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Supersonic [X-Men: First Class]


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This is pretty much my first post. I can't change my controls yet, so I'm a lady, if you must know. P:

I bet a lot of people are going to be writing First Class fics, but I HAD to write a one-shot about Banshee. I'm kind of in love with him. He's adorable, he has red hair and freckles, he's kind of a sassy little prick...yes pleeeaassseeee~ Plus the fact that his powers are based around his lungs and vocal chords doesn't hurt at all. It's...convenient, you might say. The scene where Charles is talking to Banshee about his powers and says, "It's like any other muscle in the body; you can control it" made me think.

I'm using everyone's first names, so Banshee is Sean, Magneto is Erik, Prof. X is Charles, Mystique is Raven, and Havoc is Alex. Hank (Beast) is around, but I was hitting a character overload, so he's still sleeping or something. This takes place when they're all just chilling at Charles' mansion and honing their powers. For those of you who haven't seen the movie, don't care about spoilers, and want to know what Banshee looks like:


And this shows his relationship with Erik and Charles a little better:

Aaanndddd that's it. This may or may not be completely accurate, movie or comic-book wise, although I tried to incorporate both versions.

Erik sat idly at the kitchen table, disinterestedly reading the newspaper. He was drinking a mug of fancy imported coffee, courtesy of Charles. It had a truly strange flavor, probably not worth making again, but it was of more importance and interest than anything he read. Humans and their boring affairs--legal battles, arson, garden parties--it was all the same to him.

He turned the radio on and shuffled through a few stations. The best song he found was some lady crooning over a piano. He wasn't particularly fond of it, but he left it, for the sake of atmosphere.

He read an article about a local robbery, and laughed softly at the thought of the criminal trying to rob him. He absolutely loved when people turned guns on him. It couldn't get more amusing.

"What's so funny?" someone asked rather loudly, and he started.

"Nothing. Just laughing at people and their guns."

"Oh. Yeah." The young man in front of him smirked, running a hand through his messy, shaggy red hair. "Guns. Guns are hilarious."

"To me they are. Good morning to you too, Sean."

"Yeah, yeah, good mornin'." Sean opened the fridge and reached for a jug of milk, just managing to slam it on the counter before he wrenched to the side and shoved his nose to his fist.


"Mmph." Erik scoffed. "That was cute."

"Shut up," said Sean good-naturedly. The kid was the only one who would ever backtalk Erik, save Charles, so Erik had a natural soft spot for him.

He watched him open a couple of cabinets in search of a bowl. "What's that on the radio?" Sean called out, after finding one and setting it on the counter.

"Oh, that?" Erik looked towards it. The song had changed; now it was another lady with a piercing voice and a Southern accent, warbling over some guitars and what was probably a banjo. "I didn't even notice it was on. I'll change it."

"No, leave it on. I like it."

Erik laughed. "You are insa--"

Sean cut him off, holding up a finger and putting a wrist to his twitching nose.




"Geshundheit. Allergies?"

"No. It's this American air." Sean sniffed, rubbing his nose. "All this pollution. We didn't have this back in Ireland."

"You're from Ireland?" Erik said, surprised. "Well, I'm a foreigner, too. I'm from Germany, and I'm fine. So is it the air, or your delicate Celtic sinuses?"

"It's the air," Sean said confidently, hiding his smirk. "You're from Germany? You don't have much of an accent."

"You don't have an accent at all, my friend."

"Yes I do!" Sean protested. "All the girls love it. They always tell me how sexy it is."

"You're lying."

"I am not lying."

"You're lying."


"Where's Charles when you need him," murmured Erik, not at all persuaded by Sean's mischevious grin.

"Alright, maybe not all the girls," admitted the redhead, bringing his cereal to the table. "But I really am from Ireland. A castle, actually, if you were wondering."

"I wasn't."

Sean continued as if he hadn't spoken. "It's a right nice place. I'd get on a plane back there as soon as possible, if it weren't for my cousin Tom." He shuddered. "Man, that guy's a dick."


