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Crafting Chains of Daisies ~A Corpse Bride fic


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"What is it Victoria?"

"Would you like to come for a walk with me?"

Victoria called him in her gentle voice, while Victor sat quietly in the living room, in front of the unlit fireplace. He heard soft footsteps coming closer towards him. Obsidian eyes peered over the page of the hard-cover book he was reading, followed by silver-framed spectacles which were perched on the end of his skinny, defined nose. As Victor looked up from the novel, he caught Victoria stared at him with a strange expression.

"W-What is it?"

"I didn't know you wore glasses."

"Oh-- Oh! I-I only wear them for reading s-small print.. and such..."

"Mmm. They suit you." She grinned warmly before walking, only to quickly turn around,

"Are you coming with me?"   

He rapidly began to hurriedly take off his glasses and put his book onto the small table beside his chair. "Yes-! Y-Yes, of course."

Fetching his coat, he began to move more quickly towards the front door, Victoria was already for him. Slipping his thin arms through the sleeves, and pulling his coat over his fragile shoulders, he then opened the door for her.

"Thank you, Victor." Smiling, she walked outside, noticing the bright sun shining desperately through the grey clouds in the sky. Victor was locking the door, when he turned around, and the harsh light of the sun caught his eyes. His shoulders shook with several shaky, intense gasps. He pulled his handkerchief from his breast-pocket, folding it around his nose.


"Bless you.. You are over your cold, right?"

He blinked, his mind drifting back to over a week ago, on that very next morning, when he woke up beside her, only to suddenly sneeze multiple times over his beloved. He shuddered at the emabarrassing thought again. Thankfully his beloved didn't abandon him, she stayed and cared for him, feeding him chicken soup, and gently stroking his hair until he fell asleep. His mind jumped back into reality, quickly answering her question, and placing his handkerchief back into his pocket.

"I-I'm perfectly fine, Victoria. I'm as r-right as rain!"

Victoria arched a eyebrow, not quite believing his stuttering words.

"I t-told you, I cannot lie to you Victoria."

"Alright then." She beamed sweetly, taking his hand, as she began walking down the street. Victor blushed again, still not used to the fact, that such behaviour was now acceptable. 

They casually walked side by side, going nowhere in particular. Victoria walked along the inside, while Victor walked beside her on the outside of the pavement, how a gentleman should. 

A tender squeeze of the hand calmed Victor's sheepish thoughts, hesistantly returning the tiny, kind embrace to her own hand. A few moments passed, before Victoria finally spoke.

"Should we stop and sit somewhere? Perhaps the park? Or even that small hill up there?"

"Wherever you want, dear."

Their cheerful eyes caught eachothers, as they began to walk a little faster, towards a hill overlooking their gloomy town.


After a few struggling steps, they had both made it to the very top of the hill. Sighing with relief, they both sat down, admiring the small, busy town below them.

Victor sat quietly, with his knees slighty bent, while Victoria sat with her legs straight, her dress flowing like a pool around her.  

A long pause of silence came over the two, enjoying the gentle breeze passing over them every minute or so.

Victor then noticed the amount of small daisies surrounding them, and how a very small tickle began to brew inside his nasal cavities. He was about to disregard it, when the sudden urge came over him.


Victoria didn't respond, Victor was somewhat thankful, but wondered why she didn't question him or even bless him. He turned toward her, only to see her picking daisies from the ground and arranging them on her lap. Victor soon realised what she was doing.

Victor watched her lightheartedly, his eyes glowing with curiously. Her fingers twisted the stems of the flowers, her nails pierced and threaded them through eachother, slowly but surely, creating a daisy chain.


"Y-Yes Victoria?"

"Do you think I'm improper?" She gently laid the unfinished daisy chain on her lap.

"I-Improper?" Victor's eyebrows raised with a cross between confusion and concern.

"Making daisy chains.. It does not seem suitable for such a lady like myself. Too childish..."

Victor blinked at her words. Childish. She wasn't even close to it. She was an incredible, strong- mature, young woman. And yet, the look in her eyes suggested she was almost.. ashamed? He didn't want to see her like that. He leaned over, moving closer towards her. He delicately pressed his lips against her temple, timidly smiling as he pulled away. Placing his hand on top of her own, he spoke, not daring to look into her eyes. 

"Making daisy chains.. It seems so suitable for such a lady like yourself. S-So endearing.."

Victoria giggled warmly at his kind words. Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, she quickly returned to threading her daisy chain, finishing it in a flash.

"Finished! Here- try it on!"


