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Chrono Trigger Story

Guest AerisFantasy

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Guest AerisFantasy

For anyone who's ever played Chrono Trigger on the SNES I found this story on the Internet which has a small sneezing part:

"The world slid back into existence in parts, first the sound of nothingness and the feeling of pain and discomfort, and then the shapeless colors of the inside of the Epoch. Finally, when my eyesight had returned to normal, I deemed it safe to stand up, which is when I discovered my headache. The cliché ‘pounding like a drum’ would not do it justice. It felt more like my head had been beaten with a meat tenderizer for hours while inside a badly echoing room, then stuffed into a cannon and fired into a cement wall. I rubbed my temples gently as I surveyed the wreckage. The inside of the Epoch was a mess. Metal plates had fallen off the walls, exposing some of the wiring. There were spiderweb cracks in the windshield, and some of the glass had actually fallen onto the control panel. Luckily though, the windshield was triple paned and built to last. I looked behind me and saw more wires falling out of panels. On the ground were the remains of the one pilot’s chair and the two passenger chairs. Behind the barely recognizable furniture, Marle and Lucca were strewn about the floor. They looked fine, but I would bet my house that they headaches similar to mine. I pulled a grayish-black plant out of my waist bag, careful to keep the shaking to an absolute bare minimum. My waist bag was where I stored any and all interesting objects I find, like a sweet smelling herb or a strange flower. I never know when the things I collect could be helpful. I’ve found plants that actually restore vitality, as well as roots that, with simple preparations, effectively cauterized most wounds. The plant I held in my hand, a short, stubby plant, almost a mushroom, released spores that would wake a person up rather quickly. I looked at it disdainfully, then plucked off the roots, stuffing them in my bag. Since Lucca was closest, I held the plant near her nose and tapped its top lightly. I’ve learned from experience that too many spores and the victim would lose his or her sense of smell for a good long time. So has Lucca. She woke quickly, sneezing violenty and cursing the day I had ever discovered the plant.

"Pepper weed. Works every time," I grinned.

"Must you? You know it makes everyone start coughing and sneezing like crazy."

"Yeah I know. How else do you think I can wake you up?"

Lucca only glared back at me.

"I'm going to wake Marle up. Not you, me!" Lucca growled.

Lucca walked over to Marle and shook her gently. Marle groaned in reply. Lucca shook her again, this time speaking her name softly. Marle groaned again. After several unsuccessful attempts, she grabbed the pepper weed indignantly from me and, with an icy, yet half smiling, glare in my direction, held it under my girlfriend’s nose.

"Uhhhh…Crono? Wha-AAACHOOOO!" She sneezed loudly, paused, then fell into a fit of sneezing.

I waited until her sneezes stopped, and then I cut in before any of them could say anything.

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Ok, I played this game a couple times on an emulator (which I had to give back to my friend) and I don't have a SNES so I can't play it anymore. Is Lucca the one the Chrono first meets with at the fair (the pretty one)? Or is that Marle? Oh, btw, Robo, Magus, and Frog rule! :o

Edited by ilikesneezes2000
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I soooooo wish I had a scanner.  Maybe I can do comics with all sorts of characters sneezing.  Male or female... Oh man, I'm so getting worked up... time to play my PC games. ;)

Interesting. How come no one else has thought of that?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I soooooo wish I had a scanner.  Maybe I can do comics with all sorts of characters sneezing.  Male or female... Oh man, I'm so getting worked up... time to play my PC games. ;)

Interesting. How come no one else has thought of that?

Whoops, nevermind.

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  • 13 years later...

This may be a really ancient story but something sneezy with chrono trigger? Yes :) 


whoever did did this I am glad they showed this story here. 

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