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Our fetish is considered, by some, to be porn?


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Honestly its unrealistic to demonize sneezing as porn just because it "excites" some people.

Why does something being considered porn mean it's automatically demonized? Pornography is something that gives sexual pleasure. Is sexual pleasure a bad thing?

I don't get this either. What's wrong with porn?

Is all visual stuff "porn"? People have always watched films because the actors are attractive, and been sexually interested in them; same with popular music. Is a film like "Casablanca" porn? Is Justin Bieber's hit song porn?

Contrariwise, does everyone here really achieve some sort of sexual ecstasy every time they see someone sneeze; it must be an exhausting and embarrassing life...

I don't think that first bit is quite a fair comparison. Watching something because you find one or more of the actors in it attractive is very different from watching something with the specific and sole purpose of getting off from it. And there's also the intention of maker of the movie. Several of us so far have stated the view (as have two dictionary definitions as I recall) that for something to be pornography it has to be MADE with the specific intent of providing people with sexual pleasure. Things like Casablanca aren't written or filmed for people to get off on, they're not made just to be explicit and show tits etc.

And who said they spontaneously orgasm every time they see someone sneeze?! I didn't that anywhere.

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Pornpornporn. :) It doesn't sound like a word anymore!

It depends on what definition of 'porn' you're using. In my opinion, porn is something that gets you excited. But that's a very broad version of the definition. I wouldn't say it's the actual naked human body type of porn, but if the definition is broadened to that porn is anything that turns you on, then I could say yeah, I guess it is. But I was just using big words and trying to sound scientifical and smart like you guys, I probably am not making any sense. Typical clueless freshman. :laugh:

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Porn is awesome. Wave your porn-loving flag high, folks...there's nothing wrong with it. So who cares if people consider to be porn, or if they don't? It IS porn to most of us, and it's yummy. :laugh:

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Porn is awesome. Wave your porn-loving flag high, folks...

*Waves my porn flag!*


Oh wait ..... wrong flag.

Still it's a lovely one so I'll continue to wave it anyway in celebration of PORN!


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I think we get to the age-old "are pictures of tits porn?" As what do tits have to do with sex more than sneezng? Just a question of preference.

I do like he idea of pornographic intent. But what happens when a non-pornographic sneezing clip gets put in a compilation for fetishists? Does it become pornified?

If sneeze fic isn't porn, I have absolutely no clue why would I write any. Perhaps all porn isn't k18, like pleasure isn't either.

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The best definition of porn I know is something that is only watched (or read, listened to, etc) in order to give sexual pleasure. Given that videos, stories or wavs purely consisting of sneezing have no value to anyone other than a sneeze fetishist, I would say that most of "our" material qualifies.

However it's important to draw some distinctions: Breasts are not porn, but pictures of them usually are. A movie in which someone has a cold is not porn, but clips made purely of the parts of the movie in which there is sneezing, noseblowing etc probably are. In other words, the movie hopefully has a plot, technical and artistic merit that can be enjoyed by various people for various reasons. The sneezing clips would be enjoyed only by a fetishist. Similarly you can't say that "anything can be considered porn" just because someone might find it a turn-on, because most people who experience it do so for other reasons.

Definitions and attitudes do of course vary between cultures. Some might consider mainstream porn obscene because it generally involves nudity, where as a fully clothed person sneezing would perhaps be thought of as mildly disgusting, but not necessarily obscene.

Either way it's something that used to bother me - if I watch fetish videos does that make me a dirty old man who should be ashamed of himself? Maybe, but we all have to get our kicks somehow. I didn't choose to be a fetishist, it's just what I am. I'm not such a monster that I should have to be locked away and denied pleasure of any kind, so what's the alternative?

Edited by Nevyn
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However it's important to draw some distinctions: Breasts are not porn, but pictures of them usually are.

What about artistic photography though? There's lots of that as well, is it porn?

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However it's important to draw some distinctions: Breasts are not porn, but pictures of them usually are.

What about artistic photography though? There's lots of that as well, is it porn?

It all depends. This is how I draw the line - If you'd hang it up on your wall, it's art. If you'd put in back in your drawer when you're done with it, it's porn. :D (Again, such things are always subjective and everyone's different, but I find it's a good way to make a general distinction.)

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However it's important to draw some distinctions: Breasts are not porn, but pictures of them usually are.

What about artistic photography though? There's lots of that as well, is it porn?

It all depends. This is how I draw the line - If you'd hang it up on your wall, it's art. If you'd put in back in your drawer when you're done with it, it's porn. ;) (Again, such things are always subjective and everyone's different, but I find it's a good way to make a general distinction.)

But... there is fetish artwork on this board that I would gladely hang on my wall because it's beautifully and very artistically done. ;) And there are fetish stories that I sometimes wish I could introduce non-fetishists to read because they're so well-written.

But I still get off at those things. :D

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if I watch fetish videos does that make me a dirty old man

I watch them, and last time I checked I wasn't one!

