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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Second drabble thread, a little experiment

Coffee Chicken Barista

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Going_Nuts-I'm glad you like them. I had a lot of fun writing Alex, he's kinda the male version of me.

swann_ee_song-I'm glad you liked the HP one. Enjoy some more drabbles.

poptropical1-Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

Prompt: I’ll Stand By You (The Pretenders)

Fandom: Queer As Folk

Characters: Brian/Justin (allergies)

Author: Rachiella

Justin sniffled and blew his nose as he heard the door to Brian’s apartment open. Brian walked in a moment later before heading to the fridge, pulling out a water bottle and pouring it over his head. Justin glanced at the older man and shook his head, smiling slightly before pitching forward and letting out 2 loud sneezes.

A-shoo! A-shoo!

“Don’t get snot all over my bed.”

Justin rolled his eyes and continued to work on his newest piece, sniffling all the while. He had forgotten to take his allergy meds in the morning and was now paying the consequences well into the evening.

A-shoo! A-shoo! A…A-SHOO!

Brian walked over towards the bed and kicked off his shoes, lying down on the bed next to Justin. Justin sniffled and blew his nose, not even bothering to look at Brian. Brian kissed Julian’s neck and ran a hand up Justin’s leg, trying to get his attention but Justin brushed him off.

“Come on Brian, I need to finish this work for school.”

“Leave your pretty drawings and let’s fuck. I left Babylon to come home to you and only you. So put down the art and let’s get on with it.”

Justin turned his head and smiled at Brian before pitching forward.

A-shoo! A-shoo!

Brian rolled his eyes.

“And if you sneeze on me again, then, tomorrow night, I screw the first guy at Babylon that I see.”

Justin dropped his art and straddled Brian’s hips, praying to whatever God might be listening that he wouldn’t sneeze again.

Prompt: Poor Unfortunate Souls (The Little Mermaid)

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica

Characters: Kara/Sam (cold)

Author: Rachiella

“I hate him so much.”

Kara smiled at her husband but came and kissed his forehead, checking his temperature in the process. Sam smiled at Kara before covering his nose in the crook of his arm.

Ishoo! Ishoo!

“Bless you Sam.”

“Thank you.”

Sam sniffled miserably. He had been working late with Lee all week and, just 2 days ago, Lee had come down with the nasty cold going around the crew and, this morning, Sam had woken up sneezing and coughing. Kara had been taking care of him all day and, for that, he was incredibly thankful.

Ishoo! Ishoo!

“Bless you.”

Sam wrapped the blanket further around him, thankful he didn’t have work today. Kara kissed his forehead again before getting up and going to get dressed in her uniform.

“I have to go to work baby. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Sam groaned and playfully yanked Kara back down on the bed next to him.

“Don’t leave me.”

Kara laughed and kissed Sam’s neck.

“Oh you poor unfortunate soul. It sucks to be you sickie.”

Sam sniffled and moaned. Kara laughed and nuzzled Sam’s nose playfully.

“Go to sleep. You’ll feel better.”

Sam pouted slightly and rolled over, facing away from Kara. Kara kissed him one more time and got up.

“Feel better baby.”

Sam smiled and sniffled.

Ishoo! Ishoo! Ishoo!

“Bless you.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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Hey guys. So I'm leaving for vacation in about an hour and I will have...no Internet (gasp!) until August 8th or so. So....no more daily updates til then. Love you guys. See you soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Prompt: White Lie (Foreigner)

Fandom: Glee

Characters: Brittany/Santana (allergies)

Author: Rachiella

Hitchew! Hitchew!

Santana sniffled as she blew her nose and sighed, looking at her reflection in Brittany’s mirror. Her nose was bright red, her eyes were watering and her throat was beginning to tickle. Brittany, her adorable girlfriend, had bought a new puppy and was desperate to show him off to Santana. The blonde was so cute with the furball that Santana did not have the heart to tell her that she was very allergic to dogs.

Hitchew! Hitchew! Hitchew!

“Santana, babe…?”

“Just a minute Brit…Hitchew! Hitchew! Hitchew!

