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Sneeze Fetish Forum

If you could have any author write you a sneeze fic...


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Neil Gaiman. <3 He's a fantastic writer and I don't think he would have a problem edging into fetish or sexual territory. My only worry would be that it would take a fantastical or science-fictiony turn and the sneezing would become a plot point instead of the focus. :rolleyes:

YAY I love Neil Gaiman. I dont think any of his work has any sneezing. Maybe there is one in sandman but its by someone total random and its totally not noteworthy

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Sadly I don't do allot of reading, but if I had to choose from the authors I have read, I'd go with Nicolas Sparks and Anne Rice. :rolleyes:

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Neil Gaiman. <3 He's a fantastic writer and I don't think he would have a problem edging into fetish or sexual territory. My only worry would be that it would take a fantastical or science-fictiony turn and the sneezing would become a plot point instead of the focus. :)

YAY I love Neil Gaiman. I dont think any of his work has any sneezing. Maybe there is one in sandman but its by someone total random and its totally not noteworthy

I know! More's the pity, really. XD

I could also go for an Anne Rice sneezefic, especially if it was Louis. And homoerotic. :lol:

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Hmm... I like tma's idea of Jane Austen writing about certain characters from P&P. innocent.gif

I'm assuming you don't mean from the forum so I'll stick to off-forum authors. smile.png

Terry Pratchett would probably be brilliant and write something absolutely witty and funny, Wilkie Collins would provide a more classic story on the subject and would probably use it as a plot point connected to a crime or other mysterious circumstance, so more of a plot point than a goal but definitely good to read. I can't resist to bring Marion Bradley into this list as a story from her pen would most likely be gripping and absolutely wonderful. Ooh, or Lloyd Alexander...

Uhm... yes, rubbish at choosing. blushing.gif If I had to pick I would probably go for either Wilkie Collins or Lloyd Alexander though, as those would probably be the stories I'd re-read the most and still find something new in them...

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Well my first instinct is to say either Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett because I absolutely love their writing, but then when I stop to think about it I realize I love their writing because it makes me laugh. Chances are if either of them were to write a sneeze fic it would be something so ridiculous that I would probably enjoy it from a humor stand point but probably not get much out of it from a fetish stand point.

For a more serious sneeze sneeze fic I'd probably like something written by Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, or Marion Zimmer Bradley.

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Well, it depends. Are we going with someone whose writing style we love, or someone whose characters we want to see sneeze? For instance, can I have Pat Conroy write a sneeze fic about Kristin Cashore's characters :laugh:?

Otherwise, J.K. Rowling is always the way to go for me! :P

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I've thought long and hard about this one, because as tma said (at least I think it was tma, lol), we have such amazing writers here, who know just how to push the right buttons and with such eloquence. That being said, I made a small list of authors I'd love to have write me a sneeze-fic.

~Megan Hart: She writes erotic romance that I love reading, and in one of her books, she actually had a moment where the male lead sneezed from a flower, and she described how the female was in awe of how cute he was after he sneezed, with his watery eyes and red nose. And so, yeah, that nailed it for me, she'd do an amazing job writing an erotic sneeze-fic for me! I just know it! :angry:

~Stephen King: Nuff said.

~Pamela Britton: I love her quirky sense of humor, and I could see her turning it into a funny romantic piece of fluff!

~Jaye Wells: Again, just in love with her style of writing!

~Rachel Vincent: If she were to write me a Werecat fetish fic, I'd die and go to Heaven!

~Anne Rice: One of my very first favorite authors!!

I htink that's it.

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  • 2 years later...

And just to add a turn of the screw, there is a parody where she appears as Annie Crumpet, possibly by Michael Frayn, or part of Bradbury Lodge; so ideally I would like a sneezefic from Amis and a parody of it from whomever it was.

Of course, at one stage Amis was such a Nazi that sound people couldn't read him; well, John Thaw anyway. Does this still happen nowadays? I don't even know any more. And who would tell you who you could and couldn;t read?