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Ummm...yep. I'd figure it's porn if you're looking to get sexual pleasure out of it; otherwise, it's just titillating.

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if I watch fetish videos does that make me a dirty old man

I watch them, and last time I checked I wasn't one!

You weren't? :whip: There is hope for all of us!

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I would say that if a story or piece of art has artistic or technical merit in its own right and can be appreciated by a non-fetishist then it's probably not porn. But as in so many other areas of life there's a grey area between "definitely is" and "definitely is not." Maybe this is where the term "soft porn" comes in.

Having thought about it a bit more, there may also be a gender issue. Traditionally porn has been aimed mainly at males. However a lot of fetish art and fiction tends to be written by and often for females. I'm generalizing massively here, and there will undoubtedly be many exceptions to what I'm about to suggest, but female sexuality is often considered to be less explicit than male. Many women don't just see/hear something and get instantly turned on, they want romance and context and some kind of emotional depth. Therefore porn aimed at females is inherently less hardcore than that aimed at males, who will often just fast-forward through the romance or background story and skip to the main event.

In other words, fetishy stories written by/for females are more likely to be soft porn, like Mills & Boon but better and with sneezing. And fetishy artwork is more likely to involve a situation, like a sick character being cared for, than just a person sneezing.

Maybe. It's a theory anyway.

if I watch fetish videos does that make me a dirty old man

I watch them, and last time I checked I wasn't one!

Vet, I wouldn't want you to feel left out - you can be an honorary dirty old man if you like :whip:

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Dear oh dear; another misogynist revealed.

No but seriously, I was just going to say that pictures of breasts are only porn in the more tribal parts of America, like so many other things; in the UK any child can spend all day staring at breasts; and of course in Mediterranean Europe naked breasts are the norm. In fact I think we have had before the judgement that "European women" with their nipples are wicked sluts. By contrast it seems that whereas graphic depictions of sexual acts are generally OK, a picture of someone sneezing or pretending to sneeze is far, far wickeder.

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I find it interesting that many people have brought up the idea that if someone sneezing is porn then everything is porn. (Although it has been more eloquently put by others with more reasoning and justification)

To this I say we are missing the point. Is a video of a news broadcaster sneezing on the air ponographic? Of course not! The video was not made with the purpose of arrousal. However, a video of one of us inducing is in fact porn.

I believe that no matter the subject matter if the actor, author, or artist produced the item for the purpose of arrousing others then it will always be porn.

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However it's important to draw some distinctions: Breasts are not porn, but pictures of them usually are.

What about artistic photography though? There's lots of that as well, is it porn?

It all depends. This is how I draw the line - If you'd hang it up on your wall, it's art. If you'd put in back in your drawer when you're done with it, it's porn. :drool: (Again, such things are always subjective and everyone's different, but I find it's a good way to make a general distinction.)

But... there is fetish artwork on this board that I would gladely hang on my wall because it's beautifully and very artistically done. :wub: And there are fetish stories that I sometimes wish I could introduce non-fetishists to read because they're so well-written.

But I still get off at those things. ;)

:D This is true, and I'd hang fetish pictures on my walls too. I guess I should amend my statement to '...if you put in back in your drawer when you're, done it's just porn'. As opposed to being art and porn. I still think any and everything is porn to somebody somewhere, so I don't think there's really anything that is 'just art'. :proud:

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:drool: This is true, and I'd hang fetish pictures on my walls too. I guess I should amend my statement to '...if you put in back in your drawer when you're, done it's just porn'. As opposed to being art and porn. I still think any and everything is porn to somebody somewhere, so I don't think there's really anything that is 'just art'. :D

THAT I can buy. :yes:

ETA: I just wanted to add that I think Vet's idea of a porn flag has made me laugh several times today. :P

Edited by Chanel_no5
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1, 11:25 PM' post='415229']males, who will often just fast-forward through the romance or background story and skip to the main event.

If this is the case, I'm definitely eligible for honorary DOM status. The I fast-forward through any romance or background story bullshit and skip to the main event every time!

I think we have had before the judgement that "European women" with their nipples are wicked sluts.
Yup, that's us OK!


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1, 11:25 PM' post='415229']males, who will often just fast-forward through the romance or background story and skip to the main event.

If this is the case, I'm definitely eligible for honorary DOM status. The I fast-forward through any romance or background story bullshit and skip to the main event every time!

Is my name being taken in vain?

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males, who will often just fast-forward through the romance or background story and skip to the main event.

If this is the case, I'm definitely eligible for honorary DOM status. The I fast-forward through any romance or background story bullshit and skip to the main event every time!

Is my name being taken in vain?

In the vein of this thread ... which is about porn? Well if you're offering.... YES!! :D

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males, who will often just fast-forward through the romance or background story and skip to the main event.

If this is the case, I'm definitely eligible for honorary DOM status. The I fast-forward through any romance or background story bullshit and skip to the main event every time!

Is my name being taken in vain?

In the vein of this thread ... which is about porn? Well if you're offering.... YES!! :innocent:

Ha!!! :cry:

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