“Honey, are you okay?”

“Ye…yes…Hitchew! Hitchew!

“Santana, come out here.”

Santana opened the bathroom door and came out, sniffling softly. Brittany smiled.

“You’re allergic to puppies, aren’t you?”

Santana sniffled again and nodded, laughing slightly. Brittany began laughing as well.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Cause you were so cute with him. I just couldn’t.”

Brittany kissed her girlfriend’s sensitive nose, prompting two more “Hitchew”s out of her.

“We can go hang out at your house…”

Santana smiled and kissed her girlfriend’s lips.

“I love you.”

Prompt: Umbrella (Rihanna)

Fandom: But I'm A Cheerleader!

Characters: Megan/Graham (cold)

Author: Rachiella

“I feel like shit.”

Megan smiled from across the room at her girlfriend. Graham was curled up on the couch, covered in a blanket. Megan finished making the tea for her girlfriend and passed it to her. Graham smiled.

Ishoo! Ishoo!

“You feeling really crappy babe?”

Graham nodded and got up, grabbing her backpack and getting ready to leave for school. She groaned, however, when she looked outside.

“It’s raining.”

Megan kissed Graham’s neck.

“I’m sorry you’re so sick babe.”

Graham nodded. Megan smiled at Graham before going to her closet and getting her umbrella. She came back and passed her the item.

“Take my umbrella. I know you lost yours yesterday.”

Graham smiled before pitching forward.

Ishoo! Ishoo! Ishoo!

Megan smiled and kissed her girlfriend.

“Bless you.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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Ciuty80-Thanks for the welcome. And enjoy the next few.

Prompt: You Make My Dreams Come True (Hall And Oates)

Fandom: (500) Days Of Summer

Characters: Summer/Tom (cold)

Author: Rachiella

Issht! Issht! Ishoo!

Tom sniffled and curled further under his blanket. It had been 1 month, 1 week, 4 days and 16 hours since he and Summer had first kissed and he was still completely in love with her, still so certain she was the one. He had gotten up this morning with a nasty cold and had called in sick to work, opting instead to curl up under his covers and suffer miserably. Now, all he wanted was Summer to come take care of him, even though he knew she probably wouldn’t.

Ishoo! Ishoo! I…ISHOO!

Tom sniffled again and blew his nose loudly and very wetly before letting out a small cough.

“That sounded painful.”

Tom looked up and dropped his jaw when he saw Summer standing in the doorway.

“Summer? What are you doing here?”

Summer smiled.

“McKenzie told me you were sick so I came to check up on you. I brought you chicken soup.”

Tom smiled before his nose began to twitch.

Ishht! Issht! Issht! Ishoo! ISHOO!

“Bless you Tom.”

Summer smiled at Tom and felt his forehead.

“You seem a little feverish.”

Tom sniffled and burrowed back under the covers. Summer got up to leave.

“Go back to sleep Tom. I can tell you’re tired.”

Tom reached his arm out and grabbed Summer’s wrist.


Summer smiled and crawled under the covers with Tom.

“You sure it’s okay that I stay?”

Tom smiled.

“Dream come true.”

Prompt: Somewhere Between Heaven And Hell (KISS)

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Dean/Sam (allergies)

Author: Rachiella

Sam sat down on the bench in the small park near the motel where he and Dean were staying. Dean had told him to meet him there at 5. It was 4:55 and Sam was patiently waiting for his brother, um, boyfriend, um…yeah.

Aischoo! Aischoo! Aischoo!

“Bless you.”

Sam rubbed his nose on his sleeve, silently cursing his allergies as he turned to face Dean. Dean kissed Sam’s neck harshly, leaving a mark, before dropping a small box in Sam’s lap.

“Happy anniversary, I guess.”

Sam smiled discreetly. He knew how hard this whole emotional, “chick flick” moment thing was for Dean.

“Thank you Dean.”

Dean nodded as Sam opened the box. Sam smiled as he saw the protection charm necklace in the box. Sam kissed Dean’s cheek.

“Thank you Dean.”