Victor nearly protests this course of action, but the words die before they can reach his lips. Her fingertips delicately dropped the daisy chain on top of Victor's head. The crown of daisies hung awkward across his hair, tiny white daisies drooped down one of the ebony puppy-dog ears of his locks. Victoria covered her lips with a small hand, a wide grin forming behind her fingers. She laughed,

"You look dashing." She managed to cry, before another fit of giggles took over her. With his cheeks suddenly warming, Victor feels his own heart give a little leap inside, before the harsh itch returned, burying itself deeper into his nose, his breath shudders as he turns away from her.

"-NgGXTch!" A sneeze escaped him, his nose squished into the back of his hand.

"Bless you-"

"Hh'gNXtchu! Hh’NKTschu!" Nose wrinkling, he sniffles as quietly as possible, not wanting to stir up another tickle.

"Bless you. Are you definitely sure you are not sick?"

"Oh- I'm sure I'm not sick. I-It's just.. well-- I appear to be allergic to daisies."

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Another Corpse Bride fic from AppleBlossom?! Hooray! :yes: I can never get enough of this pairing, and it only helps that you've written it. I love the 'newlywed' feeling that surrounds Victor and Victoria. They're so precious. Heh, and I also enjoyed the photic sneeze. That was adorable. B) I think it was very in character for Victoria to think she's improper; I feel like her mother constantly told her that whenever she wanted to indulge in a childish or girlish desire. Anyway, thanks for sharing! I can't wait for more. :hug:

:hug: Spoo~

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Such cuteness...I love the way you write these two. I can literally hear Johnny Depp's voice inside my head as Victor. It's perfect! Absolutely adorable and wonderfully written :drool:

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Ohhh, another CB fic from you! I got so happy with this! :drool: You write them so very perfectly...I love how the two of them are finally beginning to feel comfortable with one another, but at the same time can't shake an awkward vibe. I LOVE IT. And Victor, the sweet dear, putting on the daisy crown. Simply precious. I can imagine it so well on him. :twisted:

FANTASTIC. As usual! :drool:

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This was SO PERFECT!!!!!! I love allergies on a sensitive, fragile man, and the daisy crown just did it for me. Thank you for writing this, like, a lot. <3

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Thank you everyone for commenting! Sorry for the wait, but I will never like this chapter.

*stabs chapter* Enjoy!


Another delicate breeze brushed pass the couple, as daisies gently swayed in the air. There was a long pause, as Victoria just sat and stared at her husband, unable to form even a single sentence in her mind. She watched his facial features twitch with irritation, eyes tried to flutter and blink the itching away from his sensitive nose. Soon enough, Victoria had found her voice again.

"Allergic to daises?!"

"Y-Yes my dear.. It would appear so." His ebony eyes were kept low, never meeting her chestnut ones.

"Why didn't you say something about it?"

Putting out his handkerchief once more, he discreetly and roughly pinch-wiped his nose, trying his best not to disgust Victoria in any way.

"I only j-just discovered it this v-very moment.."

Realisation hit Victoria, as she began to feel increasingly more guilty with each passing moment, noticing how much irritation this was causing him.

"Oh.. Well, are you certainly sure it is the flowers?" Victoria questioned, trying desperately to think of any other explaination of Victor's allergic reaction.

He inhaled sharply, his breath shuddered as his chest rose and hovered. A white handkerchief pressed firmly against his reddened nose. Victor's bottom lip quivered, trying desperately to hold back the strong sneezes.

"-NgGXHt! I- hehh... Hpt'SCHTchu! I'b sure.."

There was a short, silent pause before fierce gasps began to completely take over him. Arching his back, his body all aquiver with hitching breaths, his eyes scrunched up, nostrils intensely flaring underneath the piece of silk cloth. "Hh'gGXHTchu! -Ehhh.." Soft, helpless gasps continued to rattle his body. He blinked rapidly, as allergic tears began to drip from his glassy, puffy eyes. Victoria moved closer to him, only to realise there was nothing she could do to help. The hand that was outstretched for him, soon fell back into her lap; and as she watched, a horrible feeling of guilt and shame washed over her.

"Hehh- ihh.. Eh'GgSCHTchu! Ehh --NngTtSHchu! heehh- Ah'NXTsh-uU!"

Each sneeze bent he forward rapidly, so much so, he nearly banged his sore nose against his knees multiple times. He sighed loudly, losing his grip of the last sneeze, just thankful of the fact that the fit was over. His allergic sneezes left him dazed and lightheaded, blinking away irritated tears, as he wiped his nose.

