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Time Lords Get Sick Too


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Title: Time Lords Get Sick Too

Author: Me!

Fandoml: Doctor Who

Disclaimer: I don't own this, else Rose would still be around and the Doctor would always be sick

Summmary: The 10th Doctor gets a cold, and tries to keep it from Martha

Authors Notes: It takes place in the 3rd season right after The Shakespeare Code (how hot was shakespeare in that!?!), not much sneezing in this part but there will be more in the next part I promise!

“That was AMAZING Doctor!, Shakespeare, we met Shakespeare! Can we go somewhere else?! Please Doctor!”

“Nope, just one trip, remember?” he said, though he was dying to go on another trip with Martha, but it felt too soon, like he was betraying Rose. “

“Oh come on! What about your planet can we go there?”

“Nah, I don’t wanna go home! Where’s the fun in it for me!”

“Doctor!” Martha shouted, exasperated.

“Martha!” The Doctor shouted mocking her.

“Ok, we can go on ONE more trip, but not today” Martha’s smile that started to appear at “we can go” faded as she heard the rest of the sentence.

“I’ve got to make some repairs to the tardis and then we’ll go I promise”, he lied the tardis was fine but he was exhausted and couldn’t make another trip if he tried.

“Ok! I’ll come by tomorrow!” She called out as she left the tardis. The Doctor went to bed feeling a bit queer.

The Next Day

Martha wasn’t sure if the Doctor was an early riser, so she waited till noon to head over to the tardis. “Doctor!” she called out while knocking on the police box. Hearing no reply she tried again “Come on Doctor, don’t pretend you didn’t hear me! You promised!”. Again no response so she tried the door, finding it unlocked she walked in and was surprised to see he wasn’t there. “Doctor! Where are you? Are there more rooms!?”

The Doctor woke up just in time to hear Martha’s most resent outburst. He went straight to the closet to put on his usual attire, noting that is was far less warn than usual.

“Everyone that’s got anything to do wakes up before 12, it’s an unwritten law” she says as she sees the obviously just woken up Doctor.

“I was awake!”

“Really, then why didn‘t you let me in!, It was very rude!”

Oh come on! I was sleeping I didn’t hear you!”

“Ha! You were sleeping”

The Doctor opened his mouth to reply, looked a bit dazed, turned from Martha and caught a loud “HEPTSHOO!” in his handkerchief.

“Ah, sorry Martha, what were you saying?”

“Bless you, and I was saying that you were sleeping”

“I was not!”

“You were!, You just said so!”

“Alright fine! I was slee- Ishhoo!” he sneezed again, almost missing his hanky. “-ping. Sorry.”

He looked embarrassed so Martha ignored the sneeze. “So where are we going today?”

“I’m cold. Martha, are you cold? Heh..esshoo Is it cold in here? I’m cold, Why is it cold?” said the Doctor as he rushed to fiddle with the many buttons and controls of the TARDIS.

“I’m not cold, Doctor are you alright?”

“What? Me, oh I’m fine! Yes fine, fine and busy, very busy, got lots of repairs to make. Would you mind coming back tomorrow?”

“Last t time you said that you slept made no repairs and slept till noon!”

“I made plenty repairs!”

“Yeah? To what”

“I uh, recalibrated the flux-inator and souped-up the super…”

Martha started to reply but the Doctor turned around and walked of into the halls af the TARDIS saying things like “Very busy, so sorry” “Repairs! Repairs!” and sneezing quite a bit. Martha went home thinking about how odd the doctor was acting. He was acting like a sick guy, ‘Can Time Lords get sick?’ she wondered, to her knowledge the answer was no but her knowledge in that area was very limited. After a while she decided he probably wasn’t sick but that should ought to check on him.

The last part was rushed and shittish :( sorry I hope you liked it! Please comment and tell what you like what you dont like and give suggestions!

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Very nice. I love 10 so much. I would love to see more from you. Mostly how you're going to handle Martha. Very interesting. smile1.gif

I LOVE 10 so much, ooooh David Tennat gets me going!, anything you'd like to see along the lines of Martha?

klfajsdkfdj;f LOVE!

You did a really good job at capturing the Doctor's character yes.gif

did I quote that right? I think I messed it up, oh well. GAH! im so happy you liked it! I was very worried about weather or not I got the Doctor right

I'm kinda stuck now though so if you have any ideas for the next part, it will be much appreciated! (no guarantees on me using all the ideas though, i'm a stubborn little 'writer')

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Part 2

drool.gif I LOVED IT! i am a huge fan of doctor who, and loooooooove doctor who sneezefics. pity there are so few...

I LOVE Doctor Who so much!! and of course Doctor Who sneezefics, but I tend to only like males w/ colds so they're even less fics for me :drool: You should totally write one! I'd read it! We could even co write one!.

