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Sneeze Fetish Forum

It´s all thoughtful strength (finished ;))


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I'm pretty sure you're trying to kill me *_*

And let me tell you one thing, you're doing damn well.

Hehe, did Sammy really have to...pee?

I can imagine something else. ^^

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i´m back with a short update hooray!!!^^ enjoy all ;)

Sam didn´t lie to Dean. He really needed to pee and he did so. The sun wasn´t bright enough, it was still a bit dark. Sam was sure Dean couldn´t see him hiding behind the tree…watching him. Somehow Sam was hypnotized from Deans sneezes...no…PERFECT sneezes! They sent small pleasant electric impulses through Sams body, making him feel dizzy and satisfied. His breath became faster as he saw Deans adorable pre-sneeze face from not far away. There will be five sneezes Sam thought.

“Ugh…n-not a-ahhh…again…huh…huhhh…!” Dean moaned. He was too tired to raise his arms so he just waited impatiently for the inevitable. Six seconds left and Sam started counting. One, two, three, four, five…six. Dean snapped forward, hands on his knees. He sneezed uncovered to the ground.

“HeeEshooOO…hiih…HeehIshch…heeh…HuaahTshuu…huuh…ugh…HaaIshuuUhh…hh…huh…” Dean struggled.

“No, you´re not done yet!” Sam whispered behind the tree. The following intake of air was audible and the sneeze that came was enormous.

“Hnn…HeehaaTShchooOOHhh…oh goddambid! Fugck!”

“There you go!” Sam smiled. He emerged from his hiding place.

“Dude, bless you! Your luck I didn´t pee on my shoes!” Sam laughed. Dean recovered slowly and blinked some tears away as he looked up.

“Guh, thanks. Sdneezing sugcks!” He blew his nose loudly.

“Uhm, if you think so…”

“What do you mbean?” Sam blushed a bit.

“Well…I…I think your sneezes are…kind of…adorable.” Sam avoided eye contact and walked around the car.

“Waid…Samb?” Dean climbed back into the Impala and closed the door. He waited till Sam also had closed the door. Dean studied Sams frame.

“You mbean, you…‘like’…my sdneezes?” He scratched thoughtful at his head.

“Yeah!? That´s how I would describe it…” Sam started the engine.

“Well, ok. I thought you were weird but ndow I think you´re more like indsande. But we do indsande things so i´mb ok with that though.” Dean could hear Sam sighing.

“Hm, never mind. It was just my thought…nothing special.” The Impala hit the road again. Silence spread between the two. Twenty minutes left.

i think the next part will be the last but i will see :)

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So hot how Sammy's hiding behind the tree, secretly enjoying his sneezes.

And the confessing to Dean, aww :)

I'm glad Dean is not too weirded out but rather likes it <3

Dude, I have things in my head... *_*

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  • 5 weeks later...

@ LovelyLinda sweety you always got something in your cute head :bleh: by the way i wanted to end the story with the following chapter BUT you gave me a last very good idea and i think i´m gonna put it in the very last chapter :wub:

@ mads3rv3r thank you that you still like it! :blushing:

@ 27jaredjensen i´m sure you´ll like where this is going :twisted:

so yeah, here is a short update which i manage to write last sunday :cap: enjoy

Dean thought hard about what Sam had just told him. It really sounded weird but well…hey he is his brother.

They went through so many things together and this thing was nothing. Dean smiled a bit but when his muscles

in his face tensed they made his nose tickle. He sniffed and tried to rub the sensation away. But always with less

success. He sneezed loud..

“Hheh…hiih…HuuaaRashooOO…ugh…sorry!” A pain shoot through Deans head. He moaned and massaged

his temples.

“Bless you! Your head hurts?” Sam asked with a concerned voice.

“Yeah…sniff…like sombeonde shoot and arrow through it!” Dean sighed heavily.

“I wish I could do something to ease the pain. But this time I´m really useless!”

