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Julian and Daniel return!

Coffee Chicken Barista

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Quite Contrary: Yes, adorable sick boys taking care of each other is so.....yummy. :winkkiss:

Spica: Thank you! You are so sweet! I'm glad my sick babies are making you happy.

Going_Nuts: Sick boys do need cuddles. I wants a sick boy to cuddle. *sigh*

secretsneezelover27: Yay! I'm glad you like it!

obsessed: Yes, yes he does have good taste in men. :drool:

Chapter 5:


Daniel felt his heart break slightly at the guilty look on Julian’s face.

“What baby?”

“Did I get you sick?”

Daniel laughed slightly and shook his head.

“No babe. I think it was allergies.”

Julian sniffled and nodded, looking relieved. Daniel kissed Julian’s sensitive nose, prompting it to twitch.

Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you Julian.”


Daniel lay back on the bed and motioned for Julian to lie down. Julian lay down and rested his head on Daniel’s chest before tilting his head up and kissing Daniel’s neck. Daniel smiled and caught Julian’s lips tenderly.

“Love you.”


Daniel’s eyes widened when he realized he had said that out loud.

“I mean…”

“Danny? Did you say you love me?”

Daniel sighed but nodded nervously.

“I’m sorry if that was too soon Julian but I’ve liked you for so long that I feel like we’ve been together long enough to say that. It’s okay if you don’t feel…”

“I love you too.”

Daniel kissed Julian’s warm forehead, a huge smile gracing his lips.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me.”

Julian smiled in return and hugged Daniel’s chest. Daniel stroked Julian’s hair as the smaller boy’s breath hitched.

Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Come on. We should get you to bed. You’re really sick.”

Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you babe.”

As Julian sneezed, Daniel felt his nose begin to tickle as well.

Ishht! Issht! I….ISHOO!

Julian glanced at Daniel worriedly but Daniel just laughed and sniffled, pulling the comforter over their bodies.

“It’s allergies Julian. Promise.”

Daniel really hoped that was true but if the tickle in his throat was any indication, this wasn’t just allergies.


Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! HASHOO!

“Bless….Issht! Issht! Issht!

Julian and Daniel both sniffled and reached for the tissue box at the same time. Daniel, always the gentleman, let Julian grab one first before pulling on out themselves. Both boys blew their noses, both letting out a wet gurgling sound. Julian, once again guiltily, looked at Daniel.

“You are sick Danny!”

“No I’m not., I swe….Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht!

“Danny, please…”

Daniel sniffled and sighed.

“Well, my throat does hurt pretty badly and…”

“Oh Danny! I did get you sick!”

Julian wrapped his arms around Daniel’s neck and kissed his cheek.

“It’s okay Julian. It was totally worth it.”

Julian smiled hesitantly at Daniel. Daniel returned the smile and nuzzled Julian’s nose.

“Besides, I know you’ll take care of me.”

“We’ll take care of each other.”

Julian smiled and curled into Daniel’s chest. Unfortunately, the alarm clock chose that moment to go off. Both boys groaned and began to get up but Daniel pushed Julian back down.

“You’re not going.”

“Danny, we’re in the middle of finals.”

“I know but Julian, last night you had a fever of 102 degrees. Please, just stay home for 1 day. Email your professor.”

Julian angrily got up.

“No. I’m finishing my damn exams on time! I’m not a baby Daniel! I can decide for myself if I feel well enough to go to class.”

Julian angrily got dressed and left the room, slamming the door behind him. Daniel sighed. He was used to Julian’s angry outbursts when he was sick. The poor boy got sick so often that it wasn’t surprising he got upset. The downside, however, was that Daniel knew that, by the end of the day, Julian would crash and feel worse then he had so far. It was almost always like this when Julian was sick.

Issht! Issht!

Daniel messily blew his nose and proceeded to get dressed himself before going to class.

Issht! Issht! Ishoo! I….ISHOO!


Daniel looked up and sighed at the sight of his new boyfriend. Julian looked absolutely terrible!


Julian sniffled and crawled onto Daniel’s bed, collapsing next to him. Daniel touched Julian’s forehead.

“Julian, you’re burning up!”

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! H….Hshoo! HASHOO! HASHOO! HASHOO! Ugh!”