He paused as Sean's blue eyes watered and glazed over.


Erik cringed at the bottled-up, pressurized stifle, forgetting his question. "God. Why do you have to hold them in like that? That can't be healthy."

"I don't have to," said Sean, rubbing his nose harder than before, congestion tinging his voice. "But want to explain to Charles how all his windows got shattered?" He motioned around the kitchen. "Or how about your hearing? Are you keen on that?"

Erik's curiosity was piqued.

"You can't control your power when you sneeze?"

"Of course not. Now, normally my aim is perfect," he couldn't help adding, "But when I sneeze, I'm Alex. No, I'm worse than Alex."

"Not possible."

"Alright, almost as bad as Alex."

"Alex would destroy the room. You would crack a few windows. Not even. I bet if you aimed toward the floor, it'd be harmless."

Sean bristled. "Hey, give me more credit than that."

"You're giving yourself too much credit, I think. You're too scared of your own power. Loosen up; you're among friends here. I'm not going to judge you if you sneeze a bit loudly."

"A bit," Sean repeated mockingly, biting his lip. "A bit loudly, he says."

"Really, though. It looks painful. You shouldn't have to stifle yourself like that."

"Yea? Well, I do." He sniffed, running his hand under his running nose. "Everyone has their price to pay. It's not as bad as, say, being blue."

"I don't have a 'price,'" Erik pointed out, resisting the temptation to defend Raven. That was sort of a lie, he realized, remembering times when his powers had been out of his control due to his anger--but that had never really ended badly for him.

"Well, you have god powers. Not everyone can be you."

"Stop. Why don't you just cover your mouth with your hands?" Erik realized.

Sean scoffed. "My screams are so powerful, they can push my whole body off the ground. Do you really think my small, defenseless hands can stand for a second against them? I...h-hold on--"

His eyes glazed over once again, and his nostrils flared. He tilted his head defeatedly, breathing softly, slowly raising one hand to pinch his nostrils shut.

"Mmm," said Erik, accepting his word. "So you won't be needing them."

"Hh--I--wha?" said Sean breathily, barely paying attention.

Before he could react, the hand reaching towards his face was suddenly ensnared by his cereal spoon. Another spoon flew off of the counter behind him and encircled his other hand. They pulled both wrists behind the back of his chair, tying themselves together.

He looked up at Erik in wide-eyed realization, the shock temporarily holding off his sneeze.


"I'm curious."


"Hold it in yourself," said Erik casually, leaning back in his own chair and placing his hands behind his head.

"I can't!"

"I know."

"Erik--" Sean pleaded shakily. His eyes watered slightly. Erik wondered if it was from fear, vulnerability, or simply from the impending sneeze. He didn't care either way; this was going to happen.

"Embarrassment is nothing," Erik snapped, leaning forward, his face suddenly taking on an angrily indignant cast. "Inconvenience is nothing. You are a mutant; you are powerful. Extraordinarily powerful. Why hide it? Only when you embrace your full power will you realize all you are capable of."

"P-Please--," Sean started, his breath hitching. He sniffed. Sniffed again, harder. "Leave the room," he ordered stuffily, catching his breath.

Erik frowned. "Why?"

"Leave the room!" he insisted. His bright eyes, even red and watery, carried a startling intensity Erik had never seen before in him. They were commanding him; warning him.

He stared back menacingly for a moment, then obligingly left his chair and walked towards the door. He closed the door behind him, then on second thought, cracked it and peeked through.

Sean tilted his head back on the back of his chair, helpless, his arms still tied behind it. Locks of red hair fell in his eyes.

"Hh! Hihhh..." he started, then failed, breathing cloggedly through his mouth. He opened his bleary eyes, dazed-looking, then looked up towards the fluorescent kitchen light.

Erik bit his lip in anticipation as Sean's eyelids fluttered shut again.