“Dond´t say that! I mbust admit to mbyself that I´mb relieved that you are at mby side right ndow!

Ndoonde understand mbe so good as you, mby brother. You are ndever useless, I mbean it!” Dean reached

out his left hand and patted Sams right shoulder. Sam shrugged because of the touching.

“Uhm…thanks brother!”

Time went by and Deans nose went mad again. Every two minutes he sneezed, moaned and cursed.

Sam smiled, always blessed him and always enjoyed Deans wonderful sneezes.


“Bless!” Dean blew his nose loudly.

“You are enjoying it…sniff…” Dean laughed. “But don´t be embarrassed. I think I´mb used to it sombehow.”

“Don´t be ridiculous! Ohh, look…there is Bobby´s farm!” The fence came in sight and then Bobby´s house.

yeah i know...REALLY short...I´M SOOOOO SORRY!!!! :sad:

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Thank you sweetie :)

Uhm...I gave you a nice idea? ...Did I?

You're welcome, I guess ^^

Aww, I liked this here "Ndoonde understand mbe so good as you, mby brother. You are ndever useless, I mbean it"

And of course this lovely pattern "Every two minutes he sneezed, moaned and cursed."

I can soooo imagine this <3

I'm so glad you wrote this story for me, it's like the nicest thing someone has done for me :)

I'm so excited what will happen in the last part *_*

I'm really looking forward to it!!!

Lots of love <3

Ps: Have you seen the SPN episode with the strange burgers? (I won't say more since I don't want to spoil anything!)

There is a cute Dean-sleeping-scene in it, and Dean drinks about 20 cups of coffee :D It's so cuuuute!!

I imagined the whole time it was tea (it worked pretty well before he said it was coffee...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ LovelyLinda i could swear you will love me even more for the last part :tongue: enjoy :wub:

@ mads3rv3r i will never do it again :laugh2:

so yeah, here is the promised last part of my sneezy!dean story. hope you all enjoyed it :proud:

When Sam parked the car the front door opened and Bobby stepped out of it. He nodded over to Sam and could just see

how Deans head snapped forward. Sure enough he knew that he was sneezing. Sam climbed out of the car and closed the door.

“Hey Bobby! How is it going?” Sam walked around the car and opened Dean´s door.

“Well, I think I´m better than Dean!” Bobby walked over to Sam and hugged him tightly. Dean himself was busy with a

coughing fit which shook his miserable frame. Sam smiled at Bobby.

“Hell Dean, that´s a nice cold you´ve caught there!” Sam and Bobby looked at each other. Their gaze said: I hope Dean

will get well soon, he can be such a baby when he is sick!

“Hello, Bobby. Sniff…yeah I dodn´t know where I…I g-got…hang on…HuuHetchoo…ugh. Sorry!” Dean turned his head

away from both and caught the sneeze in his left elbow.

“Uhh…what was I saying…ah where I got it…sniff.”

“Bless you, Dean. Come on we will get you inside where you can rest in your room. I made some special tea and my famous

chicken soup!” Sam helped Dean out of the car and supported him.

Before they reached the door Dean stopped. His breath hitched frantically. Sam handed him some tissues and waited

patiently. Bobby disappeared in his house.

“Heeh…huh…haah…sniff…uhhh…huuuh?...dambit! haaahhh…idt´s stuck…heeh…!”

“Come here, I´ll help you!” Sam said with a small grin on his face.

“Umb ok, but do …hiih…it…huh…quick! And s-haah…stop grinning like an idiot!” Sam stick out his tongue.

Sam faced Dean and reached out his right index finger. He only lightly…REALLY lightly touched Deans nose and

immediately Dean exploded into a sneezing fit. He didn´t even got much time to turn away from Sam so he just sprayed

Sams cheek a bit.

“AhhHaaTchooo…HeeHtchiiHh…HuuuaTchshoO…HeeIchoo…HeeEshuuUu… HuuaaRashooOO…sniff…Fugck…I´mb sorry Sabby…sniff…I didn´t mbean to sdneeze on you…sorry!”

