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When The Mighty Stumble And Fall (female)


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The whole story is simply a brilliant conception; a triumph! The scenes with the husband are perfect; I am reminded of Thatcher's statement in some interview that her life changed with the birth of her children because she knew for the first time that there was someone more important than her; and I thought "Poor old Denis; she never loved him..."

I was half expecting an epilogue where she and the gamekeeper, I mean the girl are tramping through the countryside living on what she can shoot with her amazing marksmanship; but then I remembered that a century has passed since the good old back to nature gamekeeper days..... I spose they could always live on the bark of trees they have sustainably planted...

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Shayla: Thank you so much, I’m really glad you liked it! ^_^ I was growing quite fond of that second epilogue myself, so that’s why I had to include it. :laughbounce:

Lucian: Thank you lots! :)

Count: :laugh: Thank you! :mellow: Well, I suspected that all along… poor Dennis, what a doormat he must’ve had to be. :laugh:

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Absolutely beautiful story. Love the end, both epilogues. Wonderfully written and absolutely delightful to read. :drool: Very much devoured the last two parts as soon as I saw them. :) Thank you lots for sharing this great story. :)

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Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it!! :zap: I'm also glad you found it worth the while to read. :D

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This was such an awesome story! Thank you so much for posting it :D <3 The second epilogue is so inspirational I actually sat there for a minute or so just staring in awe. This was such a good read~

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Aww, thank you so much for reading it and for liking it!! :blushing: I was a bit worried at first, that perhaps it would be far too much "literature"-ish for just a sneeze-fic, but then I thought "but I like it and I want to include it!" :blushing: So I'm really pleased to hear others liked it too. Thank you. :lol:

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