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Sneezy Winchesters - NEW "It's Sheer Force of Will"


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I love all your sneezy supernatural drabbles! I do like Bubbles! idea, but whatever you decide to go with will be great :-) and I love the pestilence one, thought it was a great idea :-)

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  • 2 months later...

Hello there :)

Wow, I feel really bad about the delay, sorrrrry!!!

I don't have any time at the moment, school is eating my life right now.

I have written a little drabble for you though!

Yeah, it is crazy, and wishful thinking, but I also like the idea ^^

Hopefully, you'll enjoy it too!

Here it is, have a piece of my brain...

It was a Supernatural convention, just like every other was.

Except for one remarkable question. But read and decide for yourself!

"So, what was your favourite scene in Hell House? Personally, I loved the whole prank thing, I'm sure it was a lot of fun to you."

The girl smiled and expectantly watched the guys thinking about her question.

Jared was the first one to answer,

"Hmm. I guess I liked the one with the beer best,

I loved Jensen's expression as he noticed that I glued the bottle to his hand.

Oh yeah, haha, I love this face!"

Jensen smirked and put in his two cents,

"Well, if you ask me, the best scene was the itching powder trick Dean pulled on Sam after he came out of the shower. I

t's hilarious how he's trying the whole time to keep himself from scratching his balls. Epic."

Jared cracked up in laughter, "Dude, even though I didn't get to wear any itching powdered boxershorts, it was phantom tickling all the time, it was driving me mad! I kept on scratching even though there wasn't anything at all."

"Better be glad it was no sneezing powder." Jensen laughed and patted himself on the knee.

The girl was motived to ask another question,

"Well, how would Sam and Dean sneeze, anyway? I've always been wondering."

The guys smiled at the weirdness of the question and Jensen gave Jared a wink.

All of a sudden, his amused look turned a lot more serious and he was back in Dean-mode.

"Hell, Sam, I don't have a fucking clue how to get rid of this sonofabitch!

I only know tha-that your fucking incense stuff is no-hhh-not working at a-ahh

ahhh crap, h-hang on I - huhh…I gotta…"

His face went blank and he took a few shallow breaths, his eyelashes fluttered shut and he bent forward with an enormous sneeze,

sounding so real that even Jared was tempted to bless him. "Hhhhr'DGRSHH-uhh."

Jensen blinked, gave a long sniff and swiped his nose quickly.

"A little like that I guess. Dean seems like the person to have long build-ups, don't you think so?"

The girl laughed so hard that she had tears in her eyes. "Ohh, absolutely! I can imagine it perfectly!"

Now Jared had put on his pouting face and took the initiative.

"Huhh…" He took a short breath and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand.

"Ahhh, oh n-nohhh." Dramatically, his eyebrows rose up and he wiggled his nose in anticipation.

"I think I have to sne-hihhh-snee…hehh

Heh'GSHuhh, Heh'TSHHehh, Heh…Hehh…EtCHOO, 'rSHUhh, CHSHuhh. Uh by god."

Looking really exhausted after this not-so-real sneezing fit, Jared scrubbed at his eyes,

sniffed slightly and muttered in the most pathetic voice ever, "Allergies, you know."

The crowd cheered. The boys were adorable, no doubt.

Who knows, maybe one of us will ask the girl's question for real ;)


Yeah, it's choppy. But I've written it in like three minutes x)

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Um. I'm dead. I couldn't actually keep my fingers out of my mouth. I'm biting them. This was delicious! The fact that they would be so good at that makes me drool! Like, just imagining them faking sneezes that sound realistic to give fans the answers to their questions? Mmm... It's funny that Hell House would come up too, because I recently got my boyfriend into Supernatural, and he was telling me about watching Hell House the other day, and I couldn't get all the lovely sneezing-powder stories tagged to Hell House out of my mind. So this, THIS, was just what I needed. And now I'm dying of happiness. Thanks!