“Oh wow. Bless you, Dean! This was really intense! Ah, I don´t mind, it´s ok! You couldn´t help it! You ok, now? I mean are you finished?”

“Yeah, I thingk for ndow.” Sam wiped his cheek with the back of his hand.

Both continue their way into Bobbys house. Sam lead Dean to his room in the first floor. He gently put him on the bed.

Dean groaned relieved when he felt the comfortable bed. Sam opened the closet and searched for a shirt and shorts.

“Here you go. Change the clothes and I´ll be back later.”

“Ah, thangk you Sabby!” Sam gave Dean the clothes and left the room.

When he closed the door he could hear a muffled sneeze from Dean. He smirked and went to the kitchen to help Bobby.

Some minutes later Dean heard a knock on the door.

“Yes?” It was Bobby.

“Hey Dean. How are you feeling? Are you comfortable?”

“I´mb feeling better ndow. I really mbissed a bed these timbes!”

“Good to hear. Let me take your temperature.” Bobby sat down on the bed and gave Dean the thermometer.

Dean put it in his mouth.

Of course it was a bit difficult for him to breathe through his mouth now. And his nose began to twitch. Dean let out a small

sigh and Bobby smiled a bit at his miserable situation. He took the thermometer out of his mouth before it beeped and put

some tissues in his right hand. He watched him concerned.

“Imb s-sohhh..rry…HeeIshchuuU…sniff…HuuaRshchooOO!” he turned away and sneezed into the tissues Bobby had

offered him.

“Bless you! Don´t be, Dean. It´s not your fault! We will try again until we got your temperature.” He gave him again the

thermometer. This time Dean tried hard not to sneeze. It felt like eternity till the small thing gave a beep. Bobby took it

and looked at it. He sighed worried. Dean was busy again with sneezing his head off.


“Bless! Well your fever is really high but we will get it down! I´ll send Sam over with the tea and something to eat. And

then you need rest and a lot of it!”

“Ok, thangk you Bobby!”

“No need to thank me. You both are like sons to me. I will always, as long as I´m here, take care of you!” With this Bobby

left the room.

Dean lied there staring at the ceiling. A single tear rolled down his cheek. He wasn´t sad but only the thought that Bobby is

there for them made him happy as hell. Again a knock on his door.

“Combe in Sabby.” Dean sniffed and wiped away the tear.

Sam carried a tray with a mug and bowl, both steaming… . Sam placed it on the bedside table and sat down on the bed.

He reached out his right hand and rested it on Deans warm forehead. Dean was surprised but enjoyed the cool hand and

groaned a bit.

“How are you feeling, Dean?” Sam wanted to take away his hand but Dean held it in place. Sam smiled slightly.

“I´mb ok as long as mby brother is at mby side! Beside the sneezing, the headache and the coughing I´mb finde.”

“Well then are you open for something to eat? I must say this soup is really famous and tastes good!”

“Indeed I´mb a bit hungry.” Sam took the bowl an handed it to Dean. He started to eat spoon by spoon, mumbling a “hmm”.

“I would agree with you that it would taste good but unfortunately I cand´t taste anything.” Dean said in a sad tone. And then…

“Uhh…n-not g-good…huuh…t-take…heeh…!” Sam grinned and took the bowl out of Deans hands.

Sure enough the steam did made his way up to Deans nose. His nostrils flared widely and his breath hitched violently.

Sam plucked several tissues out of the box on the table and put them into Deans waiting hand. Dean blushed visible and

turned his head away from Sam.

“D-dondn´t…heeh…look…HuuHatShooOO…HeeIshuhhH…HaaTchuuU…HaaIshoOO …ugh…sniff!” Dean blew his nose.

He held out his hand again and Sam gave him new tissues.

“Bless you! And I will never look away! That´s a promise! I told you I like your sneezes, cope with it!” Sam hit Deans shoulder


“Ok, ok. Thangk you.”

