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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Stifling your sneezes?


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I wish I had a lady-like sneeze. I wish I had a cute sneeze. I wish I could stifle. Alas, I don't have any of these things. My sneezes are large, wet and rich. Each time I have tried to stifle, the sneeze somehow got bigger and exploded out of me. Sigh...

I feel your pain, although I can stifle silently if I pinch my nose shut, it works most of the time. If I do it hands free it isn't completely silent, it's the squelching sound alot of people make in the back of their throats. If I don't stifle my sneezes are ridiculously loud and unfeminie.

And as for hearf stifles? I love them :wub:

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I stifle because I don't like people hearing me.

My friends tend to make fun of me for it because I don't make any noise at all.

I stifle into my arm, most of the time.

I suppose it tends to be less... germy.

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I've been stifling since I found out how (for about 11 years) I stifle hands free, silently, and most human beings (no, more like all) can't tell the difference between a sneeze and a blink for me. If my sneezes do make a sound, it sounds EXACTLY like a hiccup. I do it to avoid public sneezing situations, and a lot of my friends have actually noticed that I "never sneeze." I do, they just can't tell :)

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and a lot of my friends have actually noticed that I "never sneeze

I often wonder if people have noticed that I never sneeze (in public) but no one has ever said anything

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Interesting--about people noticing that you "never" sneeze. That has come up with me before. I can't exactly remember how I dealt with it? I think I might have just laughed and changed the subject....real smooth.

Now I'm trying to think...is there anyone that I know well enough that it would be weird I hadn't seen them sneeze? Hmmm...I'll have to think more on this.

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I actually avoid stifling unless I'm at work. Hospitals and ambulances seem like a good place to stifle, which I usually do into the back of my hand if I'm not wearing gloves, then wash immediately.

Some of my stifles are too powerful to actually stay stifled, and it's way more embarrassing for me to do a really nasal "h'NXXXTshiuhh" than letting out a complete sneeze.

This is possibly related to the fact that I like half-stifles on a lot of other people. Unsure at the present moment.

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