterwards.

"Bless you, Victor. I seem to have figured out what must be done to sort out this mess!"

"W-What should I do then, Emily?"

"You have to make an extremely romantic gesture towards her!"

"R-Romantic?" He sniffed sharply, coughing ever so quietly.

"Yes, something special and unique!"

"Maybe a new s-sewing kit?"

"That's not really something romantic, or special!"

"Well, what would y-you suggest?"



"Yes, flowers Victor. Do you know the flower language?"

He looked down, thinking carefully if he remembered his flower language correctly. He had a very good recollection of what each flower symbolised. Then, without warning, He suddenly realised that he was actually trying to win her heart. She might not even love him anymore! He was startled by this, the thought never being able to see his beloved, to not enjoy the way her hazel eyes glittered when she smiled, or–

"-Well, Victor?"

"Y-Yes Emily. I do r-recall it.."

"Good! Then you should get going, shouldn't you?"

She jumped off from his lap, onto the arm of the chair. Her tail slowly wrapped around her tiny frame, a part of Victor still couldn't believe that his Emily was inside this... this kitten! Then, a question popped into his head. Why was she here? And why now?

"W-Why are you helping me now, Emily?"

"Well, I am the one who got you into this marriage, so I should be the one to give you a good, old kick in the right direction!" Emily giggled, her laughter echoed through the room like playful music.

"What w-will happen after-- I mean when- if I win back Victoria's heart?"

"When the deed is done, I will leave you. And I won't be bothering you again!"


"Yes. Bothering, Victor."

"Oh, you could n-never bother me, Emily."

"Well, I'm bothering your sinuses for a start."

"That's not under your c-control. hehh... Hht'ngGSChT'eiiu!"

"Neither is it yours."

There was a silent pause, when they just smiled warmly at eachother. Even in the form that she was, Emily still had that smile. In fact, it was the very same grin that she gave him, when they were playing the piano together.. Together. This was probably the very last time they would be in eachother's company. Victor wanted to make the most of it.

Victor stood up slowly, ajusting his tie, turning to Emily, he spoke,

"W-Would you like to come with me? --If y-you want to, I mean!"

Emily swiftly leaped from the arm of the chair, moving quickly to stand beside Victor's feet.

"The pleasure is all mine, darling!"


Thank you all for commenting! It may take me a while to post the next chapter though! :P

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  • 4 weeks later...


My brain was not co-operating with me! Sorry! Anyway the chapter is here! So sorry again! I love you all! Xx


The usual grey carpet of rain-filled clouds draped over the little, gloomy town drearily. There was a light wave of fog covering the town and the sky above, giving the building another dark carpet of grimness.

The young man and his small tabby cat slowly walked side by side, while Victor kept his head down, deep in thought, Emily's bright eyes beamed happily, silently gazing around her old home town. Victor quietly wondered how long his dear Emily would stay with him. And if forever, how would he explain this to Victoria? Could he explain it? Even the thought of his Emily leaving him again, made a hot wave wash over him, and his spine shiver at the same time.

Victor could feel a burning tickle build rapidly on the inside of his sinuses. The bridge of his nose wrinkled, reddened nostrils twitching violently. His breath began to hitch with the shuddery, uncontrollable breaths. As his dark eyes began to shut, a hand covered his Bose and mouth. The sneeze quickly escaped him, his ebony hair flopped wildly as he did.

"--Hh'gNXTch -u!"

A painful meow screamed to the side of him. Victor snapped his head around, only to look in horror, as a horse's hoof had managed to step onto Emily's fragile tail.

Without thinking, Victor grabbed and lifted the horse's hoof, then embracing Emily in his arms, he hurried away, running down the street. He didn't not care if people were giving him funny looks, nor the amount of cat dander that was irritating him. He needed to make sure Emily was safe.

Victor turned down another dark street, thankfully, no one was in sight. He gazed down at the feisty feline, her blue eyes wide, and her tiny body shivering.

"Are you h-hurt, dear Emily?"

"I think I broke it-! I think that blasted horse broke my tail!"

"C-Can you move it?"

Her tail twitched, "Yes.."

"Then you have not broken iihh -it."

"Are you quite alright-- Oh! Uh... yes, my fur." She carefully jumped from Victor's arms, just in time apperently, as another sneeze came from him.

"Ih'gGNXTchh! Hh’NKTsch!" His spine bend, as his head snapped forward once more.

"Bless you, Victor darling."

"S-Sorry about that. Do excuse m-me."

"Victor, really? You do not need to apologize for something you cannot control!"

"I'm terribly sorry..." His thin fingers starightened his tie once more.

"What did I jus--!"

Victor held up hand, as a signal for her to wait a minute, turning away, his suddenly became very glassy and teary. Pressing his sore nose into the sleeve of his jacket, he let go. "Hihh-! Eh?! Heh'gGNXTChh-uu!"

"Oh, never mind." Emily sighed, giggling as she began to walk again. Victor was following her, his nose still against his wrist, tralling behind, as they turned in the main road of the town.

The odd couple kept peering in and out of the clusters of people and carriages, who were gloomily passing by. Finally both of their eyes fell upon a bright coloured shop, which stuck out like a sore thumb, as it sat to the right of such a ghastly funeral home. Victor stood almost dumbfounded in the street, reading the delicate, hand-painted letters on the storefront window.

"Adelaide's florist." Emily perked up, moving closer and closer to the door.

"Wait, what are you d-doing?"

"Going inside." Emily said, bluntly.

"B-But-- you do realise you're a c-cat!"

"Yes, and you do realise you need some help picking out flowers from your beloved?"

"I-I-I.. Well-- it's just.. Oh dear."

"Come along, Victor. We wouldn't want to keep your wife waiting!"

Almost cautiously they ventured into the shop. A little bell, that was bolted to the wooden door, chimed sweetly, as Victor slid his thin frame into the flower shop.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I just absolutely love Victor in this story he is amazing and so well mannered <3 ohhhhhh the sneezes are just perfect on him!!

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WHY did I just see this story now?? In 2013?? :( it is so wonderfully written and I love Victor's sneezes and the fact that he stutters...lol...I have a soft spot for people who stutter...I wish I could read more of it :(

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