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Oh I wish this was real. Quick, someone go to a convention and ask that question! Also, kudos to Jared and Jensen for correctly realising that Dean would have long build ups and Sam would have allergies. A plus guys. Lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys :)

I hope you all had a wonderful christmas!!

@ iluvsneezes

I got chills reading your reply :) Thank youuu!!!

Oh yeah, it would be so sweet if anyone could ask this...

I mean, it's not even a fetishy question. Well, it is, but not ... not that obvious, okay? =D

Uh...I totally would if I had the guts.

@ Zwee

Aww, thank you so much :)

I'm glad I could make you happy with my drabble-ish-story-whatever-thingie ! =)

Oh man, there are such a lot of nice ideas for sneezy boys, I wonder why no one had taken it by now? I mean, basically every tv show has a sneezy episode in it. Why not Supernatural? I'm starting to worry that Jensen and Jared are actually embarassed to sneeze on tv because there is not a single sneeze on the outtakes (I even believe they cut them out -.-)...Argh. We shouldn't abandon our hope though. There will be a sick episode. I firmly believe this. And it's gotta be Dean.

@ Ciuty80

Tehehe, aww, thank you sweetie :)

It sure was a lot of fun to write^^

@ Sexual Oddity

Dude, me tooooo!! I'd even pay someone to ask this. Gaaaaawd I'm pathetic. Anyone willing to do this and tape it? Please? Pretty pretty please?


Here it is, my belated christmas present for you!!

It is dedicated to my dear friend Ciuty80 <3

I hope you enjoy it!

And a big thanks and a hug for the awesome MadServer who's incredibly awesome and fast beta-reader :)

* * *

Lost Without A Trace

Witches. How he hated them.

Sam rubbed his eyes and tried to make out where he was. The last thing he remembered was the witch mumbling some strange Latin words and playing around with a hexbag before he and Dean were finally able to gank her.

Now he was on his own in the witch's house, the darkness surrounding him.

"Dean?" he called, but he didn't get an answer. "Dude, where are you?" he yelled again, louder this time, but there still was no response.

"Crap," he thought and carefully tip-toed forwards, his arms stretched out to keep himself from crashing into a wall. Suddenly he heard a horrible loud noise echoing through the corridor, again and again, getting louder each time. It sounded somewhat like footsteps. Mighty footsteps.

Sam pressed his hands to his ears, trying to ignore his fear and the unbearable noise. "Sammy?" A loud voice hollered, "Where are you, Sam?"

Then a bright flash lit the room and a giant entered. "Dean!" Sam couldn't believe his eyes and stared at his oversized brother. "I'm here, Dean!" he yelled but his brother didn't react. Obviously he hadn't heard him. "Dean!!!"

Sam had another try and screamed his lungs out, with no success. Then he looked around in the room and realized it wasn't Dean who was hit by the witch spell, it was him.

The room was huge with a giant table and an enormous chair, and even the chicken bone the witch had used had to be at least twice his size. Crap.

He was tiny. The irony of life hit him. He had never been the smallest. Ever.

Now he had to draw Dean's attention but he just didn't know how.

Then he had an idea. To avoid getting smashed by his brother's giant shoes, he quickly ran the way from where he was to the table in the middle of the room. The curled leg of the table was his last hope. Carefully, he climbed it and crawled onto the table, gripping the table cloth for support. When he finally made it, he tried to make as much noise as possible. He saw his chance coming when he noticed the big teaspoon lying beside him.

With huge effort he tried to lift it up to smash it against the water glass, but it was so heavy, that he couldn't move it an inch. A sigh escaped his lips as Dean hollered once again.

"For God's sake, where are you, Sammy?!" Sam kept on yelling and stomping his feet but the sound he was producing was too little to get picked up from the distance. He might hear him if he got closer. He had to try.

