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Jared/Genevieve & Jensen/Danneel


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Title: Jared/Genevieve & Jensen/Danneel, Part 1

Word count: 750

A/N: So this has been banging around in my wonderland of a brain for a while now, and I figured I might as well post it here. This is probably going to be only one or two parts, but I might make it in to more later. Enjoy!

Genevieve slipped into her husbands’ trailer at the studio and began to quietly unload her supplies. Jared was coming down with a cold, and she had taken it upon herself to run out and grab him some extra tissues and medicine, so he wouldn’t have to later. She set everything on the table along with a note telling him to take it easy before turning to leave just as stealthily as she came. When she turned around, however, she gasped in surprise when she saw Jared standing in the doorway of his trailer, smiling amusedly.

“Jesus Jared!” She yelped, causing him to laugh as he stepped the rest of the way through the door. He looked exhausted, and even through the makeup he still and on, she could see the faint tinge to his nose and cheeks.

“Wh- what are you doing heh…here?” he asked, his nose twitching almost comically, and Genevieve smiled.

“Well, I thought I would be a good wife and-“

“Hehkishoo! Ehh…hehishoo!” Jared snapped forward with a few sneezes, effectively cutting her off, and stood the sniffling pathetically into cupped hands for a few seconds before he saw the things on the table. Sighing with relief, he blew his nose and sat down at the table. Gen smiled sympathetically and kissed the top of his head.

“Bless you, Jay.” He smiled tiredly up at her and wrapped an arm around her waist.

“Thags, babe.” Just the trailer door opened, and the couple smiled when Danneel walked through with her own husband in tow. Jensen looked just as exhausted as Jared, and he smiled at Gen as he walked past to sit across the table from Jared and buried his head in his arms.

“Hey Jense.” Jared whispered hoarsely, and Jensen looked up at him and frowned.

“Sound like shit, Jay.” He murmured, pushing a small bag of cough drops closer to him, and Jay grinned, trading the Kleenex for the halls when Jensen’s breath hitched. He gave a quick smile in thanks before hastily grabbing a few and snapping forward with a few sneezes.

“Hehh..heEHSCHSHH! EHSCTSHH!” Both women thought this was a good time to intervene and medicate their husbands, and they nudged them gently to get them to scoot over.

“Whad is this, ad interevdtiod?” Jensen asked, his eyes crinkling up in a smile as he blew his nose., and both girls giggled, while Jared coughed after attempting to laugh at his friends joke.

“Yes, we represent W.W.T.T.H.A.I, better known as women who think their husbands are idiots.” Genevieve said as she rubbed Jared’s back soothingly. Danneel, picked up the thermometer and held it to Jensen, who narrowed his eyes at her. The effect was diminished however when he was propelled forward with three more sneezes.

“HeESHHuh! ESHCTSHH! HEHESHHOO!” He groaned slightly, took the thermometer from his wife after blowing his nose, and stuck it in his mouth with a scowl. Jared grinned, and Genevieve looked at him and smirked.

“Sure, laugh it up now, Jay bird, nut you’re next.” His laughter stopped, and he looked at her with mock horror.

“You wouldn’t!” he exclaimed, and everyone chuckled a little. The sat for a few more minutes waiting for the thermometer to beep, the silence punctuated by a few sniffles from Jensen and coughs from Jared. Finally it beeped, and Jensen sighed in relief before burying his face in another handful of tissues.

“HehEHSCTSHH! Holy shit, just kill be ndow.” Danneel smiled sympathetically at him and rubbed a hand between his shoulder blades.

“Babe, you’re running a 102 degree fever, you need to come home with me. I’ll go let everyone know, okay?” And before he had a chance to argue, she slipped out of the trailer to let everyone else know what was going on. Genevieve picked up the thermometer on the table and held it out to Jared, who accepted the inevitable and stuck it under his tongue without complaint. The three of them sat in silence until it beeped, and Danneel walked back in as Gen read of her husband’s temp.

“101.7. Damn, you two don’t do anything halfway, do you?” Danneel smiled and tipped her head at the open door.

“Cars here.” She looked at Gen, smiling slightly. “Do you want to set up camp at your guys place or ours?” Gen smiled back and nudged both men to their feet.

“Ours. We have the bigger TV.” That earned laughter from everyone as they all piled into the car and headed home.

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Awwwwwww, LOVE. :bounce: I love how they're sharing a cold, and how you spelled Jared's sneezes differently than Jensen's, and how their wives are taking care of them BECAUSE IT'S SO ADORABLE. Annnd how they're all going to hang out together and take care of each other!! So. Much. Love.

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Oh man... love love love love love! ;)

This is so cute! I loved the comment about not doing anything by halves, and the way the girls basically take over and sort their husbands out, and the guys are like 'shall I protest, I'm gonna protest, ah no lets just go along with it.'

And I second JaredJensen's point about the different sneeze spellings, that was cool. Plus, you used, like, my favourite type of spelling for Jared. Woo!

Can't wait for more! :bounce:

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Aww, this story is so cuuute :rolleyes:

I really loved that both of them shared the cold!

The cough drops for tissues exchange was also so sweeet *_*

This has all been mentioned before, I guess I'm kinda slow o.O

But I really like it so far.

Will there be more? Pretty pretty please?

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Okay, so I tottaly forgot to let you guys know, but I might not be able to update for a few weeks. My wedding is tomorrow, but I'll try to update soon as possible.

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Well, I would definitely say that's a good excuse for not updating. Have a good one, and congratulations! I'm sure we can all be patient...

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I love the wifely "intervention"!

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As much as I love this, I just get so heartbroken over the fact that they have wives! </3 I'm just such a jealous fangirl aren't I? ;) regardless, this was lovely!!! Keep up the good work. :)

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  • 2 months later...

This was just lovely! Can't wait for the next part. I know this has all been said, but I love the difference between the sneeze spellings and also WWTTHAI. Gen and Danneel just seem like they would be so cool and go along with everything, including their husbands sharing a cold. I love how Jared's makeup can't hide his fever flush. Really, it's just all so beautifully written. rockon.gif

Congratulations on your wedding!

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