“I will go to the bathroom. You can drink or eat if you want to.”

“Will you come back here?” Dean gave Sam some dog-puppy-eyes which really look weird on Deans face.

Sam started laughing.

“This was my intension. And don´t give me those eyes they DON´T have the effect like when I gave them to you!

You look hilarious!” Sam left the room again.

Dean sat there pouting. Sam is evil! I´m soooo sick, he need to be very nice to me right now…I might die…thought Dean

to himself. He drank the tea in small sips and tried again the soup. He somehow managed to avoid the steam. Time went by

and Dean was nearly asleep. Sam opened the door again. He had taken a quick shower and had changed his clothes too.

He stepped over to the bed looking at Deans shivering frame moving under the covers. Sam wanted to wish Dean a good

sleep but he couldn´t leave him alone like this. Although if he might get sick too, Dean was his brother and he needed him

right now. Carefully Sam crawled under the covers. He moved closer to Deans back to share his body heat with him. Sam

felt Deans muscles tensed. He touched his back with his right hand in support, moving it in circles.

“S-sabby? Hhuh…HeeIshchuuU…heeh…HaaIchsh…haahH…HuuhRashoOO…ugh…sniff!” Dean reached out for the tissues

on the bedside table and blew his nose.

“Bless you!”

“Why are you ind mby bed? You´ll catch this crap! I dond´t wadnt you to get sick too!” Dean sniffed and rubbed at his tickly nose.

“Well, I just want to be with you. And if I catch it I will live with it, hoping you will also take care of me instead!” Dean blushed,

he was glad that his brother was here…so near to him.

“Umb, ok. Sure I will take care of you! You are mby little brother.”

“Good to hear. Now come here and get some sleep!” Dean moved closer and Sam put an arm around him, resting it on

Deans chest. Dean sighed grateful and drifted off into a relaxing sleep.


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O.O....I...you...I mean...wow.


I...not coherent...guhhh?

Dean. Holding back sneezes. Sneezing anway. Such a kind and loving Bobby. Caring Sammy. Sharing body warmth. Big boy CUDDLES! Sexy buildups. Dean CRYING (god yes *_*).

I'm. Still. Not. Coherent.

I love you. Thank you so much for writing this for me <3

It means a lot to me. :)

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Happy happy times! SO MANY BUILDUPS, AUGHGHGHHH. AND SAM TICKLING DEAN'S NOSE TO HELP HIM SNEEEEEEZE. *thud* AND THEN Bobby trying to take Dean's temperature but Dean sneezing so much that it's a problem. AND THEN Sam bringing soup and tea to Deeeean and tucking him in. AND DID I MENTION THE BUILDUPS AND SAM HELPING DEAN TO SNEEEEEZE. This is like. Like a combo platter of all that is awesome and where you're like, "WAIT, that's on this platter TOO? AMAAAZING."

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O.O....I...you...I mean...wow.


I...not coherent...guhhh?

Dean. Holding back sneezes. Sneezing anway. Such a kind and loving Bobby. Caring Sammy. Sharing body warmth. Big boy CUDDLES! Sexy buildups. Dean CRYING (god yes *_*).

I'm. Still. Not. Coherent.

I love you. Thank you so much for writing this for me <3

It means a lot to me. smile.png

i´m sooooo happy that i totally hit your spot with this story! :wub:

Happy happy times! SO MANY BUILDUPS, AUGHGHGHHH. AND SAM TICKLING DEAN'S NOSE TO HELP HIM SNEEEEEEZE. *thud* AND THEN Bobby trying to take Dean's temperature but Dean sneezing so much that it's a problem. AND THEN Sam bringing soup and tea to Deeeean and tucking him in. AND DID I MENTION THE BUILDUPS AND SAM HELPING DEAN TO SNEEEEEZE. This is like. Like a combo platter of all that is awesome and where you're like, "WAIT, that's on this platter TOO? AMAAAZING."

haha i´m also happy that you liked it ;)

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