Dean shook his head in disbelief and headed for the door. Maybe he thought that Sam had left the witch's house without him, even though it was not really likely, and absolutely not Sam-like. Panicked, Sam slid down the table cloth that was almost touching the floor and hurried after Dean. He didn't want to be left alone, especially not while he was the size of a thumbnail. Scared as hell, Sam brought up all the courage he could afford and jumped right onto one of Dean's boots, gripping a shoelace. It was wonky and Sam felt like he was doing some kind of crazy Rodeo.

Eventually he managed to climb up the boot and clutch the end of a shoelace with both hands. He immediately felt a little safer.

With mighty steps Dean left the witch's house behind and got into the Impala. Feeling slightly dizzy, Sam climbed off the boot and tugged at the seam of Dean's trousers. Unfortunately, Dean obviously didn't feel a thing and pushed the gas pedal instead, almost stepping on his little brother.

He shook his head once more and muttered, "Sam, where the hell did you go?" Sam escaped a sad sigh and he made himself comfortable on the top of Dean's shoe, waiting patiently for him to stop.

After a short drive, Dean stopped in front of their motel and left the car. Sam did his best to stay in his position but it was very hard since Dean wasn't one for taking little steps.

When he finally entered the hotel room, Sam could leave his shoe, exhausted from the long way to get there. "Sam? You here? Sonofabitch!" Dean started looking frantically for him, opening every door there was and poking his nose into each. When he realised that there was no Sam, he sighed and muttered, "Goddammit!"

Helpless, Sam scanned the room, looking for something to draw Dean's attention. A smile hushed over his face as he saw his abandoned backpack on the floor. It surely could be quite helpful!

He opened the zipper just enough to get through and tried to see something in the dark. After a few seconds he found what he was looking for - a pencil! Luckily it wasn't as heavy as a the spoon, so he got it out with some effort, but before he could have found a piece of paper, his brother was gone again - searching elsewhere for him.

Upset, he threw the pencil onto the floor and sat down, waiting for his brother to return. He was so exhausted; all the small things you did over the course of the day, like walking from one place to another, were terribly difficult when you had shrunk this small. Sam's heavy eyelids closed and he fell asleep.

A few hours later he was startled awake as the door slammed shut.

Dean had obviously been looking for him the whole night because he looked pretty run down and had dark circles below his eyes.

After taking a huge gulp from his flask, he threw his jacket over a chair and collapsed onto the sofa. Maybe Dean would notice him now? At least Sam should have a try.

First he had to get closer, though.

He looked at the sofa and noticed that one of Dean's shoelaces was open and hung down almost all the way to the floor. If he reached it, he could maybe climb up all the way to his boot. Dean'd surely see him then.

While Sam was approaching a soft snoring filled the room.

Terrific. It was like the hardest thing ever to wake his brother. Since it was his only chance, he tried it anyways.

After the third try he finally got a hold of the shoelace and slowly climbed up, not letting go of it until he reached the top. Sweat was running down his face and for a second he thought he was going to pass out. Luckily he didn't. After he had caught his breath again, he poked Dean's belly with all the energy he had left. No reaction.

He started jumping up and down but all he got in reply was a sleepy grunt.

Sam groaned, why did Dean have to be such a tight sleeper? He crawled up higher to his collarbone and kicked his adam's apple as hard as he could.

Suddenly Dean stirred and Sam got excited, maybe it was his rescue?

Instead of opening his eyes, Dean mumbled something and reached down with his giant hand to scratch his neck. Frightened, Sam hid on Dean's shoulder, not wanting to get smashed like a nasty insect. Luckily Dean lowered his hand again and rested it on his stomach. Sam was desperate. What could he do? His situation seemed hopeless.

He climbed up Dean's cheek and reached up to his ear and tugged at his earlobe.


Sam yelled into his ear with all his might and made his brother grunt, sniffling sleepily.

This helped Sam to figure out another way to wake him up. Carefully he climbed up his ear, took hold of his short hair and managed to get all the way down to his nose.

Sam smiled as he studied the thousands of freckles he found there. He reached up and lifted one of his eyelids. Dammit, it was of no use. He simply continued sleeping. Sam groaned.

Okay, then there was only one thing left to do.