Sorry it took so long for me to post the part guys, and theres not as much sneezing as I'd like, I have a hard time fitting it in. In my eagerness to post this I switched to private browser, closing the megavideo of BtVS that i had loading UGH SO ANNOYED! The sneezes and thoughts are italicized. i wrote the basic plot of this write before going to bed so if it doesn't make sense I'm truely sorry, that's just when i get inspiration, I wrote all of part 3 (in my head) for like three hours this morning before sleeping for the night but it didnt occur to me to write it down, (IM SO DUMB) And now part2:

Back with Martha

Martha had doubts about checking in on the Doctor, he was The Doctor, after all. ‘He ’s not even human!’ she thought. He knew so much, seemed so invincible, ‘There’s no way he could be sick, even if he was, he’s a grown man, he must be at least 20, 25, he can handle himself‘. What Martha couldn’t bring herself to admit, even in her head, was that she was afraid to look silly for thinking he was ill if he couldn’t get ill. He just knew so much! She already felt a bit dumb when she was with him and didn’t want to make the moment when he finally realized she was too dull have around come any soon that it had too.

Back at the TARDIS

“HETSHOO!” The Doctor sneezed powerfully, dropping his sonic screw driver.

“Bloody hell! Did you have to drop ALL the way down there?!” That stupid thing was eternally annoying him, but Oh! did he love it.

“You couldn’t have fallen upwards?” his voice was deeper and beginning to sound a bit raspy. ‘Uh-oh starting to sound a bit ill!’ he thought as he bent down for his inconsiderate screw driver, which caused him to cough a nasty cough that left him breathless. “Aye, and feeling it too” he said to his screw driver.

“Oooh! I quite like it!” he said, speaking of his new voice. “La la la laaaa-” he broke of coughing harshly. “Ok no singing, singing hurts” his voice was getting worse.

Back with Martha

Martha had finally decided that she really ought to go make sure the Doctor was alright. If he was she could just say she wanted to help with the TARDIS or that she’d left something, and If he wasn’t she would… ‘What would I do?’ All she knew of Time Lord physiology was that they had two hearts. ‘I’m being silly! He’s fine, but I’ll still check.’

Back, again at the TARDIS

The Doctor was steadily getting worse, he decided to finish adjusting the temperature and then go to bed. This was far easier said than done. "Hestchoo! Ictshoo, Extishhoo! Haptchoo!”

“Oh ho ho, I’b dot feelink well” he told the TARDIS. “Tibe for bed”.

This too was, he found, was easier said then done. He put on his blue and white stripped pajamas got into bed, turned over and - “Haeishh! Heashoo! Heptchoo! Actshoo! Heh..heh’ictshoo!” the Doctor sneezed rapidly into his pillow, sighing when it was over.

“HEPTSHOO!” one last, and huge sneeze caught him off guard. He rolled over trying desperately to go to sleep. ‘Was it always this bloody cold?!’ “Haeishoo” the sneeze was wet and weak. “Ab so glad Marda lefd” he said softly as he fell into a fitful fever ridden sleep.

Back with Martha (who incidentally is in the TARDIS)

Martha found the main room of the TARDIS again and thought ‘How did I know he was just going to sleep? Why couldn’t he just say so, it wasn’t the first time anyone’s been tired’. Come to think of it, it was the first time she’d seen him tired. ‘Blimey its hot in here!’ she thought as she walked deeper into the TARDIS. She looked into all the open rooms and tried the doors of all the closed ones till she found a rather sick looking Doctor asleep in his bed.

“Doctor” she said softly

He stirred and- “Hectshoo!” he sneezed, almost catching Martha in the spray

“Marda?” he said with confusion.

“Is id domorrow?” he asked sleepily

“No, its only been a couple of hours” she said as he got a sneezy look on his face and pulled out a hanky.

“Heh…heh..hotshoo!” sniff

“Marda why are you here?” ‘Oh dear he sounds awful’

“I-” she started but he cut here off

“Did you leade someding?”

“Doc-” ‘Looks be feverish’

“Did you wantd dea?!?” he asked frantically ‘Definitely feverish’


“SHOULD I HABE GIBEN YOU DEA EARLIER?!?!” he was convinced that she’d die with out enough tea.

“DOCTOR!” she yelled trying to get his attention

“Whad?” he coughed a bit and blew his nose.

“Doctor, can Time Lords get sick?”

“Of course, like aby odder species, Dime Lords cad fall ill, Why do you asgk?” he spoke calmly again, brought back to reality by the prospect of a scientific conversation.

“’Cause you look rather peaky, and you’ve been sneezing all day” she said carefully trying to get him to admit his illness

“Whad! I have dot!” “Heh’ishoo” “Dope, doe sdeezes here!”

“Then what was that?”

“…Hiccups?” “I’b FIDE!”

“You’re shivering” Martha offered as proof of illness

“I’b cold, Aishoo! Ids cold id here! Are you cold, Marda?”

“N-” ‘He is going to be a horrible patient’

“Hectshoo!” the sneezes were becoming very wet.

“Should I durn up dhe headt?, I’ll durn up dhe headt”

He got up, walked into the hall and fainted.

“Doctor!” she ran to him.

“Oh Doctor you’re burning up!” she said as she tried to get him up

“Do, I’b cold” He said before passing out again.

I'm so happy its up! please do give feedback, I'm thinking of having Jack in the next part, I miss Jack

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  • 8 months later...

hey, is there going to be a new part?

hey! im about to start exams so not right now but maybe in june :D

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