Victor sniffled wetly into the handkerchief, before returning it into his breast-pocket. "Excuse be.." Then, he gently peeled off the chain of daises from the top of his head, which somehow still remained attached to his locks. Smiling tiredly, he shuffled closer. He raised his hands, still holding the daisy chain, Victor delicately placed the crown of daises onto her own head.

"My dear, they look so buch better od you."

Her eyes tracked him, taking in his movements, as he softly whispered those sweet words to her. Victoria's eyes suddenly widened considerably. Warm tears slowly began to slip away from her eyes. Her cheeks were beginning to become stained with an endless stream of tears from her glassy eyes, enduring the emotional guilt that began to engulf her.

Victor's pupils dilated, eyes seemed to enlarge to twice their size. He couldn't believe what was before his eyes. Why was his beloved crying so suddenly?

"V-Victoria! What ever is the matter, darling?!"

She hiccupped, bottom lip trembling. Her head remain down, her shoulders were hunched over as they shook violently.

"I'm so sorry Victor.. I can't believe I have caused you so much discomfort.. such misery..."

Her hands hid her eyes from him, so she wouldn't have to look at her husband. He acted like nothing happened, yet nothing could be done to stop her salty tears running down her cheeks.

"W-What are you talk-!"

"Please! I-I can't-! ...Mother was right. I am so childish, naïve.. And I-I only think of myself."

"What would ever make you th-think tha.. hahh-- Hh'nGNXtch!"

"I can't stop sneezing! Don't you see?! If you only listen to Mother's advice, I would be able to take proper care of you, and not even think about playing, Silly. Little. Childish games!"

She removed her hands from her eyes, no longer trying to hide her tears. Her arms flailing about, ironically like a child's. Victoria exhaled shakily, pause for a moment before continuing.

"...I know, deep down inside you never wanted to marry me. It was an arranged marriage. You were forced to marry me, against your own will. I am so sorry that you must be tied with me for an eternity.. Oh Victor, you would have been better off withou-!"

"-That's enough, Victoria!"

Victor almost choked on his words, still not believing what he had just heard. His thin hands firmly but gently gripped her arms, so she couldn't pull away.

"P-Please... Don't-- Don't ever say things like t-that!"

Quivering lips sputtered his words once again. Broken-hearted eyes pleaded with her to stop such verbal torture. Victor began denying to himself that she would ever think of such distressing and saddening images. She didn't believe he loved her, and he thought he was the one who couldn't believe she exactly loved him! It all seemed very confusing to his spinning head.

A cupped hand found his tickish nose, as he released another fittish sneeze.


Victor controlled the sneeze as best as he could, sniffing quietly, he tried not to upset Victoria anymore than he had. He sighed gently, giving a small smile before wrapping a bony arm around her shoulders. Awkwardly embraced, Victoria tiredly sighed, sinking deeper into Victor's skinny frame.

"T-There is nothing to cry about my dear.. I have told you that I loved you. I truely cherish you.. You-- You complete me. Without you, I-I probably wouldn't be the person I am today."

He snivelled, as Victoria closed her eyes, grinning madly into the warmth of his coat.

"I will never doubt you again, Victor. And I'm sorry I did... Even for a second."

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I don't think I will be continuing this story anyone. Not because I have ran out of ideas or the plot, even anything like that... It seems people have lost interest in this fanfic. There is no point me spending all night typing away, trying to hide any evidence of this sneezing fiction from family, and putting all my effort into something that no one seemed to care about. I have even had to redo pieces of homework be because I have been spending too much time writing these, and not enough time on homework. I know homework should come first, but I thought seeing you all so happy, it was worth it. They were not very important pieces of homework anyway.

Plus, there are people on this forum who can write extremely better than me, and people have completely moved on.

Of course I have loved writing this story, but if no one showed any interest, I will discontinue.

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I LOVE these guys!!! it's too bad your gonna stop. Homework is important though, but I was looking forward to more, even if they're just little dabbles.

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I have decided to continue with the story, since of the comments and views it has been getting. Although it may take a while to write the chapters, but I hope you guys like this one. :D


Intense affection rode inside Victor's chest. He didn't know if it was his allergy, yet he felt his chest tighten, as his lungs swelled with a relieved sigh, that his beloved had stopped crying. They seem to melt into each others arms. Both closing their eyes, only the gentle blow of the wind could be heard. They stayed there for so long, Victor even lost track where his body stopped and hers began. He feel... safe, comfortable, almost as if he was in a dream. All there was, was just a calm feeling.

Victor pulled slightly away, so he could see a glimpse of her porcelain face. Thin hands cupped the sides of her rosy cheek, the corners of his lips curled upwards in a sheepish smile.

"N-No more tears?"