It was a strange, disturbing noise. It was halfly a normal, perfectly average-sounding sneeze; but it was backed by a piercing, terrible shriek. Erik watched as invisible supersonic waves resonated through the kitchen, not just in front of Sean, but all around him. They destroyed everything in their path; Sean's cereal bowl, Erik's mug, the glasses on the counter and in the sink, the lights in the ceiling, and inevitably, all of the windows. They burst simultaneously, shattering into pieces so small they were almost dust.


"What--?" asked Erik irritably, turning around. Charles was standing behind him, very concerned.

"Is Sean okay? He woke me up. He's lost control; he's ashamed. I can feel it."

"He's fine," said Erik, turning back to peek through the door again.

Sean looked unharmed, but the room around him looked like it'd been hit by a hurricane. He sniffed uncomfortably, then wrinkled his nose.

"He's going to sneeze again," warned Charles. "I'd let him go if I were you. This is cruel, Erik."

"He's fine," insisted Erik.

"Oh! I wanna see," said Alex, appearing from nowhere, pushing Erik out of the way and peeking through the door himself.

"Alex--" warned Erik.

Raven's blonde form appeared behind him wordlessly. They exchanged glances.

"Very intent on making us accept ourselves, aren't you?" she said finally.

"I shouldn't have to. You should do it on your own."

"Mmm." she nodded slowly, then looked towards the door. "Are you sure he's okay?"


"Is the kitchen okay?"


Raven smiled slightly, then turned towards the door expectantly.

Erik was able to peek over Alex's head through the crack in the door, just in time to see Sean rear back and gasp harshly.

"Ah! Iihh--IIIIESSSSCCHHuuuuooohh!"

The same shrill screech echoed through the mansion. Charles and Raven placed their hands over their ears and winced. Erik was surprised when he heard more shattering--hadn't he already broken everything the first time around?

"Whoa," breathed Alex in approving awe, before turning to Erik wide-eyed. "He's worse than me, I think."

"He is not worse than you."

"I dunno..."

"What did he do to the kitchen?" said Charles, in mild annoyance. "Erik, you couldn't have done this in the testing chamber?"

Erik started. "Uhh--"

"Of course you could have, you forgot," Charles said for him, reading his mind quickly and cleanly. "God, you can be so dense sometimes. Sean!" He pushed Alex out of the way and opened the door, walking through the wreckage that had formerly been a rather lovely well-to-do kitchen. "Sean, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Fine," Sean said softly. He sniffled. "That felt amazing. Sorry about, you know, the kitchen and all that."

"It's fine. I'm blaming him." Charles gestured towards Erik, who abruptly loosened Sean's spoon handcuffs. "But next time you have an allergy attack, testing chamber. Don't forget."

"It's not allergies!"

"It's allergies," affirmed Charles, giving him a once-over. "And you had them in Ireland, too. Ask your cousin Tom. You know, the guy who can control plants."

"Stay out of my head, will you?" snapped Sean, placing his hands over his bedraggled ginger hair. "And don't mention that. Bad times. Terribly bad times."

Erik walked around leisurely, surveying the chaos. The empty window frames looked as if there had never been windows in them at all; every glass or ceramic object there was suddenly in tiny pieces. Even the sink's faucet looked mangled. It would take a lot of cleaning up, and he'd probably have to pay for most of it; but to him, it was rather worth it. He remembered how intent Sean had been on being alone in the room, and wondered just how intact his ears would be if he had stayed.

"Interesting," he mused. "We can use this."


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Oooh! I wasn't a huge fan of Banshee but when you put it like this! ;) Well done!!

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I LOVE IT!!!!!! :laugh: It's all so smexy and I love the character's atittudes. I don't know how these people are and I don't care to. I know it's not a anime, but I would like to imagine it is. :blushing:;) XD

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alksdjflkJSKDFKJSDf! YES! Omg, I loved Banshee, too! So much! This was extremely well-written and fun. I enjoyed your characterizations. I'm tempted myself to write a First Class fic...perhaps I shall. Thanks for sharing! I hope you write more. ;)

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Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god MORE MORE MORE MORE. Please, more! This was SO GOOD. I love the way you wrote the characters, it was perfect. the way you showed their relationships and their nature through their dialogue and actions, and I love the aspect of Sean having to contain his sneezes because of his mutation, then letting them out for the first time in forever... and him hiding his allergies and Charles seeing right through it GOD I just love it so much! The spellings were also PHENOMENAL. I loved them. Also the way you showed Erik's soft spot for Sean, and how he said gesundheit to him. So cute! You are awesome.