And he knew Dean wouldn't like it. ;-)

Carefully he slid down Dean's straight, slightly upturned nose and positioned himself on his curvy upper lip. With a cheeky grin on his face he pulled up his sleeves and inserted one of his tiny hands in Dean's right nostril, gently scratching over the walls.

At first, Dean sniffed and wiggled his nose, trying to get rid of the tickling, but Sam stayed pitiless and continued his feathery stroking. His brother gave a liquid sniff but still didn't stir. Geez, waking him up was harder than hunting a demon.

Well, then he had to be meaner.

Sam looked around in the room and the sight of a wash bag on the table nearby let his heart beat faster. That was it! He'd definitely find what he needed.

Indeed, armed with a q-tip, he made his way back to Dean's face and gently inserted it in his nostril - the left one this time. A sharp inhale was his brother's reaction.

So far, so good.

Sam increased the speed of his stroking to intensify the tickle.

The effect it had on Dean was amazing, his breathing got erratic and came in short gasps. Sam was afraid that he might get sniffed up, but if he stopped to save himself, he couldn't fulfil his mission, so he bravely kept on teasing Dean.

Sam could feel Dean's whole body tensing, his nose twitching madly, his eyelids pressing tighter shut just before…


Sam screamed and landed on Dean's stomach, feeling yucky all over.

"Sab?" Dean looked up and gave a strong sniff, "Sammy?"

"Here!" Sam called and started jumping up and down, glad that his plan had worked.

"What…heh…what are you-uhhh - Hehh'GTSH-uhh, Ihh'ZTSHSH-uhh

- Ah dabbit. Whad happenedd? Why are you so tiny?"

Still sleepy Dean gave Sam a once-over and shook his head in disbelief.

"I must be dreaming. This can't be true."

He was about to go to sleep again, muttering "I should drink less" as Sam bit him in his pinky finger.

"Yihhhh-Ouch!" He was startled and stared at his tiny brother in disbelief.

"This is…real? Like…demons and monsters are real-real?"

Sammy nodded. "Now get up and get me back to normal - please! This is horrible!"

Dean chuckled and rubbed his eyes. " 'm gonna call Bobby, he’ll know what to do."

* * *

Indeed, not even an hour later Sam was back to his normal size, visibly glad to be himself again. "Man, it feels amazing to be so tall." He smiled at Dean who was running a hand over his nose. "Yeah, I can imagine. Uh fuck, I don't know, since

I've woken up my nose itches like crazy, and I don't know why."

Sam suppressed a laugh and twiddled his thumbs, better keeping this

tiny secret to himself.

He wondered what had happened to the q-tip…

* * * The End * * *

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sorry about the cap locks im too busy fangirling right now xD

Great job <3

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OH my DEAR good GOD!!!

sweety this was AMAZING HOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!! nosebleed.gif

and it was for meeeee blushsmiley.gif

i was like huh.png in the first place then 7.gif and then blink.pnghypnonew.gifeek.gif and when dean started sneezing drool.gifblowup.gifdead.gif:stretcher:


honestly you made me the happiest girl AGAIN!!!!!

i LOVE you for that, truly love you!!! hug.gifheart.gifcheekkiss.gif

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Ciuty80
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  • 1 month later...

Thank you soooo much for your wonderful feed-back :)

@ straightedged

Whoa, you make me blush over here :blush:

Thank you very much!! I'll do my best ;)

I hope you enjoy my update!

@ Ciuty80

Tehe - I'm so glad you like it :)

Actually I wanted to give it to you in person but you know my crappy time management - sorry!

@ madserver

=D Speechless? Thank youu!

@ flower

Aww, thanks honey :)

I'm also sooo into build-ups... *_*

Currently I'm writing on a new one with an amazing build-up,

I'll try and finish it soon :)

Here's a little crying in it because I'm also totally a crying-Dean-dork :)

I hope you enjoy!!



A sneeze barrelled out of Dean's wrecked body. He had stopped counting a long time before, it was too depressing.

