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Family Time (Glee, F/F Faberry futurefic, also co-starring Kurt & Blaine!)


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Hey guys! Glad you're all still on board the USS Faberry. Here's another part to make your weekend complete! In response to several of you asking if I might do a continuation with Blaine or Kurt catching the girls' germs...it's a nice idea, but I've never written about boys before, and I just don't think it's gonna happen. But, if any of you are inspired to write a "three days later" sequel starring Kurt & Blaine, I give you my full blessing! Enjoy ^_^


Family Time

Chapter 3


Blaine brought in a tray with the soup he'd made for Quinn and Zoe, while Kurt put on The Muppet Movie (Zoe's current favorite). Quinn was in full mommy mode, despite being woozy and shivery with fever chills, ignoring her own soup in favor of trying to get Zoe to eat. The little girl was fussy and whiny, and Quinn ended up spoon-feeding her most of her soup-- something Zoe would normally refuse, as she'd been proudly declaring "I'm a big girl now" for the last half year. But right now, comfort and cuddling were obviously trumping everything else.

"Uncle Blaine is a pretty good cook, huh?" Quinn cajoled lightly, trying to get Zoe to eat a little more.

"Yeah. Id's all hot ad squishy," Zoe nodded sleepily, making Kurt and Blaine both giggle.

"Well that beats a Zagat's review, now doesn't it?" Blaine teased, with a wink for Quinn, who smiled weakly back at him. She looked exhausted.

"You know, you can close your eyes and get a little rest if you need to, Quinn," Kurt said gently, glancing at her with concern from the recliner. “We can keep Zoe company if you fall asleep.”

"In a little while," Quinn murmured, holding another spoonful of soup up for Zoe. But the little girl whined and buried her face in her stuffed animal. "Okay, honey, we'll save the rest for later."

"Yeah...later," Zoe agreed, raising her head with an unfocused, sneezy expression on her face.

"Cover up," Quinn reminded her gently, handing her a tissue.

"I d-dod't have t-to sdeeze," Zoe stuttered breathlessly, even as her eyes were narrowing to slits and her little nostrils quivered helplessly. "Huhh...heh-hehh..." Blaine and Kurt shared a small smile at the little girl's trademark stubbornness, made even more adorable in contrast with her dazed expression. Finally, she succumbed to the tickle overwhelming her senses, pressing the tissue roughly to her twitching pink nostrils with the palm of her hand. "Ha-achhiew! *Sniff, sniff.*"

"Bless you honey," Quinn murmured, as Zoe whimpered and pressed her face into Quinn's stomach.

"Mommmyyyy," the little girl whined miserably.

"What's wrong, bug? What hurts?" Zoe blinked her sleepy hazel eyes up at Quinn beseechingly, and patted her throat. "You have a sore throat, hmm?" Quinn asked gently. "Is that why you were trying not to sneeze?" Zoe nodded. "You should have told me sooner. We can make it feel better, okay?" Quinn kissed the top of Zoe's head, and turned to Blaine, yawning woozily. "Can you go down to the master bathroom, and look in the cabinet under the sink? There should be...*sniff!*...a bottle of…red throat spray...*sniff, sniffle*...in there somewhere."

"Sure thing," Blaine nodded, getting up to find the requested item while Quinn pulled a fresh tissue from the box, and closed her eyes for a long, wet blow.

"We both have lods of sdiffles," Zoe observed drowsily, patting her wadded tissue lightly against the dribbles under her nose, which had grown very pink and tender.

"We sure do," Quinn sighed, smiling softly as she took another clean tissue and pinched it gently around her daughter's runny nose. "Here sweetie, you need another blow." Zoe sighed, but closed her eyes and complied, her blowing a little less vigorous now as she was obviously tiring.

"Why we have so many sniffles?" Zoe whined, putting her head back down against Quinn's chest once the tissue was removed.

"That's just what happens when you have a cold, honey," Quinn explained, yawning softly as she ran her fingers through Zoe's baby-silk hair. "When you’re healthy, your nose makes just a little bit of mucus every day, to help catch germs and dirt that you breathe in so they don’t make it down into you lungs. But when you catch a cold, your nose gets confused, and starts making lots and lots of mucus that blocks up your breathing and has nowhere to go, so it has to drip out. Then after a few days, it's all gone, and you feel better."

"I want it go away now," Zoe grumbled, sniffling plaintively.

"I know, baby. Me too. But we'll feel better soon."

"Here you go," Blaine smiled, returning from the bathroom with the coveted throat spray.

"Thadk you," Quinn sniffled softly as her nose began to run again. She could feel the trickle of wetness dripping from deep inside her head, and her nostrils flared involuntarily.