I don't understand. I thought Kingsley Amis was in the CP. Is John Thaw the actor who plays Inspector Morse and why could he not read Amis?

Phew! Sorry to be so asky. Yes, Michael Frayn could write a beautiful sneezing scene. Or that South African chap who writes farcical novels (name escapes me).

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I will go with the majority here and choose J.K. Rowling, because I think she'd do an awesome job and I love her characters. My other choice would be Jonathan Stroud. In the first of the Bartimaeus (is that how you spell them?) books, the main character Nathaniel catches a cold twice and I'm pretty sure Stroud would be able to elaborate further on those scenes! ;)

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Laurell K. Hamilton, I think. In an alternate universe where she could sort of get with this whole sneeze-fetish thing, I think she'd do a blazingly amazing job. :yes:

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Well, I'm a big fan of the way George R.R. Martin writes detail, and he always puts in plenty of erotic and gritty scenes, so I don't think he'd have a problem with my request. I'd have to get him used to using the word "handkerchief," though; at the moment he always writes "square of cloth" which is really annoying. :/

Other than that, I second everyone else with J.K. Rowling. She's written plenty of nose-blowing scenes in her books, so I'm sure she'd do an excellent sneezefic.

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Hmm... Propably this one author whose books I read when I was about 9-11 years old. They haven't been written all too exelently but I didn't notice that back then, but ste sotries, the world and the characters... :heart:

If not her then maybe... Can I chose a mangaka? xD If I can, then Yana Toboso. And someone to translate it. xD

I wouldn't say no for Charlaine Harris, either. Mmm, Eric with a cold~ Or Sam.

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And just to add a turn of the screw, there is a parody where she appears as Annie Crumpet, possibly by Michael Frayn, or part of Bradbury Lodge; so ideally I would like a sneezefic from Amis and a parody of it from whomever it was.

Of course, at one stage Amis was such a Nazi that sound people couldn't read him; well, John Thaw anyway. Does this still happen nowadays? I don't even know any more. And who would tell you who you could and couldn;t read?

I don't understand. I thought Kingsley Amis was in the CP. Is John Thaw the actor who plays Inspector Morse and why could he not read Amis?

Phew! Sorry to be so asky. Yes, Michael Frayn could write a beautiful sneezing scene. Or that South African chap who writes farcical novels (name escapes me).

Golly, it's all so long ago/ Yes , Thaw was Morse, and I think also played a top Amis hero on TV, giving him the opportunity to make this statement. I think I must have been right that the Left no longer bothers to have an index of forbidden books. And then of course to change it all round to confuse people. I am guessing that Thaw's wife Sheila Hancock in those days saw herself as a virulent feminist. All Angry Young Men become Grumpy Old Men, so Amis often wrote attacks on trendy ideas like feminism; he even denied at length that Hamlet was really a woman, giving details. That would have been enough to get him forbidden.

I think you are referring to Tom Sharpe, you certainly could have done a very extreme and naughty sneezefic...

Edited by count de tisza
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I think I'm going to have to go with Charles Dickens on this one, purely for his ability to write fabulous "unnecessary" detail. He can literally go on for pages and pages describing a setting or scene with such a vivid imagery that in my opinion is quite unique. He has a deep and profound sense of aesthetic beauty that would translate well to what I find most appealing in sneeze fics. That kind of precision and imagination applied to describing a person's nose, and the effect of allergens on it, and the allergens themselves would be mesmerizing, not to mention incredibly sexy.

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I think you are referring to Tom Sharpe, you certainly could have done a very extreme and naughty sneezefic...

Yes, that's him. Thank you. I imagine he would be good at writing a huge and dramatic fit of sneezing. I don't think Tom Sharpe was ever troubled with the thought, "Hmm, that's a little over-the-top, maybe I shouldn't include that passage".
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Ema Toyoma (a Japanese manga writer). She does beautiful and sexy art. Plus, there was quite a lot of sneezing in the middle if her series "Watashi ni XX Shinasai". (Manga counts, right? Lol that's all I read)

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