He moaned, removed his hand and sniffled liquidly.

He was a mess. The worst was that he had to blow his nose again - for what felt the thousandth time that day.

Dean whimpered as the soft tissue touched his nose and tried to blow as careful as possible. It hurt anyway. As the pain became unbearable, he threw the tissue away and groaned resigned. Not only his nose was on fire, now his head was also pounding.

Man, he couldn't remember the last time a cold had been kicking his ass as bad as right now. It's surely been a while.

For some reason he missed Lisa, she had always been there to take care of him when he had hurt himself or fallen ill. When it came to deciding whether he wanted Lisa and Ben to forget all about him to be save, he didn't hesitate for a second and let Cas do his duty.

He regretted it, though. Lisa and Ben won't remember a single thing. Of course there was a lot of bad shit that happened, but there were good things, too. Plently of.

Dean remembered the time he and Ben went out fishing and patiently waited for the fish to bite. After a while they got lucky and a seemingly giant fish tried to free himself from the hook. At the try to get it out, the boat turned around and the both of them - and the fish - fell into the water. Laughing, Lisa helped them to gather their stuff and help them out of the water. Freezing, the boys joked about their lack of fishing skills and Lisa organized blankets and hot tea to warm them up. Eventually they ate some bought fish but behaved like they had caught it themselves.

On Dean's lips appeared a sad smile. He missed them so hard that it hurt every time he thought about them. Had he done the right thing?

Suddenly the door flew open and a cheery Sam entered. "Morning, Dean!"

Startled, he looked at his younger brother and whispered, "Hey, Sam." As Sam sat next to him and handed him his breakfast - some sandwich - he gave him a concerned look.

"Dean, you okay?"

He avoided his look, he didn't want his brother to seem him like this. He hated being sick anyway, and sick and sad wasn't better either. He slowly shook his head, no.

Then there was a hand on his shoulder, feeling nicely warm and reassuring and Dean felt a lump in his throat forming.

Before he could suppress it, he felt himself leaning into the touch and tears rolling down his reddened cheeks. He was trembling. "Shh, it's alright, I'm here."

Sam took him in his arms and stroked his back soothingly. His brother rested his weary head on his chest and snuggled closer. Tears dropped down from his chin and soaked the collar of his t-shirt. Sam didn't mind, he just wished there was something he could do to make him feel better. They stayed a little while like this in silence except for Dean's sniffling from time to time. Sam freed one arm from his hug and groped for the stack of napkins he got from the diner. He offered one to Dean, but he shook his head and sniffed again.

"Hurts," was all he said.

Right, in the heat of the moment Sam had totally forgotten about the dreadful cold his brother had been nursing for the last couple of days. He gave Dean an once-over.

His green eyes were sparkling with tears, his cheeks had a red tinge to it making his face look unusually pale. Besides his nose was sore all over, the edges of his nostrils deep red and painful looking from all the blowing and his curvy lips were dry and chapped.

He really did look so sick and poor it broke Sam's heart and he gave him a soft kiss on his forehead. "May I make you feel better?" He looked up, rubbing his eyes with one hand. "How?" He said, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Let me show you."

* * *

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Oh man. The hugs, and the feverish crying, and Sam being all steady and reassuring and observant, AND SNEEZY NOSEBLOWY DEAN.


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gaah! this makes me melt. sneezy dean is just uuunnff but crying, sneezy dean? pfwi[qeiyunnfnff. I LOVE THIS! great work!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello there!!

After these wonderful news of Jensen sneezing at the con, my writing muse had not just kissed me - but we spend a whole night together!!

(And that's what came out of it *blush* I hope you enjoy.)

"It's Sheer Force of Will"

"Come on, Dean, just admit you're coming down with something."

A smirk spread over Sam's face as he watched his brother pawing at his nose, clearly needing to sneeze but not wanting to.

"N-no, Sam. I'm f-huh-fine."