Daniel passed the tissue box to Julian, urging him to blow his nose. Julian messily complied. Daniel, once again, pulled out the thermometer and put it under Julian’s tongue. A moment later, he read the thermometer and looked worriedly at Julian.


Julian moaned and dropped his head on Daniel’s lap. Daniel sniffled and stroked Julian’s hair.

"If your fever gets any higher, I'm taking you to the hospital Julian."

Julian groaned but Daniel shook his head.

"No, Julian, you're really sick. I don't want your health to be in danger."

Julian sighed but nodded, pulling Daniel's hand to his lips and kissing it gently.

“I’m sorry I was terrible to you this morning Danny.”

“It’s okay baby. I know you weren’t feeling well.”

Julian sniffled and nuzzled into Daniel’s leg.

“Julian, sweetie, why don’t you go to bed early?”

“Will you come with me? You’re sick too and I don’t want you to get as sick as I am.”

Daniel smiled at his boyfriend’s concern.

“Okay. Sounds like a plan.”

Julian smiled and pulled Daniel down with him, kissing his neck. Daniel switched the light off and curled up around Julian. Julian sniffled and let out a small cough.



“I think I’m gonna take the day off tomorrow.”

Daniel smiled and nuzzled Julian’s cheek.

“Sounds like a plan.”

Comments? Requests? Other things?

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THAT WAS SO CUTE! I am now a lovely puddle of mush. Thanks a lot.

And if you find a cute sick boy to cuddle with then we will SHARE him like civilized humans. Or something.

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Awwhhhh <3 Upload soon!! Please..? Pretty please! Ill loveeee you foreverrr! Upload.. Please... please please.. PLEASEEE UPLOADDD SOON! : D

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Going_Nuts: But, but, but...I don't wanna share. If I find a cute, sick boy to cuddle with then I will keep him all to myself dammit!.....Fine, I'll share. ^_^

x2-rainbow: Yay! I'm glad you like it...and look: AN UPDATE! Yay!

obsessed: Thanks. They think you're cute too.

This is the last part of this story. Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Chapter 6:

Daniel woke up the next morning, his nose running all over his pillow. Feeling immensely grossed out, Daniel wiped the snot away before smiling at his boyfriend’s sleeping form. Daniel was glad his boyfriend had decided to stay in for the day, knowing how hard that was for Julian. If Julian took time off every time he was sick, he’d be out of school more then half the time. Daniel leaned forward and kissed his sleeping boyfriend’s forehead, pushing Julian’s hair back in the process. Julian was sweating profusely, a good sign. The smaller boy stirred but didn’t wake up, instead rolling over and saying “Daniel” in his sleep. Daniel smiled and kissed Julian’s forehead again.

“Love you Julian.”

Julian let out a small cough in response, which Daniel chose to understand as “I love you too.” Daniel turned his head and pinched his nose shut, stifling his upcoming fit of sneezes.

Ixt! Ixt! Ixt! Ixt! Ixt! Ixt! Ixt!

“Bless you.”

Daniel turned back towards Julian and smiled.

“Morning baby.”


Daniel rubbed Julian’s back as the smaller boy coughed.

“How you feeling Julian?”

“A little better. And you?”

Daniel shrugged, sniffling. Julian sat up slightly and kissed Daniel’s lips. Daniel smiled.

“What was that for?”

“Good luck on your exam today.”


Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you gorgeous. Go back to sleep. It’s only 7:30.”

Julian nodded and lay back down, falling asleep almost immediately. Daniel smiled and got up to get dressed and begin his day.


Issht! Issht! Issht! Ugh…”


Daniel glanced at Jesse and Kyle’s smiling faces.

“What the hell are you two smiling about?”

“You caught his cold. Were you two kissing?”

Daniel rolled his eyes but smiled as Jesse and Kyle started making mock kissing noises.

“Yes, I caught his cold. And yes, we were kissing. And yes, it was totally worth it.”

Jesse and Kyle’s smiles turned genuine and Jesse put his arm around Daniel.

“I’m glad this happened for you. You really deserve it Dan.”

“He’s right. You and Julian both. You two are perfect for each other.”

Daniel smiled at his two friends.

“Thanks guys…Issht! Issht! Issht! I…ISSHHOO!