She returned his warm smile, eyes glimmering. "No more tears!"

Victor leaned forward, giving her a sweet, innocent kiss on her forehead. His senitive nose caught the scent of the daisy chain on top of her locks. His head snapped away from her, a hand quickly clamped over his nose and mouth.


With the violent shudder of his sneeze, Victoria could feel his delicate muscles spasm underneath his coat. "And no more sneezing, darling." She giggled lightheartedly.

Victoria reached up to Victor, with hands running through silky locks, she gradually pulled him closer to her delicately planting a tender kiss on his tickly nose. She pulled away, then he sniffled wetly, blinking allergic tears from eyes.

"I'll-- I'll t-tr-trrr-- Hh'gGSCH'eiiu! I'll try.."


They soon returned to town, Victoria's daisy chain was been disguarded on a small road along the hill. Hand in hand, they walked in silence- unless you didn't count Victor's constant sniffs, and soft coughs from clearing his throat. They quietly enjoyed the sounds and voices of the gloomy town, not really paying attention to anything in particular. The couple were only a few houses away from their own, when something popped into Victoria's mind.

"Is there anything else you are allergic to?"

"Not that I r-recall." He quickly sputtered out.

"Are you sure there is nothing else you are allergic to?"

"W-Well.. there is-"

"-Oh! How utterly adorable."

Victor almost sputtered a "I-I'm sorry?!", not before he caught a glimpse of what Victoria had knelt down to see.

Her soft hand lovingly petted the head of a small, dark brown tabby kitten. The tiny kitten's white chest matched its little soft paws. Its eyes closed, and a gentle hum of purring could be heard. A warm grin spread across Victoria's lips as the feline rubbed itself against her ankles.

"My, aren't you just the sweetest? Don't you love little kittens, Victor?"

"Y-Yes, they are rather c-cute.."

"Rather cute?" She questioned him, delicately picking up the kitten, cradling it in her arms.

"It's j-just... Well.. I prefer dogs. T-That's all."

"Oh, well I am such a cat person!"

"You're... Y-You're a cat p-person?!"

"Why yes! They are one of my favourite animals! Isn't she precious? Such little, pink paws!" She seemed completely distracted by the bundle of fluff snuggling inside her arms. Her fingers gently scratching the ruff of her neck. There was a pause when Victoria seemed to be just gazing into the kitten's eyes, noticing the vivid, incredible shade of blue shining in the vibrant sunset.

"..Oh, what was it you were also allergic to?" She turned to Victor, as did the kitten in her hands.

"Umm.. Nothing a-at all.. -hehh ihh... Hh'gNXKtch!" Cupping his hands together, as an allergic sneeze escaped him.

"Bless you.. It's not the kitten is it?" Her wide eyes glowed with concern.

"N-No! Of c-course not... It's probably just the p-pollen Hghk-Nxgt! in my hair." He could feel his nose becoming more congested by the second. He knew he couldn't keep this tickly sensation under control for long.

Suddenly, the kitten effortlessly jumped from Victoria's hands, moving almost gracefully toward the petrified Victor. He stood in shock, as the kitten watched him with curious eyes. Just as Victor pulled out his handkerchief, and wrapped it around his sensitive nose, one tiny paw settled on the tip of Victor's shoe.

The pair seemed to gawk at eachother, for what seemed like an eternity, until Victor's glassy eyes snapped away, squeezing shut, his small shoulders jumping with shaky gasps that he was desperately trying to control, yet he ended up turning away, bending sharply at the waist.

"Hihh-- GXTtschuu! EHH!--NGXTtschhu! -ugh"

The cat mewled, her paw was quickly removed from Victor's foot. Her fur stood up on edge, as the explosions continued, her back arched, moving backwards alarmed and frightened at the sight. It almost seemed as if those huge, cerulean eyes gleamed with... worry? Yet, no one seemed to notice.

"S'cuse be, Victoria." He muttered, returning his handkerchief to his pocket.

"Bless you, dear. Come along, you need to get that pollen out of your hair.." Taking his other hand, they began to walk home.


They both turned sharply, as the high-pitched cry pulled at their heartstrings. The kitten plodded sadly towards the couple, eyes wide with melancholy. Victoria gazed at Victor, then to the kitten, then back to Victor.

"May we keep her?"

Victor's adams-apple bobbed harshly, as he swallowed at the sudden request. How could he say no? He just couldn't bear to see her upset, just imagining her frown even once more- nearly caused his heart to rip in two. However, ever since they were first married, she hadn't even asked for a single thing. Nothing. Thinking about it, he would have to go to work some days, and she would be alone in the house. She deserved to have company.