His nose twitched desperately, his hand wavering in front of his face. It took him a lot of effort to keep his voice from hitching.

"Don't you think that's utterly childish to hide it from me?"

Sam looked at him, waiting for an answer, but obviously Dean was too busy with himself to answer him.

As his breath became uneven once again, he placed his index finger under his nose, scrubbing slightly. The smirk on Sam's face widened.

"You know, I can't even take you seriously right now."

Alarmed, his brother turned around and glared at him.

"Guhh…Wh-hih-why?" Dean applied visibly more pressure and sniffed quietly.

"Hmm…Maybe because you look like a total dork?"

He breathed relieved as the urge backed off a little and removed his finger.

"Agh, thanks Sammy. Exactly what I wanted to hear."

Suddenly the tickled had reappeared and made his breath come shallow and erratic.

"Oh n-hh-no."

The index finger under nose trick was of no use any more since the itch had intensified,

so he pinched his nose shut between his thumb and index finger.

Sam actually chuckled.

"Dude, you cannot keep on trying to hold it back, eventually you'll sneeze either way."

Dean's look darkened and he let go of his nose.

"I won't."

Sam sensed the smell of competition and cocked an eyebrow at him.

"You sure? Wanna bet?"

His older brother gave a barking laugh.

"Sure, Sammy. I can do it, it's sheer force of will."

Suddenly Sam disappeared in the bedroom but returned a few minutes later with a small, fluffy feather between his thumb and index finger.

"Let's see how much you can handle."

Dean's eyes widened in horror.

"Uh-oh, you're not gonna use that on me, are you?"

"Yeah, absolutely."

Dean stuck to pouting. "But…You are cheating."

Sam shrugged with a grin. "Doesn't matter, you are cheating all the time."

This earned him an annoyed groan. "Okay, I'll do it. Come on."

Gently, Sam traced the feather around Dean's nose,

Dean's eyes fluttered shut and his breath hitched helplessly, dangerously close to give in. In the last second he could avert the oncoming catastrophe.

"Hhh…hoo. My will is strong enough, you see?"

He sniffled and gave his nose a good rub with the palm of his hand.

"That's too easy," Sam snickered, "what about not touching your nose?"

Dean laughed coldly and took a sip from his beer. "No problem, bro."

He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame,

casually holding his beer bottle and firmly believing he'd win the battle.

His confidence didn't last all that long as Sam began tickling his nose again and caused his breath to come in short gasps.

"You doin' alright?" Sam wanted to know.

"Peahhh-peachy." Dean breathed and wiggled his nose back and forth, clearly in an unpleasant situation, his arms still crossed.

Anxiously, he started chewing on his lip to distract himself as Sam continued torturing him with the feather.

Carefully, he slid down the bridge of his nose, paused, tickled only the tip of it, slid the feather down and gently scraped his nostrils, which were already highly irritated and twitching redly.

"Uhhh…Sabby, you are made of fuckid' evihhh-hhhHuh'ErSHH-uhh!"

With these words, he gave in and sneezed all over himself, spraying his bare arms, most of his shirt, and dropped his bottled beer on the floor.

"Know what?" Dean grinned and threw himself onto a bed,

"My will might not be strong enough to hold back a sneeze but it certainly is strong enough not to help you clean up the mess and relax instead."

Sam stuck out his tongue. He was right about that, Dean could be really stubborn.

* * *

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These are all absolutely lovely!

What is it about SPN boys that makes them the subjects of so much sneezefic?

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Aww, thank you all for your wonderful feedback :)

I really apreciate it!!

Oh, and DogLover, just take a look at these guys, they are so handsome *_*

A lot of people got interested in SPN because of the fics on here, seriously!

(For example me^^) They are delicious for every kind of h/c <3


I guess the grammar of his sentence is utterly wrong because it sounds weird.

Could any native speaker please correct me? I'd be eternally thankful :)

"My will might not be strong enough to hold back a sneeze but it certainly is strong enough not to help you clean up the mess and relax instead."

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