Dean nodded and hesitantly wrapped his arm around Sam’s shoulders as Sam pitched forward again.

Aischoo! Aischoo! Aischoo! A…AISCHOO!

“Bless you.”

Sam nuzzled into Dean’s neck, eliciting a slightly uncomfortable and nervous shiver from the older man due to the public display of affection. He relaxed after a moment and allowed Sam’s nuzzling, even letting himself smile slightly. Sam sniffled again and turned from Dean.

Aischoo! Aischoo! Aischoo!

“Bless you.”

Dean kissed Sam again and pulled him close.

“Sorry your allergies are bad. You wanna go inside?”

Sam shook his head “no”.

“I’m happy like this. Aischoo! Aischoo!

Dean laughed quietly.

“You sure?”

Sam smiled.

“Okay so maybe I’m somewhere between Heaven and Hell but right now I’m leaning towards Heaven.”

Dean dropped his head on Sam’s.

“Sam, I know I said I’d work on accepting the fact that you have the mind of a 15 year old girl but you’ve gotta meet me halfway here. That was way too much.”

Sam laughed and sniffled.

“Love you.”

Dean rolled his eyes.

“You too Sammy.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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The Supernatural drabble was interesting. I'm not sure I've ever seen a Wincest relationship characterised like that. But my initial reaction is that it fits. Even if it's weird....

(I'm not trying to be deliberately insulting here.... there's just something about that fic that I've got to think through. Thanks for writing and offering a new vantage point on their relationship!)

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swann_ee_song-Haha. Thanks for the comment on the Supernatural fic. I'm not sure if it works for me either. But I kinda like it...


obsessed-Yay! I'm glad you like them.

Prompt: You Love Me To Hate You (KISS) (sorta filling a prompt from swann_ee_song)

Fandom: Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog

Characters: Penny/Hammer (cold), Billy (cold)

Author: Rachiella

“Doctor! What gadgets are you…Ishoo! Ishoo!

“None of your business…Hashoo! Hashoo!

Penny walked into the Laundromat and shook her head at the sight of her boyfriend and her friend going at it over who knows what.

“Boys, what is going on?”

Both boys paused and glanced at Penny. Penny stomped forward and pulled the boys apart.

“You are in the middle of a public Laundromat and you are both sick. What could possibly be worth fighting over?”

Billy and Captain Hammer glared at each other before both pitching forward with messy sneezes.



Penny grabbed Captain Hammer’s hand and began to pull him out of the Laundromat before turning back to Billy.

“Billy, go home.”

Billy looked heartbroken at the fact that Penny had left comforting his arch nemesis.


Billy sniffled miserably and got his clothes from the dryer, sniffling the whole time and thinking:

“I’m clearly sicker than he is. So why the hell didn’t she leave to take care of me?”

Billy sniffled again and sadly walked out of the Laundromat.

Prompt: Chasing Pavements (Adele)

Fandom: Inception

Characters: Eames/Arthur (cold), Yusuf

Author: Rachiella

“Darling, let me do this one.”

“No Eames. I’m okay.”

Eames put his hands up in defeat and stepped back. Arthur rolled his eyes and sat down on the chair, putting his arm out for Yusuf before pitching forward.

Issht! Issht! Issht!

Yusuf blessed Arthur and put the IV into his arm, prompting him to immediately fall asleep. Eames leaned forward after Arthur was asleep and kissed his forehead. Yusuf smiled at Eames.

“It’s a pity he’s so sick.”

Eames nodded.

“He should have let me test this compound. He’s too sick to be testing this stuff.”

Arthur, despite how heavy the compound was, sniffled adorably in his sleep, prompting a smile from Eames. When it was time to wake Arthur up, Yusuf kicked the chair out from under Arthur. Arthur jolted awake and promptly fell to the ground, letting out a loud wet sneeze as he fell.


Eames couldn’t help it. He burst out laughing and ended up lying down next to Arthur who was still crumpled on the floor sniffling and glaring at him. Eames finally controlled himself enough to sit up.