"Of--" he croaked, stopping to clear his throat, his thin hand figetted with his tie. "O-Of course."

She beamed a pearly-white smile at her husband, practically running towards the kitten, scooped it up in her arms, and ran back to him. Pressing velvet lips into blushing cheeks, Victoria smiled,

"Thank you, Victor."

"The p-pleasure is mine, Victoria." They walked home together, enjoying eachothers company.

Deep inside, his heart sunk, knowing one day she would find out the truth...

He was allergic to cats.

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AAAWWWW!! Poor, darling Victor! Of course he would be allergic to cats, haha I love this set up. Wonderful work dear :))))))

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I wish I could have been on the forum this week to review this beauty! Ohhhh, VICTOR. He is sooooo precious. How completely marvelous that he's allergic to cats as well! I am so excited to see where this leads! How incredibly sweet of him to keep the cat to make her happy even though he's allergic...what a darling. >w<

Ohhh, Victoria's little "No more sneezing" comment made me gush. You are SO fantastic at this! Can't wait for more!

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I really like this and think you should continue :D that said, just because people don't necessarily respond doesn't mean nobody enjoys the writing. And I h

onestly hope that you write because you like to, not to count replies, because there's no point in writing if you don't love it, imho. And you're really good :D

Update soon!

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"Have you t-thought of a name for her?"

Victor closed the heavy, wooden front door behind them, he sputtered with his words as usual. God, he needed to find a way to stop himself doing that.

"Oh! Well, I'm not quite sure yet.."

Victoria replied, her warm eyes locked onto the kitten purring in her arms. Her mind buzzing with ideas for a good name for her new kitten.

"W-Why not call her something simple? Like fluffy?"

"Mmm.. No, it doesn't seem it to suit her."

She was right; it didn't suit the kitten, she needed a unique, special name, and those vibrant eyes said it all.

"...Wait- Yes! How about the corpse bride's name? Was it Emily?" She turned to him, watching him remove his coat, and place it on the tall, coat rack.

"Y-Yes, it was E-Emily.." His fingers loosened his blue tie slightly, swallowing a little as he did.

A sudden lump swelled and grew inside his throat, thinking about his dear Emily. Victor even wondered where she was. Was she in heaven? Was she happy? Only God knew.

"No-- I have it! We'll call her Eve!"

"E-Eve?" Victor's eyebrows frowned with confusion.

"Yes, Eve. Because we found her in the evening."

"B-But-- Why not Emily?"

"I just recalled, I wanted to name our first daughter Emily."

"O-Our first d-d-daughter?!"

"Yes. We are having children, aren't we?"

He caught himself blushing furiously, looking at anything but Victoria. Victor loved children. Would he and Victoria ever have any? He began to feel highly uncomfortable to even think about having any children with her! Still, perhaps in the future… when they had became more acquainted with eachother.

"I h-have nothing against the... idea."

A almost, sheering meow seemed to poke fun at Victor, the kitten stretched inside Victoria's arms, rubbing fur against fabric. It seemed even the sudden meow triggered his sensitive nose to burn and itch.

Thin, tickly hairs floated around the air of the living room. Goodness, he had been trying to hold them back, since he had walked into the house, the dander irritated him far too much.

"-Hh'ngGSChTeiiu! --Ehh'gGNXTchu!"

Each explosion bend him roughly at the waist, flipping out his handkerchief, wrapping the cloth around his aggravated nose.

"O-Oh goodness-- NgGXTch!"

"God bless you, Victor. Run upstairs now, and have a bath. For your own sake."

"A-Alright Victoria, I'll go." He sighed heavily, still trying to get his breath back. Sniffling into his handkerchief, he climbed up the steps to the bathroom.

The kitten Eve, once again jumped from Victoria's hands, and then silently watched Victor walk up the stairs.


A thin hand twisted the tap off, and warm water quickly stopped flowing. Lightly scented bubbles popped and floated across the lukewarm water. Testing the water with his hand, pausing and shivering slightly, he began to peel his clothes off, and put them into a pile on the floor.

"--Nh'gGSCHhu!" He sneezed violently, into his hand, the cold air surrounded his naked body as he shuddered harshly.

The bubbles parted as he lifted his leg into of the water. Hands gripped the sides of the bathtub, and he lowered himself in. Victor sighed, letting the hot water relax his tired muscles. The slight tightness of his chest loosened in the warm steam, as Victor rinsed the pollen away from his ebony hair. He sighed calmly, as the congestion slowly began to leave him. Content for the moment, he relaxed further under the bubbles.