"Cover up, Mommy," Zoe instructed officiously, pulling a tissue from the box and pressing it into Quinn's hand. Quinn's breathing was too jagged to reply, but she took the tissue and cupped it lightly to her twitchy pink nostrils as her eyes snapped shut.

"Chshh! Iht-chhiew!!” *Sniffle.* Quinn sighed woozily and blew her nose again.

"Bless you," Kurt said gently, while Zoe yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Ugh, thadks," Quinn sighed, rolling her eyes and giving him a weak smile. "Listen, I want you both to go in the kitchen and get some Emergen-C from the vitamin cabinet. Four times a day, for the rest of the week, okay? I really don't want you catching this, and I know our germs are all over you."

"Okay, Mom," Kurt said sarcastically, with a little wink as he went to the kitchen. Quinn sighed wearily and pulled the top off the little bottle of throat spray.

"Here's the special medicine for your throat, sweetie. Open up." Zoe rolled over and opened her mouth, allowing Quinn to spray the medicine down her throat. "That's my good girl," Quinn cooed, with a little smile reserved only for her child, and kissed the end of her little pink nose. Zoe grinned back sleepily.

"All right, immune-boosting vitamin drinks all around," Kurt said breezily, returning from the kitchen with two tall glasses, and passing one to Blaine.

"Good," Quinn nodded absently, spraying a blast of the throat-numbing liquid into her own mouth.

"Your throat hurt too, Mommy?"

"Yeah," Quinn sighed, putting the bottle aside on the coffee table and burrowing back down into the blankets with a yawn, one arm wrapped protectively around Zoe’s back. The little girl yawned, too, and closed her eyes, still clutching the damp tissue absently in her hand. Quinn rubbed her back absently for a few minutes, until the little girl’s breathing evened out into soft, congested snoring.

“You want to eat a little now that the noodle’s asleep?” Blaine asked, eyeing Quinn’s untouched soup bowl pointedly. “I can re-heat that for you if you want.”

“’Kay,” Quinn nodded sleepily. “Thadks, Blaide.” She sniffled and pulled a fresh tissue from the box as Blaine stood up and collected her soup bowl, kissing the top of her head. After he’d left the room, Kurt took the empty seat beside Quinn and pressed his hand lightly to her sweaty forehead.

“I think your fever’s getting worse,” he frowned worriedly, reaching for the ear thermometer on the coffee table. A moment later, it flashed 102.3. “Poor thing, you’re burning up!” He exclaimed anxiously. “Maybe we need to get you some antibiotics, too.”

“Just give the Advil a chance to work,” Quinn yawned, pinching a tissue lightly around her damp nostrils and giving another weak, half-hearted blow. “If it’s a virus, it’ll pass. If not, then I’ll take something stronger.”

“Okay sweetie,” Kurt sighed, knowing she was right but hating to watch her suffer like this. Blaine returned with the piping-hot soup, and Quinn reluctantly scooped her sleeping child from her lap and re-settled her on a pillow at her side. Zoe sighed, and snuffled, hugging her stuffed monster unconsciously; but she didn’t wake up. Her drippy pink nose nuzzled firmly against the stuffed animal’s soft head.

“We gotta throw that grungy thing in the wash as soon as she’s feeling better,” Quinn sighed, sitting up a little straighter and allowing Blaine to set the tray of hot soup across her lap. “Thanks,” she murmured, yawning woozily. “Ughh, I’m sleepy…” She took a spoonful of soup, and groaned appreciatively. “This really is awesome, Blaine…I owe you guys big time for all this.”

“Don’t be silly, Quinn, we’re happy to be here for you,” Blaine assured her, sitting on the loveseat beside Kurt, who nodded. “And it’s not as if you and Rachel haven’t spoiled us rotten with all those movie premieres and vacations at your beach house. Believe me, you don’t owe us a thing. What are friends for, after all?”

“Ohh…okay…” Quinn sniffled and grabbed a fresh tissue, holding it a few inches in front of her face in anticipation. “Huh…hehhhh…” Snot trickled from her flaring nostrils as they quivered and twitched helplessly. “Ehhhtchiew!! Ah-ahh”— Quinn’s eyebrows knit together over her closed eyes, an utterly tortured, ticklish expression on her face as her breath hitched rapidly in her chest. “Ah-tchshh! Hehh-ishhiew!!” *Sniffle.*

“Bless you,” the boys chorused as Quinn wearily blew her nose again.

“Ughhh,” she sighed miserably, wincing at the ache in her chest after each congested sneeze. She rubbed the damp, wadded tissue under her sore pink nostrils one more time for good measure before picking up her soup spoon again.