“I’m so sorry darling. That was just…”

Before Eames could finish, he burst out laughing again at how adorably pathetic Arthur looked. Yusuf smiled from the corner and made a note on his pad of paper.

“Compound’s ready.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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Love, Love Love!!! <3 <3 <3

1) SQUEEEEE!!!! A prompt for me??? And it was awesome. Seriously, that was perfection.

2) Adele is currently in my obsessively-playing-every-waking-moment list.

3) Chasing Pavements was one of the first songs I ever knew of Adele's and is still one of my all time fav's.

4) OHMYGOSH YAY Beautiful Arthur/Eames scenario. And, loving that Yusuf was thrown in there.


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1) YES! A PROMPT FOR YOU! YAY! I'm glad you liked it.

2) I LOVE Adele. I think she is so amazing!

3) Chasing Pavements is one of my fav songs too.

4) Arthur/Eames in one of my favorite pairings to write so I'm glad you liked it. And Yusuf's just awesome!

5) Okay. Here you go:

Prompt: Whiskey In Mind (Christian Kane):

Fandom: Harry Potter

Characters: Ron (cold), Harry, Seamus, Dean, Neville, Hermione and Ginny

Author: Rachiella

“Seamus you’re such a wanker!”

Ron laughed as his best friend began to jokingly chase their roommate around the room, stumbling all the way. The 5 roommates were all pleasantly buzzed on Firewhiskey as a way of celebrating the end of their exams. Ron, unfortunately, had a terrible cold but refused to sit out the fun night with his friends.

Ichoo! Ichoo!

“Bless you Ron!”

Ron smiled at Harry who had since returned to his seat next to Ron. Ron sniffled and accepted the box of tissues Harry passed him, blowing his nose forcefully. Harry laughed and drunkenly poked Ron’s nose.

“You look like Rudolph.”

All the roommates laughed as Ron’s sensitive nose twitched again.

Ichoo! Ichoo! ICHOO!

Ron joined in with their incredibly drunken laughter after he finished blowing his nose yet again.

“I love you guys.”

“We love you too Ron.”

“Ron, Harry, do either of you…?”

The 5 young men looked up to see Hermione and Ginny standing in the doorway, shaking their heads. Ron lifted his drink and saluted the girls.

“Ladies, care for a drink with us…ICHOO!

All the boys burst out laughing again at Ron’s sneezy outburst. Hermione and Ginny smiled and once again shook their heads.

“Maybe some other time.”

Hermione shut the door and the girls began to walk away when they heard another explosive sneeze, followed by a round of laughter. The girls rolled their eyes and glanced at each other.


Prompt: This Kiss (Faith Hill)

Fandom: How I Met Your Mother

Characters: Marshall/Lily (cold)

Author: Rachiella

Aichoo! Aichoo!

“Bless you baby.”

Lily sniffled and let out a small cough before curling up closer to Marshall on the couch. Marshall lovingly felt his wife’s forehead.

“You have a fever baby.”

Lily nodded and dropped her head in Marshall’s lap.

“Honey, I feel icky.”

Marshall smiled affectionately at his adorable wife and ran his fingers through her red hair.

“I know.”

Lily sniffled and pitched forward again.

Aichoo! Aichoo!

Marshall passed his wife a tissue, allowing her to blow her red nose before leaning down and kissing her lips. For the first time all day, Lily smiled. Marshall kissed her again.

“There’s that beautiful smile. Where did that come from?”

Lily sniffled wetly.

“I just wanted a kiss. Those always make me feel better.”

Marshall smiled and kissed his wife again, just for good measure.

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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Dear readers,

I, unfortunately, don't have enough time to keep up 2 drabble threads and, to be blunt, I am more interested, and I think more readers are interested, in my other one. Therefore, this thread is going on hiatus maybe permanently. I may come back to it at some point but for now, I'm going to focus on other things. :smile: . Sorry.

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Ahh, that latest SPN one? SO good, and so much super sneezy allergic Sam. :D Also loved the Inception one! :D

Oh, just saw your last comment. I hope you do decide to come back to this one day, I enjoy reading these!!

Edited by 27jaredjensen
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