"Hhh…" The warm steam began to affect his sinuses, the inside of his nose began to run as well. He tried to blink the moisture from his eyes. His lips quivered, as he inhaled unsteadily through flaring nostrils. "Hp’NGgTSChu!"

His nose twitched again, the tip glinting wetly, a deep sniffle caused his nostrils to flare violently. His eyebrows drew together, lips parting again in desperate pants, as he used his dry shoulder to rub the aggravated organ.

"Hk-MPHgtch!" It didn't help, it only intensified the itch. His nasal cavities felt as if thousands of needles, prickling inside his reddened nostils. "Hp’NGGgSCHhu! Ihh... Hh'kgXSHTch! -ugh." Clamping his nose with his fingers, a hard flinch trembled through his shoulders. "Hp’NGGgSCHhu! Oh g-goodness-! --Hpt'gNXSCHT! -ah." The bath water splashed in forceful waves around the tub, with each explosion from Victor.

Soaking his hair again, hoping to get rid of any cat hairs or pollen particles, he slowly lifted himself out of the bathtub.

He watched the flow of the water as it ran off his body, the water seemed to glitter in the low lights of the bathroom. Wrapping his towel around his waist, Victor stood at the edge of the tub, watching the water swirl down the drain. Rubbing his itchy eyes, he sniffled, wondering why he was sneezing so much.

He decided to quickly changed back into his clothes, turning slightly, he noticed something fluffy onto of his clothing. Wait-- What?! Somehow the kitten had managed to get into the bathroom unnoticed. Victor could have sworn he had locked the door... or at least shut it firmly.

Sighing tiredly, he knelt down, gently moving the cat off of his clothing. Sending cat hairs up into the air, Victor's nose inhaled helplessly, and his breath hitched once more.

"Oh, f-for goodness s-sake! -Nnk'ggKTSSCH!"


"Please don't judge m-me-- Heh'NGXXtssch!

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Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed this story! Please post a comment, it keeps these magical ideas popping into my head!


Victor slowly returned back downstairs, fully-clothed, the kitten Eve quickly trailing behind him. The tiny pitter-patter of her paws seemed to follow the skittish man, as he walked cautiously into the living room.

Victoria wasn't there, yet he could hear the clatter of plates and dishes inside the kitchen. He sighed momentarily, letting the tickle, which was brewing inside his sinuses, overtake him.


A relieved sigh escaped his lips, tugging his handkerchief out of his pocket, he gave his sore nose a gentle, soft blow. All of a sudden, something long, thin and soft tickled his nose. Victor pulled away, noticing a glittering of cat hairs all over his handkerchief.

"Heh'GgSCHTu! Oh goodness, Eve..."


"Hmph. N-Never mind..."

Victor could barely breathe through his nose anymore, he could almost feel his lungs littered with her cat hair. His mouth gaped open, his lungs desperately trying to find one breath of air, which didn't have cat dander inside it.

Victor turned towards his ivory piano, he dearly needed something to take his mind off of his gasping lungs, and prickling nose.

He gently sat down onto the piano stool, delicately placing thin finger on top of shining keys. His fingers began pressing notes, randomly creating a soft, soothing melody.

It was the kind of harmony that the ear follows up and down, as if each tender note will never be played or heard again. Victor seemed to be in some sort of dazed trance, as his hands danced over the gleaming keys.

Soon enough, he could feel his eyes became puffy, as the whites of his eyes slowly turned bloodshot, and allergic tears blurred his vision. Suddenly, his ears seemed to hear different notes being played, Victor looked across to see little Eve, batting her paws mischievously at the musical keys. It also appeared that the small kitten was actually beginning to create a calming tune, but before Victor could try to see what Eve was doing, the prickling sensation returned.

"Ihh.. hh-- ehhh..." Victor frantically tried to prevent another allergic fit to escape him, but his sinuses seemed to crawl with such tingling sensations, it made his eyes water even more. Nostrils aquiver with a burning itch, Victor knew he couldn't hold these back any longer. Hastily wrapping the square piece of cloth around his irritated organ, he quickly let go of any restaint.

"Hghk-NXGT! HH-- pt'SCHhU'u!"

He continued to sneeze uncontrollably into the handkerchief, only to remember the amount of cat dander lingering on top of the cloth.

"H-How Nng'TtSHchu! How-- Hh'nGNXtch! Oh dear! How f-foolish of m-m-me!"

Throwing the handkerchief to the side, Victor quickly moved away from the kitten, his sore, reddened nose sqwished into the back of his hand, as he got up from the piano.

He slumped down tiredly into his armchair, Eve tried to jump to sit with him, her claws digging into the cushion, trying to pull herself up.