“Poor little thing,” Kurt cooed sympathetically. “I think we should call your doctor’s office now and have them call in a prescription to your pharmacy. We don’t have to use it, but I want to have it ready if you don’t start feeling better soon.”

“That’s probably a good idea,” Quinn agreed drowsily, swallowing another small spoonful of soup. Kurt nodded briskly, glad to have something to do, and got up to find the phone number for the Berry family doctor from the emergency list in the kitchen cupboard. By the time he came back, Quinn had abandoned the remains of her soup on the coffee table, and was curled up on the couch again with Zoe cuddled up on her stomach. Blaine had put a pillow under Quinn’s head, and covered them both with Zoe’s soft rocketship blanket. They both appeared to be fast asleep.

“We make quite a team in the daddy department, don’t we?” Kurt remarked quietly to his husband, who was clearing the dirty dishes and piles of crumpled Kleenex from the coffee table.

“I was just thinking that,” Blaine agreed, grinning impishly at his husband with a twinkle in his dark eyes. “Of course, I doubt we’ll be quite as calm when it’s our kid getting sick. You’ll probably want to take him to the hospital the first time he sneezes.”

“You make me sound as bad as Rachel,” Kurt huffed, but with a tell-tale smirk at the corner of his mouth.

“That’s because you are exactly as bad as Rachel,” Blaine agreed, chuckling. As if by psychic mind-meld, Kurt’s phone trilled, lighting up with Rachel’s name and photo across the screen.

“Speak of the devil,” Kurt said by way of greeting. “We were just talking about your overprotective self. Calling for an update, I suppose?”

“Yes, and I only have a few minutes, so spare the smart remarks,” Rachel said impatiently. “How are my little angels doing?”

“They’re okay. We’re keeping them hydrated, and Zoe seems a little better since the antibiotics kicked in. But Quinn’s fever keeps going up, and she’s really congested. I just got off the phone with your doctor, and he agreed it was a good idea to call in some antibiotics for her, too, and have them ready if she doesn’t start feeling better in the next twelve hours or so.”

“Thank you so much for being there, Kurt,” Rachel sighed, the sincerity obvious in her voice. “I just couldn’t stand the idea of them being alone right now. Can I talk to them?”

“They’re sleeping right now,” Kurt said apologetically; but at the sound of his voice, Quinn coughed weakly and opened her eyes a crack.

“Is that Rachel?” She murmured, blinking woozily.

“Whoops, I guess I spoke too soon,” Kurt said with a little smile, crossing the room to pass the phone to the barely-awake blonde girl.

“Hi Rach,” Quinn yawned, her eyes closing again as she held the phone to her ear.

“Hey, my sweet angel face,” Rachel cooed through the phone, her voice full of tenderness. “I hear you’re feeling really lousy. I’m so, so sorry I’m not there with you…”

“S’okay, baby,” Quinn sighed sleepily. “You sent reinforcements. Kurt and Blaine are taking rea…huhh…really good care of us…” Eyes still closed, Quinn raised her free hand to her face, still loosely holding a damp tissue, and pinched it lightly to her equally damp nostrils. “Heh-ehshhiew!” *Sniffle.*

“Bless you, sweetie pie,” Rachel cooed softly. “Poor little thing, you’re still sniffling and sneezing, huh? I hate that I can’t cuddle you. Make sure you keep getting plenty of liquids, okay?”

“Uh-huh,” Quinn agreed woozily. “Gonna go back to sleep now…call you tonight, ‘kay?”

“Okay, sunshine,” Rachel agreed softly. “I love you.”

“Love you too,” Quinn murmured woozily, opening her eyes a crack again to hand the phone back to Kurt.

“Whoa, hold it mister!” Blaine exclaimed sharply as Kurt took the phone. “Let’s not make it too easy for Quinn’s germs to get us. I’m taking this phone to the kitchen for an alcohol wipe.”

“Oh, yeah, good idea,” Kurt agreed sheepishly, handing the germy phone to his husband, who whisked it off to the kitchen.

“Kurt?” Quinn murmured softly, blinking up at him with her eyes just barely open.

“What is it, sweetie?” Kurt asked, squatting down by her head and stroking her hair absently.

“You’re…gonna be…a really good mommy,” she mumbled, a faint, sleepy grin touching her face before she closed her eyes again, and dropped off to sleep.

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I was debating whether or not to check if you'd updated before I hit the sack, and I'm SO glad I did!!! This is so precious it's unreal. ^_^ ADORE it.

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I think against the odds you should give the boys a shot since ur such a FANTASTICAL writer :clapping:

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  • 3 years later...

Kids with colds remind me of stories I've told myself and never shared with anyone. Not a Glee fan, but I like all the nose blowing.

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