Daniel smacked his 2 friends in the head.


When Daniel got back to his room that evening, he felt tired, achy, sniffly and feverish. All he wanted was to curl up in bed with his boyfriend and sleep through the night, if not longer. He was surprised when he got back to his room and Julian wasn’t in bed. Assuming his boyfriend was in the bathroom, Daniel shrugged out of his clothes and into his pajama pants and a black long sleeved shirt and crawled into Julian’s bed, closing his eyes and trying to fall asleep, despite his stuffed up nose. 20 minutes later, the door opened and Daniel exhaustedly looked up to see Julian with a bag in his hand.


Julian smiled at Daniel and followed his example of pulling off his clothes and pulling on his pajama pants and Daniel’s hoodie and crawling into bed next to Daniel, taking the bag with him. Daniel rubbed his eyes as Julian kissed his cheek. Daniel smiled.

“Where were you?”

“I was feeling a little better so I went and got us a goodie bag.”

Daniel smiled and sat up.

“What did you get?”

Julian began to pull things out of his bag, saying them as he went.

“Tissues, cough drops, Tylenol, NyQuil, DayQuil, TheraFlu, packets of hot chocolate, tea bags and 2 cups of chicken soup from the cafeteria.”

Daniel smiled and nuzzled Julian’s nose, causing both boys’ breath to hitch.

Hshoo! Hshoo!

Issht! Issht! Issht!

Julian and Daniel looked at each other and laughed. Julian lay down and pulled Daniel down next to him so the boys were lying down facing each other. Daniel took Julian’s hand in his and kissed each of Julian’s fingers individually. Julian smiled and leaned forward to lightly catch Daniel’s lips.

“Love you.”

“Love you too Julian.”

Julian curled up against Daniel and put his arm around his waist. Daniel mimicked him and kissed the top of his head.

“You said my name in your sleep.”

Julian tilted his head up so he was looking at Daniel.


“You said my name in your sleep.”

Julian smiled and let out a wet sniffle.

“I was dreaming about you.”


Julian nodded and buried his head in Daniel’s shirt.

Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo! Hshoo!

“Bless you Julian!”


Julian and Daniel cuddled closer together and closed their eyes, simply enjoying each other’s company. After a few moments, Daniel felt a gentle kiss on his chin.


“Yeah babe?”

“Will we be together forever?”

Daniel smiled and kissed Julian’s head, knowing Julian always felt insecure yet affectionate when he was sick.

“Of course we will. We’ll be together til we’re old and wrinkly. We’ll annoy the crap out of each other every day and take care of each other at the same time. It’ll be perfect.”

Julian smiled and nuzzled Daniel’s neck. Daniel brought his arm to his face and buried his nose in his elbow.

Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht! Issht!

“Bless you.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you promise?”

“Promise what?”

“Promise we’ll be together forever?”

Daniel tilted Julian’s head up and kissed his lips.


IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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just SOOOOO wonderful...and AWWWW... :)

forever being together sharing their whole life with each other...soooo FANTASTIC!!! :)

soooo SAAAAD :) :) that it´s over...

REALLY hope to read more from you! :heart:

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NOOO i cant be over! This was my favorite sorry... I hope you make anouther one like this... I loved it...

its over... Ima go cry : ( unlessss you make anouther one like thisss : D

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Sick Daniel is THE. CUTEST. THING. EVER.

Jesse and Kyle teasing him about catching Julian's cold xD d'aawww

I need more of them :lmfao: maybe if you start something with new characters, these boys can be there too? Kind of like Jesse and Kyle are?


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NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! This can't possibly be the end!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! :laugh: Sighs. I guess all good things must come to an end.

This story is amazing and I loved it! thank you so much for writing it. Julian and Daniel are so adorable!!! :wub: Jesse and Kyle teasing Daniel was adorable! And as usual I have blown up like 10 billion times :boom: and it's all your fault! The cuteness scale is off the roof! :wub: I hope you write more stories about Julian and Daniel :wub: (because you can never get enough of them and their adorableness) and maybe even about Jesse and Kyle :laugh::innocent::lmfao::rolleyes:

pretty please with a cherry on top? -Runs away-

Edited by Zane
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