"Please, Eve. J-Just let me breathe properly for a moment."

The kitten cried sadly, turning towards the fireplace, sitting quietly away from him. Sapphire, dewy eyes gazed down with silent heartbreak.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered quietly to Eve, giving a quivering sigh, as the itch inside his nose burned, as his nostrils began to flare wildly.

Victor seemed to draw in upon himself, his stick-like body was heaving with shaky breaths. "Hht'MMPFFFFH!" He sneezed, muffling it harshly into the palm of his hand. Rubbing fervently at his nose with dark eyes squeezed shut. "Eh.. hehh..." Victor crinkled his nose sharply, trying desperately to fight off the tingling irritation. He sneezed abruptly, throwing his slender body forward.

"Ehhhh.... Hp’NGGgSCHheiiu!"

The inklike fringe of his locks bounced, as he released himself of the tickliness inside his nose. Although his allergic sneezes did feel enormously relieving to his abused sinuses, the sneezing was beginning to hurt a little in the aftermath.

"S'cuse be." Swiping at his nose cautiously, he turned to see Victoria standing over him, her hand on her hips.

"W-What? Is sobething wrong, dear?"

"You're allergic to the kitten, aren't you?!"

"I-I... umm...."

"I'm right, aren't I?"

"Victoria-- I... I mead- I didn't know, you-- It-It's just, well...." Oh, this was going wonderfully, he couldn't even think of an explaination or even an excuse. Plus, his congested voice was not helping the situation at all.

"You-- You lied to me!" Her eyes burned unpleasantly into his own. Her once welcoming nature soon became intimidating, and even unsympathetic. Victor had never seen her this furious, in fact, Victor couldn't even remember seeing her angry!

"I-I didn't lie, Victoria.. I j-just-!"

"Lied! Victor, you lied to me! W-Why?"

"I-- I couldn't say no to you! I just c-couldn't!"

"But why couldn't you?!"

"I could not bear y-you see you upset! And... I k-knew how much you loved Eve!"

"Yes, I like kittens Victor, but not if they give you this kind of misery! Did you ever think about what this could do to your health?!"

Victor stared at her, thinking about how foolish he had become. She was right. What if something happened to him? What would she do? He watched her with watery eyes, trying desperately to somehow swallow the growing lump in his throat.

"I shall leave you now."

Victoria turned away, and walked out of the room, her footsteps going up the stairs echoed through the silence. Victor let off a shivering sigh, his head flopped into his hands. Her parents were right, he was such a fool, he didn't not deserve her.

"--Dear, dear! Victor, you certainly know how to impress the ladies!"

He nearly jumped out of his skin, when he looked up to see who spoke, as two huge, cerulean orbs gazed right back at him.


This chapter is for my dear Galaxy! She is so awesome, she doesn't even know it! I hope you enjoyed this!! :D

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GUH. *attacks you* I love you SO very much, AppleBlossom! :hug: I'm sorry that I can't always comment after a chapter---my computer's being a douche, and I can't always get on when desired, and when I can get on, it isn't for very long at all---but reading two inserts in a row COMPLETELY made my day! And thank you so much for dedicating it to be---I love you so bad, girl! :yay:

First of all. Reading about Victor taking a bath made me think very girly and delightful thoughts...And then SNEEZING in the tub, too! Ohohoooo, you certainly know how to please a Galaxy. :wub:

And the kitty fur on his hanky! Made me squirm in sheer gleeeee. :yay: And the kitten following him about! Soooo, so precious.

HOLY FACE THE CAT CAN TALK. That completely threw me! What an interesting idea, and I can't wait to see Victor's reaction! :yay: I'm so excited for the next part! No pressure, though. :laugh: Once again, I love you SO bad, darling, and thanks again for brightening my day. :hug:

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Aww! I'm glad you enjoyed my chapters! I understand if you can't respond to every post, I just keep thinking, Where, oh Where is my darling, Galaxy?! *lips trembles* Haha! I joke, a little...

I felt so naughty when I was writing about our poor Victor, sneezing his head off in his bubble bath! And, if the kitten had been rolling around in his clothes, of course his hanky is just gonna happen to have a load of cat hair all over it! :evil: Bless his face! :D

I have nearly finished writing the next chapter, I'll probably be posting it soon... Hopefully!

And I'm glad I made your day! Keep smiling! Xxxx

P.s. The irony is, I'm writing this as I am watching Corpse Bride! God, Victor is so sexy! *drools*

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Ohohoooo, isn't he gorgeous? It's a damn shame that all boys aren't that deliciously awkward. :wub:

Edited by Galaxy
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The next chapter is here and ready. I am kind of (actually REALLY) upset, of the lack of responses to the story. I know that posts aren't everything, and I understand that, but it would be nice to know, people actually like this story, and are not just accidently clicking on this link (or something).