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Thanks, guys! I'm glad it went over well. I was a nervous little poppet. I'm a longtime lurker, so a fan of/inspired by all of you (as creepy as that sounds...) so it means a lot. I'm shot as far as this particular story goes, but I'm interested by Banshee's relationship with his cousin Black Tom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Tom_Cassidy) so if I write a one-shot about them, I'll just post it here.

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Um, awesome. Super mega ultra awesome. I hadn't even thought about this as a way to use his powers. It's pretty brilliant. I join the chorus begging for more; this is GREAT.

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I really loved this fic! In fact, I wasn't all that interested in seeing the movie until I read it. The characterizations were great, the sneezes were fun and the scenario was really creative. Thanks!

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That was AMAZING! Thanks so much for writing - was very very awesome! You got the characters in perfectly, and it was such a good scenario.


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First Class fic! Thank you for sharing this lovely bit with us. :winkkiss: The characters were all spot on. Oh, Erik...

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Delicious! So freaking hot. I'd love a sequel where he's trying to stifle them and make it to the test chamber before they get to strong to stifle. If you are ever inspired to do so. Regardless awesome job!

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  • 2 years later...

Get ready because I am going to vomit a ton of praise and admiration all over you.

kind of a sassy little prick

:yay: Yes.

"Nothing. Just laughing at people and their guns."

"Oh. Yeah." The young man in front of him smirked, running a hand through his messy, shaggy red hair. "Guns. Guns are hilarious."

Omg your characterizations are spot on. Erik totally disinterested in everything going on and Sean being a sarcastic little bastard.


"Mmph." Erik scoffed. "That was cute."

"Shut up," said Sean good-naturedly. The kid was the only one who would ever backtalk Erik, save Charles, so Erik had a natural soft spot for him.

I swear I'm trying not to copy your entire story back at you. :laugh: I just love the dynamic you have between them.

Oh and Sean blaming his sneezing on the pollution. :lol:

"You don't have an accent at all, my friend."

"Yes I do!" Sean protested. "All the girls love it. They always tell me how sexy it is."

"You're lying."

"I am not lying."

:laugh: ! He definitely has an accent, but it's not of this world.

"A bit," Sean repeated mockingly, biting his lip. "A bit loudly, he says."

Oh lawdy, now I'm excited to see what it's like when he doesn't stifle. :laugh:

His eyes glazed over once again, and his nostrils flared. He tilted his head defeatedly, breathing softly, slowly raising one hand to pinch his nostrils shut.

"Mmm," said Erik, accepting his word. "So you won't be needing them."

"Hh--I--wha?" said Sean breathily, barely paying attention.

I can't. I just can't. Your writing is too fantastic.

Ooommmg Erik! "I'm curious," he says!

"Hold it in yourself," said Erik casually, leaning back in his own chair and placing his hands behind his head.

"I can't!"

"I know."

I love how Sean is freaking out and Erik's totally casual.

Boom, there goes the kitchen. :yay:

"It's not allergies!"

"It's allergies," affirmed Charles, giving him a once-over. "And you had them in Ireland, too. Ask your cousin Tom. You know, the guy who can control plants."

"Stay out of my head, will you?" snapped Sean, placing his hands over his bedraggled ginger hair. "And don't mention that. Bad times. Terribly bad times."

1. LOVE that he's denying it and 2. I forgot all about Tom and how he was related to Sean. How convenient that he controls plants. :twisted:

I can't believe I missed a story like this! This was everything I loved in one story. Totally made my day my life!

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