Sorry about the mini rant, before each and every one of your posts makes my day! It really does! And I just hope you enjoy reading these, as such as I love writing them! :)


His heart froze and his stomach turned icy, he just couldn't breathe. It was as if somebody had literally knocked the wind out of him. His fogged mind raced through every single explaination, trying frantically to find anything. And yet, all he could think of was, Cats can't t-talk. Cats can n-not, and will not e-e-ever talk! Victor returned back to the situation in hand. He had noticed the kitten had its paws pressed against his chest, vibrant eyes glued to him, in an almost intimidating manner. He had to try and work this all out, but Victor could only manage to whisper a few stuttering words,

"E-Ex-Excuse me?"

"I said-- It looks like you still have your way with the women!"

The feline's fur was pattened with amber and snow coloured streaks, its blue eyes contrasting and almost glowing against its fur. Hidden under all the gracefulness was a hunger for Victor's response. It tilted its head to the left slightly, silently waiting for Victor to speak. Her razor sharp claws moved in and out from her white paws. Even now, at this every moment, if the furball were not glaring at him, you would think it was the cutest thing in the world. Victor began to think, the way the kitten looked at him, he would have believed the feline would sink its teeth into his glowing, slender nose, or its claws into his leg.

"I... I am sorry, b-but who exactly are you?"

"Oh for goodness sake, Victor! Don't you even recognize a old friend when you see one?"

Victor paused and thought for a moment, his eyes clouded with concentration. Her features did seem incredibly familar. Her voice was so warm, at times, soft-spoken and yet thrilling to hear. He blinked, once, twice. Eyes as wide as sausers, could it be? No, of course not! He was just wishing for the impossible. Still...

"E-E-Em-- E-Emily?!"

The kitten jumped onto Victor's shoulder, even making him jump in the process. Azure eyes sparkled with joy and bliss.

"Oh well done, Victor darling! I'd thought you'd never get there!"

Victor still couldn't believe his ears or eyes at the sight before him. His darling Emily was here. So many things were running through his head. What he delirious? Could this be a side-effect from the allergy? Was he dreaming? Whatever it was, he didn't want it to stop, not yet.

His thoughts were distracted, when he could feel the vibration of Emily purring loudly, she rubbed her head and fluffy ears, across his jawline affectionately. Victor turned his head away slightly, due to delicate tears trying desperately to slip away, from the sudden realisation that this was his beloved friend had come back- and that his sinuses were tickling so much.

"Victor darling? What ever is the matter?"

"I-- But h-how?"

She giggled lightly, her ear twitched a little. Emily swallowed, slowly and carefully speaking. "Sometimes.. When I fall sleep.... I dream. My spirit seemed to leave-- float away to wherever it pleases. I didn't really believe it was true at first... but-- this says it all!"

Even though, Victor seemed to be listening, he was completely somewhere else. His face contorted into a terribly beautiful, yet heartbreaking expression as his eyes welled with tears. He took a long, shuddering breath and blinked rapidly to see past the rim of warm wetness threatening to overspill his eyes. It seemed all he had been doing was crying, however was from sheer relief and pure happiness. Knowing that his dear Emily was safe and well, that was all that mattered.

"Victor? Why are you crying?"

"I'm so s-sorry, Emily. I just... hehh --gGSChTtch! Ehh'gGNXTchu! Ihh-- ehh.. Hk'NGKschu!" Emily almost fell from his shoulder, her tiny paws clinging onto the fabric of Victor's coat. Victor gasped worriedly; helping Emily back up with a gentle hand, muttering a stuttered apology.

"Bless you, Victor." Emily stated, before a silent pause came over them both.

"I just c-can't believe it's y-you!"

The young man half laughed at himself and half sighed, trying to retain his composure. His cheeks promptly heat up, as he could feel her softhearted eyes on him. Then he winced a bit, lowering his eyes a little.

"What are y-you doing b-back here?"

"Just the usual, looking for a husband." She casually spoke, returning back to his lap.


"Of course not, silly!" She paused thinking carefully about her next words. "...Well, to put it bluntly, I came here to help your marriage."

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This story is really cute and sweet, you should definately continue. I look forward to all your updates. I know it feels great to get comments, and its discouraging and frustrating when you feel like you're not getting feedback, but asking for comments is really not the best way to get good feedback. You should write because you want to and because you enjoy it, not because you want responses.

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